Cherish Me (The Protected Love Series)

BOOK: Cherish Me (The Protected Love Series)
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Cherish Me
Book two of The Protected Love Series
Jennifer Culbreth

Copyright © by Jennifer Culbreth

All Rights Reserved

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission or the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Edited by Lisa Survillas

Graphic Design by Jennifer Culbreth Designs

Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen




Chapter One

“Judith, if you think you’re too damn good for this family then
I think it’s time for you to get the hell out!” Judy’s father screamed at her from the other side of the dark living room.

“I never said I was better than y’all daddy! I just want to make something better of myself.” This was an argument she’d had more than enough times with her stubborn father. “Isn’t that something a parent is supposed to want for their child

“Well forgive me if busting my ass working doubles at the mill wasn’t
good enough for you.” Her father shouted as he threw his orange hardhat against the wall and stormed out of the room.

Judy slouched down onto the green floral printed couch tracing her finger over the outline of the faded pink flowers.
She knew what she had to do but knowing she would be leaving her little brother to fend for himself made a shudder rip through her body. She tried as hard as she could to hold back the tears. Unrelentingly they flowed down her cheeks as she doubled over grasping her stomach. Darkness began setting in.
What the hell is happening to me?
Her chest tightened as searing pain spread throughout her lungs and across her body. It was dark. She could see nothing. All she could hear were the mumbled screams coming from somewhere off in the darkness. She tried reaching toward them but she couldn’t move, and suddenly she was falling into the blackness that had begun to take over her body.

Gasping for breath she
shot up out of the bed and jumped out from under the covers, searching in the darkness for the lamp she knew was within arm’s reach. She fumbled around the nightstand knocking the lamp half off before finding the small chain and pulling it. The room illuminated with dim light as she took in her surroundings; she wasn’t totally used to waking up in this bedroom. Her nerves began to settle as she took in the muscular figure on the other side of the bed.

“Baby, you ok?” She watched as Jace’s hand searched the bed for her
, his eyes still closed, before briskly sitting up. “Baby?”

“I’m ok. I just had another bad dream.” Judy took a deep steadying breath before ma
king her way back into the bed and turning off the light. It took a second to adjust to the sudden darkness in the room.

“The club?” Jace reached out for her
, taking her small frame into his arms.

“No. Well not completely.” Judy nestled into Jace’s side. The dreams hadn’
t stopped since the shooting. It had really upset Jace the first night she told him about it, so she tried not to bring it up often. “It was actually a flashback from an argument I had with my dad when I was younger.”

“He hasn’t called you back yet?” Jace asked.

“No. Not yet.” She tried to add hope to her voice but she knew it was pointless.

“Try not to worry about it baby. He will come around when he is ready.” He leaned down and kissed the top of her head before contin
uing. “And if he doesn’t, well…then fuck him. I will always be here.” His arms wrapped tighter around her body.

As she drifted
off she wondered how the choice she’d made so long ago, to leave that small town, had caused her family to completely write her out of their lives. Who does that to their child? Aren’t parents supposed to always be there to love and care for their children? Support their dreams and encourage them to be better? Flashbacks of her father screaming as her mother kept quiet in the corner flickered through her mind. There was no way in hell any man would ever get her down like her father had her mother. She would never be a coward like that.

Judy awoke to the stream of bright light peeking in through the large glass wi
ndow. Her body was hot. Too hot. Her eyes squinted open focusing on the large arm wrapped around her stomach as she realized she was still wrapped up in Jace’s arms. She peered over him, the clock said eight forty five.

“Jace. H
ey, Honey? Wake up.” She gently sat up and shook his arm.

He mumbled with his eyes closed.

, it’s almost nine.” She smiled over at him.

“Oh shit!” Jace’s eyes shot opened as he jumped from the bed and ran toward the bathroom.

Judy couldn’t help but smile.
Man I am an evil bitch.
She slid out of the bed slowly sliding her silk nightgown from her petite frame. Stepping out of it and letting it fall to the ground. She made her way into the bathroom, the steam from the shower filled up the room from one wall to the other. She giggled as she made her way over to the shower door.

“Mind if I join you?” She smiled as she stepped in.

“Sure, Babe. But it’s going to be a quick one. I am late as hell.” Jace rinsed the soap off his face before looking over at her. “What are you laughing about over there?” He reached over and pulled her body up to his under the hot stream of water.

“You know it
s Saturday right?” She giggled watching him rack his brain as the realization set in.

“You evil nymph.” He smiled as his lips met her

She could feel the passion radiating fro
m his body as her hands skimmed up his tightly toned arms and around his neck. His erection pressed into her stomach as hot water cascaded around them. His hands flowed up and down her body lighting a fire that could never be extinguished. He gently traced the scar that remained on her shoulder, a reminder of just how quickly life can change. Placing a knowing kiss on the scar before his hands traveled up, tugging lightly on her hair at the back of her neck to pull her lips away from his.

“Wrap you
r legs around me.” His voice was stern, igniting the flames that had already started raging inside her stomach.

