Blood Hunger (An Adult Paranormal Romance) (Deathless Night Series #1) (36 page)

BOOK: Blood Hunger (An Adult Paranormal Romance) (Deathless Night Series #1)
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     One hand on her hip, he used the other one to grip the back of her neck, pulling her down to his throbbing fangs. Sliding out of her, he thrust back in at the same time his fangs sank deep into her nape. Taking a deep pull, he growled as her blood rushed down his throat, igniting his nerve endings, filling him with her lifeblood as he filled her.

     Holding her tight to him, his muscles tightened, rippling as he sat up and flipped her under him. Pulling deep on her vein, he lost all control as he pounded into her.

     There was no gentleness as he took her, just an overwhelming need to consume her. Emma cried out beneath him as another orgasm hit her, pulling him over the edge with her. Releasing her neck, he threw his head back with a roar as he exploded inside of her, her pulsing sheath squeezing every last drop from him.




     Emma watched Nik as he came above her. Head thrown back, fangs bared, ropes of muscle straining under slick skin as he possessed her fully and completely, she’d never seen a more beautiful sight. Her hands roamed limply over his strong chest and arms as he lowered his head again and closed the wound in her neck, unable to get enough of the feel of him.

     Collapsing on top of her, he rolled to the side, pulling her with him and holding her close. For a long time, the only sound was their breathing as they held each other.

     Running his hand over her bright hair and down her soft back, Nik asked, “Did I hurt you?”

Emma pulled back a bit and looked up at him with heavy lids, her lips curving up happily. “No. I’m fine. Truly. Just a bit sleepy.”




     Nik took in her tired features. She looked even paler than before, if that was possible, even after all their exertion just now. “Here. Drink from me, Em. It’ll make you feel better…and, because I’d just like you to. I want you to be with me. Completely. And for a long, long time.”

Emma didn’t even hesitate. “Ok.” She smiled a little. “But only if you promise to do

Chuckling, he lifted his wrist to his mouth, efficiently opening a vein. Putting it to Emma’s mouth, he watched her drink from him. A strong feeling of contentment washed over him as she raised her hand and held him to her mouth.

     This was right. This was how it should be.

     He let her drink a little more than she should have, enjoying the sound of her soft moans, watching the color come back into her face. Her eyes popped open as started to pull his arm away from her, her brows lowering in a frown of displeasure. He was spoiling her, but he enjoyed doing it.

     “That’s enough, Em. You need to leave me some, ya know.” He smiled as her eyes widened and she immediately let go of him.

     “Sorry,” She mumbled, licking her lips.

     He could practically see his blood rushing through her system, chasing away the fatigue, tickling her nerve endings, heating her blood.

     Reaching down, she wrapped her small hand around him, licking her lips again as she felt him kick in her hand. He rolled his hips towards her as she ran her hand up and down his length, and she gasped as he swelled to his full size, her fingers unable to reach completely around him.

     Desire and deep need shone in her eyes as she looked up at him, and he knew the same reflected back to her from his. “Nikulas,” she pleaded.

     Nik ran his hand up the outside of her thigh and over her round ass, dipping his hand between her legs from behind. She was wet and ready for him. With a helpless moan, he rolled her under him. Sliding an arm under her leg, he opened her to him, entering her with one long, smooth thrust.

     His Emma didn’t need to ask twice.

Chapter Forty





Nik cracked his eyes open and squinted at the clock next to her bed. It was almost dawn.    

     “We’re never going to leave this bed again, are we?” she teased. Her voice was husky from the cries Nik had wrung from her throughout the night. They’d spent the hours re-learning each other, until Emma was so exhausted, even Nik’s blood couldn’t keep her eyes from sliding closed.

     Nik sighed against her back where he was snuggled up behind her. “Unfortunately, we’re going to have to. Well, at least I am. The sun will be up soon, and you don’t have any shades over your windows.”

Emma frowned. “I’m going to have to order some.”

Dropping a kiss on her shoulder, Nik rolled over and flicked on the bedside lamp. He needed a shower, and he planned on sharing it. Gazing over his shoulder at his lovely mate, he caught her self-consciously pulling the quilt up over herself in the light of lamp. She’d covered herself every time she’d gotten up during the night to get a drink or use the bathroom, and he was losing his patience with it.

