Read Burning Desire Online

Authors: Heather Leigh

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors

Burning Desire

BOOK: Burning Desire
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Heather Leigh

For my husband, thank you for making me re-fall in love with you every single day, and dealing with my crazy ass.

For my baby girl, I love you.

For my family and friends, for their love and support.

For all the smut book lovers, enjoy- this one is for you.

Burning Desire Copyright © 2014 Heather Leigh

Cover Design by Brenda Gonet at Gonet Design

Editing by Mandy Smith at Raw Books

Formatting by Zoey Derrick

All Rights Reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the author.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual event, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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~ 10 years ago ~

“Chase, would you just stop being a pussy and help me out?” Roxy blew a frustrated breath up her face trying to move a piece of hair out of her way.

“Look Rox, you know how pissed not only Jeremy would be, but your dad would have my fucking head if they knew I was even contemplating helping you with this. You know I can’t be the man for the job.” Chase sighed, running his hand through his short dark hair.

“The man? I’m sorry I didn’t realize that you were a man. You mean boy, right? If I wanted a man- I could go get one, but you- you’ll do just fine. I need to get this done and over with okay?”

“You’re pushing it, with that smart ass mouth of yours…” Chase’s green eyes narrowed at Roxy.

“Just say you’ll do it, pleassseeeee.” She hung off his arm as she begged with her big doe eyes and dark thick lashes.

Chase rubbed his hand over his chin, “Fine, only because you said please. And you know I can’t say no to that face.” He tugged on her chin with his thumb and forefinger.

Chase watched her face light up and her small arms wrap around his neck. She squealed in delight as he buried his face deep into the crook of her neck, inhaling her strawberry scented hair.

Roxy pulled away slightly to look him in the eye, her heart skipping a beat. That warm sensation of butterflies exploded in her stomach, and it seemed as though time slowed down around them. Biting her bottom lip, she smiled up at Chase. Watching his eyes travel to her mouth, Roxy quickly pulled away from him, however Chase caught her by the wrists and held them both to his chest.

“Promise me you won’t tell Jeremy I was the one…”

“The one, what?”

“The first one you were with.”

“Ha, now that sounded all types of fucked up. It’s my first ride on a bike, it’s not like you’re popping my cherry, Chase.” Roxy laughed as she zipped up her tight black leather jacket, busting at the seams due to her being well endowed.

“What do you know about sex?” Chase looked her over from head-to-toe.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” she smirked while giving him a wink. Chase shook his head, started up the bike and waited for her to get on. Noting her hesitation as she stood beside him, he handed her a helmet and yelled over the steady rumble of his bike, “Just hold onto my shoulders and swing your leg over. It’s easy.”

“Easy my ass!” she laughed as she tried her best in her skinny jeans to gracefully maneuver behind him. She gently held onto his shoulders for support, not knowing how to hold on to him. She could feel his body vibrate with laughter.

“You’ll need to hold on here,” he said as he pulled her arms around his waist. “And your legs need to hug the bike, the pipes are hot.” He put his hand behind her knees and pulled her forward so that she was flush with his body. Chase sucked in a sharp breath at the feeling of her large round breasts pressed against his back. He could feel her warm center through both of their jeans. God damn, what he wouldn’t give to have nothing between them. Quickly shaking the thought of Roxy’s older brother, Jeremy Moretti- his best friend of 18 years and counting. Here he was giving Jeremy’s baby sister her first ride on a motorcycle. He was going to get his ass handed to him. Chase kicked up the stand and let it rip on the open road.

~ Roxy ~

I couldn’t decide which was better; having the thrill of a lifetime on the back of Chase’s bike or the fact that I’m straddling Chase DeLuca. I bit my lower lip and settled my head on Chase’s shoulder and held on tight as the wind blew my hair around my face. I inhaled deep, smelling a mixture of Chase’s cologne and the leather of his cut. My eyes closed momentarily until I heard rumbles behind us that were getting louder- other motorcycles. I felt Chase tense beneath my grip and he quickly squeezed my hand for reassurance. I caught a glimpse in his side mirror; an MC with cut colors of black and red came into view. “Oh great,” I breathed into the wind next to Chase’s ear.

The Condemned Angels were coming in hot on us. My grip loosened as I looked to the right and saw my father staring right back at me with hell in his eyes. He pointed his finger at Chase and then over to the side of the road. Quickly Chase obeyed my father, Michael Moretti’s, orders.

“Hi Daddy,” I started as I hoped off Chase’s bike and undid the strap under my chin, releasing my long hair.

“Don’t you ‘hi Daddy’ me, Roxanne Carina Moretti!” he roared as he got off his bike, a dozen MC members followed his lead as they shut off their bikes and sat- waiting for the show to begin.

Shit, the full name- He’s going to have my head, then Chase’s, then Jeremy’s for letting Chase get away with this. I knew I was forbidden to get on a bike, especially with the next generation of another MC- Daddy’s order.

