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Authors: Nikki Drost

Breathe Into Me (19 page)

BOOK: Breathe Into Me
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I love watching you come, you look so fucking sexy.”

The combination of his deep voice and his naughty words are my undoing. My body starts to convulse as my orgasm hits me. Pleasure sweeps through me as his fingers conti
nue to massage my sensitive clit.

e places a soft kiss to my neck. “I love you, Andy.”

Before I can respond I’m rolled onto my stomach, he reaches forward and easily strips me of my panties. I’m freed of his t-shirt and positioned on my knees with my hands gripping the headboard. His body presses against mine as he positions the head of his erection at the entrance of my core.

“I’ve wanted to fuck you like this since I met you.”

I moan as he enters m
e, stretching, and filling me to capacity.

! You feel so good,” he moans loudly against my neck. His hands find my hips as he begins to move.

Each thrust is slow and torturous, I love when he makes love to me, but it’s not what I
want. I need more. “Adam… Please.”

His hand wraps around my neck as he pulls me
onto his lap. His other hand gently caresses my breast, teasing my nipple with his palm. “Please what, angel? Tell me what you want.” His teeth nip at my earlobe and I throw my head back and groan.

“Harder, please fuck me harder,
” I beg.

“My girl lik
es it dirty,” he softly chuckles against my ear. “It would be my pleasure.”

He holds my body close to his
and gives me what I asked for. My nails dig into his thighs as he pounds his body into mine. Adam releases my neck and his free hand finds my clit.

MINE,” He growls against my shoulder before sinking his teeth into my flesh. I cry out in a mixture of pleasure and pain, his fingers tease my most sensitive spot as he pinches and twist my nipple adding a different kind of pain. I can feel my body inching its way toward climax. “Is this how you wanted it, luv, or do you want it harder?”

I nod a silent plea for
him to do as he pleases.

!” he growls. His dominance only adds to the intense excitement I’m feeling.

“I want it harder

His hand leaves my breast and gently wraps around my throa
t. “You asked for it, female.”

picks up his pace and my body is racked with tremors, my climax is so intense I’m sure I left marks on his legs. I scream out his name as he continues to thrust into my body. His hand tightens around my neck as he pounds inside me one last time.

roars out my name as he releases his seed deep within me. “ANDY!” He wraps his arms around me and holds me close as we fight to catch our breaths. “Did I hurt you, angel?”

I shake my head as my body continues to tremble.

Adam kisses my tender shoulder and pulls out of me. He lays us down on our sides and I snuggle in close. “God, I’ve missed you.”

His words bring a smile to my face. “I missed you to
. I was so worried about you.”                                                                                                          

“I know
, angel. Honestly, for a moment there I thought that we were done for. You have no idea how pissed that made me. There are several more positions I want to take you in before I die.”

I begi
n to chuckle as I playfully slap his arm. “What do we do now?” I’ve been trying to think of ways to clear Lincoln, but I haven’t come up with anything.

“I don’t know, our main focus has to be bringing Linc home, but we can’t do anyth
ing about that until Monday. Once he’s back, we will probably call in the Enforcers from Boston and go out in full force.”

It dawns on me
that Keith can only hold Lincoln until Monday afternoon unless he charges him. I pray that he drops the whole thing and moves on to other leads.

“How many E
nforcers do you have in Boston?” I know Adam said that there were others, but I never thought I’d get a chance to meet any of them.

“Three at the moment, once this mess is over we’re going to have to do some recruiting. We need
more help.”                                                                                                

“Tell me about them. What kind of shifters a
re they? Or are they vampires?”                   

“They’re wolves like us. We a
ctually don’t have any vampire Enforcers. We have allies, but none of them has shown any interest in joining our war.”

His answer surprises me. I’d think
that they would want to protect their food source. Ugh, did I just refer to humans as food?

“Let’s see
, Hannah is our second youngest Enforcer, Linc being the first. She’s originally from Seattle, she looks like a VS model, but she can kick ass all over town. Dallas is our Texan cowboy. Stay clear of him if Jamie is around, those two always seem to piss each other off, and I don’t want you in the middle of their fight.”

I’ll have to remember that.

“Last, but certainly not least, is Gunnar, he is an honest to god Viking, or at least he was. He’s over a thousand years old. Despite his volatile ancestry, he’s one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet.”

I turn
over so I can face him. “He’s really a Viking?  You’re not messing with me are you?” How cool is that? I can’t imagine all of the things that man has seen in his lifetime.

“I swear to it
, angel, he was a tenth century Icelandic chieftain.”

