Called by the Bear 1-3 (10 page)

BOOK: Called by the Bear 1-3
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Chapter 6


he trip
to the picnic spot goes by in a blur for me. Sierra asks a million practical questions, like what do werebears do about clothes, while I try to absorb the information. She's so adaptable to new situations, and I'm envious. I can't shake the feeling there’s more we don’t know. If I've learned anything in my twenty-plus years, it's to trust my gut. And right now, it's telling me to be cautious.

The path opens up to a small clearing. A wooden lean-to with a platform is in the middle, and a bare section of earth accommodates a small stone circle created for a fire. A rusty grate sits on top. I imagine roasting hotdogs and marshmallows on a summer evening. I should be hungry, but my stomach is numb.

The early spring grass with daffodils scattered everywhere is beautiful under the blue sky. A camp table and chairs are set up with a cooler and basket nearby. Sierra's face is beaming with joy, and she says, "Look at all these flowers. They're gorgeous. Who planted them?"

Keith smiles back as a pleasant scent wafts toward me. "Our mothers did when they were young girls. They wanted to be fairy princesses and convinced a couple boys to help them plant hundreds. Over the years, they've multiplied."

Sierra says, "Did those boys happen to be their mates?"

Brady chuckles. "She's catching on."

I'm coming out of my funk and ask, "Does that mean you two have been friends all your life?"

Keith winks at me. "Yup, and boy have I got stories for you."

While Sierra wanders through the flowers, I sink into one of the collapsible chairs in exhaustion. Brady kneels at my feet and rubs his hands up my thighs. It occurs to me the heat I feel coming from Brady isn't human, but my muscles welcome it just the same.

His voice is low and soothes me. "You need to eat. Should I make you a plate?"

"Yes, thank you." I lean my head back to feel the warm sun on my face. Ice rustles in the cooler as Brady rummages through it. I'm overwhelmed with all that happened and need to process my feelings. The man I'm falling in love with is part bear. He turns into something big and deadly. And if I have his children, they will too. A shudder passes through me.

The warmth of Brady's coat comes around my shoulders. I open my eyes to the hulking shadow of him over me. He hands me a mug of hot chocolate and a piece of cheese. "I wouldn't be surprised if you're in shock right now. Eat and drink while I make you a proper sandwich."

I do without speaking. I'm not in shock. I just need a little time to sort things out, and words are in my way. The cheddar melts on my tongue, and I wash it down with the comforting flavor of chocolate.

I look over to see what Sierra is doing. She’s sitting on Keith's lap, and they're feeding each other grapes. I've never seen her happier, and for a moment I long for that kind of love. But then I realize I can have it. It's at my fingertips, and all I have to do it grab it and hold on.

Brady sits next to me and hands me a plate with a chicken salad sandwich, chips, pickles, and fruit. He seems to understand my need for quiet and doesn't speak. I put a grape in my mouth, and sweet juice explodes when I bite it. I'm suddenly ravenous and eat with purpose.

When I'm done, I set the plate down and sigh. My energy is returning, but I could easily take a nap. Except for the fact I'm trying to sort out what I do now.

Brady gets on his knees before me the way he did in his office. Only he doesn't pull me against him. He's letting me decide how close I want to be.

"Carly, I know this is a lot to take in. When you're ready, you can ask me anything."

I trace my finger along the strong line of his jaw, and a hint of stubble catches at my skin. "There's more, isn't there?"

Brady nods. "We're not the only clan of werebear around here. With our numbers dwindling, we're in danger of losing our status. Currently, the Le Roux Clan rules the Northeast Kingdom. I like to think we do so in fairness, but other clans want to take over."

I recall Brady's words.
You must have come from warriors.
I ask, "How old is your youngest member?"


Brady and Keith have to be close to that age. Even if I had a baby in the next year, that's a huge gap between generations. I'm beginning to understand the danger of not having an army of young fighters. In fifteen years, their warriors would be either early teens or in their forties.

"Do the other clans know your women are barren and that you don't have any children?"

