#Boss (The Empire Series Book 3) (3 page)

BOOK: #Boss (The Empire Series Book 3)
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"I've got moves you're never seen."

t preciously nine-twenty three
, Vivienne Harper arrived at Club Star. Standing on the curb, she crossed her arms across her chest to hide the chill snaking its way up her arms and down her spine. Sam had stuck her in a black number by Alexander McQueen. The romper had a plunging v-neck to showcase her voluptuous breasts. She had never felt so exposed, and yet sexy, before. She paired them with a pair of red heels and a tiny, black sequin clutch. Her long brown hair was swept to the side in a side pony at the nape of her neck. She was simplistic with her jewelry, and opted for diamond studs.

Popping open her clutch, she checked her phone to see what time it was. She wasn't used to waiting on anyone, and now she was waiting on the curb… alone. While placing her phone back in her clutch, she heard a familiar voice approach.

"Vivienne Harper?" a sweet voice chirped.

"Alexa, what are you doing here?" Vivienne asked, shocked to see one of her employees out during the week.

"I'm here with a date. He wanted to dance, and I wasn't about to say no to him," she cooed.

"Sounds spicy. Where is your guy?" she asked, wanting to see the mystery man.

"Oh, you know him actually..." she started to speak.

"Luca Manning," she finished.

"Yeah, how did you know?" She looked confused, as the devil himself appeared behind Alexa's back.

"Harper. You look ravishing tonight," he enticed, as he kissed her hand. "We were just going to head in. Care to join?"

"I'm waiting for the girls, but thank you," she protested.

"Viv! Luca!" Sam yelled from across the street.

Following her lead were Ariel and Quinn.

"Slow down, tiger. I can't run in these heels!" Quinn screamed as she hobbled across the pavement.

"That's why you should be wearing kitten heels... kitten," Ariel answered.

"There you guys are!" Viv hollered, as she took a deep breath of relief. "Guess we'll see you in there, Luca."

"Suit yourself," he responded, as he eyed her from head to toe, giving her a smile to end the world.

Scrutinizing Luca and Alexa as they walked away, Viv saw him wrap his arm around her waist. Walking into the guarded doors, Luca turned his head to give Viv one last wink of approval.

"Someone has a crush on you," Sam spoke up, taunting her like a child.

"What is she talking about?" Quinn asked, as she finally reached the sidewalk with the others.

"Luca seems to be stalking Viv here," Sam spoke up.

"What are you talking about?" Ariel asked.

"The man can't take a hint," Viv spoke up, like they had been girlfriends their whole lives.

"I need details, but, first, drinks!" Quinn cheered.

Vivienne had never been so happy to change topics. She was hoping no one would remember after a handful of cocktails and a few turns on the dance floor.

Approaching the door, "Hey, Danny! Me and my girls good?"

"Hey, Sami. Yeah, y'all are good. Go on in," Danny declared, as he lifted the red velvet rope.

"How did you do that?" Vivienne asked Sam.

Passing Danny, he gave Viv the once over before letting her go in.

"Thank you." She smiled at Danny.

"Any time, sweetheart. Any. Time."

"Danny and I became friends when Declan had his "ordeal" with Ashley and Demi. He was grateful we ended his relationship with Ashley and her illegal gambling, and now we get in free anytime we want. Drinks are on Danny tonight, ladies. Drink up!"

he four girls
curled up in the booth marked off for VIP only. Taking a seat, her eyes immediately roamed the room for sexy himself. Crash landing on the brown-eyed God across the room, she spotted Luca, intertwined in the arms of Alexa. Like a spotlight had been dropped above her head, he immediately locked eyes with Vivienne. 

Deterring her eyes away, "So what are we drinking?"

"I say amaretto sours, or even gin and tonic?" Ariel offered. "They're my favorite."

"Hell, no. Beam and Coke for me," Quinn spoke up.

"Kitten, you surprise me everyday," Ariel laughed. 

"You come across as..." Vivienne started, not wanting to offend Quinn and ruin girls night. She never had nights like these; she wanted them more often.

