Read Bourbon & Branch Water Online

Authors: Patricia Green

Bourbon & Branch Water (7 page)

BOOK: Bourbon & Branch Water
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“Not for fun, Stormy. A real
spanking, you might even cry.”

“What will you do if I don’t go

“Nothing but show you to the door.
That will be the end of…of whatever was going on between us.
no mas

Her lip went between her teeth—those
beautiful lips that could bring him so much pleasure, now swollen and full from
his rough kisses. He hated what had happened, wanted to reverse the situation
and go back to where they’d been. Could she be telling the truth? If she
the ruthless tart he’d assumed upon finding her rifling
through his things, why would she even be considering his suggestion? A
spanking like the one he’d described wouldn’t be pleasant, and what would she
get out of it except a red butt and some sort of forgiveness from him? Why
would she care about his forgiveness if all she wanted
to win? It didn’t make sense.

Her breath was shallow, quick, but
her whispered words were clear. “Okay. I’ll take the spanking. I didn’t mean to
make you mad. It was thoughtless of me to go through your things. I could
, done something else.”

He nodded, watching her carefully. “Look
at me.”

Slowly, her eyes moved to gaze at
his. Their darkness was infinity and he was lost, pulled into the twin black
holes of the Stormy universe. There were tears in those eyes and Jeff was
nearly undone.

“Okay. I’ll spank you and we’ll
call it even. The whole thing will be forgotten. Is that fair?”

She nodded.

“Say it.”

“Yes. It would be fair.”

With a brief nod, he gestured. “Take
off your clothes.”

“All of them?”

“Yeah, all of them.”

Slowly, Stormy complied, dropping
her things on the floor at her bare feet. Jeff’s erection began, but he stifled
those urges as ruthlessly as he could. This was punishment. It was not sexy,
even if she did have a body that could make a man lose all sanity.

Just to make sure she understood
that she was the plaintiff and he the judge and
he looked her up and down long and hard. Her cheeks flushed, but her nipples
stiffened. She was not immune to whatever the hell was going on between them.
After finding her with her fingers in the cookie jar, he wasn’t sure that they
could build on their attraction, but they had to get past this situation before
he could even consider it.

Jeff turned and walked away, going
to sit on his raw silk-covered sofa. He never sat there. It was a showpiece his
decorator had raved about, but it looked too modern and uncomfortable to him.
He preferred his gliding rocking chair in the corner. But for his purposes
today, the sofa was a better choice.

He sat and patted his lap. “I don’t
think you need instructions.”

“I’ve never been spanked like this

He watched her slowly approach.
Every physical signal she was giving off said she was a bit afraid and
submissive. That was something to be put aside for further contemplation. “So
you’ve only been spanked in the sack, hmm? Well, considering how much you like
that, I think I’m going to have to work at making this unpleasant.”

She stood in front of him, her
hands white knuckled in front of her. “You won’t hurt me, will you?”

“Punishments are supposed to hurt,
Stormy. But I won’t do you any harm, if that’s what you mean. I’m trying to
make a point here, not get put in jail for assault and battery.”

“Okay.” She glanced from the sofa
to his lap and back again, obviously at a loss about what to do with her body.

Jeff had never spanked a woman for
punishment, but he’d certainly seen it recently, so he tried to use what he’d
learned. “Put your chest and face over here, your butt in the middle, and your
legs toward the other side.”

It took a small amount of wrangling
to get her positioned exactly right, but they managed. “If you change your mind
during this spanking, if you want to throw in the towel and walk away like we’d
never met, you tell me to stop. I promise I’ll stop immediately. But, Stormy,
that’ll be the end.”

She nodded.

“Say it.”

“If I say stop, it’s over.” There
was a little hitch in her voice already. Jeff wondered if she was beginning to
cry. Maybe the humiliation of being buck naked over a man’s lap was as bad as
getting your ass paddled. It was just one more thing to think about.

Her ass was perfectly formed, round,
nicely padded, clear skin and the color of light mahogany. There was the
faintest blush there from all the erotic spanking through the night, but he
planned to take her into a new realm in that regard. With that, Jeff brought
his hand down on her right ass cheek with a resounding smack. She bucked on his
lap and then quieted. The next slap got the same reaction from her. The third
brought on a gasp and wriggle. Jeff didn’t relent, spanking her brightening buttocks
without pause. She began to sob.

“You’ll never snoop in my apartment
again, right Stormy?”


“Say, yes sir.” Jeff didn’t know why
that mattered, but it sounded right when he said it. The words had barely
passed her lips before he resumed the spanking. She squirmed and cried out with
each stroke. He finally had to put one of his legs over hers in order to keep
her still and not
her to fall off his lap. He
didn’t want her to hurt herself. As he spanked, and as she began to cry, he
wondered if he was doing the right thing. To put her into a submissive kind of
role in their…relationship, for want of a better term…was to put him in a
dominant position, a role of authority and deep responsibility. Was that what
he wanted? It seemed natural to him, but hearing her cry was tough. He tried to
remember that she was being punished. It had to be painful.

Still, her heart-wrenching sobs had
gone on long enough. He stopped spanking and stroked her red ass with the flat
of his palm. His hand was smarting. Hopefully, they wouldn’t have to do this

“I-I-I’m sorry, Jeff,” she said

“Okay, babe, come up here.” Pulling
her into his arms, he tried to arrange her in his lap. He leaned back in the
sofa. Maybe this seat was good for something other than décor. She smelled hot,
as she snuggled up against him. Her hair was damp around her face and tears
streamed down her cheeks. He grabbed a tissue from a box on the nearby end
table and handed it to her. They sat there like that, cuddling for several minutes.

