Read Cadet: The Academy Online

Authors: Commander James Bondage

Tags: #bdsm, #bondage, #slavegirls

Cadet: The Academy (2 page)

BOOK: Cadet: The Academy
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Robin and the other remaining cadet watched
them go, and then looked down at Kim, who was groaning softly in
the dirt. Robin saw tears begin to fill the other girl’s eyes, and
when she lifted a hand to her own cheek she was surprised to find
that she was crying herself.

“Poor girl,” Robin said at last, her voice
shaking. They bent to pick Kim up, placing her arms over their
shoulders, and half-dragging her. Poor
, Robin thought.
What kind of place is this? she wondered.

As they walked across the dusty field, Kim
gradually recovered enough to be able to support most of her own
weight, although she still needed the two other cadets to steady

“How are you feeling?” Robin asked, looking
down anxiously at the little Oriental girl. “Can you make it to the
infirmary? It’s still pretty far.”

“Ah, it hurts, my bottom burns, but I can
stand it,” Kim gasped, “but my ribs… are so sore. I’ll be all
right… it’s just a little hard to breathe right now,” she answered
slowly. She was silent during the rest of the long walk to the

“Hi, I don’t think we met on the bus,” the
third girl said to Robin as they trudged along. “I’m Stephanie
Carroll, but everybody just calls me ‘Steph’.”

Steph was three inches taller than Robin,
with dark wavy hair and an intelligent, alert expression on a face
of classical beauty. She also had a superb figure, with full, round
breasts, slender waist and firm buttocks. Robin introduced herself,
and quickly learned that Steph was twenty-three and had joined the
service two years earlier, just after she had graduated from

“That was the first year they let women in,”
she said. “Boot camp was tough, but nothing like this.” Robin
nodded. “I made P.F.C. after my first year, and figured that I
could get as high as Corporal in a couple years if I kept my nose
clean. Then I was selected for the Academy. I wasn’t a hundred
percent sure that I wanted the responsibility that goes with rank,
but it was made pretty clear to me that if I didn’t volunteer I
would be ordered here. So here I am,

As they entered the infirmary, a wooden
building as run-down as the rest they had seen, Robin said,
“Thinking back, I guess I wasn’t really given a choice either. Do
you suppose…?”

The end of her question was cut short by the
doctor, a short man with a gray mustache and thinning gray hair who
asked querulously, “Starting a little early, aren’t they?” when he
saw the three women enter. As the question did not seem to be
directed at them, none of them replied. “Well, put her on the
examining table,” he said, gesturing impatiently. Robin and Steph
helped their comrade to lay face-down on the metal table.

The doctor bustled over to inspect the
striped and bleeding buttocks of the little Oriental girl. “I’m Dr.
Perkins, the Regimental Surgeon. Who did this?” he asked, and
without waiting for a reply, said “Never mind. It had to be that
bastard Powers. Well, it could be worse,” he said as he concluded
his examination. “Some antiseptic and a few stitches, and you’ll be
fine in a couple of days.” He opened a cabinet and removed a small
glass bottle, a roll of white tape, a curved surgical needle in a
holder that looked like a small scissors and some lengths of

“My ribs hurt, doctor,” Kim groaned. She
rolled painfully onto her side to show him.

The doctor pulled her gray-green fatigue
t-shirt all the way up and removed her gray Army bra, exposing the
cadet’s abdomen, rib-cage and high, tight breasts. He felt up both
sides of her ribs, across her chest, taking time to gently squeeze
her breasts, which Robin thought was a little strange, and then ran
his hand along the base of her ribs. Kim gasped in pain at this
last touch.

“Looks like you have a bruised rib. I don’t
anything’s broken,” he pronounced. “But, I think I’d
better get some x-rays and hold you for observation to be sure.” He
looked at the other cadets. “Tell your Sergeant that I am going
keep this cadet overnight to make sure there are no fractures or
internal injuries. Sometimes a broken rib down there can puncture
the spleen,” he told them. He turned back to his patient, running
his hands over the welted mounds of her ass in a way that Robin had
never seen a doctor use before. She was a little reluctant to leave
Kim behind, alone with this doctor, but she could not see any
excuse to remain. She looked at Steph, whose expression indicated
that she shared Robin’s concern. The tall brunette looked at the
doctor, then at Robin, and then shrugged and shook her head.

