Bought by the Billionaire Brothers 5 (3 page)

BOOK: Bought by the Billionaire Brothers 5
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She deserved far more than any of the Buchanan brothers could provide.

At least he knew that.

If only he could convince
his brothers to turn her loose.

And if by some miracle they agreed…would she want to leave?


Penny tried not to fidget but her nerves had gotten the best of her. The twins had requested her presence at the main house —
 the last time she’d been there, her life had been irrevocably changed. Some might argue, not for the best — and the butterflies in her stomach were presently doing aerials and loop-de-loos, which made being still difficult.

Vince and Nolan appeared looking devast
atingly handsome as always in their casual yet finely-tailored clothing and Penny was struck by how alike all three brothers were in looks yet vastly different in temperament. She had no idea what to expect but as both welcomed her with warm, adoring smiles, she swallowed and allowed a tremulous smile in return. “You wanted to see me?” she asked, twisting her fingers behind her back until Nolan gently pulled her toward them.

“Penny, the last few days have been a nightmare for everyone. We thought in order to start fresh we need to wipe the slate clean and how better to do that than where it all began?” Vince grinned and his gaze flicked to the ornate carpet of the library and her cheeks colored at the memory of what had happened there. Nolan drew her clasped hands to his lips and pressed a sweet kiss on the tops, smiling sensually. “One of our most treasured memories is when we accepted the gift of your body —
 and your virginity — to us right here in this room. Although some might try to convince you otherwise, what happened between us wasn’t some tawdry exchange; it was beautiful. Our brother, Dillon, has made you believe that we’re monsters who only use people for their own purpose but Penny, ask yourself this…have we ever made you feel less than anything but a treasure? We have gladly lavished you with the finest things and if there’s anything you want, you have but to ask and we’d happily procure it for you. All we ask in return is your loyalty.”

Penny nodded but felt something stuck in her throat.
They were being so sweet, so loving. How could she be sure about her true feelings if they were always so accommodating? Shouldn’t they hate her? She’d promised to be true and then had leapt into bed with Dillon. Oh God. She was the worst sort of tramp there was. “I’m sorry,” she murmured with a mournful shake of her head. “I’ve betrayed your trust in the worst way.” What else could she offer but the truth? “I wouldn’t blame you if you never wanted to see me again.”

“Penny, you sweet little goose…we adore you. We aren’t ready to turn you loose,” Nolan said, drawing her to the chaise and sitting beside her. Vince joined them on her other side.
Both brothers flanked her, the warm, sharp scent of their cologne beckoned with seductive promise and as wretched as she felt inside, she wondered if it were possible to go back to the way they were before. There’d been a time when she would’ve done anything to be in their peripheral much less in their direct line of sight. Before Dillon, that is.

Vince’s touch on her shoulders made her jump and he
tsked at her reaction, “So tense, lover. Relax. Let us remind you what you adored about belonging to us.” She closed her eyes as his touch worked out the knots in her shoulders and she relaxed bit by bit against his firm hands. Vince always knew how to work her body, whether it was bent over his knee as he paddled her behind to a warm rosy red, causing her to buck against the pain, or teasing her nipples with fingers and tongue as he readied her for his cock. “Tell us what you want and we’ll give it to you,” he murmured against the sensitive shell of her ear, his breath teasing and warm. “We’ve missed our little plump peach and the feel of her body against ours. All that’s happened before this moment is forgiven. We know you didn’t mean to hurt us. Dillon is a master manipulator and we were fools to underestimate him with our most treasured possession. Forgive us, please,” Vince finished, his voice a silken slide against her nerve endings as he followed with a slow crawl of his lips against the column of her neck. “Show us that we’re still in your heart…” His hand crept to her blouse and delved inside, popping tiny buttons and sending mother-of-pearl scattering to the floor. Her breath hitched in her throat and her mind fuzzed as a part of her wanted to stop because it felt as if she were cheating against Dillon but the other part of her, the wounded, and broken-hearted part of her, reminded her sharply that Dillon had played with her emotions like a cat with a string and thus, he didn’t deserve her loyalty. The twins, on the other hand, had done nothing but treat her as they’d promised. Her head fell back and she allowed the twins to ease her down against the plush softness of the chaise. Before long, her breasts were spilling free from her bra and Nolan and Vince were feasting on her nipples, sucking her areolas deep into their greedy mouths like hungry babies and she lost herself to the sensation of being willingly devoured.