     “Don’t do that,” he commanded harshly.

     Emma’s eyes flew up to clash with his at his tone. “Nik…I…”

Gloriously naked, he stood and stalked over to her side of the bed. Pulling her up with him, he took the comforter from her, leaving her as naked as he was. Gently pushing her along in front of him, he ignored her protests and walked her into the bathroom.

     Flicking on the light, he turned her so that she faced the mirror and he was standing behind her. The top of her head barely came up to his shoulder, her slight frame overshadowed by his larger one.

     Emma kept her eyes down, refusing to look at herself. “Nik, please don’t do this,” she whispered. 

     Wrapping his hands carefully around her upper arms, he held her there when she tried to leave. “First of all, don’t
hide yourself from me again. I love looking at you.”

Still refusing to look up, Emma softly scoffed, “You can’t mean that.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. I’ve never meant anything more. Look in the mirror, Em.” When she refused, he shook her slightly. “Look in the mirror, Emma, or I will make you do it.”

Sighing heavily, she raised her eyes, cringing slightly at the ravaged skin she saw there.

     Nik gave her a second to take a good look. “Do you know what I see in that mirror? I don’t see a woman who is flawed, or imperfect. I see a strong woman. A woman who defended herself. A woman who fought for her survival against all the odds and won. A woman who never gave up on finding her sister. A woman who didn’t crumble under pressure. A woman who took meeting
, a vampire, in stride. That woman makes me proud. That woman is a warrior. That woman is amazing. That woman is sexy as all hell. That woman is the most beautiful and precious thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.
woman, Em, is YOU.”




     She eyed up her reflection, her heart overflowing at his words, trying to see herself through his eyes. And for the first time, she almost believed him.  

     “Don’t ever hide yourself from me,” he said softly. “I couldn’t stand it. I love you. All of you. I only wish I’d been there to protect you.” Lowering his head, he wrapped his arms around her and whispered in her ear. “I’ll never let anything like that happen to you again. I swear it.”

Emma turned in his arms, and this time he let her. Wrapping her arms around his lean waist, she told him, “I love you too. And I’m going to hold you to that.”

He hugged her to him, running his hands up and down her back. “Come on woman, we need to get a shower. Then I need to find a place to hole up for the day. After I call our pilot to prepare the plane to fly us back to Seattle.”

“I have a cellar, you can stay down there…” she began. “Wait. Seattle?”

Letting go of her, he reached over to start the shower. “Yeah. I have to get back. And you’re coming with me.”

She narrowed her eyes at his muscular back, having half a mind to argue with him. But really, who was she kidding? Besides, she’d be with Keira.

     She shrugged. “Ok.”

Having determined the water warm enough, Nik turned back to her with a blinding smile, and she couldn’t help but return it.

     “So, we still have about an hour before the sun comes up,” Nik hinted, running his eyes up and down her lithe body.

     Emma turned to walk away, “I’d better get packing then. Is it cold in Seattle?”

She squealed as Nik grabbed her with one arm from behind, dragging her under the hot water with him.

     Bending down, he nibbled on the side of her neck. “Oh no, you don’t. You’re not running away from me again.”

Emma sighed happily as his playfulness turned swiftly to desire. “Never.”

She could always pack later.





L.E. Wilson was born in Scranton, PA and grew up in a small town about twenty miles north of there. It's a seriously small town, as in "Don't blink or you'll miss it", but a beautiful area to live.


Blood Hunger
, the first book of her new
Deathless Night Series
, which combines her lifelong obsession with the paranormal and her love of romance, was released in the winter of 2014. Look for the second book of the series,
Blood Vengeance
, to be released in the summer of 2015!


                 L.E. now lives in the mountains outside of Seattle with her husband, two sons, and her two furry kids (who are much better behaved than the human children). When she's not busy writing or cooking vegan meals, she spends her free time photographing the gorgeous Pacific Northwest she now calls home.


                 A Personal Note from L.E. Wilson – “If you enjoyed my book, I would be forever grateful if you would take a moment to post a review anywhere online. Thank you so much!”



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BOOK: Blood Hunger (An Adult Paranormal Romance) (Deathless Night Series #1)
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