Read Caught on Camera: Part Four Online

Authors: Lily Harlem

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Caught on Camera: Part Four (7 page)

BOOK: Caught on Camera: Part Four
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The men ducked under the door beams into the cutesy cottage kitchen. I didn’t have to duck--five-foot-two meant you didn’t have to avoid hitting your head very often.

“Here you go, Annie.” Matt thrust a large glass of white wine into my hand. “I heard wine is your poison.”

“Thanks,” I said as I looked around. Ornate jugs and bunches of dried herbs hung from nails. Chintzy plates circled the room on a thin picture rail. Surfaces were crammed with bowls of citrus fruit, apples and enormous loaves of floury white bread. A basket of earthy, skinny carrots and a punnet of fat strawberries sat at the enamel drainer. A big lead-paned window looked out over a patio, an azure swimming pool and a field dotted with grazing Jersey cows.

“Wow,” said Tim, walking to the window and popping a beer. “This is fab, Matt.”

“Yeah, kinda cool, isn’t it?” Matt grabbed a pair of shades from the counter and slipped them on. “I have to pinch myself sometimes to make sure it’s all mine.” He laughed. “Come out and meet Jane. She’s lounging with a Martini, as usual.” He rolled his eyes good-humouredly and headed through a utility room.

Tim leaned in towards me. “You alright?” he asked quietly, his coal black eyes searching mine.

“Yeah, great, it’s beautiful.”

He smiled and gestured for me to follow Matt. “I’m just gonna find the bathroom. Be there in a sec.”

Stepping back into the harsh light of the day, I squinted uncomfortably. The sun reflecting off the kidney-shaped pool was like a torch beam shining in my eyes.

“Annie.” Matt’s voice boomed from a under a red parasol attached to the side of the cottage. “Over here.”

I peered into the glowing red shadows. Rising from a luxurious wooden lounger was a tall, impossibly elegant woman with sinewy, ballerina limbs. She had an enviable fluidness to her movements as she slipped into flat sandals and glided towards me.

As she stepped into the sunlight, her hair remained as scarlet as it had under the parasol. Her poker straight bob was a dynamic, boldly artificial colour chopped a fraction above her shoulders. She wore nothing but a tiny pair of bright yellow bikini bottoms with big looping bows at her hips. I noticed her thighs didn’t touch at all, not even at the top. There was just a neat straight line separating her legs that suggested only a hint of the intimate flesh beneath.

“So glad you could come, Annie.” Her voice was like milk and honey, rounded and plumy. “I’ve been looking forward to your visit all week.” She stopped right in front of me.

I smiled. “Thanks for inviting us.” I tried not to stare at her bare breasts, but since they were only a foot from my face and just below my eye level, it was hard not to. They were, like the rest of her, utterly perfect. Unlike mine which were on the large side with darkly tinged nipples, hers were small and pert. There was a solid weight to the under curve but it didn’t drag them down; just made them the perfect size for a palm to cup. Her nipples were the most delicate shade of petal pink I’d ever seen. It was hard to tell where her pale flesh ended and the areola began. They were erect too, hard little points looking up to the sky.

My mouth went dry. Aware I was studying her a little too closely, I fumbled for words. “Tim, has er…just nipped to the bathroom.”

She rolled her dove grey eyes. “He always did have a weak bladder.” She laughed then, a delicate tinkle. It was quite contagious and I smiled with her.

“Isn’t she gorgeous?” Matt said, walking up behind Jane and resting his hand on her waist.



Jane and I had answered his question in unison and he tipped his head back and let out a deep rumble of a laugh. “Excellent,” he said. “Couldn’t be better, excellent stuff.”

I shifted my feet and took a sip of wine. Felt an irritating heat rise on my cheeks.

“Oh, so sweet,” Jane said, her neat angular features softening in amusement. “She’s blushing.” She tipped her neck down and grazed her lips across first my left then my right cheek. “So sweet,” she murmured. “So, so sweet.”

