Read Chastity Belt Online

Authors: Shoshanna Evers

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

Chastity Belt (7 page)

BOOK: Chastity Belt
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“Come in, water’s fine!” Georgia called.

Jonathan grinned and stripped off his T-shirt. He had time to get her primed for this evening before he had to leave for work. The shower door was steamed up but Georgia turned and pressed her tits against the glass, giving him an instant erection.

She was so beautiful with the lather from the shampoo streaming down her breasts, over her tight, flat stomach. Stepping into the hot spray, Jonathan took the soap from her hands and gently washed her, turning her in his arms to let the water rinse the bubbles off.

“Spread your thighs,” he whispered, dropping to his knees on the cold, wet tiles. Water dribbled in his mouth from the shower as he licked her freshly shaved pussy, darting his tongue between her lips to capture her clitoris.

She moaned, her hands tangling in his wet hair as he sucked hard, rolling the little nub between his teeth and tongue.

Then he stood.

“No, keep going, I was so close,” she groaned.

“I know,” he said wickedly. “Now I’m going to put the belt back on you.”

Georgia’s mouth dropped open and Jonathan shut off the shower and grabbed a towel. “You have to finish what you started,” she said. “You can’t leave me like this all day!”

“Sweet Georgia,” he said, running the towel over her body, “that’s exactly what I intend to do. It will make tonight at the club that much more enjoyable for us all.”

To his surprise, she started fingering herself, rubbing her clit as fast as her hand would allow. She was trying to cheat herself to an orgasm before he could get the chastity belt back on her.

Laughing, he grabbed her wrists in one hand. “Oh no you don’t, you little minx.”


Georgia cried out in frustration, pounding her fists against his muscular chest in protest as he carried her still-wet body into the bedroom. “No, you jerk! Let me come first,” she insisted as he clicked the chastity belt into place once more.

“I’ll see you tonight,” he said. He dressed quickly, arranging his tie with the precision of a man who learned long ago the art of the perfect knot.

“What’s going to happen tonight?”

“It’ll be an experience you’ll never forget, sweetheart, I promise you that.”

Georgia sighed and looked down at the belt. Damn him. She needed release so badly, but her clit was locked away now from even herself.

* * * * *


Her phone chimed once later that afternoon when she was trying to nap. She had to be bright-eyed for this evening’s adventure at the GC, whatever it may be. Maybe another hour of forced orgasms? She knew if that was the case she’d be begging to get out of it after fifteen minutes or so, but right now the thought sounded so good she could almost climax just thinking about the last time.

Picking up her cell, she scanned the text message lazily before bolting upright on the couch.
You better get over here. The cops are here asking about you.
It was from Vincent!

She texted back,
What do they want? Which officer?

A chime and then the last name she ever wanted to see again came across her cell phone screen.
Officer Ramirez. Just get here.

What did her ex-boyfriend want with her now? She hadn’t broken any laws. And he sure as hell knew they weren’t getting back together. So why was he asking Vincent about her?


* * * * *


Mary Ann greeted her at the door. “Thank god you’re here,” she said, her eyebrows creased with worry. “That damn cop won’t leave until he sees you’re okay.”

Vincent came up behind Mary Ann and gestured Georgia inside. His face was stony and expressionless, but anger seethed out of his pores.

“I didn’t call the cops, Vincent,” Georgia said. “You know I wouldn’t do something like that.”

He sighed. “Just go talk to him.”

Georgia walked into the back office. Mary Ann and Vincent waited in the lounge behind her. Her ex-boyfriend Eric Ramirez stood in his police blues, arms at his sides.

He shook his head. “I was told the lady in question was called ‘Sweet Georgia’. I can’t believe it’s actually
. Jesus.”

“Hi, Eric.”

“I’m on the job. Call me Officer,” he said. “And close the door. We need to talk.”

Closing the office door, she laughed to cover her nerves and sat on the couch. “Gimme a break,
. What the hell are you doing here?”

“We got a concerned call from a client here. Said a man locked you into a chastity belt against your will and wouldn’t take it off.”

Georgia shook her head. “Not true.”

Eric stepped toward her and Georgia gasped as he lifted her skirt. “Get away from me, Eric, I mean it.”

“Jesus, Georgia,” he said in apparent disgust when he saw the metal contraption hiding under her clothes. “Why the fuck did this pervert do this to you? Were you such a slut he had to forcibly lock you up?”

“Get out of here,” she said, struggling to hide her flushed face as she lowered her skirt.

“While I can see where the guy who put the chastity belt on you was going with this, I’m still going to arrest his ass.” Eric looked down at his paper and read the name. “Jonathan Syler. He’s going down.”

“There was no crime, you idiot!” she yelled, jumping to her feet in outrage. “I slept at his house last night and I practically
him to put the belt back on me. I like being his.”

Eric tilted his head and leaned back against Vincent’s expensive mahogany desk. “I received a phone call saying that this guy put the belt on you and wouldn’t unlock it, against your will. Are you saying that never happened?”

“Well, m-maybe at first,” she stuttered, “but now it’s different.”

“So Jonathan Syler did indeed restrain you against your will.”

“Damn it, Eric, you’re twisting my words. Anyway, I’m not pressing charges, so get the fuck out of here.”

“Are you in a relationship with this man?”

Was she?

“I think I’m going to arrest him anyway,” Eric said. “It’s like with domestic abuse, sometimes the wife won’t talk but if there’s evidence we can still convict.”

Georgia wanted to scream in frustration. She sat on the couch and put her face in her hands. “There’s no evidence, Officer Moron. You’re just doing this to fuck with my head.”

