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Authors: Nikki Drost

Breathe Into Me (7 page)

BOOK: Breathe Into Me
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“Get a room.” Someone shouts from the crowd, and I’m suddenly embarrassed by our public display.

Adam moves his lips to my ear. His breath on my neck causes chills to spread over my skin. “I can’t wait to get you naked so I can lick every inch of your delectable body.” His tongue slowly licks the outer shell of my ear and my body begins to tremble.

My breath hitches as
he playfully nips my lobe with his teeth. I’m nearing my breaking point, already my body feels ready to climax. This is insane, he’s barely touched me, and already he’s brought me to the threshold of ecstasy. An unmistakable ache settles in my core. I need relief and I need it now. I moan his name as he trails kisses down my neck.

“I know you want me
, angel, but I need to hear the words. Tell me what I want to hear and I’ll spend the rest of the night worshiping your body.”

Oh. My. God, that is without a doubt the sexiest thing I have ever heard.
His teeth graze my neck and I fight to stifle my moans of pleasure. Yes, a thousand times yes! It takes me two tries, but I finally get the words out. “Please, Adam… I want you.” 

He releases me and stares into my eyes. His hands encompass my head as his thumbs begin to caress my cheeks.  “You never have to beg me for anything, do you understand?” I will wil
lingly give you all that I am.”

I nod slowly as the realization hits me that this man is not only capable of giving me immense pleasure
, but that he will undoubtedly break my heart. I don’t know when it happened, but I’ve already started to fall. I’ve stepped over the cliff and when I hit the ground, I may never be able to put the pieces of my heart back together. 

Chapter 5


I think I’m
in love. As I stare into Andy’s eyes, I realize it’s true. In such a short time, this female has captured my heart. When those women tried to get my attention earlier, I had no interest in them at all. If I needed any more proof that Andy was my mate that was it. That’s what happens to mated shifters. We lose all interest in the opposite sex. Our mate is the only one we long for.  I have to tell her what I am and convince her to be with me.

“Did you enjoy the show?”                                                                                                                                        

“Are you kidding? You guys rocked. You are full of surprises.”

She has no idea
, I inwardly sigh. She also doesn’t understand the significance of my actions tonight. If she were a shifter, she’d know that by singing to her I was professing my love for her.

“Let’s get out of here.”

She nods enthusiastically as I start pulling her toward the door. The moment we step outside, it hits me. The stench of copper and death infiltrates my nose and lungs. I scan the area, but can’t see or hear anything, which means the killer isn’t nearby.

“What’s wrong?” My eyes continue to scan the full parking lot and the expanse of forest that surrounds the area.

“I need you to go back inside and stay at the bar with Finn.”  I begin to push her toward the door.

“Why, what is it

I need to get her out of here so I can find the bodies, I have a good idea how they died.
“Please, Andy, just do this for me.” I hear her sigh as she turns for the door. I reach for my phone and text my brothers. Within seconds, they join me outside. We don’t speak as we spread out and move between the parked cars. We find the bodies in a heap near the back of the property.

“I guess the Omega
s know we’re here,” Cass sighs.

I crouch do
wn to get a closer look, mindful not to touch the corpses.

“Who wants to bet these guys
were the house band?” Jamie says as he lights a cigarette.

“They weren’t killed here, there isn’t enough blood, and the bo
dies have been doused in bleach,” I add.

“Why would they do that?” Cass asks.

“It’s kind of hard to track someone when you can’t pick up a scent,” Lincoln adds. The dumbass part went unsaid.

“Well I think it’s safe to say we’re back on patrol. They know we’re here and they’ve left us a bloody welcome basket.” Micah s
tands and begins to bark orders, “Adam, tell Finn to call the cops then take Andy home. The rest of us will try to pick up a scent. I want everyone back at the house in a half hour. Lock and load boys, we’re going hunting.”




“I’m sorry about tonight, angel,” I say as I pull into her driveway. At least I know she’ll be safe tonight.

“It’s not your fault you have to work.”

Her words sound understanding, but her scent screams disappointment. She’s not the only one. I thought we’d be naked and sweaty by now. Part of me wants to say fuck it and make love to her anyways but that would make me a selfish shit. This town won’t be safe until we find whoever did this. Which means Andy’s not safe.

