Blondie's Hero (Heart of Teufel Hundens Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Blondie's Hero (Heart of Teufel Hundens Book 1)
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Chapter 8

Jake, came awake with a jolt, looking at the clock he was relieved when it said it was nine in the morning. Six hours of sleep was better than none at all. He didn’t have a nightmare, which is a good start to a day. In fact he had a pretty damn good dream about a sexy blonde with lips that tasted like strawberries and what she could do with those lips.

“Damn,” he said looking down,
“Harder than a fucking rock. I really wish that I had the person in my dreams here to take care of this painful situation. I do have my imagination and my damn hand to relieve the pressure.” Sexually frustrated he went to take a shower. Showing up with morning wood for breakfast would just get Ham going and Jake didn’t need that this morning.

The water streamed down his back as he leaned forward against the wall of
the shower, bracing himself on his left forearm. Jake wrapped his right hand around his thick cock, and he started to move his hand up and down. The lubrication from his body wash was enough to keep him pumping with the right amount friction. Jack imagined Blondie on her knees, her lips around his dick as she took him into the warm cavern of her mouth. Her tongue flicking the underside of his dick as she sucked him, her red lips stretched over his girth as she swallowed his whole length, the back of her throat massaging the head. His hand fisted tighter around his dick as he jacked off to the thought of her tight mouth around his dick. Faster and tighter his hand pumped his cock, the veins becoming more visible and the head turning a ruddy color. His balls pulled tight to his body as he shot cum all over the shower wall. Resting his head on his forearm he breathed deeply, now at least he could go have breakfast without sporting a massive hard on.

Jake walked down stairs and saw that Ham was sitting at the island having a cup of coffee and was reading the Sunday

“Have a good night Ham?”

“Hey brother, yeah actually I did. I managed to get a good amount of sleep. I see that you got my note. Did you get some sleep?”

“Yep, I got six
hours, no nightmares, but I did dream and for once it was a pretty damn good dream.”

“That’s great, so what
do you have planned for today? I do have to go back to Lejeune today. Therapy on Monday and all that jazz. ”

“First off I am going to make us some breakfa
st that doesn’t involve hotdogs. Then I am going to drop you off at Lejeune and hang out for a little bit. Then I have some errands to do as I have a date today at four-thirty.”

“Hey hotdogs are a staple in a Marine’s diet, so
don’t knock them too much. So, you have a date with your smoking hot boss huh? Sounds like things are going well at Teufel Hundens you sly dog.”

“It’s not like that I really like her, she is sassy, sexy as hell, and sh
e tastes like strawberries. I asked Lady Jane what Blondie’s favorite things were so I want to make this first date memorable.”

Jake grabbed eggs and bacon from the fridge as he heated the
pan on the oven. “Do you want toast?”

am shook his head and said “No, eggs and bacon is fine, I am not fussy. You know I am just messing right?  I like Ms. Blondie, I think she is great, she seems to care about those who come into her bar. She didn’t even know me and wanted to make me feel comfortable. I watched her for a bit and never once did she treat any of her employees like they were less than her. If you hadn’t said you liked her I might have tried some of the Hamilton charm on her. I just hope you know what you are doing, deceit even for the best reasons is still deceit and she doesn’t seem like a lady who takes that very well.”

“I know Ham.
I hate lying, but I promise I will tell her as soon as I can. I want to get this retreat going first. She will find out soon believe me I just hope that it doesn’t make her think I was trying to use her.”

“You know you have
a wingman if you need one Jake. I am pretty sure you had orange juice in this fridge if you didn’t drink it all last night.”

the fridge Ham grabbed out the orange juice and took it to the counter. Grabbing a couple cups, the plates and silverware, he sat down and waited for Jake to finish cooking.

Jake finished up the bacon and eggs, plating the food he sat down next to Ham and ate his breakfast.

“You know to give me a call if you need anything Ham, even if it is a break from the barracks.”

“I will call
ya, if I need anything. I figure I will go shopping at the PX this week so that I can start decorating my floor and actually have stuff up there. Is it ok if I have the big furniture delivered here? That way we don’t have to keep making multiple trips.”

“That is more than fine
, give them my phone number when you order, and set it up for earlier in the day so that I will make sure I am here when they come.”