My heart beat against my chest like a captive butterfly. I’d never been attracted to a woman before, never been hit by someone’s sexuality the way Jane was hitting me with hers. There was nothing subtle about it, but at the same time, it wasn’t demanding. It just was. It was there.

“Tim.” Jane suddenly sidestepped round me, halting my examination of the tiny galaxy of freckles sprinkled on the bridge of her nose. “Tim, darling, so great to see you. You look fabulous…as always.”

I turned to see Tim strolling across the patio minus his t-shirt. Dark coils of chest hair tapered into a neat line which disappeared under the low waistband of his jeans. His torso was wasted in the stock exchange—he should have been earning his millions modelling for Armani. “Jane.” He grinned, holding out his arms. “It’s been too long.”

They came together in a tight, genuine embrace. Tim went so far as to lift her off the ground in a sweeping three-sixty swing. She squealed daintily and squeezed her arms tighter around his neck. He set her down, and they beamed as they kissed one another’s cheeks and exclaimed how amazingly well the other looked.

They kept their chests pressed together as they conducted this ritual. I was fascinated. Rather than feeling insanely jealous that my man had a beautiful, practically naked woman attached to him, I felt excited. I felt curious. I wanted to know what it was like to have Jane’s alabaster breasts pressed against my bare skin. I already knew what it was like to be pressed against Tim—I’d done that a million times, I loved it—but what I wanted to know was did her peaked little nipples press hard like pencil points or did they soften and flatten like disks?

I watched Tim run his hands down her long, graceful back. His fingers dipped into the arch of her spine and rested a whisker above her miniscule behind. I took another slug of wine. Her skin was sheet white, not a blue vein or red blemish in sight. It was flawless, like porcelain. I wanted to touch it.

Finally, they released one another.

“I’ve invited Teresa and Carl over tonight,” Jane threw in Matt’s direction.

Matt raised his left brow and a ghost of a smile travelled over his lips. “Good.”

“They’re our friends from the village,” Jane went on. “Carl did some electrical work for us last year.”

“And Teresa keeps an eye on the place when we’re away,” Matt said, swigging from his beer. “They’re a nice couple, very…er, obliging.”

Jane looked down at her left breast, brought up a hand and swept it over the entire mound, once, twice, three times. “Pesky insect,” she muttered.

Lucky insect, I thought.


* * * *


I decided to make the most of the evening sunshine and take a swim as Jane and Matt prepared dinner. I offered to help but was shooed out the kitchen with exclaims of, “Absolutely not, you’re on holiday, Annie. Go and have fun.”

The water was deliciously cool on my sizzling body and I did several fast laps to use up adrenaline. An afternoon watching Jane’s every move like a starving hawk watched a mouse had done seriously strange things to my thought process, not to mention my libido.

“Why didn’t you take off your bikini top like Jane did?” Tim asked, swimming up behind me at an Olympic pace. I thought I’d been alone and his presence dragged my thoughts away from Jane sitting with her legs wantonly stretched apart on the lounger.

I turned, rested my back against the tiles and dragged in a calming breath. The water tickled at my shoulders. “Because my boobs are nothing on hers. Hers are so perfect.”

Tim glided right up to me in the water, a lusty glint in his eyes. “I think yours are perfect,” he said with the deep huskiness his voice took on when he thought about sex. “I like a decent handful, not just enough to nip between my thumb and finger.” As he spoke, he delved his hand into my bikini top and gently squeezed my generous flesh. I melted into his touch and imagined myself doing the same to Jane. Squeezing and releasing her delicate buds. Catching her nipples between my thumb and index finger and teasing them to puckered twists of skin. Playing with them until they couldn’t get any harder and she groaned in part pain, part ecstasy.

The erotic image made me sigh and I fluttered my eyelids shut, wishing Tim would treat my nipples with the same roughness I would Jane’s.

Tim stepped between my legs and pressed a steely erection against my stomach. Lightning fast, his other hand travelled over my submerged behind, lifted my right leg and hooked it around his waist.

“Tim,” I said, opening my eyes.

“What, baby?”

