Read Captured & Seduced Online

Authors: Shelley Munro

Tags: #sci-fi romance

Captured & Seduced (7 page)

BOOK: Captured & Seduced
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Camryn gripped his shoulders, arching up into his stroke and taking him deep. Ry growled his pleasure before dipping his head to thrust his tongue into the corner of her mouth, just as he thrust into her center. Rocking deeper, he squeezed his eyes shut to fully appreciate the warm clasp of her pussy, the hot carnal pleasure of it. Part of him waited for the frenzy to hit, the wildness that always gripped him when he was with a woman. It didn’t arrive. Instead, he breathed in her scent, not understanding but ready to savor the unexpected treat of normal sex, like he used to enjoy before the feline appeared.

“Wait!” Camryn screeched. She gripped his shoulders and shook him.

Ry’s eyes flicked open in trepidation. “What?”

“You’re not wearing a condom. I’m not on the Pill. I can’t have an alien child.”

The tenseness left his shoulders, even as he registered her fear. “Mogens doses us all with a tonic to prevent offspring and disease. But he suspects I can’t produce children. He thinks I must mate with another of my species.” Ry glanced away, remembering the woman they’d purchased from the slaver. A cat woman like him. Someone had shot and killed her before they could talk. The loss of the opportunity to interact with another of his species ate at him. “I’ve never met others of my race.”

Camryn frowned. “You’re not just saying that?”

“I am not dishonest. You won’t have a child with me.”

“I’m sorry you don’t have family.” Camryn reached up to kiss him.

“I have family,” Ry snapped, wounded by her sympathy. “The crew is my family, and I am theirs.”

“Of course,” she whispered, her stroking hands a soothing balm.

Ry let his irritation fade, concentrating on licking and nibbling at her lips, not wanting to discuss his family situation. The kiss deepened. He thrust his cock deeper, gliding in to the root and stilling with a sigh of pleasure before he withdrew again. Camryn gripped his shoulders, moaning softly. Her hips canted upward, changing the angle. Encouraging him. It felt so good. Her internal muscles tightened around his shaft. He growled, savoring the soft whimpers she didn’t try to contain. Sparks of pleasure frayed his control, heat rampaging through him. Each rapid plunge into Camryn’s tight heat massaged his cock, soothed yet stoked the conflagration building inside him. She felt like a perfect fit, and he didn’t want this loving to end.

“Faster,” Camryn demanded, her fingernails digging into his shoulders. She arched up into his next stroke. “Yeah, like that.”

“Fukk.” A fine sheen of sweat covered Ry’s chest, his back. Muscles flexed and rippled when he drove into her. Faster and faster until the wet sound of arousal filled the room. A primal growl. Clawing tension grew in his balls. With a final hard thrust, he exploded, flooding her with hot spurts of come. Ry slumped against her soft body, groaning with the remnants of sensation spiraling through his veins. Their combined scents filled the air, and the cat purred.

“What about me?” Camryn’s brows rose sharply when he grinned and purred even louder. “Is that all you’re going to do? Purr?”

Ry chuckled, feeling relaxed and limber. He rolled on his side and tugged at a lock of her silky hair. “No that’s not all I’m going to do. I have more planned. Much more.” Ry grasped one apricot-colored nipple between forefinger and thumb and tugged. “We have all night—plenty of time for us both to purr.”

Chapter Three


Talor Coppersmith’s hotel, Ornum.


Talor had set the trap, knowing Ryman wouldn’t be able to resist. The wager, an amusement thought up when he’d happened to see Ryman at the Ornum spaceport. So smug and confident. Now his brother and renegade crew had returned to Ornum after a mysterious departure. A gloating smile bled across his face, satisfaction bringing a buoyant mood. This time he’d outsmart them. They’d feel safe here on the convict planet. Oh, they’d use caution but the frontier feel of the town lent a certain freedom—a place where anything could and did happen. The law only concerned itself with the convicts under their charge. The free men, the alien visitors and the convicts who had worked out their tenure experienced freedom not possible on most planets.

This time he’d destroy Ryman totally, grinding him to dust beneath his heels. First though, he’d toy with his brother and make him realize how puny and vulnerable he was to Talor’s wrath.

A knock sounded on the door to his office. Talor grimaced, anger jumping inside and pressing against his temples. He alleviated the ache by loosening his queue, and his long silver hair settled against his shoulders.


