Read Boxed Set:Taming the Rocker - Vol. 1-5 Online

Authors: Ella Cox

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance

Boxed Set:Taming the Rocker - Vol. 1-5 (9 page)

BOOK: Boxed Set:Taming the Rocker - Vol. 1-5
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I laughed, trying my best to keep my cool. I didn’t want her to meet them at all.
What can I say to stop this?
There was no use arguing with her either. I had lost several arguments already and knew she was ready to win again. Besides, I didn’t want her to become suspicious.

I stroked her hair and played with a strand. It was soft and silky. I gazed down at the excited smile on her face and feigned calmness.
Shit! I’m going to have to do this.

“Well…um… if you really want to, we can visit them. Besides, it might be fun.” My insides jolted at the thought of her meeting my brother…and Ava.

Excitement spread over Lila’s face and she hugged me hard. I grunted and grinned back.

“Thanks, Babe! I am so excited. Do you think they’ll like me? I’m sure they probably miss you.”

I pressed my lips to hers for a quick kiss and then murmured, “Yeah…probably. I know they’ll like you.”

She pulled me into a deep kiss. I groaned and let her take over. I could taste her excitement. There was no denying her. I would look like the worst dick if I backed out now. She continued to dominate, exploring my mouth in a passionate kiss. She felt heavenly. I was happy that I had made her happy. It was a feeling that I had learned to love.
Who cares about the past anyway?
We love each other.

Lila sank down onto my cock again and started moving her hips. I could tell she was tired. I was exhausted. But we were always ready for another round. She began to move slowly up and down. I loved to hear her moans and whimpers. I was already panting and lifting my hips from the bed. She wiggled until I was deeper inside her.

I grabbed her hips and rocked them from side to side. Her back arched as she gasped my name. I would never get tire of that sound. This kind of reminded me of the first time we did it, the thing that started all of this. I remembered it like it was yesterday.

She moved faster and I bucked my hips, thrusting myself deeper. Her hot pussy tightened around me. I gasped and felt my cock respond. She felt so damn good. Like always, every time my cock jerked, her pussy would pulse tightly around me. She toppled sideways and I pulled her into my embrace. Cuddling with her after sex was another thing that I would always love.

“I love you Lila,” I said. The ease of saying it shocked me a little. I had never said those words to a woman for such a long stretch of time.

“I love you too, Chase.” Her voice was groggy and soft, “Sweet dreams.”

“Sweet dreams to you too, Babe,” I replied. 

As I fell asleep, my secret worry came back. I had to make sure that my past did not come up when we were there. Maybe Tristan and Ava wouldn’t show.
Maybe we’ll get lucky and they’ll be on a business trip.
That would make things even better. The worry began to dissipate as I went off into dreamland. My body was tired but my heart was happy.

The next day we woke up really tired and sore. Sex took a lot out of us but it was worth it. We worked it off quickly as we got up and made our way into the city.  The next week went by too quickly.

Before I knew it, we were boarding our plane, and after a few hours, we were back in Chicago. When we got there, we went to Lila’s apartment and dropped off a few things before spending some time downtown. I ordered the tickets for a flight to Houston. After two days, we boarded the plane to head there.

The flight was pretty fast. Thankfully, there weren’t a whole lot of people around. When we arrived at the airport, the car that I had parked was still in the garage. Lila’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “I didn’t know you had a car.”

“Yeah, I keep it around when I want to visit family. It’s easier than taking a limo.”

We headed toward my parent’s house. I was really nervous about all this, and I could tell that Lila could tell I was tense. She grinned at me and squeezed my leg. I appreciated her reassurance as I turned onto the highway.

“Don’t worry about it babe, I’m here for you. And I can’t wait to meet everyone,” she said.

I smiled and took her hand. “Same here. We’ll be staying with my parents. I think they’ll invite whoever else is in town over for dinner later on.”

“Oh…okay. Whatever, that works for me. I don’t mind.” A bit of nerves bled into her voice.

