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Authors: Michelle M Pillow

Captive of the Deep (5 page)

BOOK: Captive of the Deep
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“This is amazing,” Lyra said, moving to poke her finger into the toy’s eyes. The nymph blinked, as if flinching. “Do they make male ones as well?”

Rigel made an uncomfortable noise. “There is no need to order you a male.”

One blow job and the man was jealous of a possible plaything. Lyra wasn’t sure if she was pleased or annoyed. “Merr women don’t have options?”

“They protested most loudly when these synthetic women were first introduced into our society. But the vessels serve a great purpose. What else are men to do for an eternity with no women to fulfill our needs? If we Merr do not meet with release, tensions build and fights start. The unreleased sexual desire is called
the affliction

“And you said all hunters have them standard issue? Is this because you’re like,” she frowned, not looking at him, “famous?”

“I am well known,” he admitted. “After the excitement of a hunt, the tensions are always great. There is nothing like sexual release to bring the levels back to normal. If we don’t, we become ill. It is part of our punishment from the gods—to be so sexually driven and not have a vessel in which to release.”

“Again, I ask. Merr women don’t have options?”

“The number of women is limited. Most have married. Others have never requested such a thing.”

Seeing what could only be called the on switch, Lyra couldn’t help herself. She turned the unit on. Venus began to move her body against the door, thrusting her hips in small circles as her arms lifted and reached. The unit sighed, closing her eyes slowly and opening them with a dreamy bedroom look. Venus pursed her lips.

Lyra did the only thing she could. She laughed. Hard. How could she not? It was damned funny.

Rigel quickly shut the nymph off and it stopped moving. “There. You have seen it.”

Instantly, she felt sorry for laughing at it. She could see she had offended him. He closed the wardrobe.

“Ah, don’t be upset. I think Venus looks like a very sweet girl.” What was wrong with her? She tried to say something nice and she ended up teasing him again.

He looked as if he didn’t know what to say in return.

“I’m teasing you,” she said softly, lifting on her toes. Lyra brushed her lips against his neck. Her hand loosened her torn gown and it slithered to the floor around her feet. She pulled at his waist, stripping him of his clothes. Once naked, she reached between them, feeling the length of his cock rise against the palm of her hand. His breath caught, an intimate sound that was somehow more intimate then she had been prepared for. “How about I show you just how sweet a girl I can be?”

Lyra bit at his neck, pulling the flesh lightly before letting go. His sigh turned into a moan. She nipped at him again, pressing her hand against his chest to walk him towards the bed. He fell back and she instantly crawled on top of him. Her flesh tingled everywhere they touched, as if he passed his energy into her. The sensation was strange, yet invigorating at the same time. She’d never felt attraction on such a potent level.

“I accept,” he said.

She wondered at the way he said the words, but assumed he accepted her unspoken apology. Smiling, she nodded, focusing on the curves of his chest. He was in great shape, probably from all the swimming he did. She’d never been with a man who looked like this. Almost entranced, she settled against his stomach, straddling his waist as she ran her fingers along each and every valley of his chest and abdomen.

Rigel didn’t stop her, didn’t rush her. He closed his eyes, breathing deeply. Every once and awhile, that breathing caught and he held it. His hips thrust in gentle movements beneath her as his legs worked against the mattress. The rocking pressed his hot flesh up into her sex. She slid against him with the cream of her body. The pressure hit her clit, simmering her already heated desires.

Rigel’s hands slid up her sides to cup her breasts. He seemed hesitant as he tested the feel of her against his palms. She knew she felt nothing like Venus. Would he find her flesh strange after synthetic material? After a moment, he seemed pleased with what he’d discovered and began a more arduous journey over her form. He touched everywhere he could reach, sliding his hands along her spine each time she leaned over to place kisses on his chest.

Warmth spread from his hands wherever he touched her, working through her body until she felt as if he was inside her. Her flesh became sensitive. Her nipples were hard peaks beneath his skimming fingers.

