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Authors: Lena Lettas

Claimed by the Greek (6 page)

BOOK: Claimed by the Greek
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You did what,” standing there with his hands fisted at his sides hoping to control his temper.

There is no reason to shout, you should be thanking me. I let her know that she was not welcome here again and that if she or her father thought to secure some kind of marriage, through this little indiscretion or by possibly trying to trap you by saying she was pregnant that it would never happen,” She informed him.

Niko was seething he could
not believe what his mother just said and any control he might have had was now lost to him.

For your information I am the one that chased after her, I am not a child, I am a grown man and I do not need your fucking permission to date, fuck or marry anyone,
Do I Make myself Clear Mother
.” He said. He stalked from the room hoping to find Elena and try to make amends for the utter catastrophe his parents have made of the situation. 

Well did you hear the disrespectful way he spoke to me, I can’t believe his nerve.” She said huffing and puffing indignantly.

I am surprised that he seemed to keep so in control, you have over stepped yet again when it comes to our son’s personal life.  But as of today I am warning you to keep your mouth shut I will not tolerate any more from you,” Angry with himself for not putting a stop to her meddling.

I did nothing to be sorry for; I was looking after the welfare of my son’s future and took steps to insure that some gold digging floozy didn’t get her paws in him.”

The only concern you have with our sons future is trying to ensure that they marry girls that you can control insuring that they remain in a loveless marriage content in the misery they let their mother create for them, I will not allow them to resign themselves to the same fate I find myself in.” seething he added and “I hope by your careless remarks it has not cost me the friendship of someone that I have the greatest respect for. Now I will go find our son and hope that Elena forgives him not only for my part in this fiasco and the hateful, petty actions of his mother.” Turning he strode from the room without another word.

Niko saw his father coming down the stairs and said, “
If you’re here to reprimand me for the way I spoke with your wife save it, I will not apologize and if I lose Elena over this I don’t ever want to hear or see from her again” he looked at his dad meaning every word he said.

I only came to offer my assistance; I want to apologize for my part in this whole dilemma and if there is anything that I can do to help.”

This isn’t your fault, I don’t know if there is anything you will be able to do, she won’t answer her phone and I can’t even follow her to her apartment because I have no idea where she lives,” raising his hands in the air and shrugging his shoulders.

That I’m sure I can help you with let me call Elena’s father and get the address from him, just pray she hasn’t spoken with him yet otherwise it might take some time for us to find it in the computer.” He immediately called Elena’s father and wrote down the address for his son. “When you see her apologize for me and tell her that I would be over joyed to have her as a part of this family.” Niko punched in the address that his father handed him into the GPS system of his car and sped away from the club hoping that he would find and be able to work things out with her.



Elena thought she would pack enough clothes to last a week; she came up with the plan to head up to Grafton to get away on her drive home. Going up there al
ways put her at peace and she could find the clarity she needed to put her life back in order, what little there was of it. She would call her father letting him know where she was heading, but she would do it in the morning when he was at the coffee house that way she could talk to his answering machine, she wasn’t ready for all the questions he would probably have. She had her bag in hand and was just opening her door and there stood Niko ready to knock. He was opening his mouth to say something and noticed her bag, clamping it shut. He stepped into her apartment as she stepped back letting go of the door knob, he booted it closed, crossing his arms, blocking the only exit to her apartment.

Why do you have a bag packed, where are you running off to?”

W…What are you doing here and how did you find me?” she asked stuttering a reply.

My father called yours and asked for the address, I wanted to find you and fix the mess my mother seemed to make out of this situation, now answer my question and tell me why you have a bag packed,” Standing rigidly demanding and answer.

I…I was going away for the week to Grafton it’s peaceful and surrounded by nature, why are you here, your mother made it perfectly clear that we could never happen and I just needed sometime alone,” her voice tremble as she looked down trying to hide the tears that formed in her eyes. She couldn’t help the hurt in her voice even though the scant times they were together this past week with him constantly around, made her wish for more her heart felt broken at the possibility of never seeing him again.

Elena,” he grabbed ahold of her and enveloped her in his arms; he could see the pain written on her face, rocking back and forth to comfort her. “Why would you ever think that my mother would have any say in whom I’m with, didn’t you hear anything I said to you, I want us to work and I want more with you.”

I don’t want this relationship to come between you and your family, your mother can’t stand me and your father must feel the same way, you can have anyone in the world why would you want someone like me, I have nothing to offer you,” letting the tears run down her eyes now.

I want you for many reasons, you love unconditionally, you don’t want me for my money and I’m a Dom and you want to be my sub, please give us the chance to see if this will work out don’t let what my mother said ruin a future between us,” He implored her.

I want that too, I’ve never wanted anything or anyone this much before,” she said.

I’m spending that week up in Grafton with you, I don’t want to hear any protests and I plan on claiming what’s mine repeatedly without any interruptions,” he stated with certainty.

Elena dried her eyes and planned on grabbing this gift with both hands and looking forward to a week of Niko
’s undivided attention. “Well you don’t leave a girl with a lot of choices let’s go so we can get to the claiming part as soon as possible,” she giggled feeling truly happy.

Niko growled grabbing Elena
’s bag and playfully swatted her behind as he followed her out the door of the apartment planning to keep her pleasured, satisfied and naked the entire week. 


Chris returned home after the most difficult week of his life. He had called off the wedding with his now ex-fiancée. He had nothing in common with the woman and was bored out of his skull with in a day. Meeting her dull parents had drilled that into him, picturing that his marriage to her would be much the same and imagining spending the rest of his life with her repulsed him. He listened to his mother complain that she found him the perfect wife. That he embarrassed her by calling off the wedding and she couldn’t understand the reason he didn’t want to marry Emily. But what made him focus his attention on her little tirade was the fact that she somehow missed to inform him, that not only did she fire his assistant manager Elena that his brother Niko was having an affair with her.

He was both pleased and a little jealous; he couldn
’t deny the fact that he felt an attraction to Elena. He did come home thinking that at the first opportunity, he would take charge of his own personal life and ask her out on a date. But what little disappointment he felt was eclipsed by the anger towards his mother for thinking to fire anyone that worked for him.

Enough, I’ve listened to you quite enough. My personal life is no longer your concern and is not up for any discussion and I am happy that my brother finally found someone to share his life with. You had absolutely no right to fire anyone that I employ and first thing tomorrow I plan on asking her to return,” hoping his mother would quit while he still had some control of his temper.

’s father started to clap saying “Bravo, it’s about time my sons grew some balls and started taking charge of their personal lives; let’s go have a drink honoring this festive occasion.” He watched as his mother opened her mouth, but before she could get a word out his father cut her off. “Not another word from you, I suggest you shut your mouth before you alienate both of our sons.” Grabbing him around the shoulders and hurriedly walking from the room he whispered, “Let’s hurry and get the hell out of here before the shock wears off and she gains her second wind.

He laughed astounded by the fact his father
agreed with him and that they left his mother standing speechless, he thought there’s always a first for everything.





BOOK: Claimed by the Greek
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