“We’ve missed you,” Nolan said against her skin while his hand snaked down her belly to unzip her jeans. He stopped long enough to pull her jeans from her legs as well as rip her panties away. She gasped at the forcefulness but
Nolan, the more intuitive of the two, must’ve known her thoughts were as knotted as her shoulders for he moved swiftly to the soft apex of her thighs and gently pushed her legs apart, eager to taste her sweet flesh.
Oh God
…Nolan’s clever tongue delved deep, seeking and finding that hot, pulsing nub of nerve endings that swelled in ready response to his ardent attention. Vince swallowed her gasp as his tongue invaded her mouth just as Nolan’s penetrated her feminine folds. Each were taking turns ravaging her, both in mind and spirit, as her thoughts tumbled from the carnal to blissful nothingness, she pushed all memory of Dillon from her heart and gave herself to the sensation of being owned by her two Buchanan brothers.

“We’ve missed you, darling,” Nolan murmured, nuzzling her damp flesh as he tenderly licked and sucked at the swollen skin until he had her panting and twisting unable to take the sweet torture. “You’re so responsive…so sweet. I could remain between your legs for a lifetime…”

“Don’t be so greedy, brother,” Vince growled at Nolan, growing impatient. “You’re not the only one who has missed their pet.”

Nolan smiled wickedly and buried his face into her hot core, lapping and teasing her clitoris until she was sobbing against raised arm, shuddering as she nearl
y blacked out from the pleasure. “Please…I can’t take it anymore,” she begged for release, needing that ultimate cataclysm to send her hurtling into oblivion. “Oh God!”

“Not yet,” Nolan said, pulling away sharply just as she neared the edge, ready to topple over into a sinful paradise. She gulped a quick breath, her chest heaving as her throbbing body tensed with awareness. Nolan gestured to
Vince, “My brother…would you like the honors of pushing her to the limit?”

Vince growled, “Hell yes,” and stood to his full height over her. She was splayed like a broken doll across the chaise, the urge to squeeze her thighs together to create that much-needed friction but she knew better and remained still even though she wanted desperately to
give into sweet release. “On your stomach, sweet girl,” he commanded as he unbuckled his jeans and kicked them free. Penny caught a glimpse of his straining cock, the mushroom tip thick and bulging, as it sprang free from his boxer briefs. She knew what he wanted — what Vince always wanted and she tensed but Nolan’s soft words in her ear softened the fear as Vince commanded her to put her hands above her head and arch her back. She trembled as she complied, closing her eyes as Nolan trailed a finger down the small of her back and down the seam of her behind.

“You know you need this,” Nolan said gently. “You need to feel helpless to deny your own pleasure. We do this for you, my sweet.
Let yourself go and accept your true nature.”

Vince probed her deeply, testing her readiness. She groaned at the pressure of one finger, followed by two, and then three.
“So hot,” he said with approval. “So wet.” He leaned over her, his weight pressing her into the chaise as his cock rubbed insistently at her entrance. “Tell me you want this,” he commanded softly. “Tell me you want me to fuck you.”

“I want you to fuck me,” she whispered, squeezing her eyes shut. She wanted to feel full, stretched beyond endurance.
She wanted to forget…“Please, Vince…”

“I love the way my name sounds on your lips,” he said, brushing a kiss across her cheek. “Would you suck my brother’s cock while I fuck you?” he asked, the sweetness of his voice a shocking contraction to his bold demand.
“I’d love to see those lovely lips wrapped around Nolan’s cock while I fuck you in the ass. Would you do that?” She nodded, embarrassed yet highly aroused. How could she exist in two such different states of being at the same time? Vince knuckled her cheek. “I love when you blush. It’s so sweet and sexy, do you know that? It makes me want to do even more nasty things to you — things you’ve never dreamed of — just to see those lovely cheeks redden with heat.” He chuckled and slid to his knees behind her. She rose up to allow Nolan to move in front of her and soon, she had two Buchanan cocks — one pressing at her behind and the other nudging past her lips and she was lost to the knowledge that the twins owned her body and there was little she could do to prevent whatever they wanted to do to her.