"...a priss, goody-goody, girl next door?" She laughed out loud. "Trust me. I get it a lot."

"I didn't mean anything. God, everyone must think I'm the biggest bitch. I see how people look at me as they run away. I hear the mumbles," she said, letting her voice fade into the music.

"There's nothing wrong with being a bitch, Viv. You just need to know when to unleash her. You need to loosen up. Take risks. You're already doing that by going out with us tonight," Sam spoke up.

"She's right. The woman in front of me right now is not the woman who nearly fought me on the Catfish story," Ariel interrupted.

"No shit. The woman in front of us now is a bad ass," Quinn joined in.

"What if we compromise on the drinks and get cosmopolitans?" Viv suggested with a smile. 

"There you go!" Sam shouted.

"Now, that we have that settled, are you going to tell us what's going on with Luca?" Ariel questioned.

"I'm not great at this..." Viv started.

"Good at what? Gossiping?" Quinn asked.

"This is embarrassing to admit."

"Go on..." Sam pushed.

"I don't have girls who are friends. I don't know how to... gossip." She actually giggled.

"Here. I'll go first if that helps,” Quinn started. "I'm kinda seeing someone."

"And, by seeing someone, she means screwing one of my best friends," Sam laughed hysterically.

"Big Mike?" Ariel spun in her seat, mouth agape.

"Soooo, Viv, that's how it works," she giggled.

"Luca asked her to dinner tonight,” Sam spoke up. “ She said no, and now we're here.”

"Wait, you had a chance to have dinner with that hunk and you opted for drinks with us? No offense, but that's crazy talk," Ariel offered, as she received her drink from her waiter.

"He came to my apartment last night," she admitted, as she sipped her drink.

"Did you sleep together? No, that man would fuck. He's a closet freak, I can tell," Quinn announced.

"He wanted to, but I sent him home. It was unprofessional," she chugged her cocktail. "Another?"

"Why the hell would you kick him out? He is sexy as hell," Ariel spoke up.

"Screw professionalism. Sorry, Viv, but he's not going to be around for long. Have some fun," Sam added.

"It's not like people aren't sleeping together at the office anyway," Quinn chuckled as Sam bumped her elbow, giving her a look.

"Somehow, I had a feeling," she laughed, taking down her second drink. "It doesn't matter, though. He came with Alexa. I'm sure she will be happy to entertain him."

"Is that honestly how you are going to justify this?" Ariel pushed.

"What do you want me to say? Yes, I think he is exceptionally attractive, but he knows it. He's cocky, arrogant, completely full of himself, narcissistic and manipulative. Besides, he's with Suzy Q over there."

"Did you ever stop to think that he only asked her out to get under your skin? Chicks do that shit all the time. Trust me, I'm the queen at that game," Quinn added.   

"I'll admit. I kinda agree with Kitten over here. Dude is hypnotized by you. Just look at him."

They all stopped to stare at Luca from across the club, who was snuggled up nice and cozy with Ms. Alexa. Nibbling on her ear, he refused to remove his eyes from Viv. His eyes bore into her like lasers. He had her right in the palm of his hand, and right where he wanted her.

"I think shots are in order," Viv spoke up, quaking in her heels.

"I think I like this version of you more and more," Ariel cheered.

"We came here to have a good time, not talk about that hot mess over there," Viv said, as she waved over the personal waiter. "Quinn, you'll love these. Can I get four shots of 3 Wise Men?"

"Going hard tonight, I see," the waiter asked with a chuckle.

"My there favorite men – Jim, Jack, and Johnny." She winked at the cute waiter.

"Coming right up, sweetheart.

"Can I get a pass tomorrow when I'm face down on my desk?" Sam joked.

"HA, no," she smiled and winked at Sam. 

Feeling the buzz of her cosmopolitans, Viv eyed Luca, who was now dancing with Alexa. Their bodies rocked together as a Jason Derulo's, "Want to Want Me" came on. She stared him down, trying to decide what his game was. Last night, he was all but ready to jump her bones and, now, he was grinding his pecker into his coworker. What the fuck? The song sang, as the waiter delivered their shots. 