A gentle breeze blows through Brady's hair, and a strand falls on his forehead. A tiny flash of something not human passes through his eyes. His brow furrows for a second when he says, "They do."

I take his face in my hands, and his scent speaks to my awareness. I listen. In that moment, I know I can't leave Brady. In a strange way my body hums with the idea of making the clan strong again. It's as if it's my purpose in life. Not even tattooing called me this way.

I don't bother speaking and let my kiss tell him I'll stay. I pour my heart and soul into it, and while it's sexual, it's sensual too. I'm giving Brady a piece of me as a promise that I'll be his forever. As if he knows, he devours me like a man starving.

When we break away I say, "I want to know everything. Maybe not today but soon."

"You will. I plan for you to be my equal, and we'll lead this clan together."

His words surprise me. "You're the clan leader?"
Good God, what have I gotten myself into?

"Yes, I'm the alpha. Like my father was before me and his before him."

"Is my heritage strong enough for you? To have your children so they can carry on the legacy?"

Brady smiles. "You wouldn't be my mate if it weren't."

The word
drives right into me, and my core twinges in desire. My nipples harden as lust courses through my veins. Every cell in my body is craving him. "I want to be with you. I'm ready."

He pulls me tight against his body, and I feel his desire press into my belly. He grabs my arm and brings my wrist to his mouth. Staring into my eyes, he licks the tattoo, and it sends white heat to my core. I tremble when he does it again, and a low moan escapes my lips. He might as well be licking my sex because it’s bringing me to the brink.

The reality of where we are makes me look for Sierra and Keith. I see them huddled together on the platform of the lean-to and decide to let myself feel with minimal restraint. I suspect we're the last things on their minds.

I'm close to a climax. "Brady, I'm going to need so much more."

"Carly, you'll get it. But not now, just take this. Let me give it to you." He lets out a low growl, and the sound roars through me as he suckles my wrist. My body spasms uncontrollably as I shatter in his arms.

When I recover I'm spent, but my desire is still smoldering. Brady has moved me into his lap, and my cheek is against his chest. His heart is beating quickly, and I think he's feeling the same way I do. I say, "I knew that wasn't going to be enough. Can we get out of here?"

"Sure, but let's stop by the bed and breakfast and check you out. You belong with me."

Those words should scare the hell out of me, but they don't. This is what I'm supposed to do, and for the first time in my life, I'm sure of it.

Chapter 7


rady calls out to Keith
, "You guys almost ready to go?"

Keith and Sierra get up from their prone position under the lean-to, and I smirk as they arrange their clothing. When Sierra gets to us, I elbow her. "I'm moving into Brady's," I tell her.

Sierra smiles. "I'm moving into Keith's."

Keith wraps his arm around Sierra's shoulders. "I can drop you ladies off, and when you're ready, Sierra, you can come home with me."

Brady has the cooler and the basket in his arms and says to me, "I assume you'll drive your car over to my house?"

The metal of a chair clunks as I fold it up. "Yes."

Keith gathers the furniture and leads us to his Jeep. When we get to it, I turn and scan the area one last time before leaving. It really is beautiful, and I imagine little girls running around through the daffodils playing fairy princess. I'm grinning when I turn to Brady.

"What's the smile for?" He tucks some of my hair behind my ear.

"I'm happy."

This makes his smile bigger, and he scoops me up as he says, "That makes two of us."

I squeal, and he sets me down by the car. Sierra has already gotten in the back, and I scramble in next to her. The leather of the seat has heated up and is warm under my thighs. The odor of cut pine is present, and I guess that's a constant in Keith's life.

On the way to Brady's office, the guys entertain us with stories of their childhood. It sounds as if they spent a lot time practicing their fighting skills, and I smile at the difference between boys and girls.

When I'm finally in my Subaru driving to Brady's, I take the time to process all that's happened in the past two days. It feels as if it was weeks ago that we drove to the Bear Mountain Tree Farm retail store instead of just yesterday.

The sun is low in the sky now, and the temperature is dropping. As I drive up Brady's road in daylight, I go slowly to take in the beauty of his home. The large building exudes power and safety when I notice the decorative wrought-iron grates over the windows. The gate is open, but I stop so I can look at the design.
I'm moving into this house!

