Blyssfully Undone: The Blyss Trilogy - book 3 (9 page)

BOOK: Blyssfully Undone: The Blyss Trilogy - book 3
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I narrow my eyes as I look down at her. “You understand me?” I wrap my other hand around the back of her neck as I thread my fingers through her damp hair, pulling her mouth only inches from mine. I lean in, grinding my hips into her, and nibble over her lips, whispering, “Tell me that you can deny this.”

Her breathing turns shaky as her body molds to mine. “I
deny this, Travis,” she whispers. I smile to myself. I know I’ve ruined her for any other man, and the way she so easily surrenders to me tells me I have her.

“You’re about to be fucked against a window, Jules, for the entire city to see.” The dawning of realization flits across her eyes; she tenses, and a deep chuckle escapes me. “In a minute, you’ll be so wanton, you won’t care where we do it,” I whisper arrogantly as I spread my fingers out, stroking the length of her toned body before I roughly grasp the back of her thigh. She nervously licks her lips, but before she has a chance to think twice, I assault her senses with everything I have.

I crash my lips over hers, letting the heat of my tongue inflict her with blind desire. She softly whimpers while I roll one of her nipples between my fingertips and slip my hardness between her legs.

I’m making her so dizzy with lust she can’t see straight, and I have her right where I want her. She pulls away from my kiss to run her tongue over the ridge of my jawline while reaching down to cup my balls in her hand, giving them a light squeeze.

“Oh, hell.” My girl wants to play dirty. I close my eyes and a shudder of explosive passion rolls through me. All the blood drains from my upper body, rushing to my cock, and I swear I’m going to explode. I quit screwing around with taunting her, and dig my fingers into the cheeks of her ass, hoisting her legs up and over my hips. Her legs immediately wrap around my waist as I flatten her backside against the window, positioning the tip of my head right in the seam of her opening. I catch her lips in a fiery kiss, slipping my tongue into her mouth.

She grabs my shoulders as I slowly let the weight of her body slide down over the length of my shaft, and she gasps for air.
Sweet Jesus…I’m not going to last long.

Her warm, tight pussy envelops me, and my eyes close tightly as I try to focus on not blowing early. I will never tire of this feeling she gives me when I’m deep inside her. I slide my hips back, getting ready to slam into her, but before I can, her hips buck forward into mine, forcing me back into the depths of her slick heat, and I groan.

“Two can play at this game, sweetheart.” I force my body weight into hers, rotating my hips as I rub my pelvis against her clit, staying balls-deep inside of her.

“Oh, God, Travis.” A breathless, shaky whisper is all she can muster as I pick up the pace and begin pumping my hard length in and out of her, mercilessly thrusting myself into her tight pussy with everything I have. All she can do at this point is helplessly take it as her ass makes a lasting imprint on the glass.

While her fevered whimpers get swallowed up in a frenzied kiss, Jules’ grip on my shoulders tightens as she digs her nails into my skin. My thigh muscles begin to burn, but I ignore the pain. I want to be able to fuck her for hours like this.

“You feel so good, baby,” I pant on a labored breath. I’m coated in a sheen of sweat as I thrust rhythmically, in and out, swirling and grinding.

Her whimpers grow more frantic, and I know just by the high-pitched sounds she’s making that she’s not far from reaching her pinnacle.

I can feel the minute she begins to pulsate around me, and her legs tremble and quake in response. She tries to pull her lips away from mine, but I’m not having it. Wanting to swallow her cries of passion whole, I cover her with my mouth as our tongues tangle. Not being able to hold off any longer, I let go.

My cock throbs and pulsates within the tight walls of her pussy as I spill my seed into her womb. My thrusts become erratic, and I pull away from the kiss, burying my face in the curve of her neck as I come with a fierceness that makes shudder. I’m breathing heavily, and my eyes water from the intense orgasm. I don’t want this connection between us to end. I just want to stay holed up in this room for days as I make her see that we are meant to be.