“You have an al
arm right?”

She eyes me wearily.
“Yeah, what’s going on? You’ve been acting weird since we left the bar.”

I had made sure to get her out of there before the cops arrived. I didn’t want to scare her. I follow her inside and immediately start checking the locks on the windows
and French doors.

“I don’t want you to be frightened
, but there’s a situation that I can’t go into right now. The second I leave turn on the alarm and stay inside. Do not open the door for any reason. If anything weird happens, I want you to call Finn.” I hate lying to her, but it can’t be helped.

“How dangerous is your job?”

I can smell her fear and I’m not sure, if it’s for my safety or because my questionable behavior is freaking her out. The selfish part of me hopes it’s the former.

“I’ll be fine
, angel, but I’ll be distracted if I know you’re not safely tucked indoors.” I pull her into my arms and breathe in her flowery scent. “I want you to know I’d sell my soul to be able to stay with you.”

Her laughter delights me. “You’re a sweet man
, but keep your soul, I’m not going anywhere. Bedside’s I’m sure you’ll make it up to me somehow.”

Oh yeah, I love this woman.
“Damn right I will.” I place a quick kiss to her forehead. I know if I give her a proper kiss I’ll never leave. I remind her about the alarm as I head for the door.

“Please be careful
, Adam.”

Her concern for my well-being gives me
hope that she’ll accept me after she knows my secret. “I will angel, now lock the door.”




“We’re going to start tracking from the bar, normally I’d have us stay in pairs, but there is just too much ground that we have to cover. The four of us will each explore a twenty-mile radius. I’ll head north toward the mountains, Adam, head east and cover the riverbanks. Cass, I want you heading west toward the recreation areas. That leaves the south end of the woodland area for you James. Make sure to check out all the caves in the area. Lincoln, I want you to stay in town. Check the alleys and any abandoned buildings. I want these fuckers found, but we have no idea how many or what type of shifters we’re dealing with. If you find them and are outnumbered, you call for back up. Do not go in alone.” Micah stares each one of us down.

We nod our agreement though I know if one of us gets the chance to take them out
, we’re going to take it, back up or not. Besides a silver knife to the heart or a beheading, we’ll survive.

“Be careful, all of you,
” Micah adds as Lincoln heads for the front door while we head out to the deck.

We quickly strip out of our clothes and shift into our wolf forms. We make our way
toward the woods and disappear from sight. It doesn’t take us long to make our way back to the bar. The place is crawling with cops and local reporters. The phrase “unknown animal attack” is thrown around by several of the humans. Damn, now things are going to get even uglier. Now every redneck with a gun is going to be storming the woods shooting at anything that moves. Cautiously we head in our separate ways. It’s time to get down to business. 

I make my way east
toward the river. The area hasn’t changed much since the last time I was here. I know these woods like the back of my hand. I grew up here after all. I pick up the scent of a male cougar, it’s evident, but tapers off the deeper I venture into the thicket. That’s odd, there usually aren’t that many cougars in this area, but stranger things have happened. I also recognize the scent and dismiss it at once. The cat in question never left the bar tonight. I wander deeper into the woods and pray I pick up a scent.




Several hours later, the sky begins to lighten signaling that dawn is near. I reach the deck and shift back to my human form. Our clothes have been folded and placed on our patio table. Bless Grace’s heart. That human always does small gestures to let us know that she cares. As I reach for my jeans, I hear my brothers bound up the stairs.

“Did anyone find anything?” Micah asks. We all shake our h

“Damn it!” Jamie yells.

“Whoever did this has gone to an awful lot of trouble to remain hidden,” Cass adds.

He’s right, over the last few months we’ve noticed a change in our enemies. Not only have they been growing in numbers
, but they have also become well organized. There must be a new Alpha.

see if Lincoln had better luck,” I sigh as I button my jeans. The aroma of bacon and caffeine wafts from the kitchen.

“Morning boys, I hope you’re hungry.”