The engine of my car roars when I step on the gas to continue on up the hill. I notice a wraparound porch on both levels and imagine the heavy doors I see on the second level must be so one can step out of a bedroom to the deck. My mind flashes to sitting out on it with champagne and a naked Brady. I chuckle to myself over my fantasy.

I'm not sure where to park when I arrive so I stop behind Brady's truck and leave my keys in the ignition. Brady comes out of the garage as my door groans open. "I'm thinking about building an extension to make room for two more cars in the garage and maybe a playroom over them."

My heart beats a little faster at his plan for our unborn children.
How on earth did I mentally get here so quickly?
"Aren't you a little ahead of yourself, Mr. Le Roux?"

"True, I think we should probably plan for a wedding before babies, right?"

A flush rises to my face, and Brady lifts my chin with his finger. "We don't have to take things any further tonight. You can have all the time you need to get comfortable with being my mate."

I shake my head. "I don't need time, Brady. I know this is where I should to be, and being your mate is what I'm supposed to do. I've never felt so sure of anything in my whole life."

"Well, then can we do a little something to make my sister happy?" The sly smile on his face makes me tingle in anticipation.

"Sure, what?"

Brady grabs my hand and leads me around to the back of the house. A garden is beginning to show signs of life, and he brings me to a fountain in the middle. "Marry me."

"What?" Water trickles in the fountain, and I block out the sound to focus on Brady's words.

"Let's have an informal wedding based on promises to each other. Annie made me swear I wouldn’t sleep with you until you were sure you wanted to be my mate.” He winks at me. “It also means we can make babies tonight." He's inches from me, and I can't help but inhale his intoxicating scent.

"So it won't be official?" I don't resist the urge to place my hand on his chest, and flannel is soft under my fingers.

He takes it and places it over his heart. "Not yet, but for me it will be the same thing. You're my mate, and I would rather die than be without you."

I nod, because I think I feel the same way. I step back and grasp both of his hands. "Okay, let's get married."

Brady smiles down at me. "I, Brady Le Roux, take Carly Cutler to be my wife. I promise to cherish, love, and protect her to death do us part."

The heat of his hands travels to my heart. "I, Carly Cutler, take Brady Le Roux to be my husband. I promise to cherish, love, and protect him till death do us part."

Brady's eyebrows rise at the protect part, and I say, "Hey, you said it yourself, I come from warriors." I smile.

He chuckles. "Can I kiss the bride?"

"That's my favorite part." I reach up for him, and he lifts me by my thighs, so I wrap my legs around his waist. His kiss sears me all the way to my toes, and I melt against him.

"You'd better get me upstairs because I'm about to tear your clothes off, and you might just see my warrior side."

Brady chuckles. "I think I might like that." He scoops me up and walks to the deck in the back. Carrying me through the back door he says, "I figure the back door threshold works for an informal wedding. Welcome, Mrs. Le Roux."

Mrs. Le Roux? As we cross into the house, tiny hairs stand up all along my body as if the gods are smiling down on me. This is what I was born to do. "
I like the sound of that, Mr. Le Roux."

Chapter 8


low growl
comes from Brady as he nuzzles my neck. He practically jogs up the stairs to his bedroom with me. We enter a large room with burgundy carpet that is plush under my feet when he sets me down. The bed is the largest I've ever seen, and I think it’s custom. The dark wood of the headboard is carved in a design similar to the wrought-iron fence, and my fingers are tempted to trace it.

But the thought leaves my mind the moment Brady's shirt falls to the floor with a soft thud. I turn my attention to his muscular chest and place my hands on it. I move them slowly down to his waist while he watches me. Raising my eyes up to look into his, I grasp the cold metal buckle of his belt and undo it. He moans and his stomach flexes as I slide a finger behind his button to undo his jeans.

I drop to my knees to pull his pants and underwear down. The hair on his thighs doesn't disguise the definition of his muscles, and once he steps out of the pants, I trace my finger along the deep lines. "You have the sexiest body I've ever seen." I scrape a fingernail up his inner thigh and cup his balls in my hand.