Jake and Ham, finished eating
their breakfast and put the dishes in the dishwasher. Ham grabbed his pill case and his cane and turned to Jake as he walked to elevator. “I am leaving my duffle here because I will be back on Friday. I figure I will talk to command about discharge paper work this week and start taking care of things, and then we will go from there.”

“Sounds like a plan Ham. L
et’s get you back to Lejeune so I can get ready for my date with Ms. Blondie.”


Blondie was awake, lying in her bed covered with a multitude of blankets. The kisses she shared with Jake from last night where still fresh in her mind.
Damn that man could kiss.
Sitting up Blondie looked at her alarm clock, the neon green numbers told her it was ten-thirty in the morning. She had so much to do before she went on her date with Jake later this afternoon.

First thing
s first she needed to make appointment at the nail salon. It had been a while since she got one and nothing is better than getting a Mani pedi with a leg and arm massage to relax before her date. Having set up her appointment she had just enough time to shower and shave before she had to leave.

Blondie made quick work of shaving in the shower
, as she checked herself out in the mirror she was happy with the results. Smooth legs and arm pits, check, neatly trimmed bikini area, check. Smiling she said to her reflection, “A girls’ gotta make sure she has everything nice and groomed, and who knows maybe I’ll get lucky tonight.”

Grabbing the towel
she wrapped it around her body. She went to the sink and brushed her teeth and then braided her hair.

Happy that she no longer had morning breath and her hair was up, Blondie entered her closet and
picked out a pink and white flowered sundress and laid it on her bed for later. Grabbing a pair of undies, bra, jean shorts and a tank from her dresser she finished getting dressed and headed down to her car.

Pulling out of her garage she waved to Al, and drove to her favorite nail salon. As she entered the building, the owner
walked up to her gave her a hug and said, “Oh Blondie I am so sorry about the break up.”

It’s OK Tammy, it was about time one of us put an end to it. Neither of us were actually happy with the other for a while.”

“Well, Sug ho
nestly I think he was kinda a goober. Always talking about how you should lose some weight. If I had curves like you Henry would forget what days UNC and NC State played.”

So what color are we doing today? I got some new gel colors in, would you like to look?”

“You know me so well, Tammy
of course I would like to look. I actually am in the mood for a light hot pink color. I have a date tonight and they would go with the sundress I am going to wear.”

“What? S
it down in the chair while I run the water for your pedicure. Make sure you tell me if it is too hot. A date, with who? Anyone I know?”

“Actually he is my new bartende
r and a former marine. He is also the hottest man I have ever laid eyes on. I don’t think you know him though he does live on Topsail, his name is Jake Peterson.”

“I don’t know him, but I have h
eard that name somewhere before. I don’t remember where but if he can get you this excited about a date, he must be something.”

“Put your feet in, have you picked a color yet?”

Leaning back into the massage chair, Blondie looked at Tammy as she turned on the jets in the foot soak. “I think this one will do Blondie said pointing to the color on the color board. It is very close to the pink in my dress and has a bit of sparkle.”

Tammy grabbed the color board,
from Blondie and went to grab her tools and the polish. As Tammy worked she and Blondie chatted, catching up on the happenings around Topsail. They even talked about the new resort condos that were almost completed. An hour and half later Blondie left the salon with a fresh Mani pedi and the massage on her legs and arms felt wonderful.

Getting into her car, she
drove back to her house. She wanted to talk to Al if he was home before she got ready for her date.

Pulling into her garage she noticed that Al’s truck was gone.
she thought
. I really wanted to get his opinion on going on this date. Well I guess I will just leave him a note on his door
telling him not to worry that I will be on a date with Jake.

londie went to her apartment. Going to her bedroom she took of the clothes that she was wearing and put on her house robe. She figured it would take her longer to do her hair and makeup then get dressed so she might as well start there.

Blondie started by taking her
braid out and used her hair dryer to blow it dry, leaving her hair with beachy waves. Her makeup was light; using natural colors in creams and browns she made her blue eyes pop. Just a little mascara and liner she was done. Grabbing her lip gloss she put it on her lips, just enough to give her some color.

Blondie decided she should sex
y up her bra and panties so she opened her lingerie drawer, looking for the perfect set.
Where are there, I know they are in here
, Blondie was digging through her drawer and exclaimed “
Ah, there you are
!” As she withdrew a cotton candy pink French lace bra and thong set.

