Codename Summer (Undercover Embassy, Book Four) (2 page)

BOOK: Codename Summer (Undercover Embassy, Book Four)
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“It’s not your decision to make.” Saroji placed her napkin on the tabletop and straightened her spine. “This is an incredible opportunity and we all know it. Malik knows more about the Gathosians than any other person on this planet. We have to turn the tables on him, twist this thing to our advantage.”

Ra’jen leaned in and whispered between clenched teeth, “And how will spending a week as his sexual slave help the Resistance?”

“You’re underestimating me. Unlike anyone else we could send to him, I know what to expect. I have the best chance of controlling the situation.”

He shook his head, his expression mutinous. “I remember how well you were able to control him before. If it had taken me ten minutes longer to locate you, Malik would be your bonded mate!”

Autumn cleared her throat, drawing Ra’jen’s attention. “She’s right, love. This is her decision. He’s expecting Summer to be weak and malleable. Finding out the woman he wants for a mate is one of the spies he’s trying to expose is sure to rattle his cage.”

“That’s the problem,” Ra’jen persisted. “Malik won’t be caged. Saroji will be at his mercy, and he’ll eat her alive.”

* * * * *


Malik paced the spacious suite like a caged animal. Where was she? He’d expected to find Summer in the suite, awaiting his pleasure, when he arrived at the central embassy nearly an hour before. A table in the dining area contained an assortment of beverages and hors d’oeuvres, but the appetite consuming him had nothing to do with food.

A light tapping drew his attention to the door and eagerness coiled within him. He took a deep breath and steadied his voice before calling, “Enter.”

The door opened and a slim blonde stepped into the room, pausing to close the door behind her. She was dressed in a sexy variation of a military uniform. The short, fluttery skirt barely grazed the top of her thighs and the cropped jacket, complete with elaborate epaulettes, left much of her red velvet bustier visible. The matching hat, combined with the fall of her long, silky hair, shielded her face from him, prolonging the anticipation.

Malik held his breath, waiting for his suspicions to be confirmed, more than ready to begin the long-awaited battle of wills. She turned from the door and tossed back her hair, offering him a smart salute.

“Good evening, Agent Wanatee.” A smile slowly bowed her lips as she added, “It’s been a long time.”

Their gazes locked and reality paused as awareness arced between them. It had always been like this with Saroji, only with Saroji. She fascinated him, challenged him and infuriated him all at the same time.

Her smoky blue gaze searched his face, intense and expectant. If she was waiting for him to react to her “surprise” she’d be sorely disappointed. It was his suspicion that she was Summer that had turned moderate curiosity into obsession.

“Does your brother know about your fondness for role-playing, or is this arrangement between you and Mistress Autumn?” He stalked toward her, unable to bear their separation a moment longer.

“Should I be jealous?” She held her ground, sultry gaze locked with his. “You haven’t seen me in over a year and your first thought is of my brother?”

He snatched the hat from her head and tossed it aside. “Did you miss me?” He advanced again, backing her against the door. “Do you close your eyes and think of me while your customers are on top of you?” The thought both excited and repelled him. He wanted his image lodged securely in her mind, but thinking of anyone else touching her sent fury ricocheting through his spirit.

“I’m here with you now.” She bit her bottom lip, her lashes sweeping down to shadow her eyes. “Nothing else matters.”

“Spoken like a practiced whore!” He slapped his hands against the door on either side of her head, crowding her, caging her with his body. “Is turning tricks really better than being my mate? I could have provided for you and protected you.”

“Spoken like a Gathosian pet.” She glared at him, breasts swelling with each agitated breath. “We might be fighting a losing battle but we’ll never surrender. We’ll die with our souls intact, which is more than I can say about you!”

Her bitterness shouldn’t have surprised him, but it did. “You have a rather pronounced opinion of me, considering what little you know.”

“Is this where you list your justifications for betraying your own people? The Gathosians are monsters. How can you willingly serve them?”

He almost laughed. No one willingly served the Gathosians and she knew it.

He didn’t argue. It would be a waste of breath. She wasn’t ready to accept the truth or even listen to his side of the story. Their only common ground had always been passion. That would have to be enough, for now.

He cupped her chin and tilted her head back. “Are you Saroji, my betrothed, or Summer, a skillful spy for the Resistance?”

“I’m not your anything, so I guess that makes me Summer.”


His gaze narrowed and Saroji wanted to pull back the words. She wanted his mouth on hers and his cock buried deep inside her, but not like this, not while anger and resentment hardened his gaze.

“Fine by me.” He spun her around and placed her hands against the door. Then he kicked her feet apart and reached beneath her skirt, dragging her thong down around her knees. She waited for the brutal thrust of his cock, the fullness she so desperately needed. He ran his fingertips over her hips, up and down her thighs and across her ass cheeks.

The restriction of her thong around her knees was oddly evocative, increasing the tension inside her. She wanted more, longed for the firm grasp of cuffs against her wrists and the security of cords around her ankles.

His hand pushed between her thighs, his fingers barely grazing her folds. “You’re already wet.” There was no mockery in his tone, just a calm statement of fact.

She closed her hands into fists, hating her weakness even as her passage clenched painfully. Once the decision was made for her to keep the appointment, her body had gone into sexual overdrive. She’d rubbed herself to a quick orgasm before she fell asleep the night before, but her dreams had been filled with images of Malik. She woke up restless and needy and she’d been wet ever since.

He pushed two fingers into her pussy and she squeezed as hard as she could. “Oh yes. Push back against me. Ride my hand.”

Beyond shame or regret, she bore down on his fingers, taking them as deep as she could. Then she pulled her hips forward, savoring the slide before she rammed herself back onto his hand again.

“That’s right.” His voice was deep and commanding, just the way she remembered. “Harder.”

