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Authors: Kade Boehme

Chasing the Rainbow (15 page)

BOOK: Chasing the Rainbow
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                  “Oh, no. We were actually just discussing my move to Connecticut,” Angie said.


                  “I’ll be damned.”


                  “Yeah. Got a job in Hartford.”


                  “Congrats, Ang,” he said, meaning it. He wanted good things for her. So long as they didn’t involve him anymore.


                  “Bobby, I can’t,” his mother said. She looked between Jody and Bobby. “It’s him, first. I can’t believe…
? And you’re gay. I need time.”


                  “If that’s your choice,” Bobby said, stiffly. He rose and went to Jody, taking his hand. “And it is absolutely your choice.”


                  She kept her gaze steadily on him. “I’m old, Bobby. I can’t just change overnight.”


                  “So be it,” Bobby said, and turned to leave.


                  “Wait,” Carlo said. “We’ll come with you.”


                  “You’ll do no such thing,” their mother snapped.


                  “I think I will, Ma. I don’t have a problem with them. I love you, but this is ridiculous. If they leave, I’m gone too.” The disappointment dripping from his every word froze the room. Not another word was spoken as Carlo gathered his girlfriend and made noise about going to the diner around the block.


                  When they were finally outside, Bobby could breathe again, and Jody was on him, hugging and kissing him. “You okay?”


                 And when he said, “Yes.” He absolutely meant it. Jody was it, his home, his place in the rainbow. He loved his mother, would miss her. But he’d found so much he’d never thought he’d have, and he had the support of his brother, who was his best friend.


                  Which reminded him. “Carlo, you didn’t have to do that.”


                  Carlo scoffed. “Of course I did. I’ve been calling the old woman on her shit for years. Why wouldn’t I do it when she needs it most?” Carlo squeezed the shoulder Jody’s head wasn’t on. “You go get your happy on. She’ll come around. She will.”


                  “Right. When she isn’t worried about what old lady Panicky thinks.”


                  “What does that matter?” Angelina asked, from behind him. She wrapped a shawl around her shoulders. “You’re happy.” Statement, not a question.




                  “Then fuck what any of us thinks, Bob. Happy is one thing you’ve never been. I’d say it’s your turn.” She nodded at Jody. “I can’t say it’s great to see you again. But take care of this one, okay?”


                  “Okay,” Jody drawled. Bobby had to keep himself from laughing at the way Jody and Angie sized each other up. Even he found it disconcerting to have his past and present meshing like this, though so he started to make their farewells.


                  “Goodbye, Bobby.” Angie’s words were loaded with meaning.


                  “Bye, Angie.”


                  “Sorry, I know this is weird. Just… When you said you were seeing someone, really seeing someone, I finally got it together. I won’t get into it. But… goodbye. For real, now.” She was smiling. He could deal with that. He had to imagine it’d been harder for her since she really had loved him in a way he couldn’t love her. He felt bad, but it was time to stop with the guilt and live.


                  He turned to Jody and smiled, feeling so much possibility and ridiculously swelling hope for the future as he held out a hand for Jody to take. Jody’s eyes went soft, perfect pink lips turning up happily as he took Bobby’s hand.


                  “Is this the part where we live happily ever after?” Bobby asked, feeling a little silly with love.


                  Before Jody could answer, Carlo piped in. “With a jughead like you? Not likely.”


                  Jody, Bobby, and the new girlfriend said, “Shut up, Carlo,” in unison.


                  “She’s a keeper,” Jody whispered. That made Bobby guffaw. Together, they walked down the block to Bobby’s truck, deciding on where to go for dinner. They settled on take out and blowjobs. Bobby was okay with that.




“THIS IS THE lamest bachelor’s part ever,” Alex bitched, dropping a box on the kitchen floor.

              “God, Al, those are fragile!” DeDe sniped. Alex winced at having been busted by the decorator police. “And we bought enough booze to get two fraternities drunk.” She stopped at that and looked off wistfully in the distance.