She took off her bathrobe and slipped into her l
ingerie. Grabbing her bottle of lilac lotion she started to lotion her body, making sure to get her knees and elbows good. Blonde prided herself on having soft skin. Lifting her dress from the bed she slipped it on. The last thing she needed to do was put on her sandals and grab her purse. Blondie was more than ready for her date with Jake.

Jake pu
lled up into Blondie’s driveway. Walking to the front door he rang the buzzer. He sighed in relief when he heard Blondie’s voice. “Come on up Jake, take the elevator or stairs to the third floor,” and the front door lock released.

Jake grabbed the door handle and opened it when it
released. Taking a quick glance at the foyer he appreciated the layout. The elevator was on the left and there was an access door to the stairs. The thing that impressed him was that even though there was a door to the common room you couldn’t get into unless you had a key. Entering the elevator he pushed the three which would take him up to Blondie’s apartment.

elevator doors opened and there was her front door with its own foyer. She had a bulldog statue with a welcome sign and to the right there was a small balcony with potted plants and a bench, very homey.

ocking on her door Jake waited, when Blondie opened the door he couldn’t help but appreciate how she looked.

Wow, Baby doll you look beautiful. I’m going to be the luckiest man in the restaurant with you by my side. Are you ready to go?”

“Thank you
Jake, you look very handsome yourself. Let me just grab my purse and keys to lock up and then we can go.”

Blondie and Jake took the elevator down to the first floor. Jake let her go first when the elevator doors opened, and waited for her to lock the front door
, before escorting her to his jeep and opening the passenger door. Going around to the driver side he got in the jeep and started the ignition.

Turning to Blondie he smiled and said,
“I found this awesome seafood restaurant called Casper’s Landing it is right by the beach, you game for some seafood?”

’s is one of my favorite places. Did you get reservations because I know it can be hard to get in.”

I have reservations and I have the whole night planned. I want this date to be perfect for you.”

Chapter 9

Jake, pulled into the parking lot at Casper’s Landing. Getting out he went to the passenger side of the jeep and opened the door for Blondie. He held out his hand for hers and led her to the restaurant.

As they walked in they were met by the maître d’,
“How may I help you?” He asked.

I have a reservation under Peterson.”

“Ahhh, Mr. Peterson please follow me. W
e have the room set up just like you asked.”

Didn’t you just reserve a table for two?” Blondie asked confused.

“Why w
ould I do that? I don’t want to share you with anyone and you deserve the best. Just wait till you see your surprise.”

Jake lead
Blondie his hand resting on her lower back. They followed the maître d’ to the private dining room. Blondie couldn’t help but gasp in surprise as she saw the room, filled with lilacs and candle light.

The maître d’ informed Jake that the waiter would be there very
soon and if they needed anything don’t hesitate to ask. Jake thanked him before turning his attention back to Blondie.

“It’s absolutely beautiful”
Blondie exclaimed as she leaned in to smell the closest lilacs. “How did you know? Wait a second, Jane told you.”

“I won’t lie I asked
Jane what your favorite things. I wanted to make this a memorable night. So why don’t you sit down,” Jake told her as he pulled out her chair. “ Order whatever you would like.”

The waiter arrived at that very minute, to tell them the specials for the night and take their drink orders. He had also brought a
local NC white wine with him. Jake had Blondie taste before giving the waiter the go ahead to pour them each a glass and leave the bottle in the wine bucket.

“You know what I love about this place?”

“No. Actually Jane didn’t tell me why you loved this restaurant.”

“Besides having really good food, they support the local
farmers, fisherman and wineries. The specials change all the time depending on what they have on hand but their main menu stays the same.” Blondie glanced down at the menu and trying to decide what she wanted.

“Do you come here a lot?”

“No, I come with Uncle Al when we have birthdays. I have been here a couple times with my ex but that stopped soon after we started dating.”

“This is my first time here, s
o I will let you take the lead. Tell me what you think I should order.”

Well, the snapper is pretty good and of course there is always the shrimp and clams. My favorite though is the crab stuffed raviolis with cream sauce.”

Those all sound great but, I think I will take your word on the crab stuffed raviolis. Look here comes the waiter now.”

The waiter took both Jake and Blondie
’s orders promising that he would be back soon with their food.

Blondie and Jake talked while they waited for their food, the came to find out they
had a lot of things in common. Once the waiter brought their food they settled in to a comfortable silence enjoying the delicious food that was placed before them.

