Cin's Secret [Club Libertine 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (5 page)

BOOK: Cin's Secret [Club Libertine 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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It had been almost three years since she’d been with a man, and she’d never been with two before. Three long years of sleeping alone, living halfway around the world from friends and family and anything familiar. She’d worked hard in dangerous surroundings, always on guard, always in control, a thousand and one decisions waiting for her each and every day, while sometimes listening to the bombs rain down in the distance, trying to figure out how to scrounge enough supplies to keep the clinic open a day longer. Day after day, she struggled, having found something worth doing, finally growing up and putting others first, until the day she, herself, was struck down. It was a stray bullet. It went through her side, a flesh wound really, but the wound had gotten infected, and she’d nearly died.

Lying in that hospital room had given her a lot of time to think. Before that, she’d been so busy she’d fallen into bed each night exhausted. But having nothing to do for days on end had given her perspective, and she realized that she’d never be able to move on until she made peace with Lindy. Staying away was no longer an option. Tomorrow at lunch, she’d confess her sins and ask for absolution. And if Lindy wanted her to leave town, she would and never look back. So tonight might be her only chance to be with Connor and Liam.

But she was back home and healthy, although underweight, and she just wanted to feel again. Even if only for one night, she wanted to enjoy the feeling of another warm body pressed up against hers. Connor and Liam had worried that the thought of them dominating her, controlling her would scare her off, but really, it thrilled her. The chance, even if just for one night, to turn all responsibility over to someone else was something she’d dreamed about.

Tomorrow, well, what happened tomorrow would depend upon Lindy. And, one way or another, she’d be back to being the control freak she always was. But for just this once, she wanted to just let go and feel. She wanted to experience what it was like to be looked after, but not worry about making decisions. She’d felt that tug of sexual attraction the moment she’d set eyes on the twins, and she knew they wanted her. For tonight, she’d turn over all control to them and just live in the moment. And if tonight was all she had with them, so be it.

In fact, she realized, the thought that it might only be one night might be a good thing, a freeing thing. If there was no tomorrow, then she could give them everything tonight. She felt the tension leave her body as she made her decision.

“I don’t know if I can give you what you need. Or if I even want to beyond tonight. You are asking for a lot.”

Connor and Liam looked so disappointed that she reached out and put each of her hands on one of theirs.

“But tonight, I want you both. I want to be your woman and your sub. Beyond tonight, I can’t make any promises. I don’t know if I’m ready for any relationship, particularly one as intense as you two need, but as the song goes, ‘We’ve Got Tonight.’ I don’t even know if I’ll be in Seattle after tomorrow. But if that’s enough for you, then, yes, I want to spend the night with you. I want to submit to you both. Tonight.”

Both Connor and Liam’s gazes narrowed at the word “tonight.” They looked at each other in that way that twins did, and both seemed to come to a decision.

“That’s not exactly what we were hoping for, Cin, but we’ll take what we can get,” offered Liam wryly. “But don’t expect us not to try to change your mind about a relationship.”

“I’m sorry. Maybe it would be better if you just took me home.” She felt something like heartbreak at the thought of going home alone, which was crazy since she just met them. But if she couldn’t give them what they wanted, maybe it would be better to end it before it started.

“No, Cin. Please come home with us tonight. We’ll let tomorrow take care of itself.”

Cindy looked from one to the other, their handsome faces intent and anxious as they awaited her final answer. She knew that she couldn’t walk away from them now. They seemed to need her as much as she needed to lose herself in them. She didn’t want to hurt them and maybe she was being selfish, but they’d only known her a few hours. If she left town tomorrow, they might miss her for a few days, but they’d move on. She smiled at them.

“I need to get back to Serena’s in time for lunch with Lindy. I came to Seattle to spend time with her and make amends for being such a crappy sister when we were younger. Nobody can get in the way of that, not even the two of you.”