Once we’ve both come down from our high, I hold her in place, staying buried deep inside her warmth. I don’t want to pull away from her body and face the realities of the day, because I know within the hour, we’ll have to be out on the streets, acting as bait. There’s a pang in my heart at the thought of something bad happening to her. I’ll never be able to forgive myself if something does. It will ruin me. I breathe in her scent, and exhale slowly. Those three little words hang precariously on the tip of my tongue. She has no idea how many times I’ve come close to telling her how I feel about her.

As both of our breathing patterns calm down, her legs unwrap from around my waist, and I reluctantly let her body slide off my hips and onto the floor. “I don’t know how you held me up like that for so long,” she softly comments.

“Hey, if I can’t hoist my girl up against a wall or a window, then just go ahead and check me into a nursing home,” I reply with a grin. She returns my smile, still able to partake in a little light humor. I kiss her forehead and hold her steady until I feel she can stand on her own.

My lips twitch, lifting in an arrogant, lazy smirk. “You can scratch being fucked against a window off your bucket list now,” I tell her, and her face flushes a beautiful shade of pink as she coyly looks away and I chuckle. She tries to take a playful swat at me, but misses.

“What makes you think I…”

“Babe,” I interrupt, lifting a brow, “being fucked held up against anything is every woman’s dream.”

“So you say.” A haughty arrogance lines her voice, and I smile. I know she’s full of shit.

“Oh, I do say.” Then I tilt my head to the side and tease her, using a feminine voice, “Travis…oooh…God…don’t stop.”

I pull away quickly, avoiding her quick swing, and laugh aloud. She tries to hide her mirth, but fails miserably. “You’re so bad.”

“You like me bad, baby,” I say with a grin as I bend down and grab my jeans, slipping them back on, but leaving the top button unfastened at the waist.

I turn and make my way to the bathroom to grab a washcloth. I douse it with warm water, and as I do, my grin fades. Jules’ silver medallion gleams on the countertop underneath the bathroom lights, catching my attention. She has to be more careful with this piece of jewelry now. I don’t want her taking it off for a split second, because that would be all it takes for shit to go from bad to worse. Then I’d have a hell of a time trying to find her.

I grasp the necklace in my hand and close my fist tightly around it as I’m reminded what this necklace stands for.
Eternal Love
. I remember the exact words she said to me when I noticed her necklace for the first time too.
Family, where life begins and love never ends
. I wasn’t able to fully grasp its meaning then, not like I do now.

I slip the necklace into my pocket, and then wring out the wet rag. I’ll need to have a chat with her about keeping this on 24/7. When I walk into the bedroom with the warm washcloth, she’s sitting on the edge of the bed with her bathrobe wrapped tightly around her body, looking lost.

When I narrow my eyes on her in question, she turns her gaze away from mine, and I suddenly get the feeling we somehow took ten steps back from the intimacy we just shared. “What’s the matter?” I ask as I kneel down before her and gently use two fingers to turn her chin, forcing her to meet my gaze.

“Nothing’s wrong,” she says solemnly. My brows furrow at her odd behavior.

I’m not sure what the hell just happened between us, and I don’t like it. “That’s not a
nothing’s wrong
look to me, sweetheart.”

She softly sighs in defeat, her blue eyes full of grief as she asks, “So, what now?”

I squint my eyes, and raise a brow at her. “That’s a pretty vague question. Care to elaborate?”

She waves her hand around in a swirl through the air while she speaks. “You guys were having a secret meeting out there this morning. I’m just wondering about the plans you came up with.”

My lips thin in thought as I ask myself just how much to tell her to keep her appeased. “The plan is to stay in plain sight for now. Somehow, they found us at the cabin, and until we know how they did it, we can’t disappear fully, because if they found us once, they’ll find us again.”