The door opened gingerly and his aide peeked inside. “Mr. Coppersmith?”

“Alfredo, I said no interruptions.” Even though the door blocked most of his robust body, Talor caught his aide’s flinch and took pleasure in it. Stupid fool.

“Ryman Coppersmith has entered the race. You told me you wanted to know when he’d officially entered.”

“Thank you, Alfredo. You may go now.” The quiet click of the door and the ponderous steps confirmed the man wasn’t attempting to eavesdrop for his reaction. Talor flicked his fingers at the candle sconce on the far wall. The candle wicks flared before spluttering out.

A pithy curse emerged at yet another example of his faltering magic. With a deep breath, he centered his mind and tried again. This time the flames burned bright and true.

He leaned back in his chair before jumping restlessly to his feet. He stalked to a sideboard and poured a goblet of plummet wine before returning to his seat. Once seated, he twirled the golden liquid in the goblet, warming it with his hands. The first part of his plan had gone according to expectations. Talor had known Ryman couldn’t resist besting him on neutral territory. During his sporadic visits to Ibrox, Ryman usually slipped in and out before Talor became aware of his presence. That was the reason he’d made his intentions to enter the race public. He chuckled, pleased with the way his plan had fallen into place.

Everyone thought he’d entered because he wanted a wife. What would he do with a wife? Oh no. When he won, he wouldn’t marry the common creature. The woman always appeared veiled in public. No one had seen her face since childhood, which indicated disfigurement. The race for her hand in marriage backed up the theory. She was a dog. But depending on her looks, he might take her for his harem or sell her onward.

Of course a sale might create problems. A pucker creased his brow, but cleared secs later. He’d marry her off to an important statesmen. None of the gentry would take her to wife but a statesman would since marriage meant advancement. There—problem solved. When he won, he’d turn the woman over to a suitable candidate and keep the currency part of the prize pot to pay off pressing debts.

And best of all, he’d rid himself of the blight on his life. Ryman Coppersmith—the brat his mother had insisted on fostering and adopting legally despite his mystery background. Bah! His brother was a nobody.

A common thief.

But not a murderer, as everyone presumed. No, Talor had compelled a passing traveler to kill Maxmus whilst setting up his brother. Unfortunately Ryman had escaped the trap.

But this time—ah, this time, Talor would best his brother. With Ryman dead, his luck would turn. Not only would the land his mother had willed to Ryman return to him, but his waning magical powers would recover and flare brighter than ever, the effect rippling down to the family charm business. Soon, the House of the Cat would rule again and he, as its head, would benefit.




He’d have it all.

Another tap on the door interrupted his musing. “Enter.”

“You have a visitor,” Alfredo said. “Ms. Kaya Ignatius.”

A crafty smile slid across Talor’s lips. The first part of his plan. He’d known the woman would come in handy, and the fact she was good in the sexual department was an added bonus. “Ah, the beautiful Kaya. I’ve been expecting her visit.”

Alfredo stood aside and Kaya swept into the room. The aide closed the door, leaving them alone. Talor waved her to a chair and poured her a drink before taking possession of another nearby chair.

“What news?”

“Ry has entered the race.”


“We leave to hunt for our hell-horse.”

Talor sipped his wine. “Where will you hunt?”

“We are flying to the distant hunting ground.”

No witnesses when he destroyed their tender. Excellent. “Thank you, Kaya.” The news brought triumph. With Ry gone, his troubles would cease.
Kaya, come to me

Kaya set down her wine and stood, then glided to him in a sensuous sway, not a hint of hesitation once she’d heard his compelling thoughts.


To his delight, the blue-haired woman removed her footwear and clothes with unconscious grace. Talor watched the entire time, enjoying the private striptease and reveal of her creamy skin. His shaft twitched and he widened his stance for comfort. Generous breasts. Curvy hips. A pleasant sight to behold, especially with her exotic features and toned musculature.

Hungry to possess her, he stood, kicked off his shoes and rapidly disrobed. Talor reclaimed his seat and beckoned her closer. When Kaya dawdled, he reiterated the demand with silent compulsion. She didn’t waver again. Kaya clambered onto his lap and impaled herself slowly on his cock. She was delightfully wet for him. The wench loved his orders. The tight squeeze of her quim brought a shudder of pleasure. He sighed in satisfaction, flexing his hips and leaning closer to take the nipple of one breast into his mouth. He bit down, bringing a sharp protest.

