Bowles, Jan - Bound by the Montana Mountain Man [Cowboy Bad Boys 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) (7 page)

BOOK: Bowles, Jan - Bound by the Montana Mountain Man [Cowboy Bad Boys 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Feeling like a teenager on her first date, she lowered her gaze from his. “Of course. Something about cooling down.”

The sexual tension between them had increased, but she wouldn’t give in. She felt sure that if she gave Brad an inch, he’d take a mile. Breathing in deeply, she reminded herself that maturity and decorum was the way to go.

He reached across and took her hand in his. “I think we’re gonna get along just fine together.”

When she raised her eyes back to his, she could just see the glimmer of sexual promise. Then he handed her a sheet of folded paper. “I’ve had this legal document made up. It explains about the sale of the land in detail.”

Cassie picked up a pen. “I’ll sign it now.”

With her pen poised over the document, he said, “Aren’t you gonna read it?”

She shook her head. “No. I trust you. I know my uncle led you a merry race over it. I don’t intend to stand in the way of your business.”

“Cassie, you don’t even know how much I’m offering.”

“I’m sure it’s plenty, Brad. Really.” With a flourish, she signed the papers and handed the document back. “There, that’s settled.”

“Then thank you, Cassie. This means a great deal to me.”

“You’re welcome. I’m only sorry it took this long. I’ve spoken to several people, and they all said the same thing. Uncle Seth completely lost the plot after Vietnam. He was only twenty-four when he came back, but he became a total recluse and was clearly mentally unstable. As soon as I walked in here for the first time, I knew by the state of the place that he hadn’t been playing with a full deck. Some of the things he must have witnessed in that awful war would have constantly been in his thoughts, even though it had been forty years since he was there.”

“Yes, war can do strange things to the mind.”

She began clearing the plates. “Would you like dessert, Brad? I have some ice cream.”

He smiled, the creases forming as he stared directly into her eyes. “Yes, I’ll have dessert, but I’ll have mine later, much later.”

He both unnerved her and excited her at the same time. Her voice now grew husky as she spoke to him, “Take your drink into the living room, Brad. I’ll join you in a moment.”

* * * *

As Brad settled into the sofa, he listened to the sounds coming from the kitchen as Cassie cleared away the dinner. Funny how he noticed the little things. Just the sound of the cutlery and crockery clinking together reminded him of his childhood. How comforting that time had been. After he’d made a life on his own, he’d always remained single. Why complicate things? But he had to admit that knowing a woman was close by who found him irresistible had a certain appeal.

He swirled the bourbon around in his glass and stared at the fire. Maybe a little piece of heaven had moved next door to him. If he treated her right, they’d have the perfect relationship. No ties and no commitments. Just great sex. Perfect.

Well he’d look after her tonight. That was for sure. For over ten years he’d been after that piece of land, and now he had it. His business could develop the way he wanted. By way of a thank you, he owed her a sinful night of pure sex.

He looked up when she entered the room, and he patted the empty seat next to him. He could already feel his cock hardening in anticipation, but he would draw it out a bit longer. Keep her panting with expectation, then she wouldn’t be able to resist. “Now tell me about your parents. Are they still alive?”

She shook her head. “No, are yours?”

He rested his arm along the backrest, and she snuggled into his chest. “Yep, they are. They live over by Deer Lodge. Same house I was born in, too.”

“Really? That’s nice continuity. My mother died about four years ago from cancer, and my father from a bad heart some fifteen years ago.”

“So you were quite young then?”

“Mmm, about eleven when Dad died, I think. Made me grow up fast.”

He wondered if this lack of stability in her life had made her feel uncertain about the future. Her parents dying, and now a divorce. He could certainly understand her reluctance to commit fully to another man.

“So where did you meet your husband?”

“In college. We were both doing a course in business studies. I thought I’d found my lifelong mate, but,” she shrugged, and he glimpsed the bitterness and intense disappointment on her face. Then she continued, “He took everything. The house I’d worked so hard to pay for, and even Sebastian. I hate him most of all for that.”

He wondered if Sebastian was her child, and he asked, “Who’s Sebastian?”

“Oh, he was my dog. A Samoyed. He knew he was mine, and yet he took him just to spite me.”

Brad thought the guy sounded like a total dick. “Why?”

“I guess my best friend wanted to take over my life. She seemed to be able to twist Aaron around her little finger. Whatever she asked for, he gave her.”

He assured her. “Sounds like a very manipulative woman. I’m sure they’ll be very unhappy together.”

She giggled. “Do you think so? That would make me feel so much better, Brad.”

“Dollar to a dime says he’ll be calling you up saying he made a mistake.”

“Well he won’t be in the least welcome.” From her tone and the way her shoulders stiffened, he guessed he wouldn’t.

He began massaging her neck. “The asshole sounds like a total loser to me.”

“You’re right. Mmm, that’s so nice.” She moved her head from side to side, enjoying the caress of his fingertips, and then closed her eyes.

He smiled to himself and leaned in and kissed her lips, running his tongue over them until she opened her mouth and allowed him full access.

The sound of her breathing increased as he slid his tongue deep inside her mouth. When he ran his hand up under her blouse to her breasts, she let out a small whimper as he grazed his thumb over her responsive nipples. They were so sensitive that they hardened as soon as he touched them.