Do you have room for desert, or would you like to go for a walk on the beach?”

“As much as I would love
desert I don’t have room for it. A walk on the beach sounds wonderful.”

ke paid the check and as they were getting ready to leave Blondie heard her name being called. Turning her head she groaned when she saw James and his date where waiting to get into the restaurant.

s the matter Baby doll?” Looking to see what had caused Blondie to groan, he saw her ex, with the same lady from the other night.

“Do you want to see what he wants?”

“Might as well, he already saw me look his way.”

Jake walked next to her as she went towards, James
. Knowing that James might make a scene he signaled the maître d just in case.

“So Mary-Alice I see
you’re slumming with the help. Never thought you would be one to date an employee. I knew you lacked class but I didn’t know you dated has-been Marine bartenders.”

“Well, James in this case I think I upgraded because he is a real man
and actually treats me like an equal. Don’t you think you should introduce me to your date? After all you did bring her to my restaurant the day you dumped me.” Reaching around to shake the hand of the lady who came with James she said “Hi, My name is Blondie, nice to meet you.”

James face turned red, when Blondie introduced herself to his date. Through clenched teeth he said, “Shut your mouth Bitch, I could ruin you and your business.”

“Such a shame James, what type of language is that to use in front of your date. You are angry and bitter that you were banned from the one place that allowed you to have a business tab. I don’t even know why I was stupid enough to believe that I needed your business in order to thrive. Teufel Hundens has been operating longer than you have been in Topsail and earned its reputation on its own. I have to say I don’t know how you could claim it on taxes as business expense as you never actually paid for your tab at Teufel Hundens, I did. Does your company know that you never actually paid for your business meals that they reimbursed you for?”

James took a step towards, Blondie. Jake was
there blocking his way. “Do it. You have one coming for calling my girl a bitch.”

Blondie grabbed
his arm pulling she said, “He’s not worth it Jake, let’s go.”

Jake looked down at Blondie as the
maître d stepped in separating them and addressed Jake right in front of James.

Mr. Peterson I am so sorry that you and your date had to be subjected to this heathen. Do you want me to remove him? I will make sure that, he isn’t allowed back.”

No, it’s ok Giles. I wouldn’t want his date to miss out on the wonderful food you serve here because of him. Unlike some people my date and I actually have class.”

“Come on Baby doll, let’s go for that walk,” Jake put his arm around Blondie
’s shoulder and walked her out of the restaurant.

“Jake you were a lot nicer to James than he deserved.”

“If all people acted like James, what type of world would it be? We all would just be escalating the problem instead of rising above such behavior.”

“Didn’t you almost punch him?”

“Almost is the key word Baby doll. Isn’t a beautiful night to walk on the beach? Come on Baby doll let’s go put our shoes in the Jeep and then take the boardwalk to the beach.”

Jake and Blondie walked ha
nd and hand down the board walk. Stepping on to the beach Blondie, took off running towards the ocean.

“Come on, Jake lets go for a swim”
, she yelled over her shoulder. Glancing back at Jake she pulled her dress over her head and tossed it on the sand. She ran into the waves laughing as they hit her, dousing her with water.

Jake couldn’t take his s
hirt and pants off quick enough. Dropping them next to Blondie’s dress he went into the waves after her.

, he swam towards her. When he finally got close enough he pulled her close to him, one of his hands on her waist the other cupping her ass. Blondie wrapped her legs around his waist, to anchor herself to him the warmth of his body keeping her warm, even in the cold ocean water. The waves pushed and pulled, the moonlight sky above them giving just enough light to see each other.

“I got you now Baby doll and I am not lett
ing you go,” Jake said as his lips descended on hers. Pulling her even closer Blondie could feel the hard ridge of his erection pressed against her pussy, only her lace thong and his boxer shorts separating them.

“I don’t want you to let me go,
” Blondie whispered between kisses. “I would love to continue this somewhere warmer though I am starting to get cold. Come home with me Jake.”

Blondie, one more kiss he reluctantly pulled away from her. “I couldn’t think of a better way to end our night.”

They swam
to shore, laughing as they rode the waves to the beach.

Blondie was the first to the beach, as she reached for her dress she let out a little scream. Jake was about
fifty yards from her and ran to her.

die are you ok baby?

“I am sorry
Jake,” she as she tried not to laugh. “I went to grab my dress and a crab was on it and it scared me. As she looked around she exclaimed “Holy shit, Crabs. Jake look there are crabs everywhere!”