“Do you want me to go now?” she

That stung. Maybe instead of
bringing them closer, he’d pushed them further apart. “Do you want to go?”

Stormy shook her head.

“Say it.”

“No, I don’t want to go…sir.”

“I don’t want you to go. This would
not be a good note to end our weekend on.”

Her voice was barely a whisper. “No.”

“I think we should take a shower
and have some food. I’ve built up an appetite. Could you eat something?”

The corner of her mouth turned up. “Depends
on what you have in mind.”

He laughed. “Babe, you are

“I am?”

“Am I just lucky?”

She didn’t answer. Yeah, maybe he
was lucky to have found a woman with such a passionate nature and an equally
innocent demeanor. It made him uncomfortable to think of her with anyone else,
but she hadn’t been a virgin when they’d first had sex, he hadn’t expected her
to be, and she was an adult. But her past was her past. So long as she didn’t
sleep around while dating him, he didn’t want the past to haunt either of them.

He was putting the cart before the horse.
They weren’t actually dating
were fucking
. Whereas Jeff might want it to be more, he was pretty sure
Stormy had other ideas. Which reminded him…

“Why were you going to sneak off
this morning?”

“I…uh…thought it might be best.”


“You know why.”

Maybe he’d been wrong about her
inexperience. Maybe it was all an act—an elaborate one, to be sure, but
he couldn’t read her mind and know her motivations with certainty. It made him
feel a little slutty. Like sex was all he was good for. Was he being gullible?
He’d been broken up with his former girlfriend nearly a year and had been
pretty footloose and
fancy free
. Women hadn’t been an
issue. Sex hadn’t been an issue. But the encounters had been hollow. He liked
the companionship of a woman he could talk to, one
had common interests with him and bright intellect. He’d learn soon enough if
being a fool by pursuing her.

“Okay,” he said. “Shower.”

“Me first?” she asked.

“The shower is big enough for two.”
He pressed her gently off his lap. “I have designs on your body, Ms.
Stillwater.” He waggled his eyebrows at her and she giggled and took his
offered hand. He’d have to make the best of the time he had with her. Maybe it
wouldn’t grow, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy her company while he had

Chapter 4



[email protected]

[email protected]


left your panties at my apartment. Were they a souvenir? If so, I might have
them framed.



[email protected]

[email protected]


Jeff: Are you trying to get me in trouble at work? How did you get this email
address anyway?


[email protected]

[email protected]


email address is on the “Employees” page of Fire Gorge Law. It says you’re a
law clerk, by the way. Of course, now you’re a law clerk without panties.


[email protected]

[email protected]


Jeff: I don’t want to discuss my panties with you. And the website is out of
date. I’m an attorney here. An attorney who needs to get back to work or I’ll
be a law clerk again.


“Jeff” 702-555-1177


this better?



“Jeff” 702-555-1177

and no. I should be working.


“Jeff” 702-555-1177


call U later. I want to give U back Ur panties.



“Jeff” 702-555-1177

making me crazy!


Stormy waited, but there was no
further response. The panties were unimportant and they both knew it. Their
weekend and everything material about it had ended at four a.m. on Monday
morning. It had been a whirlwind and some of her muscles were sore from all the
exercise. Maybe she needed to get to the gym more often.

She and Jeff had been too busy
groping and kissing to talk about anything in the future and Stormy really hadn’t
expected much in that regard. Jeff was a bachelor who was interested in her for
sexual calisthenics and little else. Except for two meals together—which
they’d had only because they were both starving after they woke on Sunday
morning and after a turn in the Jacuzzi on Sunday night, they’d had little time
to talk. Mostly their conversations had consisted of sexual innuendo and Jeff
saying sexy things to her about what he wanted to do next. The memory of some
of what he said made her shiver with lust.

But that was then, and this was now
and she had to get to work. That work might involve Jeff Hand, but only as an
opponent. Her boss would look quite unfavorably on her having more than a
professional relationship with Jeff. The very idea that he’d send her email on
the company account was outrageous. His teasing could have landed her in
trouble. Switching to text messages was better, but she didn’t understand his
motivations. Was she so good in bed that he wanted more? Didn’t a guy like that
move on after he’d gotten a healthy dose of “new”?

It was puzzling and painful.

Later, as she was driving home, he


“How are you?”

She’d been expecting his call, but
had hoped it would be later in the evening, after she’d gotten home and relaxed
a little. Stormy wasn’t sure what to expect from him and didn’t want to be
caught wrong-footed.

“Hi, Jeff.”

“I hear backup beepers. Are you

“I’m stuck in a road construction
nightmare. They’re only letting two cars through at a time.”

He got a little gruff. “You shouldn’t
be using the phone while you drive babe.”

“I’m not driving, I’m sitting in a
long line of cars waiting to pass.”

“You could get a ticket.”

“Jeff! Don’t be so worried. I’m a
big girl.”

“I don’t like it. Hang up the phone
and I’ll call you again later.”


“Do it.” There was silence on the
other end of the line.


He’d hung up, hung up on her after
trying to boss her around. The nerve! She had a mind to call him back and tell
him exactly what he could do with his advice. In fact, she’d like to give him
what-for in person and see his reaction. He’d be floored at the realization
that she had a spine. Yeah, maybe a drive into Las Vegas was a good idea.

BOOK: Bourbon & Branch Water
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