Read Christmas Clash Online

Authors: Dana Volney

Christmas Clash (18 page)

BOOK: Christmas Clash
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“I'm confused. Didn't you say you needed a date?”

“Yep.” Blake scratched the back of his head, rumpling his brown hair. “But, not a date that's trying to impress anyone.” The sides of his laughing eyes crinkled. “I want a
person. I want a real date.”

Gorgeous with perfect teeth.
Adrenaline mixed with nerves danced around her head and then her heart and finally settled in her stomach.
There has to be a catch.

Blake continued, “You seem fun. And, I would know why you're there . . . no need to second guess your motivation.”

She didn't remember walking back to her chair and sitting, but suddenly she was picking up her glass of wine. She appreciated his logic. “So you'd like me, a total stranger, to go with you to your functions? I could be bat crazy for all you know.”

“Nah, I'm a good judge of character.” He shook his head and took a drink while eyeing her.

“And for going to a couple of events, you'll make sure my loan goes through?”


Halle eyed him. “You have the power to do that? You're not like a second cousin twice removed or anything like that?”

“Nope. Grandson of the founder of the family businesses. Direct line.”

How bad could it hurt? The food was always great at these things.

“Alright.” She waved a hand toward him and let it fall hard on her thigh. “I'm in.” What the heck? She'd done more impulsive things in her life.

“Perfect.” He retrieved his phone. “Let's look at the calendar and sync our schedules, shall we?”

It was time to stop letting her father call the shots. Now she was going to have the means to do that. Even if she had to go to events she swore off long ago, it was a small price to pay for independence.
Will Dad be there?
Her heart stopped until she remembered him mentioning that he and his new wife, Leigh, would be gallivanting across Europe for most of December. She stifled a laugh. It would be almost hilarious to run into him at one of these events and be on Blake's arm. She'd probably witness her dad speechless for the first time in his life.

Her schedule was pitifully empty and she marked every date and time down in her phone calendar. She took care to hide her screen so Blake wouldn't know just how not in demand she was these days. The first of several events, a banquet for the employees of Ellison-owned businesses, was Friday, just two days away. “How formal is it?” Halle wondered out loud, tapping her finger on her chin.
Either way, I'm gonna need some new dresses.

“Pretty formal.” Blake eyed her up and down. “You got something to wear?”

“Sure. No problem.”

“So, we're agreed, classy?”

“Sir.” She fanned herself, batting her eyelashes. “Your insults abound.”

Blake laughed and Halle shook her head.
Of course I'll keep it classy. Who does he usually take to these things?
Halle knew Corrine, her best friend and owner of the dress shop next door, would have just what she needed.

• • •

The next day, Halle bounced over to Dress to Impress where she found Corrine in the back with a needle, thread, and pieces of yellow fabric.

“How's it going?” Halle asked.

“Just fightin' with life.” Corrine's head was down. “Good thing my mama taught me how to sew.”

Halle chuckled as she watched her friend. Streaks of pink contrasted starkly against Corrine's black locks. “Nice hair.”

Corrine's head shot up. “You like it? Just got it done last night. The girls at bingo are gonna flip.” She used her free hand to pat her new do. “I love it.”

Halle wasn't as brave as Corrine even though Halle was twenty years younger.
Bravery must come with age.
Her own hair had been blonde with blonde highlights for as long as she could remember.

Refocusing on the reason for her visit, Halle headed toward the racks of dresses. “I need a couple of dresses for stuff this month. Can you help me find something?”

“Sure, doll. Have some fancy parties to go to?”

“Well, actually, yes.”

“What?” Corrine's voice was more surprised than Halle thought it should've been. “With who? What did I miss?”

“Oh, it's no big deal.” Halle diverted her eyes on purpose. It wasn't a big deal and she didn't want Corrine thinking it was. “Just an . . . old friend who needs a date to some holiday events.”

“Hmm. I thought you'd sworn off all that jazz?” Corrine studied her for a beat.

Halle's eyes widened and she pressed her lips together. Corrine had always been able to figure her out. Halle's best defense was silence.

“You'll tell me,” Corrine's voice was slow and matter of fact. “You always do.”

“That's all there is to it. I need a formal dress for a banquet this Friday. Any ideas?”

“You certainly can't go in this.” Corrine wagged her hand up and down in a zigzag motion.

“Yoga pants won't cut it? My birth control glasses are a deterrent of some sort?” Halle rolled her eyes. “Geez.” She was thankful that yesterday she'd gone with contacts—just like she would for all of December now.

“I just wanted to be sure.” Corrine raised her hands up, palms out. “I know it's been a while since Justin.”

“It hasn't been
long and I know how to act on a date . . . um, friend thing.”

“He was,” Corrine looked to the ceiling, “six months ago. You need to get back out there.”

“I'm out there,” Halle said weakly.

“Um, no. You're not.”

“How do you figure? I went out with that guy, Corbin, just the other day.”

“First of all, that was at least a month ago. Second, it was a drink. That doesn't count as a date. Third, he asked you out again and you declined when there was nothing wrong with him.”

She'd declined a
date because not only did she know Corbin's life's story but also his ex-girlfriend's. She couldn't sit through drinks or otherwise again and listen to him speak about someone he was clearly not over.

“Eh, so dating isn't my thing right now.” She peered at Corrine from the racks. “We all aren't as lucky as you. High school sweethearts aren't as easy to find these days.”

“Maybe. But that doesn't mean you give up.”

“I'm not giving up. I'm just taking a hiatus.”

“Call it what you will. I'm this close,” Corrine held her thumb and index finger millimeters apart, “to signing you up for online dating.”

“Let's not go that far yet. After the holiday hoopla is over I'll focus on my love life.”

After I move buildings and regain control of my life, then maybe I can invite someone in to it.
Halle was happy for the holiday distraction Blake's offer brought . . . and for the relief of knowing she was getting the money she needed. She'd had the first decent sleep in awhile last night. Her life was starting to get back on track. Destiny awaited.

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For more books by Dana Volney, check out:

Paradise Point

Praise for
Paradise Point

"Volney's characters fit perfectly together. Liv's feisty attitude and Adam's cool demeanor will put a smile on your face. They might even have you blushing as you think of a time or two when you did or said something similar. I know I did … If you enjoy danger mixed with falling in love, Paradise Point is the book for you!"—Tumbleweed Book Reviews,
4.5 stars

"The dialogue is witty and natural, the narrative flows nicely, including beautiful descriptions of nature and the marina. The plot is fast-paced . . . a well-plotted and intriguing novel."—Long and Short Reviews,
4.5 stars

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BOOK: Christmas Clash
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