“Thank you, doctor,” the older cadet said.
“We’ll try to come by to check on her tomorrow. Come on, Robin,”
she said, leading the way back out to the parade ground.

The sun had set by the time they left the
infirmary, and the Academy grounds were only dimly lit by a few
lampposts. They walked in silence for a while, each deep in her own

At last, Robin broke the silence. “I hope Kim
is all right. That doctor…” she trailed off, unwilling to voice
what was on her mind.

“Yeah, he seemed…” her companion agreed, and
then paused. “…I’m sure she’ll be fine,” she said at last in a
voice that sounded anything but sure.


Chapter Two: A Visit to the Infirmary


As soon as he heard the door shut behind the
two departing cadets, the doctor opened a drawer in the cabinet
from which he had previously taken the other medical supplies, and
removed a hypodermic. He charged the needle from a small bottle of
clear fluid and returned to his patient.

“This is just a little something for the
pain,” he said as he jabbed the needle deep into Kim’s thigh and
drove the plunger home. In a few minutes, he saw the girl’s body
relax, her eyelids close and her breathing slow.

He washed his hands and began to work on her
wounds, cleaning out the dirt with a sponge. She jerked when he
touched the raw flesh. “Oh, ow, that hurts, doctor,” she said

The doctor continued to scrub the girl’s torn
bottom as he told her, “Yeah, this is chloral hydrate. It isn’t
exactly an anesthetic: you still can feel the pain. It’s really a
sedative. It just makes you a little stupid. Also, you will have
forgotten by tomorrow anything that happens here tonight. So, it’s
the perfect thing for letting the two of us have a quiet date.”

He quickly painted the welts with antiseptic
liquid, and then efficiently closed two small open gashes with a
half-dozen neat stitches.

“Let me help you with your clothes, cadet,”
he said, pulling Kim’s shirt up over her head and leaving her naked
from the waist down. “Oh, what are you doing?” Kim whispered. Her
limbs felt weak and watery, her mind cloudy, her thoughts dim.

“I just need to do a quick examination,” the
doctor replied. He tugged the remains of her trousers down to her
ankles, and tried to pull them off her legs. The pants tangled in
Kim’s boots. The doctor growled, and returned to the medicine
cabinet to get a large pair of scissors that he used to cut away
the torn pants from the girl’s naked legs. Kim struggled feebly
during this process, murmuring, “Please stop.” The doctor tossed
away the remains of her Army issue boxer shorts, which Sergeant
Powers had already torn into rags. The beautiful Asian girl was now
naked except for her Army boots. The doctor smiled as he looked
down at the sparse straight black hairs that decorated her pubic
mound and the delicate lips of her sex that peeped shyly open. He
felt his cock surge in his pants, the head tangling itself in his

The doctor now lifted Kim by her shoulders
and lay her on the table on her back. From underneath the foot end,
he swung up a pair of metal stirrups, which he locked into place
just above the naked girl’s feet. He placed her calves in the
cradles of the stirrups and strapped them in. She stirred, softly
pleading, “Don’t. Please stop.”

“I have to take a quick look inside, my
dear,” the doctor said reassuringly, patting her leg as he leaned
forward between her outspread thighs. He inserted a speculum, which
consisted of two curved metal blades connected to a grip, into her
pussy and squeezed the handle to open the blades, exposing the
interior of her box. Kim moaned softly. The doctor shined a bright
penlight inside her vagina, and clucked his tongue at what he

“So you’re still a virgin, eh?” he said,
clicking off the light and removing the speculum. “Well, cadet,
not going to take your cherry, but don’t count on it
lasting very long around here. Come on, let me get you down from
there,” he said briskly, releasing her legs from the stirrups and
steadying her as she swung her feet to the floor and slid off the

The doctor supported Kim under her arms,
keeping her from falling. She found it impossible to stand or walk
under her own power. He led her to a low metal examining stool and
gently lowered her to her knees, facing it. The doctor pulled Kim
forward until her naked abdomen rested on the stool.

“Oh, oh, my ribs, it hurts,” she complained
when she felt her weight pressing down on her injury. She writhed
weakly on the cold metal seat.

