Read Bound By His Desire Online

Authors: Nicole Flockton

Bound By His Desire (6 page)

BOOK: Bound By His Desire
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His expression held no hint of surprise at seeing her standing beside Nick. She had no idea whether this was a normal occurrence — Nick bringing strange women to his home. She imagined discretion to be part of the doorman’s job.

Pam nodded in return, not sure what else to do. Would Nick introduce her or not?

‘Evening Rob, can you see that our bags are taken up to my apartment?’

‘Certainly, sir.’

No, he would not, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t. ‘Hi Rob, seeing as Mr Rhodes here has forgotten his manners, my name’s Pamela Bishop.’

‘Pleasure to meet you, Miss Bishop.’

Nick nodded toward Pam with a wry smile. ‘Forgive me my bad manners. Thanks, Rob.’

He slipped some money into the man’s hands and again placed his hand on her back, guiding her through the foyer. That was one thing she’d have to ask him about. Who did she tip and how much did she tip them? It was something she wasn’t used to, but Nick handled it with the ease of a man well used to the protocols.

They made their way to the lifts, past the glass shopfronts. In one of them she spied a beautiful dress. She slowed and let her eyes linger on it before following Nick to the elevators.

‘How long do the shops stay open?’ she asked once they entered the lift. When she saw the disc lit up had the letter ‘P’ on it, she bit her lip. ‘P’ stood for penthouse. With every passing moment she spent in Nick’s company, the more aware she became of the sheer wealth of the man standing behind her. It intimidated her a little.

‘I’m not sure, but I think most shops stay open to around eight or nine in the evening. Why?’

‘Oh, no reason.’ No way did she plan on letting Nick know she wanted to go shopping for clothes so she wouldn’t look out of place. No way at all.

The lift ride was over far too quickly for Pam’s comfort. The doors slid open; instead of opening into a hallway, they opened to an impressive foyer, bigger than her bedroom and bathroom put together. She hesitated taking the step that would put her into an environment she’d never been in before. Nick’s hand was on her back again, encouraging her to enter his home.

‘Do you rent this place or own it?’ Somehow she knew the answer, but she wanted to hear it from him.

‘It’s mine. It was one of my first purchases when I made my first million. It was an absolute dump so I got it cheap. It stayed empty until the building was remodelled. I then sunk the money into it to renovate it. By then the company was doing well. I could afford to get the best of everything for it.’

His explanation should’ve sounded arrogant, but he was so matter-of-fact. She wondered if he had an emotional tie to the place at all or whether it was strictly an investment property.

As she looked around, Pam’s mind boggled at the thought of all that money being sunk into this place. It must have cost him a fortune. Her mortgage debt was huge to her but to the likes of Nick, it would be pocket change. It reminded her, again, how far out of her league he was. In normal circumstances, no way would he possibly be interested in her. He wouldn’t even give her a second glance. Even if she had a decent social life, their paths wouldn’t have crossed at any social event.

What was she doing here?

The deeper she walked into the apartment the more her breath was taken away. She had never seen such luxury in her whole life. The décor had pure bachelor written all over it. There were black leather sofas placed strategically to take in the view of the city lights. The splash of colour from the bright cushions in the corner of each sofa surprised her. She thought he would go for a traditional black and white feel, but as she looked around she saw more splashes of colour. It gave the whole apartment a modern yet chic vibe, while still stating a bachelor lived there.

Pam mused that if she lived here she’d never want to leave. She turned and found Nick studying her with a hooded expression. She couldn’t tell what was going on in his mind. It unnerved her slightly.

‘Is this your permanent place of residence?’ It didn’t look lived in but it also didn’t feel abandoned.

‘Whenever I’m in New York I stay here. When I’m off travelling or know I’m going to be in Australia for a certain period of time, I do short-term executive leases. It works out well and the place gets used.’ Nick strode over to the bar, which was located in the corner of the room, and set two glasses on the gleaming wood. ‘Do you want a drink?’