“Open for us, love,” Nolan urged as he pushed his cock into her mouth at the same moment that Vince gently eased his cock into her tightly fisted rosebud. Vince coaxed her opening to bloom by sliding her juices over her entrance with the head of his cock, pushing slowly and steadily into her behind. She stiffened as the penetration stung. Her body fought the invasion as the sphincter threatened to tighten, but soon, the ring relaxed and she began to r
ock against the invading cock . She was mindless — helpless to stop the pleasure that built and gained momentum as her body welcomed the penetration at both ends — and she reveled in the groans that her body pulled from both men’s slack mouths as they both pumped their hips against her.

“So tight!” Vince gasped, his hands gripping her hips as he fucked her without mercy. Her mouth worked Nolan’s cock until he cried out and filled her mouth with warm, salty cream. She eagerly gulped down the
fluid just as Vince filled her on the other end, his cock jetting deep inside her. She quivered as Vince pulled out, her eyelids closing on a sigh as Nolan caressed her hair lightly, but Vince knew she hadn’t cum and suddenly, he pulled her down to the floor with a wicked grin. She stared up at him, a small shiver of anticipation rocking her spine. “You, my sweet, didn’t get there, did you?” She slowly shook her head and began to protest that she didn’t mind but Vince wasn’t finished with her. “Nolan…our pet hasn’t reached her release. Perhaps you could help her?”

“Gladly,” Nolan said, throwing her legs over his shoulder and staring down at her with such wicked intent that she became instantly wet and ready.
He licked his thumb and began to rub her clit in slow, decadent circles as he built the pressure again. “I love watching your face flush as you get close to your release,” he said, almost conversationally, except for the urgent press of his cock against her hot folds as he readied her for his penetration. Penny thrashed beneath his touch, desperate to shatter into a million pieces. Sweat dampened her hairline and her hands became clammy as she approached the promised land of sweet release. Nolan pushed himself deep inside, burying his cock to the balls into her heated core just as Vince pushed something inside her behind. She cried out as the sensation of being double penetrated nearly made her buck like a wild mustang being ridden for the first time. She cried out as she tumbled headlong into an abyss of wonder as her body clenched and released in the most intense contraction, sending her spinning into the ether with nothing to hold onto. Dimly, she heard Nolan utter a hoarse cry as he collapsed, his seed dribbling from her channel as they took long, rasping breaths to recover. Vince eased the plug from her behind and she covered her face, more than mortified at how wanton she’d been but she was exhausted, not only physically but emotionally as well. She was wrung out and twisted on the insides from everything that had happened in the last two weeks that she didn’t know if she’d ever be the same. Vince’s tender smile nearly broke the wall she had built to hold back her tears but she held it together by the thinnest margin. “You never disappoint,” he said to her as he helped her to a sitting position while Nolan handed her a blanket. “Tell me, sweetness, what do you desire? You deserve a treat. A diamond? A new car?” he asked, throwing out ideas with a grin but even as his generosity seemed sweet on the surface, his offer sent a discordant tone ringing through her body. Whores were rewarded for sexual favors. She didn’t want to be a whore. She wanted…she wanted an illusion — something that simply didn’t exist.
Get with the program, Penny
. She’d signed on the dotted line.
It is what it is
. She forced a shy smile even though she was choking inside and Vince rewarded her with a smacking kiss on the lips. “Jewelry it is,” he announced as he bounded from the sofa with a self-satisfied expression. Only Nolan seemed to notice that she wasn’t truly smiling on the inside.

“You are an amazing person, Penny,” Nolan said, pushing a strand of hair from her eyes. He remained naked, his softening cock still dripping tiny drops of fluid from the tip onto the expensive chaise, and Penny felt compelled to avert her eyes. Perhaps she was a total ninny but somehow she felt even dirtier sitting with nothing but a blanket between them after what they’d just done.

BOOK: Bought by the Billionaire Brothers 5
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