“Yeah? Are you going to punish me?” She bit into his neck.

“Have you been bad?”

“The worst kind of bad.” She felt his hands cover her hips and lift her onto the
wall of the shower as she hooked her legs around his waist. He took one hand slowly to her clit and rubbed small circles before he slid two fingers deep inside of her. She gasped out as her head leaned back against the wall. “Yes, Jace! God yes!”

“I love when you scream my name
, Baby.” He brought her body down and onto his length stretching her, filling her, thrusting as deep as he could. “This pussy is mine.” His voice was a deep growl.

“Yes, Jace.
All yours.” Judy panted.

“I’m gonna fuck you now
Baby.” He thrust into her, feeling her body tighten around him. “I am going to fuck you hard.”

Judy could feel every nerve in her body light up as he
slammed his length into her, pushing her body back against the wall of the shower. Every touch sparked flames across her body… his lips, his fingers. She reached around and dug her fingers into his back as she gasped, begging for more.

“Shit! Jace!” She closed her eyes as the lighting erupted across her skin. She couldn’t control the moan that escaped her lips as the sound of skin against skin vibrated in her ears. Bliss. This man was pure bliss.
When she emerged out of the waves of her climax, her eyes shot open showing a fierce hunger. She wanted every inch of this man against her, touching her. She wanted to kiss every bulge of his muscles. She wanted it all. Her hands grabbed the hair at the back of his head as she gazed into his eyes.

He didn’t blink as he stared back at her, ravishing her body with pleasure. She could feel his body tightening alerting her of his approaching rele
ase. She panted as she found another release with his. He slowed as he leaned in and kissed her gently. For a moment they just stared at each other, the protectiveness in his eyes fueled her longing for him.

“So, am I forgiven?” She smiled innocently at him.

“Not until you wash my back.” He smiled back at her kissing her long and deep before he lowered her feet gently back down to the ground.

“Ok fine. Gimme
the loofa.” She put out her hand towards him as he handed it over, turning and nudging his shoulder towards her.

After getting dressed Judy made her way out of the bedroom and down the hallway that opened into a large great room. For a one level apartment
, they had plenty of space for just the two of them. She glanced over at the white leather couch as she made her way into the kitchen. Abbi’s jacket lay draped across the back cushion.

“Good morning adopted siblings.” She said as she walked into the small kitchen finding Abbi and Ryan sitting at the small breakfast bar talking with Jace as he tried to not burn the pan of scrambled eggs on the stove. “How’s my baby? Is she kicking yet?” She wrapped her arms around Abbi embracing her in a hug before holding her back at arm’s length and giving her a once over inspection.

“You mean he right?” Ryan smirked over at her.

“Oh no, it’s going to be all
about pink and hair bows. You better start learning how to braid hair now.” Judy chuckled over at the two of them.

“I don’t care what the sex is, as long as
our little one is healthy. That’s all that matters to me.” Abbi said placing her hand over Ryan’s on her stomach.

“Yep. Me too. A h
ealthy little girl, named after her auntie. We can call her Judy Jr.” Judy joked as she grabbed a stack of four plates from the cabinet. “When do you get to find out the sex of a baby?”

“Not for another month.” Abbi grabbed the cups Judy had been balancing, helping
her over to the small dining table against the large glass window.

“Well I guess I should hold off on buying
Biggie Small’s baby stuff then.” Judy smirked over at Abbi.

“Yeah right! I know you
have a growing pile in your spare bedroom. Jace already ratted you out.” Abbi patted Judy’s shoulder in comfort.

“You bastard
.” She cut her eyes at Jace who couldn’t help but laugh. “You betrayed me. What happened to a united home front?”

“Only in cases of war
, Love.” Jace laughed as he fist bumped Ryan. “Besides it’s bros…”

“If you say what I think you’re about to say I am going to punch you straight in your gooch.” Judy cut her eyes at the two of them
as she interrupted his sentence.

“The what!” Ryan doubled over laughing. “Are women even allowed to say that word?”

“Keep it up you two. Keep. It. Up.” Judy raised her fist to them both.

“Scrappy little thing isn’t she?” Ryan joked towards Jace.

“You have no idea.” Jace smiled.

As the four sat down to breakfast Judy slowly forgot about the nightmares that so often had haunted her sleep
lately. After the accident she had tried to reach out to her parents. Her mother had answered her call only to tell her not to call back and then hung up. Her brother was fighting in a war zone and she didn’t know when she would hear from him. His phone calls were few and far between. She only hoped that once he got word of the accident he would call her. As far as her family, well they were gone. However her new family sat in front of her grinning and chatting as they stuffed their faces full of over cooked eggs and half burnt bacon.

“So, how’s the move been? You adjusting ok to the apartment?” Abbi’s voice knocked Judy from her daydream.

“Yes it’s been nice having somewhere that I feel safe. I fought Jace in the beginning, it all felt too fast. But it only took one night in my old apartment to know I would never be able to stay there alone again. It might be stupid to worry about, but it scares the shit out of me now.”

BOOK: Cherish Me (The Protected Love Series)
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