I smiled, and silently prayed that my brother and his wife didn’t show up. That would make things awkward as fuck. I had no clue how I would react to that. I just wanted a nice and easy night.
Is that too much to ask?
I took a deep breath and mentally prepared myself as best I could.

The drive was pretty short. My parents had a huge house. It was nothing like my brother’s, which was even grander. My parents had downgraded when we moved out. They weren’t the type of people to take care of a house that was huge or anything. That wasn’t their style, especially since they were getting old and tried to run the business part-time. While I drove, Lila asked me about my parents.

“What do they do? I mean shit, they must make a lot to have a house like this,” she said.

I smiled and tightened my hold on her hand. “We have a share in the oil market. They got a lot out of that. We also have a family business in cattle farming and equipment manufacturing. My dad was an entrepreneur at a very young age. He started his own farm equipment business. After that, he also managed a lot of the cattle ranching down here. That’s how he made his money. My brother took over a lot of it, but my father still dabbles here and there. He tried to retire a few years back, but that didn’t pan out. He loves the business too much. So, that’s what he does in his spare time. My mom bakes pies…has her own very successful pie business. When she discovered that she could make money, the rest was history. She gets a lot of business in this town. It’s more of a personal thing to do. I don’t think she does it as a job. She just loves baking pies.”

“Wow, that‘s so cool. My dad is just a city judge. That’s boring as hell,” she said.

I laughed, trying to get the attention off my family. As much as I love my family, some things were better left unsaid. My secret was one of them.

When we got there, I walked up to the door with Lila in tow. Shifting uncomfortably, I ran the doorbell. My family had always been a bit formal. Because I didn’t live there, I felt odd just walking right in with a new girlfriend. After a minute or so, my mother opened the door. She had aged a bit, but she still looked great. When she saw me, she immediately smiled.

“Oh…hello, Sweetie. Come on in. We’ve been expecting you.”

I smiled and embraced her. She kissed her cheek and then rubbed a dab of lipstick off. She was actually one of the first people to support my music career. I know that she doesn’t count as a girly fan, but in the beginning; she really helped me out a lot. She always encouraged me when everyone else frowned at my choices. She just wanted me to be happy. She saw Lila and her smile widened.

“Hello there. You must be Lila. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” she said. She immediately embraced Lila hard. Lila gasped and grunted at her strength. 

Lila flushed as she embraced my mother back. She looked completely shocked. I thought I saw moisture in her eyes. It made me wonder if her mother ever hugged her. I could tell from the blush on her face, she was not used to affection. It was kind of adorable. She beamed at me.

My mother finally pulled away and looked at both of us. She saw the bags in my hands and immediately grabbed them. I tried to stop her, but she pushed my hand away.

“Relax. I can handle this. Just because I’m getting old doesn’t mean that I have to be treated like a senior citizen. Give me that, Chase.” she smiled and winked at Lila. I grinned and allowed her to take my bag. She still looked great for being almost 64-years old. I wanted them to retire. They didn’t care. They said their business kept them going. I could understand that. I just worried about them, but if I was bored all the time, I would probably go crazy.

After she took the bags upstairs, I gave Lila a tour of the house. Her wide eyes took in everything around her. I showed her the sitting area, the special chinaware in the cabinet, the TV room with the giant flat screen and surround sound. I could tell she was impressed. After we stopped at the stairs, I wondered if she thought I had been bullshitting her when I said I came from a rich family. Either that or she was trying to be polite.

We went up to my old room where we would be staying. Lila laughed at the Pokémon and Aerosmith posters that dotted the room. I blushed when she chuckled at some of the figures that I had lying around.

“I never knew you were a geek like that,” she said.

“Yeah…well—we all go through a phase. I still like this stuff, but I guess my parents never really threw these things out. Maybe it was to remember me or something. I don’t know.” I think they did miss me a lot. That’s probably why they placed this stuff around instead of leaving it boxed up. They also designed Tristan’s room as if he’d lived there. My room had the nostalgic messy feel to it from my childhood. I tensed when I glanced at Tristan’s closet and saw a box marked with a very current date.