"Thanks, sweet cheeks. Bring us another round in ten minutes." She winked at the man.

"You really are trying to get us drunk," Ariel giggled.

"Go hard or go home," Viv preached, as she slung her shot back.

After her third shot, Viv was ready to let loose. She didn't want to think or speak about Luca, only dance the feelings away. Watching Luca and Alexa leave the dance floor, Viv stood from the booth.

"Alright, girls. Time to show these boys how to do it."

The group hooted and hollered as they made their way to the dance floor. As soon as Rihanna's song, "Work" came blaring through the speakers, the girls were ready to cut loose. The bass from the amps thumped through her body, making her feet vibrate. Shimmying her body, she swiveled her hips from side to side like a pro.

Before she knew it, she felt the manly grip grasp her waist. Viv took the looks on the girls’ faces to indicate the gentleman was extremely good looking. Enjoying the bumping and grinding, Viv stepped back in the stranger’s body to get closer.

Just as she felt at ease with her dancing, she noticed Alexa had darted out of the club, minus Luca. He probably pissed her off, just like he had done to her. She retracted her arched neck, and chuckled at his stupidity.

The song changed tempos as the melody slowed down to Zayn's, "Pillowtalk." The grinding was slow and methodical, as it hit each beat with precision. Viv reached behind her back to circle her arms around the gentleman's neck as she leaned into him. She hoped Luca was watching her enjoy herself right now. 

The rhythm of the song pumped through her, as the lyrics excited her body. The tune ignited the sexual melody within her body. All her inhibitions were gone for the night and all wreck less behavior was acceptable. Pure. Dirty. Raw. The chords were a push and pull mixer of love and hate all rolled into 3 minutes and 15 seconds. She was connected to the chords, as the strokes from the drum, coursed within her.

The song immediately reminded her of Luca and their tug-of-war relationship. Love and hate. Ice and fire. She swiveled her body down his, letting her arms drape across his body. Feeling the grip of his hands on her wrist tighten, he pulled her up slowly, grazing every inch of his erect cock. The confidence made her body sing and nipples perks up in delight. 

Wrapping her arms around his neck again, she leaned her head to the side as his hot breath circled her neck. Making his way up her neck, he laid a simple kiss on her neck, just behind her ear. 

"Can we go somewhere? You're driving me crazy right now," the voice sounded faint over the music. 

"Sure," she mumbled, as she turned to see her mystery man. 

Of course it would have been Luca. His sensual touches and smooth moves screamed player. Then, it suddenly clicked as to why Alexa would be mad. She hoped Alexa didn't feel that she did it on purpose though.

"I should have known," she huffed, as she stormed off leaving Luca stranded on the dance floor. 

Nearly making it to the ladies room, Luca grabbed her wrist much like before and spun her around. Pushing her up against the wall, he pinned her there with one completely ripped arm. 

"I don't know what kind of game you're playing, Luca, but it's getting old," she struggled to stay angry.

"I'm not playing a game, Harper," he alleged, as he stepped closer to her, leaning in to kiss her neck. Reminding her of what turned her on so much in the first place. 

"You know what I'm talking about, Luca," she sighed, as he ran his tongue across her collarbone.

'I don't need to play games, Harper." He ran his tongue down the plunging neckline of her romper. With his free hand, he pushed aside the black fabric, exposing her breast. He gently made his way to her nipple, sucking and biting the peak.

"And... Why is that?" she stammered.

"Because I've already won. Now, stop trying to resist me and let it happen," he persuaded.  

"I really fucking hate you," were her last words before she made the move to kiss him senseless.

"The feeling’s mutual, sweetheart."

"I suppose playing with fire is okay...sometimes."

's get out of here," Vivienne whispered with a desire and need.

"I'm already ahead of you. My driver is waiting outside," he indicated, as he inhaled her bottom lip. Sucking it in, he worked it as if it were her bud. Sweeping his tongue across her flesh, he held her lip between his teeth before letting it go with a growl.