“That hurt.”

He soothed the nip with the flat of his tongue and raised his head to nuzzle one pointed ear. “A little pain brings greater pleasure. I promise this will be very good.”

“It is always good,” Kaya admitted, angling her neck to grant him better access to her ear.

Quite true. Fukking with his brother’s life always added piquant spice to the mix and the intimate pillow talk with the delightful Kaya gave him an inside edge. Soon—very soon—he’d rid himself of Ryman for once and all. To secure his future, he’d do anything.

* * * * *

“Camryn, it’s time to go. The Red Mumber has left.”

Camryn bolted upright, and the silky bedcovers slivered to her waist, putting her breasts on display for the man across the other side of the bedroom. She blinked in confusion. “Gabriel?”

“Who is Gabriel?”

Not Gabriel

Sorrow clamped down, a heavy weight on her chest. She grabbed the covers, to conceal her nakedness, her heart pounding as the events of the previous night rushed back. Shit, she’d slept with the alien kitty. She swallowed, the guilt of betrayal pounding her mind.

“Someone I knew. Is it time to leave?” She blinked rapidly and turned away to hide her imminent tears.

“Yes.” Fully dressed, Ry prowled to the window and stared down at the street below. Camryn heard the clanking of chains, probably some of the yellow-clad convicts making their way to the factories. She scrambled from bed and yanked on her clothes and footwear.

“Follow me.” Ry stopped to hand the woman behind the desk several notes before they left. The rapid walk to the ship passed without incident.

“Where have you been?” Mogens’ stern demands grated on her ears and brought more guilt.

Camryn resisted a glance at Ry and let him answer. Mogens’ attitude reminded her of her stepfather. The man had meant well but he’d had overprotective down perfectly.

“The administrator wanted to buy Camryn for the governor’s harem. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. We had to dodge Red Mumbers all night.” Ry made it sound as if they’d spent the entire night on the run.

Heat collected in her cheeks when memories of their hot, frantic couplings filled her mind. The pleasure. Next came memories of Gabriel. She’d slept with another man—betrayed Gabriel yet again. Pain clawed her stomach, the wet sting of tears finally falling to cloud her vision. Betrayal. Oh boy. She just kept compounding the errors one after another.

“Did they follow you to the ship?” Jannike demanded.

“I didn’t see any but we’ll need to stay alert.” Ry turned away to speak to Yep, who wore his hair loose today rather than confined in the normal ponytail. “Any problems?”

“Nope, not a one.”

“When do we go to see the horses?” The sooner she started training the better. It wasn’t long until the race started, only a matter of months before the big day. “I need to start training, especially if they’re as difficult as everyone says.”

Ry growled deep in his throat. “You can’t leave the ship on your own.”

“We could disguise Camryn,” Mogens suggested. Today his violet eyes sparkled like amethyst jewels and his skin shone a pearly gray. Camryn had started to think of this as his happy color.

“I can do a disguise,” she said.

“You’ll have to cut your hair,” Jannike said. “The rich black is very distinctive.”

“No!” Everyone stared at Ry’s strong outburst.

Kaya grinned while Mogens colored to black.

The crew shifted their attention to her. Unable to withstand the close attention, Camryn shuffled her feet and wished she were invisible. Heat collected in her face, kicked along by old-fashioned guilt. She’d slept with another man. Betrayed Gabriel’s memory.

“A disguise is a good idea but it doesn’t need to be radical.” Ry shrugged from his jacket and tossed it aside. “As for the hell-horses, we’ll eat, pack supplies and head out with the tender to one of the outlying locations. The tender is big enough to transport a hell-horse.”

“From what we heard at the pub last night we’ll definitely to need to hunt farther afield. The hunting grounds near the city are almost out of stock,” Nanu said, shaking his head and setting the beads on the end of his braids clacking. “The remaining hell-horses are wary and dangerous.”

Ry scratched his chest and attempted to reach his back. “Something is biting me.”

Mogens reached for his satchel. “Take off your shirt and let me place salve on the bites. Left untreated they’ll fester in this tropical heat.”

BOOK: Captured & Seduced
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