She wiggled her hips, sliding her sex along his stomach. The full length of his arousal bumped against her ass when she thrust back. Blessed silence filled her mind. Each moment was nothing but sensations—a sweep of the hand, a rub of the leg, a stir of buried desire. Pleasure trailed behind his fingertips, as he explored.

Time seemed to pause. It wasn’t the first time she felt it when in his presence. Nothing else mattered, only this moment, only these sensations.

She parted her lips, unable to resist tasting him. Lyra had to kiss him, as if being driven by a force outside herself. She pressed her mouth to his, gently sweeping her tongue between his lips.

She wanted him too much and would not be denied. Eagerly, she lifted her hips, reaching down to bring his body to hers. The thick length pressed up. She hesitated, trembling before finally seating fully against him. His cock stretched her, but the pressure felt wonderful and she didn’t mind the touch of pain it caused.

Rigel sighed, gripping her hips. His fingers dug into her flesh, holding her tight. When she tried to move, he kept her flush against him. His hips moved in tiny circles, keeping his body deep. Though small, the thrusts felt good. She moaned softly, wiggling against him, encouraging his deep rhythm.

Lyra pulled at his shoulder, rolling so he was on top of her. The position thrust him deeper still. He nipped at her neck and used his new leverage to massage a breast in his palm. His lovemaking became more aggressive. Rigel worked his hips, taking his cock in and out in a series of fluid motions. She spread her legs wide, digging her feet into the bed as she lifted to accept him.

Lyra grabbed his hand, moving it to her sex to show him how she liked her clit rubbed. He readily obeyed. The intensity was more than she could resist. Tremors erupted low in her stomach, shaking their way over her entire body. She stiffened, gasping as she came. He braced his hands next to her. Rigel groaned, his cry of release joining hers.



Chapter Four


Rigel held Lyra, watching her sleep against his chest. He was exhausted and yet he could not close his eyes. She wanted him. In his world, her actions meant she wanted him for more than a lover. Lovers spoke their intent aloud. Lyra spoke no such words. And, for a moment, he had convinced himself that they were mated and she was his, forever. Then, as the aftermath of their lovemaking took hold, his mind cleared and another thought occurred to him. Though he said he accepted her, perhaps she was not actually making an offer. The customs of the surface world were by large part a mystery.

Many were eager to hear from the new members of their society about the world above. Aidan, one of the rare males to be rescued decades before, was in charge of cataloging new artifacts and taking down data from new arrivals. With three women to interview, he was impatiently awaiting permission from their guardians. When he collected his information, he would publish his news to the whole of Ataran. Rigel studied Lyra, wondering if she would be willing to talk to the man.

As he drew his hand over her hip, his mind wandered. He thought of Venus and how the nymph’s pleasures now paled in comparison to the real thing. The feel of Lyra’s sex was nothing like the rolling sensation of the nymph. In fact, it was wetter, better.

He contemplated what Lyra’s world must have been like, the things she lost, the people. Then, he thought of his own losses, of the brother who went to sea and never came back. They didn’t talk about Nemus. They didn’t talk about any of those who disappeared into the ocean. Some had left in the early days, trying to find a solution, tired of being tied to Ataran. Others were hunters who did not make it home on time and were condemned to be lost. His brother had been one who left willingly in those first years. Rigel had begged him to stay, to wait, but Nemus has always been a free spirit. Every time he hunted there was a part of Rigel that searched for his long lost brother, even if he didn’t consciously think of it.

Lyra sighed in her sleep, adjusting her body. He lifted his hand, waiting for her to settle before touching her once more. The soft skin of her back and hip mesmerized him, capturing his attention as he stroked it. He could live in this moment for an eternity, and he knew from experience just how long an eternity could be. In his time, he learned that it was not wars or peace or politics that created life, it was these moments, these small things that were often overlooked—the brush of flesh, a sigh, a flutter of Lyra’s lashes as her eyes began to open.