Removing her hand from above her head, he clutched her wrist, pulling her toward the exit. As they hurried through the crowd, she eyed the girls in approval. Giving them a wink, she waved goodbye. She could question her next moves, but they would never bring her the satisfaction she wanted and deserved.

Waiting out front, just as he stated, was a beautiful town car.

"My hotel, or your apartment?" Luca asked, breathless from their run and adrenaline. 

"My apartment is probably closer," she answered.

Both climbed into the large vehicle as Luca directed the driver to her apartment. He'd only been there once prior, yet he was an expert at delivering the route flawlessly. 

"He should have us there in about ten minutes." He crawled into the seat with Viv. 

As they reclined in the plush, leather seats, Luca leaned into Vivienne. Softly, he placed a palm on her cheek, staring into her eyes.

"I need to tell you something before we go through with this," Luca admitted.

"For fuck’s sake. You're not married, are you?" She pushed away to look into his eyes.

"No, hell no. Divorced, but that doesn't matter. That's not what I wanted to tell you," he laughed.

"Oh, okay. Good, because I'm not a home wrecker. I never will be either. I just..." She began.

"See, that's what I like about you. Your assertiveness," he added.

"Okay, well, that's how I taught myself to..." She began again.

"Yes, I can tell," he cut her off again.

"Will you please stop cutting me off?" She grew frustrated. 

"That's what I wanted to speak with you about. I love that, in your professional life, you are a bulldog, but, when you are with me, in the confines of a bedroom or any place I see fit to fuck you, you are not in charge. I am."


"Harper, I don't want to hear a snappy comeback. The only thing I want to hear coming from that beautiful mouth of yours is what color panties you're wearing. Okay?"

"Who says I'm wearing any?" she smirked, genuinely enjoying his need to be in charge.

"Good answer," he responded, as his eyes turned black with seduction. 

They pulled up to the apartment just in time. Vivienne was having a hard time restraining herself. Her need to control what was going on between the two of them was driving her crazy. 

As they reached the door to the apartment, Luca stopped her before she opened the door.

"Once we go through these doors, nothing will be the same between us."

"I'm counting on it," she grinned.

Slamming the door shut again as she tried to open it, "Also, I am a man and as such, I like to be the one in charge in the bedroom. I'm just warning you now."

"Consider me warned."

His smiled grew more and more visible as it seemed he was turned on by her words. Entering the foyer of her apartment, Vivienne turned to shut the door behind them.

"Come closer to me," Luca beckoned Viv to him. "Here we are… all alone… You and me. What is a man to do?"

"I hope you like what you see so far. I think you want to see more, though," she responded.

"Oh, I love what I see. I wish to see just a little bit more, though." His glare grew serious and hungry for her.

Sending chills down her spin, and causing the tiny hairs on her arms to stand on end, she unlatched the halter of her romper. Letting the fabric to slide across her silky skin, she stood before him completely naked. 

Walking closer to her, "I think about you all the time, and I just met you. In the morning, in the shower, at work and even when I'm stroking myself at night. Does that turn you on? To know I get off thinking about you, and all the filthy things I want to do to you? Sometimes I don't even want to wake up from my dreams at night. Seeing you in those work clothes, and then like this. I can't help myself."

"What about work?"

work?" he indicated giving her raised eyebrows.

"I don't want this to be a conflict of interest," she whispered, as he began to undress.

"I think you're still trying to find a reason to push me away, when really, you know I'm going to be the best fucking lay you've ever had, Harper." 

He wasn't being cocky, but his tone was one hundred percent convincing. She wanted to fight him badly, but knew, deep down, that was going to be a battle she would never win. She gave herself away once Luca began to undress. Her nipples grew before him, and her cheeks turned a bright shade of pink. She had to squeeze her legs together to keep the throbbing at bay.

He slid a finger through the knot of his tie and tugged, allowing the silken fabric to tumble to the ground. Viv bit her lip as she tried everything to resist the temptation to rush to him and rip his close off. Driving her insane, he slowly unbuttoned his dress shirt, never taking his eyes off her.