Connor buckled his seat belt and started the engine. Liam buckled Cindy in before doing up his own seat belt.

The ride was short, and soon they were pulling up at a small house in the suburbs. Cindy felt unbelievably slutty, in a good way, sitting between two such hot men, with her breasts out, her nipples pebbled so hard they hurt. It was dark in the vehicle, so she knew they couldn’t really see her, and none of the drivers of the cars could see her either as breasts bounced freely, but it was incredibly arousing.

Soon, though, they were stopping in the driveway. They both turned to her.

“Last chance, baby doll. We both live by the motto, ‘start as you mean to go on,’ which means that if you come in with us, you’ll enter as our sub. We are going to fuck you and control you and, if you are a disobedient sub, punish you. You said you’d give us just a night, so we plan on taking full advantage. You can pick safe word. Say that word, and we stop and take you home.”

“What if I just want to slow things down?”

“Not your choice. We expect you to give yourself to us and trust that we’ll take care of you and not push you too far. We’ll test your limits, but we’ll respect them.

“But once you give yourself over to us, your only choice is to end things or to submit to us. Can you handle that? Can you handle being with two dominant men?”

“I can’t make any promises for tomorrow, but tonight I’d very much like to be your sub.”

“And what’s your safe word?”

“I don’t want one.”

Chapter Five


Cindy continued to look straight ahead, but she could feel them staring at her.

“Cindy, do you know what you are saying?” asked Liam. “You would be giving up all power to us. We could do anything we wanted to you…” His voice trailed off as he realized just how much he did want this. The chance to make her theirs without any limitation, with her giving them complete power over her body, made his dick so hard he thought it would burst out of his pants. As it was, he was probably going to have a zipper imprint on it.

“Liam’s right. You don’t know what you are offering.”

“Yes I do. I want to give myself over to you completely. For just one night, I am yours to command and pleasure and punish. Use me, use my body as you wish. I am yours. Tonight.”

The brothers looked at each other.

“Red,” stated Liam flatly. “You don’t know enough about what you are getting yourself into. If it’s too much for you, say
and it all stops.”

Liam saw her start to protest.

“Then we are taking you home right now.”

Cindy looked from one brother to the other and realized that they weren’t going to back down.

“Fine, but I won’t use it, no matter what you do to me.” She glared at them.

Liam laughed and ruffled her hair and then looked across to Connor. “So sweet, so naive. I’m going to enjoy seeing how far I can push her before she eats her words and calls

“I’d rather eat her,” declared Connor, looking down at Cindy and licking his lips with a grin.

Without another word, the men got out of the truck, Liam helping her down from the cab and then leading the way up the front steps, with Connor walking behind her. She felt self-conscious wearing only her bra and panties, breasts hanging out for all to see. It was arousing, too, the thought of getting caught like this.

She looked around quickly. It looked like all of the neighbors’ lights were out and she realized a part of her was disappointed.

Cindy felt like a lamb being led to the slaughter or a prisoner to the gallows as she walked between them. As Liam unlocked and opened the door, she could feel Connor’s body heat, he stood so close behind her.

“The master bedroom is at the top of the stairs,” he whispered into her ear. “First door on the right. There’s a guest bathroom at the top of the stairs on the left. You can freshen up in there. Leave the rest of your clothes in the bathroom and go into the master bedroom. When we come up, we’ll expect you to be kneeling on the rug, waiting for us. You have fifteen minutes.”

“And one more thing,” added Connor. “When we get started, we are Sir or Master. And you will not speak unless asked a direct question. Do you understand?”

Cindy nodded.

“Excuse me?” asked Connor. “What was that?”

“Uh, yes I understand, Sir?”

“Very good. Now get going. You have fourteen minutes left.”