She eagerly obeyed, spreading her legs wider to increase the pressure on her knees. He reached around her hip with his other hand and splayed his fingers against her pelvis, slowing her thrusts to better match the rhythm of his hand. She arched her back, tightening her inner muscles again and again.

She was close, so damn close, but her orgasm remained just out of reach. He was intentionally avoiding her G-spot and her clit, keeping her simmering and desperate.

With a frustrated cry she moved her hand downward, but he caught her wrist and returned her hand to its place on the door. “You know better.”

“Please, let me come.”

“You come when I say you come, and not before.”

She trembled, concentrating on the wet slap of her pussy against his palm.

She heard the frantic shuffle of his clothing. Then he shifted both hands to her hips and adjusted the angle of her body. His cock pushed between her thighs, the thick intrusion unmistakable.

He paused against her opening and whispered into her ear, “Is this what you want, sweet slut?”

She gritted her teeth to keep from begging. He would not bend her to his will so easily. Her body might need his but her mind and spirit were securely protected from his hypnotic sway. “This is why you summoned me, isn’t it? What are you waiting for?”

His fingers tightened on her hips, and his hot breath ruffled her hair. “Works for me—Summer!”

He drove his entire length into her aching passage with one violent thrust. The head of his cock brushed across her G-spot and the fullness compressed her clit. She started to come and threw back her head, slapping him in the face with her hair.

“Not yet.” He wrapped his arms around her, holding her immobile as the sensations receded.

“Malik, please,” she cried, squeezing him as hard as she could.

“So it’s Malik now? What happened to Agent Wanatee?” He pulled back and shoved inward with short, sharp strokes.

Pushing her head toward the door, he bent her forward. The new angle allowed him deeper, and Saroji moaned. She’d waited too long for this, needed the sweet release she’d only known with Malik.

“Please, Sir, may I come?” She whispered the request, terrified of rejection, yet unable to withstand the pressure a moment longer.

He cupped her mound and drove deep, molding his pelvis against her ass. His middle finger eased between her folds and circled her clit. “Come for me, Saroji. Squeeze me tight.”

Suspended in a haze of sensation, Saroji submitted to his touch. She relaxed and let him take her, responding with her stillness. He dragged his finger across her clit and her orgasm released in forceful spasms, radiating out from where their bodies were joined.

Her knees gave out as the last spasm faded and he followed her down to the floor. Pulling her away from the door, he pressed against her back. He resumed the gentle orbit of her clit as he dragged his cock nearly out. She folded her arms and lowered her head, offering him a better angle.

The position must have pleased him. He groaned and grasped her hips with both hands. Then he rode her hard, his cock shuttling in and out with long, deep strokes.

His energy brushed against her mind, gentle yet insistent. “Open for me.”

Dreading his reaction, she shook her head. His rhythm stuttered but didn’t stop.


It was time to throw down the gauntlet and he wasn’t going to like it. She pushed up against him, taking him as deep as she could with her knees restrained. “My body is yours to do with as you will, but my mind belongs to me.”

“Damn it, Saroji.” He growled then grasped the front of her thighs and thrust even faster.

She closed her eyes, reveling in the frantic surge of his cock. He was thick and long, filling her completely with each sharp lunge. Her senses soared toward another orgasm as her heart ached for so much more.

He pulled out suddenly and her cunt clenched in protest. She dug her fingernails into her palms as his seed splashed against her upturned ass. “I never come inside a whore.” His voice was so gruff and strained it was barely recognizable.

Less sure of her strategy than she had been moments before, she glanced over her shoulder. “Ambassadors are required by law to be free of disease and on some form of birth control. Mistress Autumn should have explained that these archaic concerns need not hamper your pleasure.”

He just glared at her as he struggled to his feet and righted his clothing. “Vaccinations protect me from disease, but I have only your word that you’re not fertile. No pleasure ambassador is worthy of my seed.”

She had established their roles to provoke him, so why did his words sting so badly? Refusing to give in to the tears stinging her eyes, she wiggled out of her panties and used the small scrap of cloth to wipe his come off her skin. Then she stood as gracefully as her wobbly legs allowed and held out the soiled thong.

“Would you like to keep this as a souvenir?”

With a snarl contorting his handsome face, he batted the offered wad out of her hand then fisted the back of her hair. “Do you really want to continue this game? You might not like where it takes us.”

She dove into his night-black gaze and greedily absorbed the heat of his nearness. He wouldn’t hurt her, at least not physically. Indifference had always been his weapon and he’d wielded it ruthlessly.

His long black hair had come loose from its tie, making him look savage and wicked. She wanted to feel the rasp of his short beard against her inner thighs as his mouth devoured her pussy. He’d been her first lover, had become the standard by which she judged all others, which probably explained why there’d been so few.

“Why do you consider this a game?” A bit of her composure returned as she surrounded herself with the turbulent emotions so apparent in his expression. He was anything but indifferent now and that’s the way she intended to keep him. It was his turn to be off-balanced and undone, to want more than his lover was willing to give.

“After Spring helped Evard Keenan escape, I looked into her history more closely. Spring led me to Autumn, and Autumn led me to your brother. General Noirte is either leading the Resistance or he’s turning a blind eye to their treasonous activities. And if Ra’jen is involved, you’re involved. It took me less than a day to figure out you are Summer.”

Saroji remained silent. His suspicions came as no surprise. What she needed to find out was how much of his information he’d turned over to the Gathosians.

“You don’t deny it?”

“You didn’t ask questions. You stated accusations.”

“Do you let them fuck you?” He gritted out the question between clenched teeth, sending a thrill down her spine. If he didn’t care about her on some level, the question would never cross his mind.

BOOK: Codename Summer (Undercover Embassy, Book Four)
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