Wow Kelsey would love to meet this guy. She’s a major sucker for history.

“I can’t imagine what it’s like to live that long.” I can’t wait to meet him.

“It’s not as glamorous as it sounds. My father is only eighty or so years younger than Gun
nar, he’s told me tons of stories of his youth and growing up in medieval times was not pleasant.”                                                  

, your father was over seven hundred years old when he married your sixteen-year-old mother. That’s quite an age difference.”

His fingers tuck a strand of my
hair behind my ear. “You have to remember it was different back then. Besides, it’s rare to be as young as I am and find your true mate. Most shifters walk alone for centuries searching for their other half.”

I can’t imagine what it’s like to
be alone for so long, must be awfully lonely. “Speaking of other half, don’t you owe me another paragraph?”

He leans i
n and kisses the tip of my nose. “You’re absolutely right, angel, how could I have forgotten?”

I can think of a few reasons.

“Still I remember you appear before me like a vision fleeting, a beauty's angel pure and clear. In hopeless ennui surrounding, the worldly bustle, to my ear for long your tender voice kept sounding, for long in dreams came features dear. Time passed. Unruly storms confounded Old dreams, and I from year to year Forgot how tender you had sounded, your heavenly features once so dear. My backwoods days dragged slow and quiet -- Dull fence around, dark vault above -- Devoid of God and uninspired, Devoid of tears, of fire, of love. Sleep from my soul began retreating, and here you once again appear before me like a vision fleeting, a beauty's angel pure and clear.”

“I have to say I was never a big fan of poetry until I met you.” I’m not sure I was truly living before I met Adam.

“I’m glad you like it now, because I plan on spouting poetry for the rest of my days. I never understood the emotions behind those words until I met you. I’ll do anything to bring a smile to your face.”

I caress his whiskered cheek as
my heart overflows with love. For the first time in my life, the idea of forever isn’t scary. I want to marry this man one day, have his children. I want to experience everything his crazy world has to offer.

“I love you
, Adam, I feel it from the depths of my soul. I will love you for as long or as short as I live.”

“I love you to
, angel, and I plan on us living an eternity together, I will break the laws of nature to make that happen.”

I know
that he means every word. I just pray that we have more time together than our parents did.

“So when will I get the last paragraph?”

His eyes sparkle with mischief. “You’ll hear it soon, angel, I’ve got something special planned for that night.”

I can only imagine, this man is so romantic and seems to live to surprise me. The waiting is going to be torturous
, but I know that he won’t give me any hints.

“I can’t wait.”

His face changes from playful to loving in an instant. “Neither can I, luv, now it’s time for bed, I’ve kept you up far too long.” We snuggle close together and drift off to sleep as the sun begins to shine.

Chapter 16


“Do you think they will release Lincoln today?”

I stare at Cass over my coffee mug. “I hope so, brother.” I can’t imagine what that bear is going through right now. His head has to be in a bad place, seeing the body of a loved one can change a man. Not to mention being blamed for killing said person. Sitting in that cage must be a nightmare for him. I’d be clawing at the walls trying to escape so I could kill those responsible.

“We need to be prepared in case he goes off and tries to get revenge on his own.”

I couldn’t agree more, but how the hell do you stop a ten-foot, fifteen hundred pound Kodiak grizzly? If Lincoln wants out of this house, I’m not even sure our powers would be enough to stop him.

“No doubt our boy will want at that coyote
, but we’ll just have to convince him to be smart about it.”

After the shit that
we went through last night, there is no fucking way that he’s going out there alone. I take a sip of coffee and ignore the lingering pain in my back. I’m sure our non-stop lovemaking hasn’t helped the situation, but I went a week without Andy, I need to make up for lost time. It took all of my will power not to pounce on her the moment we woke up this morning.

“Not to change the subject
, but it seems like things are better between you and Andy.”

I don’t bother trying to hide my smile. “Things are very good between us.” I glance out the window and watch as she has an animated phone conversation with
, Kelsey.

“I’m happy for you two. Now if we could just kill this bastard and help Linc heal maybe things would settle down for a while.”

It would be nice to have some downtime before the next crisis starts. Then maybe Andy and I could go out like a normal couple.

Morning, bitches,” Jamie says as he struts into the kitchen.

“You’re in a good mood, is there a stripper convention in town or something?”

He flashes his favorite finger at me and pours himself some coffee. “I just talked to Micah and we’ve decided that I’m going to go pick up the cub instead of him. He’s still a little crispy.”

I guess that would be hard to explain. As it is
, the rest of us look as if we have been in yet another fight. We had barely made it out of there before the cops had arrived.