What the hell is that? Why isn’t that in his basement? Please do not have any evidence in there of our past.

After we walked through the bathrooms, I showed her the master bedroom. They had changed it very little… added some edging and new wallpaper. We went back downstairs. My mother was in the kitchen. Lila gaped, eyeing the huge array of pots and pans. My mother asked while she looked around, “You like cooking?”

“A little bit. I’m not as good as some of my friends, but I don’t mind doing it,” she replied. A small blush ghosted her cheeks.

I could tell that she was starting to get comfortable around my mother. Everything was going great so far. I began to think that I was being a bit paranoid about Lila finding out. Maybe my secret was safe. The more I thought about it, the more it was eating away at me. I knew I needed to move on.

After about ten minutes of Lila and my mother talking, the door to the study opened. My dad walked out. He looked tired. Of course, he always looked like that. I could tell that he'd had a very long and annoying day. I wanted to talk to him, but before I could, he stopped in the kitchen and looked directly at Lila.

“Is this the new girl?”

I blushed at his tone. Sometimes my dad was a bit socially awkward when it came to addressing people who weren’t business clients. I was used to it, but others sometimes took offense. I hoped that Lila wouldn’t be one of them.

Lila turned around with a smile on her face. She didn’t seem annoyed or anything by his bluntness. “Hey, there! How are you?”

“Fine. So, you’re his new girlfriend. You’re even prettier than how he described you.”

Lila blushed a little. I immediately moved toward her and placed my arm around her shoulders. I told him, “Yep, this is my new girl. Her name is Lila.”

“That’s very cool. You did well, Chase,” he replied.

For once, I felt my dad’s respect. He had looked down on me ever since I told him I did not want to run the family business. He was not happy when I had told him that I wanted to do things my own way. He actually looked happy now that I’d found someone. It was an entirely different vibe to see approval from him.

“So how was work today?”

“Fine. By the way, Lila, what do you do? I heard that you’re the daughter of a judge and I couldn’t help but wonder who it was.” he asked her.

Lila answered him, but glanced at me. I was used to my father evading my questions. I would have been mad, but his lack of interest was all too familiar. He always liked talking to people he thought were more successful than I was. He had never considered my career as a rock star a
. To him, it was simply a wrong decision. After they talked, my dad went back upstairs and my mom looked at Lila with a friendly smile.

“Sorry, Sweetie, my husband can be a bit questioning at times.”

“Not a problem,” Lila replied.

“Would you like to help out with dinner? I’m sure the other two guests will be here soon.”

Lila nodded and took the pan that my mother held out to her. I went to the couch, checked my email, and responded back to the relevant messages. I was relieved that my family approved of Lila. My mother reappeared a while later and announced that dinner was ready.

The doorbell rang so I got up and answered it. Every muscle in my body tensed. I knew exactly who it was. I feigned a smile, but mentally grimaced. It was
I had to make sure that the cat did not get out of the bag.

I slowly answered the door and greeted my brother Tristan, and his wife, Ava.




After I set the table, I walked over to the kitchen door, which was ajar. The voice of another man and the high-pitched voice of a woman drifted through. I pushed it open and stopped behind Chase to get a good look at them.

So, this is Chase’s brother.
He was very handsome in a pretty sort of way. Blond hair and soft, brown eyes darted toward me. He looked about as toned as Chase, but there was a difference in his attitude. He was much more serious, and there was no rebellious manner like the one Chase seemed to wear. Chase oozed a bad boy attitude, whereas this man seemed to embrace a by-the-book one. They both had square jaws, but Chase loved the rugged look. His brother was clean-shaven. He didn’t look like he had a single hair out of place either.

BOOK: Boxed Set:Taming the Rocker - Vol. 1-5
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