“Oh, there’s no evidence?” He stood above her, glaring down from his full height. “How about a room full of men watching you get assaulted? How about the fact that you are
a damned chastity belt right fucking

“Please, please, Eric…Officer. Seriously—I’m fine. Just don’t screw this up for me.”

“Don’t screw what up?” he asked exasperatedly.

“I just—I think I might be falling in love with him,” she whispered.

Eric shook his head. “You are one messed-up girl. I’m lucky you left me when you did.” He walked past her and opened the door. “Seriously, Georgia—come by the station if you need help. We could get that thing off you if you need us to.”

Georgia looked up in surprise.
Since when was Eric nice?
“Th-thanks. But I’m fine.”

He left, closing the door behind him, leaving Georgia sitting there, trembling. Why had she said that—was it even true? Could she really be falling for Jonathan so quickly?

Chapter Five


“Gentlemen,” Vincent purred into the microphone from the GC stage, “for your viewing pleasure—I present Casey and Sweet Georgia!”

Georgia laughed at the intro and came onstage holding Casey’s hand, swinging it slightly as the stage fright kicked in—just a bit of butterflies she had unsuccessfully tried to drown in scotch moments earlier. Thank god the spotlight on them was bright enough Georgia couldn’t see into the audience. She could hear the men though, the ice clinking in their glasses.

Was Jonathan out there? Watching her?

The thought made her wet.

Tossing her hair, she laughed as Casey lifted their hands up high between them in a victory pose as they hit their mark—a little
of duct tape on the stage where the light was perfect. What was going to happen? She had been offered two hundred plus tips to perform with Casey, doing some girl-on-girl action for the men. But the details were a little hazy.

Vincent nodded to Casey, who leaned in and whispered in Georgia’s ear. “I’m going to undress you, okay?”

Georgia nodded, feeling slightly buzzed from the scotch. Definitely not drunk. Mary Ann had warned her not to get so hammered that she’d regret anything she did at the club. Good advice from a woman who was starting to have almost a maternal influence in her life.

Casey let go of Georgia’s hand long enough to slowly unbutton Georgia’s sheer, flimsy blouse, letting it fall to the stage floor. A few men cat-called and she felt her face flush.

em watch.
It turned her on.

Georgia stepped toward Casey and kissed her deep on the mouth, loving the taste of her friend’s strawberry lip-gloss. Kissing a girl was so…different from kissing a man. No stubble, for one. Softer lips, for another. And while in Jonathan’s arms she felt entirely submissive and feminine, in Casey’s she enjoyed feeling the other girl’s femininity surround her. Her hair smelled amazing, like citrus shampoo.

Pulling her bra straps off her shoulders one by one, Georgia waited until the hollering in the audience had calmed before unhooking the bra completely, causing the men to start up all over again as her breasts were bared. Smiling, Casey dipped her head and pulled one of Georgia’s rouged nipples into her mouth, sucking daintily.

Rouged nipples. That was another trick Mary Ann had taught her—a little red lipstick on the mouth, a smudge on her areolas. The men loved it. Georgia gasped as Casey flicked her tongue around and around her sensitive tip.

Casey reached behind her and unzipped the back of Georgia’s miniskirt, letting it fall around her ankles, leaving her body bare except for the chastity belt. Casey sank to her knees dramatically and looked out into the audience.

As if on cue, Vincent handed her the mic.

“Oh no,” Casey cried into the microphone, playing it up for the men. “My Sweet Georgia, you’re all locked up!”

Georgia laughed and shrugged, like,
what can I do?

“Mr. Syler,” Casey said, “won’t you please come unlock my friend so we can play?”

The audience clapped as Jonathan stood. Georgia couldn’t see him past the spotlight, but she imagined him setting his drink down and wiping the condensation from the glass on a napkin before taking off his Armani suit jacket.

Georgia felt those butterflies in her stomach again as she watched him climb the few steps up to the stage. He was so damn good-looking.

He took the little metal key out of his pocket and she grinned. She needed to come so badly, especially after what he had done to her this morning, leaving her need unrequited like that and her with no way to fulfill her desire.

Her pussy felt so bare and exposed when the belt came off and suddenly she was acutely aware that she was stark naked on a stage.

Jonathan whispered in Casey’s ear and she giggled and nodded. Then he was gone, standing off in the wings, watching.

“Stand still, Sweet Georgia,” Casey said, “so I can play with your little pussy just like Mr. Syler told me to.”

She was so ready to come she thought she might die from it.

Closing her eyes, Georgia let her head drop back with pleasure as Casey knelt in front of her, carefully parting her labia with her fingers. She was so amped up that any weirdness she might have felt about getting physical with her girlfriend was the farthest thing from her mind.

Casey was petting her slowly, barely making contact with her nether lips and avoiding her clit completely. Groaning, Georgia said, “More.”

“Naughty, naughty,” Casey said in a singsong voice. “Don’t you get it yet, Georgia?”

Georgia’s head snapped up and her eyes flew open as Jonathan came up behind her and held her against his muscular body, her naked flesh pressed against the fine silk of his tie and the soft cotton of his button-down shirt.

“I’m going to hold you here,” he murmured in her ear, his breath hot on her cheek, “while Casey teases you.”

“But,” Casey said, running her fingers over Georgia’s inner thighs, “I’m under strict orders not to let you climax.”

“No!” Georgia cried, struggling to free herself from Jonathan’s strong grasp. “You can’t do this to me, you gotta let me come, I need it.”

Jonathan held her tight and chuckled. “This will be good for you,” he said. “And good to watch.”

Vincent roared into the microphone, “Tease and denial, gentlemen, tease and denial! How much can Sweet Georgia take?”

Until he spoke, Georgia had almost forgotten she was getting paid for her performance.
Oh hell, how bad could it be?
She could take anything, right?

BOOK: Chastity Belt
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