“I don’t know how you expect me to never get on one of these bad boys with having you in an MC my whole life!” I yelled at him, waving my hand to the number of bikes that surrounded us.

“I’m warning you once, Roxanne- watch your tone with me. You know how I feel about you on a bike. And Chase, did you really think you’d take the president’s daughter for a quick ride without anyone finding out? Boy, you know better than that. I should call your father and let him give you the beating of a lifetime.”

“Daddy, it wasn’t his fault…”

My father cut me off, “He knows the rules, Roxanne. Clubs don’t mix- especially the Condemned Angels and the Hell’s Rebels. You both know this, do you not?” my father’s voice echoed in my ears. I looked over my shoulder to see Chase getting off his bike and removing his helmet.

“Moretti,” he started walking to my father.

“Chase, you and me are having words, come take a walk with me, son.” I lost their conversation as they walked away from me; I turned back to Charlie, the Vice President of The Condemned Angels.

“Sweetheart, don’t give me that face.” He always has had a soft spot for Jeremy and me. He rode with my dad for almost 20 years. And he’s my godfather, of course.

“Charlie, it was my idea. If he would listen for two fucking seconds…”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa little girl, when did you start talking like a biker? And I’m sure he’s taking it easy on Chase. Jeremy and him have grown up together, he’s nearly 5 years older than you. Rox, you’re too young for him and to be riding with someone with a different MC future than you.” He had a look of disappointment on his face.

“No one said it is an issue for us to be friends. Him and I weren’t doing anything. He’s Jeremy’s best friend and Chase is…well, Chase is…” my sentence fell short as my eyes met the ground.

“That’s what I thought. You stay away from him, Rox. And I’m telling you that as your father’s VP, your godfather and a friend. Getting mixed up with him will only bring bad things. Him and Jeremy have a future in different MCs, and you know the rules- no mixing clubs, that includes family of club members.”

I looked over my shoulder to ensure Chase was still breathing. At that moment Chase looked my way and locked eyes with me. My father’s eyes were hard on him. Then he followed his gaze- with me in the line of sight. He said something to Chase that would be what changed our friendship forever. Chase gave me a half smile and dropped his gaze to the ground and then back to my father.

I knew right then and there that I lost a part of him. My father charged back over to me. Chase returned to his bike and rode off with screaming pipes, riding off with a piece of my heart. My father gripped me by my upper arms and nearly tossed me onto the back of his bike and we rode back home.

We pulled up to our house and I stumbled off the back of my father’s Harley. Throwing my helmet, well, Chase’s helmet, on the back of his bike.

“How could you embarrass me like that? It’s going to be impossible to keep us from being friends, he’s with Jeremy 24/7. It was just a ride that I talked him into…” I talked fast as I walked behind my father up the driveway. I was a petite 5’7” to his 6’2” linebacker frame. His graying ponytail coming undone under his black bandana, my father whipped around so fast that I almost ran into him. I felt his hands around my upper arms.

“Roxanne, I’m going to say this one time and one time only so you listen up, little girl.” I looked him straight in the eye, not showing the pain he was causing me emotionally and physically. “You and that boy are to stay away from each other, do you hear me? If he’s with Jeremy, you walk away. I don’t ever want to have this discussion with you again. He’s no good for you and this club. Do you understand me?” He shook my body with his last sentence.

I could feel the hot tears filling my eyes, I blinked and they cascaded down my cheeks. “Yes sir.” was all I could manage to slip from my lips. “I fucking hate you,” was what I really felt like saying.

“Good, now get inside- you have to get ready for college. You start this week and I want you to make me proud, baby.” He kissed my forehead and left me to pack. I packed my things into my blacked out Ford Explorer. Funny, I would have packed my heart, but I seemed to have misplaced it. It left on the back of Chase DeLuca’s bike.


~ 3 months later ~

~ Roxy ~

I was on my way home for my first visit, Thanksgiving. Jeremy should be home now as he had finished school this past spring. He was now in Prospect mode for the MC, I could only guess that Chase was doing the same for the Hell’s Rebels. Let me stop thinking of him before I get carried away.

I pulled into the driveway of our home, the same home that Jeremy and I grew up in. The same house that I found out my mother had been killed in a car accident. The same house where I saw my father cry for the first time. The same house where I met the forbidden love of my life, Chase.

I shook away the thoughts swarming my head, and walked into the house.

“Well, if it isn’t my baby sister, all grown up.” Jeremy walked into the kitchen and immediately picked me up spinning me around.

I giggled and held on tight as he made me feel like a child again. “Yes, growing up fast, and don’t you forget it! I’m not a baby anymore, Jer.”

“That’s for sure.” Chase’s deep voice came from the kitchen doorway.

I quickly opened my eyes to see the gorgeous man in front of me. Wearing a white t-shirt, dark blue jeans and black riding boots. Yum. He had a different look about him- his dark hair a little longer; black tribal tattoos covered his entire right arm, disappearing under the sleeve of his shirt. I lowered my arms from around my brother’s neck as Jeremy lowered me to the ground.

BOOK: Burning Desire
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