I take in the large amounts of waffles, bacon, sausage, eggs, and fruit. “Do you think there’s enough food?” I joke. Grace always cook’s like a fiend when she’s worried about us. It’s a good thing we can burn through calories or we’d be a pack of overweight wolves.

“Don’t be a smartass. I just thought you boys would like a hearty breakfast.” She turns her attention back to the stove.

“You’re a godsend, woman, I’m starving.” Jamie kisses the top of her head and starts to pour coffee for the group.

, you guys are home.” Lincoln enters the kitchen holding several pieces of paper. You’re not going to believe what I found.” He lays a map and some newspaper clippings down on the island and we all lean in for a closer look. “I checked the area downtown and found shit, but decided to check some of the nearby construction sites. The industrial sites were a negative, but there’s a new housing development being built here at the edge of town. They were killed there. The place was covered with blood and the stench of coyotes.”                                                                                                                                  

“Good work
, Cub.” Micah slaps him on his massive shoulder.

“Yeah that’s the good news, check out the name of the construction company.”

I scan the newspaper clipping detailing the new complex. “Fuck, its H&L construction.”

Curses fill the kitchen.

“Should we call Gary and give him a heads up?”

Micah shakes his head
at Cass’s question. “No, his behavior needs to be genuine when he’s questioned. I don’t want the cops thinking that he’s involved.”                  

“Do you think this was a random location or do you think this means they know about Gary’s association with us?” 

Micah seems to consider my question. “For right now I’m going to say it’s random, it was probably chosen for its remote area.”

situation seems to be getting worse. If Gary’s involved because of us, then Andy might be in danger to. I check my phone for messages and find a text from her.

“I’m heading to bed. I just wanted you to know
that I’m thinking of you. Please stay safe.”

I can
’t hide my smile as I hit reply.

“I’m in one piece
, angel, and I’ll text you when I wake up. I’ll be dreaming of you.”

I place my phone in my pocket and ignore the stares from my brothers.

“Jesus, it’s starting already,” Jamie chuckles.

I give him my opinion in the form of a finger.

“Eat up boys, the foods getting cold.”




I roll out of bed as the sun begins to set. After checking my phone, and sending Andy a text. I head for the shower hoping the warm water will help clear my head. Andy left me a text message saying she was having lunch with her uncle, and then she was going into work. At least I know where she’ll be tonight. The water does little to calm my nerves. I’d had the worst dream this morning. Andy had been killed in front of me by my enemies. I won’t allow that to happen, I will keep her safe. I let the water rush over my body and realize I have another issue. My constant erection has been a painful annoyance since the night I met her.

“You’re like a crazy ex that I can’t get rid of.” I say to my groin.  I place one hand against the tile wall and grip myself with the other. I lean my head against the wall and begin to move. Images of Andy flood my mind. She has the face of an angel, and her curvy little body fits perfectly against mine. Our first kiss had been intense, I had lost control of my powers the second her lips met mine. I’ll have to be more careful
, especially when we finally make love. The last thing I need to deal with is a tornado or hurricane forming over Westhaven. An image of her naked body spread out before me with her long soft hair splayed over my pillow. I imagine how warm and wet her sex will be and how I ache for a taste of her sweet honey. Just thinking about running my tongue over her most private part is my undoing. I bit my lip to stifle my moans of pleasure as an intense orgasm hits me.

,” I gasp as the remainder of my seed leaves my body. I brace myself against the wall as my body is racked with tremors. I take a few deep breaths and wash away the evidence of my release. My erection is still present, but at least I’ve taken the edge off. I need the real thing, and soon. I quickly finish my shower and get dressed. I leave my room in the search of food. Just as I step off the last stair, a knock at the door stops me in my tracks. I open the door to find Gary Lynch standing before me.

“Ah, just the man I wanted to see.”

Gary ignores my puzzled look as he strolls into my home. I can only imagine why he would want to talk to me.

“Is that so?”

Gary takes a seat on the couch and points to an adjoining chair.

“Why do I get the feeling I’m about to be scolded like a child?”

Gary may only be a human, but the man holds a formidable presence. He must have been one hell of a solider. Gary leans his six foot two frame forward while pointing at the adorning chair. “Have a seat son we need to have a talk.”

BOOK: Breathe Into Me
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