              “Gross, DeDe. Stop reliving your fiftieth birthday and go help with… something,” Alex said, pretending to gag.

              “Both of you stop, please,” Bobby said. “How’ve you dealt with this all this time and not become a drunk?” he asked Jody.

              Jody rolled his eyes. “I read.” He placed a kiss on Bobby’s temple. “You can go now. We’ve got everything unloaded.”

              “You sure?” Bobby asked, walking a wide circle, surveying the room.

              “Yes. Carlo’s waiting right? God knows he’s more annoying than these two when you hold up the drinking. We can finish unpacking when we get back next week.”

              The honeymoon. Jody couldn’t believe this time tomorrow he’d be on his way to Australia.

“We should go to Australia. Y’know. Oz?” Bobby’d said.

“Why Australia?”

“Over the rainbow….”

“Good to see you’re getting your gay on. And I never want you to give me shit about my romance novel references. Ever again.”

So they’d agreed on two weeks down under. Random, but hey, they had their whole lives and they wanted to do things and see things together.

He was still a little shocked Bobby had proposed. It had taken them six months to finish the house and by the time Bobby decided it was ready to move into, the next summer had rolled around. They’d had their ups and downs, just like anyone, Jody imagined. But he felt like he was getting his very own happily ever after. Not everything was tied up all neatly, Bobby’s mom still hadn’t come around, and his older brother had all but disowned him, though Jody had yet to even meet the man face-to-face. Bobby didn’t seem phased. But you could see in the quiet moments that Bobby wished his mother would come around.

“Jo? What you thinking about?”

Jody realized he’d been staring at his fiancé. God, if you’d told him this time a year earlier, he’d never have believed he’d be here; today, preparing to get married to Bobby Gugino, moving into the house they’d made a home in Brooklyn. Bobby said Jody coming to Brooklyn to live was the biggest shock, but no one agreed with him on that point.

They’d gone through so much to get to this place. Jody had to keep staring at Bobby for a minute. He didn’t want to take any of it for granted. Cancer and coming out and family drama and running away and chasing rainbows. Yet here they stood. Together. Smiling at each other like idiots.

“Bobby, are you okay your family won’t be there?”

Bobby sighed and ran a hand through Jody’s hair. “We’ve been through this. I’m fine. Really.” He tossed a look over his shoulder where Alex and DeDe were bickering, even as they poured vodka and other mixers into a shaker. Bobby smiled fondly. “Looks like you’ve given me plenty of family to make up for any I’ve lost.”

Jody hugged his man. His love. His huge, pain in the ass, love him or leave him Guido, with the big, kind brown eyes and a dirty mouth.

“Besides. I’ve got all I need with you.”

Jody looked at Bobby questioningly.

Bobby ran a finger down Jody’s cheek. “Home, babe. You give me a home.” 






Kade Boehme is a southern boy without the charm, but all the sass. Currently residing in New York City, he lives off of ramen noodles and too much booze.
              He is the epitomy of dorkdom, only watching TV when Rachel Maddow or one of his sports teams is on. Most of his free time is spent dancing, arguing politics or with his nose in a book.
              It was after writing a short story about boys who loved each other for a less than reputable adult website that he found his true calling, and hopefully a bit more class.
              He hopes to write about all the romance that he personally finds himself allergic to but that others can fall in love with. He maintains that life is real and the stories should be, as well.


Kade loves to hear from readers! You can e-mail him at
[email protected]

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Wide Awake*

You Can Still See the Stars in Seattle
(Wide Awake #2)

A Little Complicated*

Good Enough*

Wood, Screws, & Nails
with Piper Vaughn

Keep Swimming*

Going Under (Keep Swimming #2)*


Don't Trust the Cut*

Gangster Country*
Trouble & the Wallflower*
Where the World Ends*
Teaching Professor Grayson
with Allison Cassatta
We Found Love
with Allison Cassatta*
Chance of the Heart*




*available in paperback



BOOK: Chasing the Rainbow
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