Viv made one move, and, immediately, Luca spoke up, "No. I want you to stand there and watch me undress. You are so used to being in charge, but not tonight. You will receive pleasure when I give it to you."

She didn't talk back. She simply obeyed his wish. In a way, it was more erotic then actually touching one another. After removing his shirt, he gripped his belt and moved the leather.

"I can sense you don't like my rules," Luca acknowledged, as he removed his pants, standing before her in only his boxers.

"I can't say they are easy to abide by, but I trust you know what you’re doing," she smirked at him.

"I do. Come here," he beckoned with his sexy voice. It wasn't forceful, but conveyed a sense of authority, which turned her on. She had never been a submissive type of woman, but maybe that's exactly what she needed. Someone to take the reigns for once. To be with someone who enjoyed her undivided attention.

Stepping toward Luca, Vivienne could feel the electrical current bouncing off their bodies. The attraction was undeniable, which terrified her on some level. She wanted to give herself to this man, regardless if he was her boss or not.

"Can you take off my boxers, Harper?" He didn't use cliché terms of endearment that most would. She was grateful for this. Terms of endearment meant more than the average hookup, and that was not what she was looking for. She just wanted to be a woman, looking for a man to satisfy her. Not a man to coddle and coo her. She detested those couples.

Viv moved desperately close to his body, threatening to kiss him before removing his shorts. If he wanted to kiss her, he would. He was in control, not her. He didn't lean back or push her away, but lavished in her close proximity without giving into her ploy.

Clutching the elastic waistband, Viv locked eyes with Luca as she descended down his body. She allowed her naked physique to graze his, but mostly to permit his cock to run gracefully between her voluptuous breasts as she removed his boxers.

As she palmed her breasts in each hand, she ran them up and down his plentiful shaft. She allowed her soft flesh to grow his erection further. Stroking all the way to the base of his shaft, she took into her mouth the head of his dick. She removed her hands from her breasts, and replaced the stroking sensation with her petite hands.

She circled the tip of his head while double fisting his hardened length. Like a lollipop, she sucked and licked his rigid flesh. Taking him into her mouth entirely, she curled her tongue around his cock, dragging her tongue up the underside of his trunk. Tracing the pulsing vain to the tip, she circled the tip, lapping up the salty pre-cum.

Taking his wood in one hand, she trailed her tongue back down his length, taking in his very ready sack. She rolled his jewels in her mouth, teasing him relentlessly. She could satisfy this man all day long with the way she relished in his moans.

He removed her hair tie, watching her hair cascade down her neck. Running his fingers through her strands, he took a fistful, tugging in rhythm of her sinful strokes.

    Pulling her head back, she stared into his lust filled eyes.

    "What do you want, Harper? I want to see those delicious lips tell me how you want to be fucked. Want me to take you gentle and slow, or rough and hard?"

    Standing from her knees, she ran her tongue across her lips, languishing in his taste, his edible flavor of passion.

    "I'm not in the mood for soft and sweet, so you better make it good, boss."   

    "That's exactly what I wanted to hear."

    Starting to lead Luca into the bedroom, Viv was abruptly stopped.

    "Where are you going? I told you. You are not the boss behind this door. I am. And I want to fuck you right here, right now. Is that a problem?" He raised an eyebrow.

    "Not at all," she grinned, ready to relinquish her controlling tendencies for the night. It was a relief to not be the demanding one for a change, even if this wasn't exactly work.

    "Good. God, you are so fucking sexy. Do you even know that?"

    "No," she affirmed, not realizing how brutally honest she was being.

    "If you could see what I see, I promise you, you would know," he groaned as he pulled her to his body.

    Fisting a handful of her hair, he leaned her head back, exposing her neck. She smelt of heavenly perfume. Not too strong, just enough to drive him insane.

    "Close your eyes, Harper."

    Not hesitating for a moment, her other senses were tuned into Luca's personal attention. Leaning into her bare neck, he began kissing her softly, growing hungry with each lick. He massaged her head before giving it a slight tug. Vivienne's body began to melt into his, as the excruciating pleasure from one tug shot through her body.