* * * *


Cindy hurried up the stairs and into the bathroom. She freshened up and then checked her watch. Ten minutes left. She looked at herself in the mirror. She looked flushed, and her eyes glittered with desire. She wanted them. She needed them. The thought of, even if just for a few hours, just giving herself over to them, letting them make all the decisions, sounded like heaven. And if they decided to punish her, well, that appealed to her, too. Part of her decision to go overseas, if she was honest with herself, was about self-punishment. But it hadn’t worked. Maybe if Connor and Liam punished her, spanked her, paddled her, she would feel better.

She removed her bra and panties and laid them in a neat pile on the side of the sink. Her breasts were swollen and throbbing, and she could feel the moisture seeping from her pussy. She wanted them more than she’d ever wanted a man. The idea of being with both of them thrilled her and scared her in equal parts. They were beautiful and strong and sexy, and she wondered just what it was they saw in her.

She examined her reflection. Her once-lustrous blond hair had darkened as she aged, but she’d always spent a fortune to get it lightened and cut at the most exclusive salon in town. Now it was a dark sandy color and stood up in tufts from the self-administered haircuts she’d been giving herself because long hair was just too much trouble where she’d been living.

And she could see the bones in her clavicle sticking out far too prominently. She checked her side. The wound had healed to the point that it was barely noticeable. It was two small puckered circles of flesh, the entrance and exit wounds. She could probably get a plastic surgeon to make them even less noticeable. The old Cindy probably would have. The new Cindy looked on them as a badge of honor.

One minute.

She took a deep breath, suddenly terrified. What if they didn’t want her when they saw her skinny frame? They didn’t seem to mind her breasts in the darkened truck, but what about in the bedroom? What if she wasn’t enough for them? They had used to be fuller before she lost the weight, but they were still a reasonable B cup.

Well, too late now, she told herself, and flung open the bathroom door. She scurried across the hall and opened the bedroom door. There was light from the two bedside lamps, so she could see the room. It was huge, with the biggest bed she had ever seen. At the foot of the bed was an old-time trunk. The dresser and the night tables looked similar to the trunk, with dark wood and brass. In the middle of the room was a thick fluffy area rug with a pillow sitting in the middle. Clearly this was where she was supposed to be waiting.

She hesitated. Was she doing the right thing? Lindy had been sweet to her at the party, but it might be different tomorrow when she confessed what she’d done.

Slowly Cindy walked over to the pillow and knelt. This might be her only night with Connor and Liam. She was going to make the most of it.


* * * *


Downstairs, Liam paced, waiting. Connor had dashed upstairs after they heard the bathroom door close to set the pillow out, and now was back downstairs sitting on the couch, his foot tapping, watching the clock, waiting for the fifteen minutes to be up.

“I can’t believe she didn’t want a safe word.” Liam’s tone was worried.

“Maybe she just wants us so bad. We are quite a catch,” suggested Connor, but his tone wasn’t his usual optimistic one. He sighed. “There’s something going on with her. It’s like, I don’t know, like she wants to experience it all in one night because there won’t be a second night.”

“Yeah, I didn’t like her talk about only committing to a single night. Usually isn’t it the women who want more and the men who hesitate? Did we come on too strongly and freak her out?” he worried.

“Nah, Liam. I thought that, too, but she was turned on in the truck. And we gave her tons of chances to back out. We even offered to woo her slowly, but she’s the one who wants to go a hundred miles an hour tonight. No safe word. I don’t think I’ve ever played with a sub without a safe word.”

“Me neither, Con, and even if she didn’t want it, we’re making sure that she knows that she can say
if she needs to. And I think we should give her the option of using
to slow things down if she needs to.”

“Ya. I’m with you, Liam. She may not think she needs safe words but what kind of Doms would we be if we took advantage of her experience. But what
it mean that she didn’t want a safety net? Even experienced players use safe words. And she says she’s never submitted to a Dom before, but from the little we’ve interacted with her, she’s a natural submissive. She clearly responded to being told what to do. She was turned on when we talked dirty to her. Why one night? That’s bothering me.”

BOOK: Cin's Secret [Club Libertine 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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