Club de Fleurs 2: Sadie [Club de Fleurs 2] (Siren Publishing Menage and More) (5 page)

BOOK: Club de Fleurs 2: Sadie [Club de Fleurs 2] (Siren Publishing Menage and More)
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“Evan, go turn the shower on cold. We have to shock her out of this before she’s too far gone. It’s either that or medicate her and I don’t think she wants to go to the hospital and I know we couldn’t keep her safe there.”

“Right, I agree,” Evan jumped up to turn on the shower, while Dave followed with a struggling Sadie in his arms.

Walking into the shower with Sadie in his arms, he held her under the cold water until she stopped struggling. Quickly stripping her clothes off of her, he handed her to Evan while he stripped his own clothes off, adjusting the shower to warmer water.

Evan also stripped and they all stood in the shower letting the warm water run over them. As soon as the water started to cool, Dave carried Sadie out of the shower, and Evan wrapped her in a warm towel. Quickly drying themselves, Dave and Evan then took Sadie into the bedroom and both of the crawled into bed with her, sandwiching her between their naked bodies.

Cold, Sadie thought, why am I so cold? The next thing she knew was heat, so much heat, like being between twin furnaces. That was exactly what she was between. Dave in front of her and looking over her shoulder, Evan behind her. “Hello there, girl, are you back with us now?” Dave whispered against her forehead.

“What…what happened? Did I check out again? I’ve never done it twice.”

“Honey, I don’t think you were really back the first time. We put you in a cold shower to shock you back and now we’re trying to warm you up with our body heat. How do you feel?”

“Not cold, that’s for sure.” She giggled and wiggled her ass against Evan’s hardness.

“Now stop that or you’ll start something you’re not ready for.” He groaned at her, looking at Dave with alarm in his eyes. Was this where they had planned on going? Had they even thought past getting Sadie back and calmed down? He and Dave had shared before, both in and out of the club, but they had never talked about sharing Sadie and Evan wasn’t sure if Dave was willing to share Sadie.

Looking at Evan and raising his eyebrows in question, Dave wondered the same thing. He knew Evan was up to sharing, but since he had started playing with Sadie, they hadn’t shared or even discussed it. Dave could tell by watching Evan that he was interested in Sadie, Hell he wouldn’t be here now if he wasn’t, but sharing…hummm.

Two men, thought Sadie, wow! And both of them hot and bothered from what she could tell. This was every girl’s fantasy, wasn’t it?

Reaching around, Evan grasped both of Sadie’s nipples between his thumb and forefingers, pinching and pulling. Dave leaned down and took her mouth, rubbing one hand between her folds. “Do you want this, girl, do you want both of us? Here…Now?” he asked, rubbing her clit and feeling her wetness.

“Yes, baby, say you want us your Master and Sir, say you want both of us,” Evan whispered in her ear working her nipples and rubbing his cock against her rear end.

“Oh my God, I-I-I don’t know, it’s-it’s…Yes!” Sadie screamed the final word as Dave pinched and pulled her clit.

Evan licked and kissed the back of her neck, while Dave took her mouth. Continuing to work her nipples, he rubbed himself against her. “Are you ready to take this big cock in your tight little ass, baby? Will you do that for your Sir?”

“And while he’s in your ass, I’ll be taking this sweet little pussy. You’ll be stuffed full of cock. A man for both your holes. Are you ready for that, girl?” Dave spoke the words against her lips, rubbing and pinching her clit all the time with just enough pressure to rev her up, but not letting her go over.

“Oh…Oh…Oh…I need to come, please make me come. Anything, just let me come, Master, Sir, somebody help me.” Sadie was shuddering with need and want.

Reaching down with one hand Evan slowly rimmed her rosette, moving his fingers round and round. Dave rolled and got a tube of lube and several condoms out of the drawer beside the bed and handed the lube and a couple of condoms to Evan.

Evan lubed up one finger and slowly inserted in Sadie’s rosette. “How’s that feel, baby? Do you like that? You’re so tight back there. You are going to feel so good on my cock.”

“Oh…Oh…it burns, slowly, Sir, slowly,” Sadie cried.

Taking her free nipple in his mouth, Dave increased the pressure and speed he was applying to her clit. Gently biting her nipple, Dave released it. “Come for us girl, come now!”