So much for making the evening last. All he wanted to do was take her to bed and fuck her. He trailed kisses from her cheek to her neck and whispered seductively against her ear, “Cassie, how about you and I head upstairs, and I’ll show you my appreciation for that piece of land you just sold me?”

Chapter Seven

He insisted on collecting some ice from the kitchen and then carried her up the stairs. Showering kisses over her face with each stair tread that he climbed. There was something quite primitive and sexy about a man carrying her to bed. Cassie could already feel desire pooling in her panties as the bedroom door swung open and he laid her on the bed.

Sex with Brad was something else entirely. He certainly knew how to please a woman. He seemed so self-assured as he unbuttoned her blouse and then unzipped her leather jeans.

“These are sexy as hell,” he murmured, peeling them from her legs. “You’re lucky you’ve kept them on this long.”

She giggled as he cast them aside along with her panties. She tugged at his shirt impatiently.

“Brad, I don’t know how you do it, but I always seem to have fewer clothes on than you do.”

He smiled, staring into her eyes, and then stroked her hair. “That’s because I plan ahead.” He leaned forward and pulled the glass of ice from the nightstand.

Cassie’s whole body stiffened and she giggled nervously. “I don’t want that ice anywhere near me, Brad.”

“You have to trust me, Cassie. I’m just gonna show you that sometimes the most sensual of feelings can come from the simplest of sensations.”

He popped an ice cube into his mouth and then returned the glass to the stand.

He stood and removed his shirt, the muscles on his torso clearly defined from the small bedside lamp. When he discarded the rest of his clothes, anticipation flooded her mind. He was everything she’d ever wanted. Tall, good-looking, and incredibly sexy. No man had ever come remotely close. Most of all, their relationship was built on sexual needs. Nothing more. They were just here to enjoy each other’s company. As her gaze drifted over him, she knew she would enjoy his body time and again.

Her heart began hammering in her chest as he returned to the bed, and she wondered just how this ice would affect her. Surely he must have swallowed it by now.

When he kissed her lips, she gasped from the exquisite sensation. His lips were warm, but his tongue felt ice cold.

He explored her breasts with his hands, and then followed with his mouth. The warmth of his lips and the coolness of his tongue sent delicious pulses racing through her body. “That’s so cold.”

“Baby, we’ve only just started.” He placed another ice cube into his mouth and smiled at her.

This time when he suckled on her breasts, a white heat seared into her. Her nipples stood erect as he circled them with his tongue. The tips glistened from his gentle and sensual caress. He smiled as she arched away from him.

“Brad, it’s so cold.”

He held on to her, trailing kisses down her abdomen and stomach until he lifted her legs to bend at the knees. He then spread her legs apart.

She protested, but it had no effect as he licked her entire slit with his ice-cold tongue.

A delicious wanton feeling tore into her body. With her legs bent at the knees and his hands holding her firmly in place, she could barely move.

The tightrope between pleasure and pain felt indistinct. She could not fully comprehend either. The sensual touch of his mouth as he lapped at her clit did delightful things to her body. The freezing temperature of his tongue seemed so cold that it almost burned her sensitive flesh. The intensity of the moment made her hands fist tightly into his hair.

“Brad, oh, Brad.”

Suckling on her clit, he licked and stroked until she thought she would die of the delicious erotic sensations.

“Brad,” she cried out. “Oh, Brad.” A scream tore from her lips as he finally drove his ice-cold tongue deep inside her sensitized pussy. The combination of heat and ice intensified her orgasm as it rippled and pulsed throughout her body.

Her whole being convulsed and she arched as it finally receded, collapsing back onto the bed. Her chest heaved as she fought to regain her breath.

* * * *

“Come here, baby,” he murmured gruffly as he pulled her on top of him. He brushed the hair from her eyes and smiled as she finally managed to focus on him. She’d sure had one powerful orgasm. “Now you’re gonna enjoy my heat like never before.”

He maneuvered her so his cock lay poised at her moist entrance. “Is this what you want, baby?” He pushed inside her just enough, and she squirmed, wanting more. He gripped her more tightly, stopping her.

“Brad,” she whimpered. “I need you.” Her lips pouted. He hardly knew her, but his heart twisted in his gut. She needed him. A lot of women had said those very words to him during sex before, but somehow coming from Cassie the words made him feel extra special. Her moans spurred him on, and he watched her face as he slowly sunk inside her. Her eyelids drooped, and she leaned in and kissed his lips. “You feel so good, Brad.”

Cassie responded to him on a different level to all the other women he’d known. She enjoyed sex the same way he did. It felt more intimate and satisfying. With her pussy sheathing his hard cock in a tight embrace, he began thrusting inside her.

“You like that?”

“Yes, Brad.”

“And that?” He thrust harder.

“Oh, harder.” She braced her hands against his chest as she raised herself upright, her body moving in tight circles around his cock. He watched her lose herself in the intense pleasure. Her hands smoothed over her own breasts, tweaking her nipples until they were pulled taut. When she leaned back and threaded her fingers into her hair, he thought she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

BOOK: Bowles, Jan - Bound by the Montana Mountain Man [Cowboy Bad Boys 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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