For a moment she looked at him with all the sleepy wonder he felt and there was a connection. He imagined their heart beats joined and that he could feel her inside him. Could she feel him?

“I love you.” He hadn’t meant to say the words.

She blinked and the moment disappeared. Tears filled her eyes as she slowly shook her head in denial. “That is not possible. What you feel is gratitude, not love. When you learn the difference, you will see that lust is not love.”

He didn’t argue. She turned her back to him as she sat on the edge of the bed. The soft light caressed her, outlining her spine as she stretched. She looked thinner than when he rescued her.

“You haven’t been eating,” he said.

“I eat enough.”

“I will call for food. It is my responsibility to see to you and I—”

Suddenly, she turned, moving to face him. “I am my own responsibility. Last night was fun and we’ll probably do it again sometime, as long as you can promise me you won’t lose perspective on what is between us. Sex is not love. Lust is not love.
is not love.”

“I will call for food,” Rigel repeated, sitting up. Whatever spell he’d been under was broken. “You may not be hungry, but I am.”


* * * * *

Sometime came much sooner than Lyra planned on.

There was something erotically fulfilling to watching Rigel’s lips suck the tiny morsels of fruit, absently pulling them into his mouth as if he had no clue as to the seductive nature of the action. Each tiny orange pearl, about the size of her clit, rolled between his large fingers before being placed between his lips, bit by his teeth and then sucked into his warm, inviting mouth.

It was too much. Her pussy ached and her clit throbbed in jealous protest. He sucked another one and she shivered.

“Are you enjoying that?” she asked, breathless.

He blinked in surprise, glancing up from where he rolled a piece in his fingers. Clearly, he’d been deep in thoughts. “Would you like one?”

Lyra found herself nodding. He lifted the plate to hand it to her. She leaned over the couch to where he sat on the far end and instead of going for the plate, she wrapped her lips around his fingers and sucked the tiny piece in. Sweet explosion erupted between her teeth as she bit. She nodded. “Mm, good. I can see why you like them.”

Luckily, she merely slipped a dress over her naked body and her pussy was still free for exploration. She took a handful from the plate, well aware that she had his attention. Leaning back so her elbow braced the cushion, she tugged at her skirts and let one leg fall over the side of the couch. Her legs pointed at him and he watched with rapt attention as she took the tiny pearl and brought it to her pussy. She pulled the skirt with her arm, letting him see as she inserted a single piece just over her clit.

“Have another,” she offered.

In his haste, he knocked the plate aside. Tiny pearl fruit scattered across the floor and the dinnerware crashed into pieces. She laughed. He didn’t pause. His hands met her thighs, tugging her so he could angle his mouth just right.

With a groan that started before he even made contact, he drew his lips to suck the fruit into his mouth. Lyra gasped at the shock of pleasure. She grabbed another one from her hand as he pulled back to study her face. She again placed it next to her clit.

“Do it again,” she commanded more than offered.

He did and again the brief pucker of his mouth teased her sex. When he pulled back, she had a pearl ready and instantly moved it into place.

“Again,” she breathed hard, angling her hips up.

This time, he didn’t pull back as far as before and she slipped yet another piece into place. Before she could command him, he sucked that one two. Lyra, unable to take the quick kisses, dropped all of them on her pussy. They rolled along her sex, some sticking to her moisture, others sliding down her thighs. He began kissing the ones that stuck to her pussy, sucking them gently as he ate.

After he finished, he looked up expectantly. Damn those eyes. They pierced into her.

Lyra parted her sex with her fingers, and exposed her clit. “Now eat

The training worked because he moved his mouth against her clit in exactly the same way. When he would pull up, she pushed the back of his head, smothering his mouth tight against her sex. His fingers gripped her so hard they would surely leave bruises, but she didn’t care. Let him hold on to her thighs, pulling her pussy to his mouth. He moaned and sucked, concentrating on her clit.

BOOK: Captive of the Deep
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