Somehow the thought of sharing a drink seemed too intimate, which was ridiculous since they’d slept together on the plane. What she really wanted to do was have a shower and go downstairs and see if she could have a look at the dress she’d spied. It probably wouldn’t look any good on her, but part of her wanted to try, to step out of the comfortable, boring clothes she wore. She was starting a new job in a new city, so why not start it off with a new wardrobe. She wouldn’t have to go over the top, just a couple of new pieces.

‘Actually, what I’d like to do is take a shower and — ’ She broke off. She shouldn’t feel so embarrassed about saying she wanted to look at the shops. ‘I want to check out the shop downstairs, I don’t, umm, I didn’t pack some accessories so I wanted to see if they have something.’

It sounded lame and she thought Nick would see right through her flimsy reason. Instead he raised an eyebrow, as if he didn’t expect her to be the type of girl who would be even remotely interested in shopping.

‘Okay, I’ll show you to your room then.’ He stepped out from behind the bar and walked towards her. ‘The doorman should be here soon with our bags. When he does, I’ll leave them in your room while you shower. You have your own bathroom.’

As she walked down the hallway she became aware of how huge the apartment was. It was probably twice the size of her house. It seemed so big for one person, but then again, it fit the image she had of how the very rich lived.

Nick opened a door and the first thing that caught her eye were the ceiling to floor windows. There seemed to be no window coverings on them. How was she supposed to sleep with the evening lights and then the sun shining through?

‘Are there no curtains or blinds on the windows?’

Nick laughed and she cringed at how naïve she sounded. What did it matter if there were no window treatments? The view was of the city, not of another building; no one could look in and see her.

Nick pressed a button next to the door and a small whirring sound filled the room. Pam watched as sleek blinds slowly unfurled down, covering the windows. They muted the city lights immediately.

‘Oh,’ she said.

‘I like my privacy, and although the designer tried to tell me that with the double-glazed tinted windows no one could see in, even with the lights on, I told her I wanted some coverings. She came up with these electric blinds and I have to say I’m really happy with how well they work.’

‘They certainly beat the heavy brocade curtains in my house.’

Pam walked over to the huge bed; it had to be a king-size. She imagined she’d only use one quarter of the bed. She was so used to sleeping on a double. She would bet her first week’s wages that the sheets were of the finest cotton. The bed looked inviting with its silky purple and pink bedspread.

‘It’s a beautiful room, Nick, and your apartment is amazing. I don’t know how you can leave it. If it were my place I would never want to go anywhere else.’

‘Thank you. At this point in my life it’s more an investment. I can’t afford to get too attached to things. I’ve got a business to run.’

Pam looked at him, not totally surprised by his no-nonsense tone, but it was sad somehow. Sure, he was a partner in an international company and probably a billionaire. Didn’t he know there was more to life than work? Even Luciano had built a home for him and Jasmine to share. Surely one day Nick would marry and settle down and have a home base. Maybe here in New York — he might find a beautiful socialite on this trip.

A stab in the region of her chest surprised her. She’d known the man for less than a week, she had no claim on him and if he found his future wife this trip, what did it matter to her? She, herself, had a plan to find someone to have a fling with. To take that walk on the wild side and have a no-strings-attached affair to finally rid herself of her virginity.

‘Here’s your bathroom.’ Nick’s statement pulled her from her thoughts of affairs and weddings.

Pam peeked through door and, by now, wasn’t shocked by the luxury of the room. It wouldn’t take long to get used to the amenities living here would provide.

The soft ding of the elevator arriving reached through the apartment to where they were. ‘That will be our bags. I’ll leave you to it.’

In a matter of seconds he was gone and she was left standing by herself in the middle of the room. She was beginning to see that Nick Rhodes was a complex man. A man who focused on his work and only his work. She couldn’t help but think it was a lonely existence. Travelling the world to glamorous places, living in apartments you couldn’t make your own because you were never there long enough to leave a personal imprint. Suddenly the life of the wealthy businessman didn’t seem so impressive. Perhaps being a struggling assistant was a much better way to live.

Pam gave herself a mental shake. It didn’t matter how Nick chose to live his life, she was there to do a job and she’d do it well. She was going to have a shower and go check the store downstairs.