“He also said that we are staying in tonight, he’s been trying to track that son of a bitch coyote down all weekend, but the fucker
’s in the wind.”

never going to agree to that, especially after spending close to three days in jail.

“Personally I think
that we should go to the bar and get fucking wasted.”

Cass pinches
the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. “Damn it, James, getting him drunk isn’t going to help him deal with Vanessa’s death.”

“You’re right
, Cass, normally I’d tell him to drown his sorrows deep inside a female, but for some reason I doubt he’ll go for that, so booze it is.”

Good ole Jamie, his form of therapy has always
been sex, alcohol, and bloodshed and not necessarily in that order.

“Fine we’ll go to the bar
, but only if Micah hasn’t found a lead by then,” Cass says as he leaves the room.

“Are you coming out with
us tonight?”

I start to chuckle.
“Let’s see, I can either go to the bar with my brothers or stay home and get naked with my female, gee I don’t know, Jamie, that’s a tough one.”

This time I’m rewarded with both his middle fingers.

“Damn you’re so fucking pussy whipped. Don’t be one of those guys who blow off his friends for a chick.”

Andy walks into the kitchen and I swallow my response, I don’t really give a shit if he thinks I’m whipped. He’ll be the same way when it’s his turn.

“I just talked to, Olivia. She said that she’ll be at the police station in case Lincoln is charged.”

She’s up to something.

“What’s wrong, angel, you seem troubled.”

She refuses to make eye contact with me and keeps fidgeting, o
h yeah she’s hiding something.

“It’s nothing really, well
, Kelsey wants to help Lincoln, and I tried to talk her out of whatever crazy scheme she’s come up with, but she refused to listen to me. I’m afraid she’ll end up making things worse.”

Jamie throws his head back in laughter. “Please, what possible trouble could she cause?”

Now it’s my mate’s turn to laugh.

“Don’t let her
rich girl appearance fool you. Kelsey’s smart and crafty and she’s a master at getting into trouble.”                                                                     

“You need to call her back and tell her to stay out of this
, angel, it’s too dangerous for her to get involved.”

As it is, we’re taking a chance having Olivia as our attorney. I don’t want Andy to lose any more of her loved ones because of me.

“I’ll try, but you have no idea how Kelsey gets. You better pray Lincoln is released because if he’s not, she’s putting her plan into action.”

Jamie rolls his dark eyes. “I’m sure Kelsey was just exaggerating. Although you need to tell her to stay the fuck indoors, she can’t be running all over fucking town at night. It’s not as if she could defend herself in a fight.”                                                                                                 

, Kelsey has taken self-defense classes. She’s quite capable of protecting herself,” Andy fires back at my best friend.

shit, you expect me to believe that tiny little woman can throw full grown men around. I ain’t buying it.”

I find it hard to believe to.

“Well believe it, hell I bet if she wanted to, she could even get you on your back.”

Jamie and I erupt with laughter.
“Fuck I needed that,” Jamie sighs.

“Trust me
, angel, I’m sure that’s not the only position she wants him in.”                                                                                                                                       

, all men are pigs, that’s not what I meant and you know it.”

Jamie and I continue with our laughter.

“I’m sorry to disappoint the both of you, but there is more to Kelsey than blonde hair and designer clothes. My best friend has many hidden talents.”

Jamie rolls his eyes. “
Yeah well unless she can pick up her car with her bare hands and use it as a Frisbee, none of her “talents” are going to keep her safe. Maybe she should use one of those abilities and find a new boyfriend. The one she has now is worthless.”

crosses her arms over her chest. “Oh my god, you like her. I knew it. So when are you going to ask her out?”

Jamie mirrors Andy’
s stance. “Before you get too excited, and start planning our wedding you need to listen to me very carefully. There is nothing going on between us, but if there were, it would just be sex. I know how she looks at me and I’ve heard the things that she’s said. If I wanted to, I could have that female wrapped around my finger. Hell, I bet all it would take is one kiss.”

I roll my eyes at my brother. The male is good
, but I think it would take more than a kiss to tame that female.

, you’re so full of shit. I’ve seen you two together. You want her bad, Jamie, just admit it.”

“Whatever, I’m going to the station to get the cub. Do me a favor and talk your man into going out drinking with us tonight. You are more than welcome to join us. That is if you think yo
u can keep up with the big boys,” Jamie says as he struts out of the kitchen.

“I’m not letting you off of the hook
, Jamie Trudeau,” Andy yells as Jamie heads out the front door. “You know, I think our best friends are made for each other. They are both stubborn as hell.”

