Read Blur (Changing Colors Book 2) Online

Authors: N.A. Alcorn

Tags: #Changing Colors, #Part 2

Blur (Changing Colors Book 2) (54 page)

BOOK: Blur (Changing Colors Book 2)
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I grip his shoulders, sighing in contentment, finally feeling home. “I’ve missed you too, baby. So. Much.”

He leans back, hands grasping my cheeks. “My beautiful girl,” he says, heart in his eyes. “Never again will I go seven days without you.”

I shake my head. “My sentiments exactly, Mr. Bissette.”

“Can I at least get a welcome home kiss, Mrs. Bissette?”

I nod, grinning, and tears fill my eyes. It’s pathetic I know, to be crying over not seeing Dylan for a mere week, but I can’t help it. He’s my home. My life. My everything.

“Brooke,” he whispers a second before placing his lips over mine. Slow and soft, the caress of his mouth has heat surging along my skin. My heart speeds up, thumping at an erratic pace with glee. I fall into his kiss, letting him explore my mouth and taste me.

Tears stream down my cheeks, overwhelmed by him, by us, by everything we have. We’re so damn blessed, and to think, we could have lost it all. Sometimes, it’s too much to even fathom the fact that I almost had to live a life without him.

His scent, his strong arms, the warmth of his skin, they wrap around me, reassuring me that he’s mine. I get to keep him. Forever.
Damn, I’m a lucky girl.

The saltiness of my tears mixes into our kiss, causing him to pull back. “
he asks, brow creasing. “What’s wrong?”

I shake my head, rubbing the tip of my nose against his. “I love you.”

He smiles. His thumbs brush tears off my cheeks. “I love you too. Damn, I missed you, woman.”

“How was London? Jamie sent me a few videos, and from what I could see, you guys killed it.” I ask between the little kisses he presses against my lips, my cheeks, my jaw, my nose. I hated not seeing them play the final show on their
Songs About Her
tour, especially since it was in Dylan’s hometown.

“It was fantastic as shows go, but not the same without my best girl there.”

“Such a sweet talker.”

“You know it, baby,” he says. “Speaking of baby…” He places his large hands against my ever-growing belly. Not caring that we’re in the middle of LAX, or that there are probably paparazzi milling about nearby.

My husband has definitely reached the point in his career where he’s noticed,
. Which is why I wasn’t able to pick him up from the airport without two bodyguards at my side.

But it never matters to him. He handles the celebrity status like he handles everything else—with perfect composure. This man will never be at risk for letting fame or fortune go to his head. He’s too down to earth, too good to his core. He’s the epitome of a rock star on stage, but once the spotlight dims, and it’s just us, nothing else matter to him. Only us, together, that’s the only thing he focuses on. And I adore him for that. Fall in love with him all over again, every single day, for that.

I never thought I’d find someone to spend the rest of my life with, and the fact that it’s someone as good and wholesome as him…well, it blows my mind. He makes my life worth living. The good, the bad, Dylan makes it all worth it.

He drops to his knees, warm eyes staring at my stomach. “How’s my baby girl doing? Are you being good for your mum?” He places his ear against my belly button. “Really? She didn’t listen to daddy and finished painting your nursery before I got home?” he says, eyeing me with mock disapproval. “I guess I’ll have to have a talk with your mum when we get home.”

I laugh, shaking my head. “I didn’t finish painting the nursery, I just…”

“You just what? Accidentally got the paint out and then the paint brushes and then finished painting the nursery?”

Biting my lip, I fight my smile. “Maybe,” I say with a shrug.

“Mommy is going to get punished for that when I get home.”


The bastard just chuckles, kissing my belly again and whispering, “Daddy missed you, Joni girl.”

Yeah, you guessed it. We’re going to have a girl, and we’re naming her Joni.

Joni Emmeline Bissette
after my Millie (her given name was Emmeline) and her favorite singer, Joni Mitchell.

Grinning like a fiend, Dylan stands up. “Come on stubborn woman, let’s go home.” He leans down, grabbing his bag, and then holds his hand out to me.

I take it, following his lead out of the terminal. Wrapping my fingers around his arm, I whisper into his ear, “Home is anywhere you are, Bright Eyes.”

He stops abruptly, wrapping his free hand around the back of my neck, and pulling me close. “You’re it for me, Brooke. I’ll always feel it, baby. Always.” And then he kisses the hell out of me, not the soft and sweet kisses he gave me moments ago, but something else, something more, something that leaves me breathless and makes my knees weak. It’s a determined kiss, one that proves his words. His lips whisper promises of rough and sweet, tenderness and heat. When he pulls away, his voice is husky. “Let’s go, love. We’ve got seven days to make up for.”

“Twenty-one?” I ask, grinning.

“Twenty-one for me, but Brooke, you know I
make sure you get yours first, and then we both get ours together.”

My jaw drops. “That’s like…” I stop, mouth too dry and body too turned on to finish that sentence.
Holy hell. That’s a lot of orgasms…

“Yeah, love. It is.” He winks, grabbing my hand and leading me out of the airport.

N.A. Alcorn resides in Northern Kentucky with her husband and son. Never following the norm, her style of romance “flies outside [the box.]” She is the author of the wildly hilarious
Infamous Series
, and also delved into romantic suspense with her third release,
Covertly Strong

She loves music, can’t take a proper selfie if her life depended on it, refuses to parallel park, and probably has the most obnoxious laugh you’ll ever hear. If she could live off coffee and Reese’s Cups, she’d be one happy lady.

Procrastinator at heart, N.A. tells herself she’ll meet every deadline. Tomorrow. She’ll finish it tomorrow, she swears.

She loves meeting readers. Always feel free to send her an email or message.

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Other N.A. Alcorn Books:

Laugh-out-loud, Romantic Comedy Series:

Infamous Series


The Infamous Ellen James (Infamous #1)

Avoiding Amy Jackson (Infamous #2)

And I promise, Finding Lizzy Montgomery (Infamous #3) is coming VERY VERY Soon!



Romantic Suspense Series:


Strong Series

Covertly Strong (Strong #1)



Contemporary Romance Series:


Changing Colors

Part One:

Part Two: Blur


BOOK: Blur (Changing Colors Book 2)
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