“What are you doing?”

“I’m just about to bury myself deep inside you.” His mouth searched for mine and his tongue dipped in.

I put my hand on his chest and pushed him away. “Not here, not in the pool. They’re in the kitchen, they’ll see us.”

He grinned. “No, they headed upstairs a few minutes ago, either to get changed or do the same thing we’re going to do.” His mouth found mine again as he shoved his swim shorts down to release his penis. I glanced at the kitchen window. It was dark and I couldn’t see any movement. I looked up at the bedroom windows as Tim pulled aside the crotch on my bikini bottoms. The end window had the curtains drawn and the window was tight shut. Tim was right, they’d gone upstairs. They were no doubt going for it right now, curled around one another, sweaty and urgent, fucking like animals, sating one another, licking one another, trying to hold onto their calls for more because they had guests in the house.

I felt the smooth head of Tim’s cock slip through my dark pubes towards my pussy. I wondered what colour pubes Jane had. Was she naturally a redhead and enhanced it with the bottle to get a more striking look? Or was she a blonde? Or maybe a brunette? Brunette was unlikely with her paper white skin and amber freckles, but blonde was a possibility.

Tim groaned as he entered me, the water easing his way. . I didn’t get the usual delicious stretching I normally got when he invaded me. It was just a filling sensation. The friction was missing.

“Fuck that feels so good,” he said, nibbling my ear. “So fucking good, Annie. You’re so fucking good.”

I murmured a response, shut my eyes and grabbed hold of his wide biceps, which bulged as his hands gripped the tiles on either side of my head. His hips jerked me upwards and my back jarred against the hard wall of the pool. I let out a groan of discomfort which he took as encouragement and repeated the action.

I tipped forward and clung onto his body. This impaled me farther onto his cock and I felt a spark in my clit as his pubic bone connected. Perhaps a quick orgasm would sate me a little.

“Oh, baby, I’m not going to last long,” he said through gritted teeth. “You feel too fucking hot and wet around my dick, and I’ve been thinking about doing this to you all afternoon.”

I wrapped my legs tighter around him and crunched my body down for that wonderful feeling of rhythm and pressure on my needy little nub. But it was no good. It wasn’t working. He was jerking around and shafting into me randomly, hitting all the wrong nerve endings and not igniting the flame.

“I’m coming,” I lied breathily into his ear. I dragged my hand through his wet hair and tugged. “Come with me, come with me, Tim…now.”

I didn’t need to ask him twice. With a heaving grunt, his muscles turned to granite. His penis pulsated within me and I knew semen would be spurting up to my womb and mixing with pool water.

“Yes, Oh, God, yes,” he said, burying his face in my neck and wrapping his arms tighter around me to drag me harder onto his cock.

I wondered what Jane said when she came. I imagined she’d release a series of guttural groans. Dirty sounds from such a sweet mouth would be a delight to listen to, a pleasure to create. Lucky old Matt. I wished I could be him for a night.

I opened my eyes.

We’d spun so I was facing the kitchen window and through the semi-darkness of the window pane I could make out a pale face staring out at me. My heart stuttered. It was Jane. She didn’t look away when our eyes connected; instead, she carried on staring, watching, like a statue.

Her expression was curious, perhaps even amused as she saw Tim finish coming deep within me in a series of juddering spasms. I wondered what she would say if she knew I’d been imagining what it would be like to fuck her. What she’d think if she knew that all the time Tim was inside me, I wanted to be inside her.




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About the Author



Lily Harlem lives in the UK with a workaholic hunk and a crazy cat. With a desk overlooking rolling hills her over active imagination has been allowed to run wild and free and she revels in using the written word as an outlet for her creativity.


Lily’s stories are made up of colorful characters exploring their sexuality and sensuality in a safe, consensual way. With the bedroom door left wide open the reader can hang on for the ride and Lily hopes by reading sensual romance people will be brave enough to try something new themselves–after all, life’s too short to be anything other than fully satisfied.


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BOOK: Caught on Camera: Part Four
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