“Don’t worry, honey. It’s just a little
bruise,” the doctor said as he knelt down to tie her wrists to the
base of the stool with lengths of rubber tubing. He used more
tubing to secure the quietly groaning cadet’s thighs high up on the
legs of the stool, which lifted her delightful ass several inches
into the air, with her round bottom cheeks opened wide. The doctor
now had an unobstructed view of the girl’s pink labia and the
delicious brown rosebud of her asshole. He stroked the valley
between her trim buttocks, his finger probing gently between her
nether lips, and daring to enter the smaller hole above.

“Please… what are you doing? Stop,” Kim
protested in the loudest voice she could produce, a low, scarcely
audible whisper. She tried to struggle, to escape from her bonds as
the finger invading her rectum became more insistent, but she was
as weak as a half-drowned kitten. A tear formed and slowly rolled
down her cheek when she felt something cold and slippery being
smeared on and inside her bottomhole.

“I always wanted to try this, but never had a
chance until now,” the doctor confided. He unzipped his fly and
fumbled with his stiff cock to get it clear of his underwear. He
laid his organ in the valley between Kim’s firm bottom globes, and
slid it up and down a few times so that the shaft passed back and
forth over her little hole, growing slippery with the lubricant he
had spread there. When he could contain himself no longer, he
positioned the head of his rock-hard organ at the entrance to the
helpless cadet’s back passage.

“Are you ready?” he asked as he took his
rigid organ in hand and began to force her rectal ring to distend
itself around the purplish head of his advancing rod. “This may
hurt a bit, cutie-pie.”

Kim moved her hands and feet feebly. “No,
don’t, please don’t,” she repeated softly, hopelessly, as he drove
deeper into her. “It hurts, please stop,” she begged.

“No can do, sweetie,” he replied. “God! You
are a tight little bitch.” He clutched her hips and forced three
more inches of cock into her with one thrust. Kim groaned
wordlessly and made weak movements of her lower body, as if trying
to escape the painful invader. Her rectal ring went into spasm,
rapidly squeezing and releasing the doctor’s cock in its effort to
expel the intruder, an enjoyable sensation for the doctor.

The doctor struggled to cram the full length
of his cock in the girl’s ass. After several frenzied thrusts, he
succeeded, and took a little time out to enjoy his conquest with
his balls resting against the lips of her vagina. He sighed as he
bent forward to take her fine breasts in his hands. Her skin was as
smooth as satin, her tits as firm as the seat of a new car.

“You can’t get anything this good from
hookers,” he told the weeping girl. “And anyway, it’s almost a
guarantee that you catch something from them. But you fresh young
girl cadets are different,” he went on, squeezing her nipples.
“Maybe you’re not all virgins, but I’ll bet the others are nearly
all as clean as you. Now fuck me!” he ordered, and he resumed
buggering the bound girl with long, excruciatingly slow strokes.
Kim had abandoned her efforts to plead for mercy as the assault
progressed. Now, under this brutal assault, low, meaningless noises
like “mmmm, ohh, nnnah, gahh…” were expelled from her mouth by each
deep thrust of his rod. After what seemed an eternity to the
defenseless girl, the doctor shouted, ripped his penis violently
from her rectum, and directed streams of warm semen over her back,
buttocks and thighs. He patted Kim’s shaking head as she cried
brokenly, then wiped her body clean with a towel and quickly untied
her. As he carried her off to spend the night in one of the
infirmary beds, he told her, “By tomorrow morning, none of this
will have ever happened.”

He lay her on a bed and unlaced her boots,
which she had worn all through the assault, and he put them at her
bedside. Then he turned her face down, and spread her ass cheeks
and carefully examined her anus for damage. He was relieved to see
that although there was a tiny trickle of blood, there was no torn
tissue in her little ring. He gave her another injection in the
buttock, saying, “This will put you out until morning,” and covered
her with a sheet.

When Kim awoke the next morning, she sat up
suddenly and looked around in alarm, wondering where she was. She
thought back to the previous day, and remembered being brought to
the infirmary after Sergeant Powers had beaten her, and she
relaxed. She could not remember much of what happened after the
doctor had examined her, but she concluded that he must have
decided to keep her overnight for some reason. She could not
explain why she was naked, however.

BOOK: Cadet: The Academy
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