Read Carrying the Rancher's Heir Online

Authors: Charlene Sands

Carrying the Rancher's Heir (18 page)

BOOK: Carrying the Rancher's Heir
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Callie couldn't miss the similarities to their relationship. The pregnancy she'd kept from him, the birthday surprise, the fight that they'd had tonight and her storming out, riding off the ranch on her horse. All of it seemed surreal now. “Tagg, I…” But she couldn't get the words out.

“I closed myself off, Callie. I refused to let anyone in. I'd
already blown one relationship. I lost someone dear to me. I lost a child. It was my fault—all of it. I didn't want to feel anything for anyone ever again. I wouldn't let myself fall in love.”

Tears spilled down her cheeks. Emotions washed over her at the utter pain she heard in his voice. “Oh, Tagg.”

“I figured when Clay started Penny's Song I could contribute and, in some small way, I could make up for the child that I'd lost.”

She wiped her tears away. “Because you're a good and honor able man.”

“And a big idiot, too. You were right. I know I don't deserve you. I used you as a scapegoat. I blamed you for something you couldn't help. Your father has a vendetta against my family, but you have never taken part in any of that. What's important now is that you know that I'd move heaven and earth to earn back your love. Let me love you, Callie. I promise I'll do better. I'll make it up to you.”

He took her hand in his and she felt her bruised heart healing. He'd confided in her something he hadn't told another human being. He'd trusted her with his truth. He'd opened up his heart to her and bared his soul.

She wouldn't tell him about his father and her mother. Not now. But maybe someday the two families could sit down together and talk it out, finally putting the past where it belonged. She would make her father listen to reason. And if she had to, she'd give The Hawk an ultimatum. If he didn't let the past go and accept Tagg on his own merit, he'd truly have no part in her life. Or her child's. Callie would make it right. She had to. She loved Tagg and her unborn baby too much and wouldn't be torn in two any longer.

Tagg got down on one knee.

Callie drew her lips tight. Her hands trembled and the rest
of her was a wobbly mess of nerves. “What are you doing?” she asked on a whisper.

“I'm proposing to you, Callie. The way I should have. Let me do this right.”

He waited for her answer.

“Okay,” she said ever so softly.

He took a moment to gather his thoughts and then began, “Callie Sullivan Worth, will you marry me? Will you let me love you and treat you the way you deserve to be treated? Will you let me be a husband to you, giving you all my faith, trust and love? If you give me this second chance, I swear to you, I won't ever disappoint you again. I promise you we'll have a good life together. I promise you, I'll love you forever and then some.”

Callie's heart opened and a rush of tenderness flowed in. She melted with happiness. She forgave Tagg all of his bad moods, lack of trust and unfair accusations. She forgave him for making her feel like an outsider on the ranch. For pushing her away every chance he could. Seeing him on bended knee, professing his love for her, she could forgive him anything. All in all, she'd always thought him the perfect man. No, she amended that. He was the perfect man
for her.

Tagg loved her. She repeated it over and over in her head. This wasn't a dream.
He loves me. He really loves me.

She bobbed her head up and down and joyous tears trickled down her cheeks. “Yes, Tagg. Yes. Yes. Yes.”

Tagg rose and she looped her arms around his neck, needing to touch him, to make sure all of this was real.

Tenderly, he wiped the moisture from her face. “I love you, Callie.”

“I believe you.”

“We'll be happy together.”

“I know. We will be.” She was certain of it.

He took her in a deep, soul-melding kiss that assured them both years and years of happiness. When they finally broke apart, Tagg stared into her eyes. And then something remarkable happened.

His lips curled up and he gave her his one hundred percent megawatt, the-world-is-a-happy-place-and-I-love-life kind of smile.

She knew she'd never love Tagg more than at this very moment.

He turned her and arm and arm they looked out at the majestic splendor of the Red Ridge Mountains. Together they witnessed their future on this land.

Callie sighed with immense delight.

She'd married her fantasy man.

How many girls could honestly say that?

ISBN: 978-1-4592-0194-1


Copyright © 2011 by Charlene Swink

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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BOOK: Carrying the Rancher's Heir
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