I watch the wheels in her little head turn as she thinks about what I just said and then tries the word out on her tongue. “Disappear?” She swallows hard at the thought, her voice turning croaky, “You mean…
disappear? But what about—”

Cutting her off, I quickly explain, “I mean slip away to a safe hiding place…like what we had at the cabin, but we need to throw them off our trail first.” She doesn’t need to know any more of my future plans at this point. It’d only freak her out anyway, and we have a pressing task at hand. I set the warm rag on the bed and pull out the necklace from my back pocket. As I place it around her neck and clasp it, I warn her, “Jules, I know how much this necklace means to you, and with us being on the run like we are, we might have to leave in a second’s notice. That means you’d lose something very special to you forever if it’s not on you. Promise me you won’t take it off until I tell you that you can. Don’t even take it off to shower, okay?”

She clutches the medallion in her hand as if she had already experienced the loss of it. “Okay,” she softly agrees.

“Good.” Now that I’ve cleared that up, I pick up the washcloth and carefully peel open her bathrobe. She’s looking shy, and I see she’s not going to be any help, so I nudge her legs apart. I gently wipe her clean with the warm cloth. Looking at her flushed body as I wipe away my cum off her toned thighs,
…I could take her again right now.

She cuts through my lascivious thoughts and asks, “Do you think they can find us by the microchips in our hands?”

I toss the rag aside and place my hands on her bare thighs, giving her a look of concern. “No, baby, I’ve already told you those memory chips are read-only. They could never be a tracking device; they would have to be the size of a quarter, and then implanted…” I abruptly choke on my own words as I remember less than a month ago, presenting new tracker technology to Nick. In fact, it was the same week Jules was brought into the facility.
No fucking way.
The company hadn’t finished working out all the logistics. They were still working out the kinks and battery life. Plus, the satellite range hadn’t been fully developed yet.

“Travis?” Jules asks warily, breaking into my thoughts. “What are you thinking about?”

I ignore her growing apprehension as I shake my head in disbelief. The fucker couldn’t have, could he? I stand up, grasping Jules by her shoulders, and force her to lie back down on the bed. She immediately grows on edge, tensing all her muscles, and her eyes go wide with fear.

“What’s…what’s wrong? What are you doing?” she asks with panicked confusion.

Being intent on one thing only, I ignore her questions. She starts to squirm, and I sternly warn her, “Stay still.” I open her bathrobe to further expose her hips, and she twists her body, trying to get away. I grasp tightly at her thighs, growing frustrated. “Stay the fuck still, Jules!” I bark firmly. She flinches at my harshness, but this time she listens. As if my words were ice, she lays frozen on the bed, not moving a muscle.

I bend down and hover closely over her left hip, inspecting her flesh closely with my eyes while skimming her skin with my fingertips, feeling for any kind of a lump. I hope against hope I find nothing, but as I move my fingers a little to the left, I feel a hard nodule. I lift my head back toward the ceiling and bellow out, “Fuck!”

I bend back down and feel for the device again, praying to God it was a fluke, but it’s not. My breathing picks up as I feel the circumference of the quarter-sized tracker lying underneath layers of her skin. I can make out the tiniest scar where an incision was made, a mark so small one would have to actually be looking for it to find.

My outburst and odd behavior has her eyes full of alarm, and her hand flies to her chest in a panicked gesture. “You’re scaring me,” she hoarsely whispers. I glance at her face; her eyes are glassy and full of confusion. I let loose of the grip I have on her hip and take a few steps back from her. Running both hands through my hair in frustration, I begin to pace the room, trying to think. I’m so damn infuriated at myself for not thinking two steps ahead of Nick. Of course, I didn’t think in a million years I’d be stealing his woman out from under him at the last minute either. I should’ve known he would have taken these precautionary measures, going overboard, even though the tracker isn’t fully developed yet.

I have to think…
. This changes everything. All of the plans my men and I made this morning have gone out the window. We’re going to have to rearrange, regroup somehow, to come up with a new plan, and quick.

“Travis?” Her soft, trembling voice pulls me out of my deep thoughts. With the side of my body facing her, I don’t turn to look at her. If I catch sight of her helpless blue eyes, it’ll gut me and I won’t be able to think straight.

BOOK: Blyssfully Undone: The Blyss Trilogy - book 3
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