Screaming and shuddering with release Sadie’s world exploded with a shattering of light. Sandwiched between the two men as she was she could move very little and lay there quaking and shaking.

“That was just one of many you will experience with us, baby. Hope you’re ready for this.” Evan growled in her ear, adding more lube and a second finger to her rosette. Scissoring his fingers, he stretched and lubed her in readiness for his cock. “Just a little more and you’ll be ready for me. I can’t wait to get inside you.” Adding a third finger, he looked at Dave and nodded.

Dave rolled over on his back and pulled Sadie with him. Pulling her legs to the outside of his he opened her wide. Slowly positioning her, he slid her pussy onto his cock, burying himself to the hilt. “That feels so good, girl. So right. Now lie still while Evan takes your ass. Be very still so we don’t hurt you.”

Wrapping his arms around her to hold her still, he looked at Evan and nodded, she was ready. Slowly, Evan fitted the head of his cock to Sadie’s rosette, gently pushing in further and further. Oh my God, he thought, I’ll never make it. “You’re so tight, baby. I want to come right now. Don’t move. I don’t want to hurt you. Can you give us a color baby, tell me how you are?”

“Green, Sir, don’t stop, I’m so full, it feels so good. I’m going to come again, pleasepleaseplease.”

Lying there with Sadie in his arms and watching her face while Evan filled her ass, and there was no place he’d rather be. Although he and Evan had shared before, they had never talked about a future. Dave now thought that maybe the three of them could have a future together. He wasn’t opposed to it. He wondered it Sadie and Evan would be interested in becoming a family with him.

Sadie’s moan brought him back to the present, and he saw the question in Evan’s eyes. Focusing on his girl, he began to slowly thrust in and out of her. Evan matched his rhythm. When he was out Evan was in and they took Sadie to another mind-blowing orgasm.

“One more, baby. Come with us,” Evan whispered in her ear as Dave pinched her clit. Screaming and shaking, Sadie came again, and both men came with a shout. Leaning down and kissing her, Evan gently stroked both cheeks of her ass as he pulled slowly out. Rising, he went to the bathroom and grabbed a warm cloth retuning to Sadie after he cleaned himself off. Lying back down, he gently reached between her legs to clean the lube and juices off of her. Handing the cloth to Dave, he pulled her into his arms spooning her while Dave used the bathroom to clean himself up.

Both men cuddled with Sadie until she fell asleep, then tucked the covers around her to keep her warm. They rose and dressed, silently going into the living room, shutting the bedroom door so as not to disturb the sleeping woman.

Chapter Four


“Fuck,” was the first thing Dave said.

“Exactly,” answered Evan. “What the fuck did we just do, are you okay with it?”

“I think so, are you?”

“Hell yeah, she’s wonderful. Something else. Are you sure you want to share her, Dave? I know we’ve shared before, but she is special.”

“I don’t know, I haven’t really thought about it. Today just kind of happened. She seemed okay with it. I wonder how she would feel permanently? How would you feel about making it permanent? Could we make this work?”

“I need to spend some time alone with her and see how she reacts to me,” Evan answered, considering the possibilities. He and Dave had never talked about a ménage, but the possibility was not off the table. They had known each other for a long time and worked well together. They were like-minded when it came to women and were both Doms at the club. They had done several scenes together and even spent a few weekends with the occasional woman. This could work.

“Yes, you need to spend some time with her alone and do a few scenes to see how she reacts to you, but right now I think we need to go in there and take care of our woman. I don’t think we’re done with her yet. I know I’m not.”

“I agree,” Evan answered. “Let me call and reschedule our meeting with the DEA for tomorrow afternoon. I have a feeling we are going to be busy until then.” He laughed.

Dave headed to the bedroom while Evan made his call. He crawled into the bed and pulled Sadie to him without even waking her. Poor thing, she must be exhausted, he thought. We all could use a nap.

Evan walked in and Dave put his finger to his lips, the sign for
. Indicating the sleeping woman, he motioned for Evan to join them in the bed. Evan crawled into the bed, Sadie’s back to his front. Burying his face in her hair, he breathed deep and sighed. Closing his eyes, he soon drifted off.

Dave lay and thought for a while, considering his options and how his future had changed overnight. Soon he also drifted off.