She was going to make the most of her time in this fabulous city, and for the first time in her life she wasn’t going to worry about the fact that she had her mother’s outstanding medical bills and a mortgage hanging over her head. At least here the debt collectors couldn’t hassle her. She should look at selling the house. It would wipe out all her debt and then she could start making positive moves in her life. But her heart didn’t really want to sell. The house had been her grandmother’s and her mother had made her promise not to sell, no matter how bad things got. But surely her mum would forgive her if she knew her only daughter was sinking under a mountain of bills. Her mother had had no idea how expensive her alternative medical treatments were in addition to the traditional ones. Pam hadn’t wanted to worry her in her final days so she’d told her their medical insurance was covering it. She’d hated lying to her mum but she hadn’t wanted her to worry. Now the inability to pay those expenses was weighing her down. How much of her life was going to be spent in debt?

Nick knew he should be making sure Pam didn’t need anything or any help. He’d seen her briefly in the kitchen, after she’d had a shower. She had been wearing jeans and a sweater that accentuated her breasts. He had wanted to walk over there and sample her lips again; he’d been thinking about her taste since he woken up on the plane with her in his arms. It had been a bad idea to lie down next to her. But he couldn’t help himself.

When she’d been unconsciously nibbling on her bottom lip as he showed her her room, he’d wanted to stride over there and replace her teeth with his and tumble them both on to the bed.

Then he forced himself to remember the wild-eyed maniacal look on his mother’s face and the look of horror on his father’s when his mother had found out what her husband had been up to. The affair he’d been having with his assistant. Nick hadn’t wanted to stick around for yet another argument so he’d taken off down the street to the park. What would’ve happened if he’d stayed at the house? Would the outcome have been any different? What would’ve happened to him if he had stayed? Would his mother have hurt him too?

‘Nick, I’m going downstairs. I won’t be long.’

Pam’s soft voice shoved the thoughts of the day that changed his life, made him grow up quicker than he should, away. Back to the recesses of his mind, where the sordid memories belonged. Nothing good would come of remembering and wondering. He thrust away from his desk, knowing he wouldn’t be able to get any work done. ‘Give me a couple of minutes to change and I’ll join you.’

‘No.’ The word burst out of her and he was surprised when she blushed. What was she hiding? It’s not like she’d had the opportunity to meet anyone, they’d only been in the city for a couple of hours.

‘I mean, look, I know you’re busy and I’ll only be a few minutes. I’m just going to get some earrings.’

She was avoiding him? Why?

‘Can’t do that I’m sorry, it’s your first night here and it wouldn’t be right of me to leave you alone. Besides, you don’t know New York, it can be dangerous out there. It would irresponsible of me not to do everything I can to keep you safe.’

‘Oh please, aren’t you taking this boss/employee relationship a bit far? I’m only going downstairs, Nick, not trawling the streets. I’m not that stupid. Besides,’ she shrugged her shoulders, causing the sweater to tighten across her breasts. ‘If you’re that worried about me, ask the doorman to stop me from leaving.’

Nick couldn’t help it, he laughed out loud at the thought of Rob stopping Pam. But she had a point, she wasn’t going far and he could ask Rob to keep an eye on her. Not that he didn’t trust her, he did. But he couldn’t help the way he felt. He knew this was Pam’s first trip out of Australia. New York could be crazy for a first-time visitor. He had to believe her when she said she wouldn’t go far. Letting her go by herself went against everything he believed in to keep her safe, but he couldn’t shadow her every move.

‘Fine, why don’t I call up for some takeaway to be delivered, and then when you’re done shopping we can eat.’

Nick could see Pam’s shoulders visibly relax, and again he was puzzled as to why she seemed so reluctant for him to go with her.

‘Sounds great. I’m pretty easy so you can choose whatever for dinner. I’ll see you later.’

She walked out of the room, when another thought hit him. He followed her out and down the hallway. ‘Pam, wait.’

When he reached her side, he stretched a hand out and brushed a piece of her silky hair behind her ear. He didn’t know why he did it. He just wanted to feel a little closer to her before she left his apartment. He knew he’d overstepped his mark when she stepped away from him.


‘I’m thinking you probably don’t have any US dollars. Let me give you some so you can buy whatever you need. We’ll arrange for a bank account to be opened tomorrow.’

BOOK: Bound By His Desire
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