His musk surrounds me as I lean in to taste his hardened length. It's quite large but proportional to the rest of him, and when the salty flavor hits my tongue, I want to find a way to take as much as I can in my mouth.

Brady's fingers thread through my hair as he pumps in unison with my sucking and licking. The animalistic noises that escape him cause me to tremble with desire. He pushes me away and takes a shaky breath.

"My God, you're good at that."

I stand, and his nimble fingers pull my shirt up over my head. He licks his lips when he looks at my large breasts, and his hands reach around to unhook my bra. Cupping them, he groans and leans down to take one in his mouth. He suckles my nipple but doesn't linger. He lowers himself to his knees, and his mouth kisses its way down to my belly.

The thought I should suck in my stomach fleets through my mind, but I know he finds me sexy just the way I am, and I swat it away like a bug. I let myself revel in the sensation of his mouth on me, and my stomach twitches when he reaches under my waistband to unfasten my pants.

I step out of them as Brady stands and backs me up to his bed. "Sit on the edge."

The forest green crushed velvet caresses my bare bottom when I sit on the unusually high bed. Brady kneels before me and drapes my legs over his shoulders. I lean back on my elbows when he tastes me. Moaning, I fall back and arch up. His tongue caresses me, and when he dips it into my channel, my orgasm slams into me quickly. My cries are loud, and I'm glad nobody can hear them.

"That's it, love, don't hold anything back with me." Brady's hands reach under my ass to squeeze. "I want you to tell me your fantasies, and I'll make them come true."

I recall the dream of him shifting and the feel of fur against me, but I'm not ready for something like that. "All I want right now is you inside me, filling me." It occurs to me we know nothing about each other's sexual past, and I add, "I'm clean. I was tested a few months ago and haven't been with anyone since."

"I'm clean too. I can't get human diseases." He crawls up my body and kisses me. Our flavors intermingle, and the combination is a heady mix. He whispers against my neck, "I don't want to use a condom with you. If we get pregnant, are you okay with that?"

I nod because my body is aching with need, and I can barely think. "Please, I can't wait any longer."

The silky tip of his cock slides between my folds, and he enters slowly. It's larger than I've ever experienced, and he stretches me. I mewl at the mix of pleasure and pain. Propped up on his elbows, he watches my face as he enters completely.

I thrust up, begging for him to move. "Make me feel you, Brady."

He pumps hard, and I rock into it as the pace increases. Sweat is slick on our skin, and the sound of us panting urges me on. I ride the waves as they increase in intensity. I'm about to fall when Brady stops and grunts out, "Mine. Say it."

I'm so close. "I'm yours, Brady. Always yours."

He moves again and lowers his mouth to my wrist. When he sucks on the tattoo, I crash and scream out his name. As the world spins around me I'm aware that pain is shooting through my arm. Brady lifts his face to me, and blood is on his lips.
Did he bite me?
He cries out my name as he comes.

Oh, God, that felt amazing.
I watch as he licks at my tattoo. The bleeding stops as hot fire sears its way up my arm and spreads through my body. It hurts, and I begin to whimper. The burning sensation increases, and I'm sure it's wrong. "Brady, something's happening." Tears spill out of my eyes.

He sits up and looks at me. He grabs my arm, and a look of horror covers his face. My skin is red, and I scramble up against the headboard as if he’s making it worse. The angry flush creeps over my body as the pain follows.

I can't hold back my fear. "What have you done to me?" I begin to writhe in agony. "It hurts, Brady. It really hurts."

"I." He shakes his head. "Oh, God, Carly. I don't know!"

By the time it starts down my legs, I’m blind to everything except the sharp white light of my torture.

I think I'm screaming, but the sound is muffled by the throbbing in my head. Loud thumps break through as I hit the headboard in my thrashing. What evil has overtaken my body?

Brady’s voice is in my ear. “Hang on. Help is on its way.” But I can’t. As if a shade has been pulled, everything fades to black.

BOOK: Called by the Bear 1-3
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