I wrap my arms around my mate.
“I couldn’t agree with you more.”




An hour later Jamie still isn’t back and he’s not answering his phone. Cass has been pacing the floor for the last twenty minutes.

“Where the hell are they?
Linc should’ve gotten out a half hour ago.”

I light up a smoke and join my brother in his pacing. I glance out
toward the deck. Micah has just gotten a call from an Enforcer in Maine. It seems that they are having a problem with werewolves. Guess we aren’t the only ones with problems right now. The sound of a slamming car door catches my attention. Seconds later Jamie enters the cabin and proceeds to slam the front door. I can’t help but notice that he’s alone, which means Linc’s still in jail.

“What happened?
” Micah asks as he enters the living room.

“What the fuck do you think h
appened? That son of a bitch, A.D.A. is charging Lincoln with first-degree murder.”

Oh, this is bad we have to ge
t him out of this.

“How can Nathan
charge him, they don’t have any evidence against him.” Andy asks from the kitchen doorway.

“Apparently they do.” Jamie heads into the kitchen, no doubt to grab a bottle of Jack Daniels.

“What about his alibi or the fact that he didn’t have a mark on him. I saw Vanessa’s body. She was beaten, if not tortured. If Lincoln had killed her he’d have bruised knuckles or some kind of wounds,” Andy states emphatically.

“Olivia tried
to argue all of that, but Hayes shot her down. He says with the evidence they have, Linc could get life without parole.”

Several curses fill the room.

“It doesn’t matter, if we can’t clear him by the next full moon you know what will have to be done,” Micah sighs.

“What will have to be done?” My mate looks at me for an explanation.

“You see, angel…”

Jamie cuts off my response. “It means
, Andy, my fucking big brother will have Lincoln killed.”

So much for sugar coating it, unfortunately it’s the way of our species. Jails are for humans, any shifter that gets sent there ends up dead one way or another. Enforcers make sure of it.

“Do you really think I want to see that transpire, James? I care about that cub just as much as the rest of you. But if we can’t fix this I’ll have no choice.” Jamie’s eyes turn crimson as he throws his half-empty bottle of whisky at the wall. The bottle shatters sending glass and the dark amber liquid to the wood floor.

“Fuck you, how can you even think about killing him? Lincoln isn’t some random shifter. We’ve known him since he was a kid. Do you remember the day Remi
el brought him to us? We promised to fucking protect him, and if you think I’m going to sit around and let you end his life just so the humans won’t find out about us you’re fucking nuts.”

Micah’s eyes flash emerald as I move in front of my mate. This might turn ugly fast.

“Are you done having your tantrum? Every shifter knows what will happen to them if they go to jail, the cub is no different. If you don’t like it, then find the coyote or better yet figure out a way to clear him altogether. If you don’t like how I do my job then take it up with the Angels. Now I’m going to call Miss Rollins, why don’t the three of you put your heads together and come up with a solution. The clock is ticking boys.”

heads back out onto the deck and I release the breath that I was holding. I’m glad neither one of them used their powers. I’d hate to have to dodge fireballs or chunks of earth.

“This is such bullshit. I’m telling the both of you rig
ht now if Linc dies, I’m done.”                                                                                                                                       

, Jamie, you know that’s not an option. Stop being an ass and help,” Cass pleads.

God I feel like this is some sort of nightmare. How could things have gotten so bad?

“What are you doing, angel?”

Andy quickly puts her phone back in her pocket. “Nothing, I wasn’t doing anything.” Right, th
at’s why her eyes are looking everywhere, but at me.

“Tell me you didn’t just text Kelsey and tell her to go ahead with her stupid pla

Her face says it all.

“Damnit, Andy, you do realize that you’re putting your friend in danger right?” I can only imagine the kinds of things that human could be planning.

“Again I’ll remind you
that she can take care of herself. Besides, it’s not as if things can get any worse. If all else fails we can go to plan B.”

I don’t like the determined look in her hazel eyes.

“Not this again, having dinner with your ex isn’t going to change anything.  He can’t drop the charges now that the D.A.’s office is involved.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about. Look you guys haven’t been able to track down the killer r
ight? But the FBI can. I’ll give Keith a name. He can do all the legwork while you guys follow him and Carlos. All you’ll have to do is get to the killer before they do. Hell, even if Keith manages to arrest him you could just kill the bastard before the full moon, either way you’ll get the bad guy and Lincoln will go free, everybody wins.”                                                                                                                                       

BOOK: Breathe Into Me
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