Sadie woke several hours later between the two sleeping men. What an incredible scene, she thought. She had never been in a ménage before, but the thoughts running through her mind…there were endless possibilities. Was this just a one-time thing, or
would they want her permanently? Was she willing to be with the two of the permanently? She knew she and Dave were compatible and it would not be difficult to consider a future with him. But, she didn’t know Evan that well. She had never played with him and other than talking to him a few times in the club, she really didn’t know him. She needed to see if she could figure out how Dave felt, and spend more time with both men, together and individually.

Needing to get up and use the facilities, she carefully worked her way out of the bed and walked naked to the restroom. Completing what needed to be done, she grabbed one of the men’s shirts from the floor and put it on. Taking a deep breath, she determined by the scent it was Evan’s and hugged herself.

Walking to the kitchen, she got a glass of water and looked for something to eat. Grabbing an apple, she took it and her water to the chair in the living room. Sitting with one foot tucked under her she thought about the future and where this could go.

Finishing her snack, Sadie giggled to herself and wondered if the men were ready for round two. She was. Crawling back in the bed, she positioned herself back between the two men, surprised she had not woken either of them.

Dave and Evan both had woken when Sadie left the bed. Deciding to give her some space and see what would happen, they lay in the bed waiting to see what she would do next. When they heard her in the kitchen, Evan made motion to get up. “Stay, let’s see what she does, give her a few and if she doesn’t come back we’ll go out,” Dave whispered.

Evan nodded and turned his back to Dave. He wondered what their next move should be if Sadie didn’t come back. Evan didn’t have long to wait. He heard Sadie moving about and turned back to his original position facing Dave.

As she snuggled back into her “spot,” Sadie giggled and sighed. This was where she was meant to be, between these two men. She could feel it with all her heart. Now to hope they wanted her as much as she wanted them.

Later that day, the three rose and showered together, before heading out to dinner. Sadie had a great time listening to both men telling their life stories and sharing things with her about their families and so on.

She and Dave had discussed their families the other night at dinner, so Dave and Evan told a few stories about the Air Force and how they had meant Kyle.

Evan told them both about his family. “I have one much younger brother. My parents are separated, but still remained friends and live in the same town. My mother remarried several years ago. She and her new husband have one child, my stepbrother, Greg. He’s only five. I don’t see him or Mom very often because I don’t get along with my stepfather.” Sadie could tell that not seeing his mom or little brother hurt him deeply. “My dad visits often and we get along great. I spend several weekends a year hunting and fishing with him.”

After dinner, the trio wasn’t ready to go back to the club, so Dave asked, “What next, any suggestions?”

Evan answered, “I have a crazy idea. Let’s go roller skating. A friend of mine has a rink not far from here. Who’s up for it?”

“I’ve never been,” Sadie answered, “but I’ll try anything once.” As soon as the words came out of her mouth she thought, “Oh shit, what am I in for now?”

“I’ll remember that,” Evan said with a glint in his eyes. “For now, let’s just go skating, I’ll come up with something more fun for later.”

Oh, I bet you will, Sadie thought. I’m in trouble now.

Dave was amused watching the exchange between the two of them. This could get interesting, real interesting, he thought and chuckled. “Skating it is then, give me directions and we’re off.”

They all climbed into Dave’s truck, Dave driving, Sadie in the middle and Evan on the passenger side. Sadie had worn a skirt and no panties to dinner like a good sub and as Evan helped her into the tall truck, he lifted her skirt so her bare ass sat on the seat. She shrieked a little, as the cold hit her. Evan laughed.

“You know the position, sub. Spread them.” this coming from Dave. Sadie spread her legs as far as she could, but Evan wasn’t happy with this so he took matters into his own hands, lifting one of her legs over the top of Dave’s thighs, and the other over his so that she was spread wide. “Much better,” he muttered.

Reaching between her legs he parted her lips and reached in with two fingers. “Our baby’s wet for us, Dave. I think she’s having a good time.”

“This is a good girl we have here, Evan, but not too good, if you know what I mean.”

“Hey, I’ve been good tonight,” Sadie cried out. Well, so far anyway, she thought to herself.

“Yes, you have girl and for that you will be rewarded. Evan could you work on giving our girl her reward.”

“With pleasure,” he answered, reaching in once more and finding her clit. “Is somebody ready to play?” he whispered in Sadie’s ear, licking the shell and nibbling on the lobe.

BOOK: Club de Fleurs 2: Sadie [Club de Fleurs 2] (Siren Publishing Menage and More)
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