How are we going to get to the boardwalk without stepping on them or getting our feet pinched?” She asked as she shook her dress out and pulled it over her head.

“I got ya Baby doll
don’t worry about those crabs. They won’t hurt ya. Just stand still a minute let me put my pants on. I got this.”

Jake pulled his jeans on, gave Blondie his shirt to hold and without a second thought he swept her up in
his arms and ran down the beach, making sure not to step on any crabs. She wrapped her arms around his neck holding on as he jogged across the sand.”

Blondie laughed as he ran, she couldn’t be
lieve that he was carrying her. Never had a guy literally swept her off her feet. She knew it then, she was falling for Jake hard.

Once they got to the boardwalk
, Jake slowly released Blondie to her feet. She gave him a light kiss and his shirt so he could put it on. Blondie couldn’t help but admire his muscular chest, it had just the right amount of hair that peppered his chest and trailed down into his jeans.

Jake reached for Blondie’s hand and she g
ave it to him willingly. Hand in hand they walked back to his Jeep. Jake helped Blondie in, opening the jeep door for her before he went in to the driver side and got in. As he started the ignition he looked at her, her hair damp from the ocean, “Damn Baby even wet your sexy. I can’t wait to get you home.” Jake took off out of the parking lot. The faster they got to Blondie’s the quicker they could warm up and explore each other’s bodies.

Blondie was unbuckling her seat belt as soon as Jake pulled into her driveway
. Putting the Jeep in park; Jake was out his door and opening hers before she even reached for the handle.

Grabbing her keys she opened the front door. As she locked it back she told the Jake, “Not the elevator, it is loud at night.
I don’t want to wake Al, let’s use the stair.”

They raced to Blondie’s
apartment, taking two stairs at a time. Jake following behind her to make sure she didn’t trip or fall. Once they got to the landing, Jake took Blondie’s keys unlocking her door he held it open for her. The second she got inside he shut the door behind her, flipping the lock.

Jake Pushed Blondie backwards
against the wall kissing her with such passion and need. Blondie put her hands on Jake’s chest and pushed him back breaking free of the kiss, gasping for air. Giving him a light kiss she said, “Come on Marine lets go to my bedroom.”

Walking down the hall, Blondie pulled her dress over her head and dropped it on the hall floor.
She strutted down the hall, her ass swaying as she went. Reaching behind her she unsnapped her bra pulling it off she tossed it backwards towards Jake.

Jake snatched it out of the air before it could hit him, dropping it on the floor he growled,
“Keep teasing Baby doll, I will spank that pretty ass of yours a beautiful peach color to match that sexy thong you got on.”

“Promises, Promises. C
ome on big boy, show me what you got,” Blondie said over her shoulder as she entered her room.

Jake was on a mission now, he st
alked towards Blondie’s bedroom. When he get got there, she already had her thong off and was lying in the bed with a mischief grin on her face. Walking towards the bed he took his shirt off. His hands on the button of his pants. Blondie rose up on the bed and reached her hand out, stopping him.

“I want to do it please, Jake”

She put her hands on his chest rising up she slowly moved her hands down towards his zipper. Feeling his cock through his jeans she slowly unbuttoned them and pulled the zipper downwards. Dragging his pants and boxers down over his hips, Blondie smiled at Jake as she revealed his cock. “I was right, you are a big boy.”

She grabbed his cock with one hand
moving her hand up and down the length of it. Scooting down till her mouth was level with it, she glanced up at Jake. Moving her head forward she suck her tongue out licking the head, tasting the precum that was there. Jake expelled a slight groan when she did that, “God damn baby that was sexy, do that again.”

More than happy to please Jake, Blondie licked him again this time she closed her mouth over the head of his cock and made a little buzzing noise with her lips. Moving her head forward she took even more of his length in her mouth, her tongue licking the underside of
his cock. Sucking her cheeks she made an even tighter suction on his dick. Slowly she started to bob her head back and forth until the head of his dick hit the back of her throat. She breathed though her nose as she moved faster, taking his dick deep into her throat. Jake rubbed Blondie’s breast, finding her nipple ring he gave it a little tug and she moaned, the feeling of arousal flooded her pussy making her wet.

BOOK: Blondie's Hero (Heart of Teufel Hundens Book 1)
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