    "You like it rough, don't you?" he moaned into her slick flesh. "You never had any intentions of this being vanilla sex."

    "Not even close," she sighed into his touches.

Vivienne pressed her swollen breasts into his bare chest. Rubbing her hardened nipples into his flesh, she could hear Luca's breath pick up. Gripping her hair, she whimpered into his waiting lips.

Pulling away for a just a moment, Vivienne looked Luca straight in the eyes.

"Tell me everything you want, Luca, and I can make that happen." Her long eyelashes batted as he removed his hands from her hair and curled themselves under her plump ass cheeks. Lifting her off the ground, she wrapped her legs around his hips as he carried her to the kitchen counter.

"I plan to fuck you on every surface of this apartment. Can you keep up?" he growled, as he tossed her on the counter.

Running his hands up her inner thighs, he pushed them open, exposing her every inch. Sitting there spread-eagle, Luca stepped forward as Viv linked her toned legs around his waist. Before she realized it, Luca thrust inside of her without any warning. The shock of his cock didn't hurt her, but tickled every nerve and sense already heightened from his command.

Vivienne wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling them into her tender nipples. Luca suckled on her tits, rolling his tongue across the tight flesh. She threw her head back, savoring the mind-blowing feeling of his rough tongue on her sensitive peaks.

Driving harder into her, she ran her fingers through his perfectly styled hair. Now completely disheveled, her fingers clinched his strands, forcing his mouth the take in more of her silky breast. Luca loved her ambition, pounding deeper into her. Moaning in pleasure, he gripped her hips hard driving his cock into her.

Vivienne leaned back a little; placing her elbows and palms on the counter. Reclining a bit, his pumps made her ample breasts bounce. The perspiration began to bead on Luca's forehead as the intense heat between the two continued to increase.

"Oh, God. Oh, God...right there," Vivienne pleaded, as he pressed his thumb into her clit. "I'm coming. I'm coming."

Viv's orgasm came out of nowhere, taking over her body. Luca continued to rub her bud to draw out her orgasm, as he quickly pulled out of her and unleashed his release onto her dewy chest.

"Fuck, that's hot," she moaned, as she came down from her release. Just as Luca was about the release his hold on her, she pulled his body and nimble fingers back to her clit. "Don't stop. You make it feel so damn good."

"I could fuck you everyday and never be completely content. You are insatiable. I should punish you for trying to deny me access to this." He ran one hand up her goose bumped arm as the other continued to massage her love button. Their bodies crashed to one another, smearing the results of their fucking on to Luca's chest. Never once did he wince or pull away.

Vivienne had never had multiple orgasms, but she tapped out at five before hopping off the counter. On wobbly legs, she tried to grab a towel to wipe them clean.

"No," Luca stopped her before she laid the fabric on his chest. "It's my trophy. Plus, I can still smell you on me and it is such a fucking turn on."

Grabbing her wrist, he pulled her toward his body.

"Are you ashamed to wear my scent?" He lowered his eyes to meet hers.

"Never," she avowed clearly, as she lowered her head to lick up his chest, landing her glare on his.

His eyes suddenly turned black as the primal need to take her again took over his body.

"No rest for the wicked, Harper. Now turn around, bend over and put your palms on the floor. I want to see and fuck that pretty little ass of yours."

Vivienne didn't hesitate, as she could only imaged the blow she was about to take. Luca clutched her waist with one hand tight enough to leave prints. Waiting for him to take her, he swatted her ass. Feeling the heat rise again between her legs and now her hind end, her body begged to be fucked.

No other man had truly gotten her and what she needed to be satisfied. With Luca, she didn't need to coach him or explain to him her motives. He knew. He knew because they were one in the same creatures. Savagery, eroticism, and instinct powered the connection between the two. No one would ever tap into her senses like Luca had. On some small level, it truly pissed off Vivienne. Of course, he would be perfect.
Isn't that always the way?

BOOK: #Boss (The Empire Series Book 3)
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