Collared by Wolves [The Haunt of the Wolves 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (7 page)

BOOK: Collared by Wolves [The Haunt of the Wolves 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“But isn’t it hurting her?” She could hear the anxiety in her own voice, which was raised in pitch.

“Shh. Don’t disturb them.” His voice was deliberately low as he answered her. “It immobilizes the girl, but her Master knows the limit she can take before it puts too much strain on her. However, it is something which only very experienced people should undertake.”

He moved her on to the next booth, much to her relief. That one had been too chilling. Her chin dropped when she saw the next exhibition. There was a big woman wearing a black bustier, thigh highs, really tall heels, and long black gloves sitting upright in an easy chair. Across her lap, his legs over the side, lay a naked man.

What shocked Natasha was that he was busily sucking the woman’s breast, feeding to all intents and purposes. And his engorged cock was encased in a cage of sorts. She winced thinking the poor man must have been in agony as it appeared to be too small for the size of his penis.

She turned to speak, and Griff held a finger over his lips and led her away. When they were back in the center of the room, he allowed her to speak. “I didn’t know that there were women—um, you know, masters.”

“A Mistress or a Dominatrix. We don’t have many in our species.” He looked at her speculatively. “You do know what we are, don’t you?”

Natasha bit her lip and nodded.

“And it doesn’t scare you?”

“A little,” she admitted. Well, a lot, particularly with this guy, but at the same time he exuded a dominance which excited her.

“Good. You should be scared. We’ve had human girls before coming here because they want to be hurt. And then going away and telling tales to the human authorities. We’ve had to change location.”

“I won’t do that.”

Griff tilted his head as he studied her face. “No, I don’t think you will.”

Having clearly decided she was genuine he led her away. As they moved she continued to stare at the action taking place in the room, particularly taken by the sight of a wolf tied to the St. Andrew’s Cross she had been on the other night, being hit by a riding crop. She couldn’t tell if the being was male or female, but it looked uncomfortable as a wolf’s body structure was different from a human, even if this was a werewolf.

Her attention being elsewhere, she was startled when they arrived at an unoccupied booth in the far corner.

“Let me show you how this equipment works.”

She looked at the strange contraption. It had a long padded horizontal bench about waist height. To Natasha’s eye it looked like a sawhorse, but there were two pads on the high end and two smaller pads on the lower end.

“I have absolutely no idea what this is.”

Griff laughed. “It is called a spanking bench.”

Tasha responded with a gasp, “Oh. I’ve seen a picture of one but it didn’t look like this.”

He raised an eyebrow. “There are all sorts. But you know then that it is an apparatus to immobilize the recipient and to hold them steady while the Dominant administers a spanking—or any other punishment, actually. Let me demonstrate. Place your knees on these pads,” he requested patting one of the lower pads.

Doing as he asked, she felt him wrap a tie around the back of her knee to hold her in place. He did it easily as the tie was one of those Velcro bands. She mused it should be fairly easy to pull away from that, if necessary.

“Now lie forward on the middle pad and rest your forearms on the upper pads.”

Natasha placed herself facedown as directed so that she was lying along the top of the “sawhorse” instead of over it. However, when Griff moved to the head of the bench to wrap the Velcro around her wrists, holding them tightly to the armrests, she began to worry, pulling at the ties. It wasn’t actually easy to tear them apart. She started to panic then. What happened if he turned into wolf while she was in this position and she couldn’t get loose?

“Stop fidgeting, Natasha.”

“Please, I’ve had enough…”

A hard spank on her bottom over the black leather of her short skirt startled her before she finished what she was saying. When another one on her right buttocks matched the sting of the first, she cried out, “Stop. I can’t do this!”

“For God’s sake, I haven’t done anything yet.”

His annoyed tone made things worse, and Natasha started shaking and crying. This wasn’t what she wanted. Somehow it had become frightening and not exciting any more.

“Hey, Griff. It’s not what you are doing. She is just scared.”

The sound of another man’s voice penetrated her sobs. She tilted her head and recognized him as one of the threesome from the other night—the one who joined in at the end. He smiled at her and crouched down, raising his hands to rub her tears away with his thumbs. She shivered. There was something about him that was very trusting.

“Shh. Little one. You are perfectly safe.”

Chapter Nine


Why did
have to interfere?

Griff stepped forward to insinuate himself and repel Max, but something stopped him. If they had a repeat of the fight of the other night, then Natasha would undoubtedly never come back again—and, for some reason, he wasn’t prepared for that. There was something about this girl he wanted. Hesitation was alien to him. Usually he knew exactly what he wanted and sometimes went out of his way to get it, not caring about the feelings of the others around him.

What is it about her that makes me stop?

He was sure it wasn’t a mating impulse as that only happened between couples who were both werewolves.
Didn’t it?

Or maybe he was just being cautious not to get into a situation where could get expelled from this club like he had been from his pack when he had let his wolf get carried away and the bitch he was with got badly clawed in the process. The fact that she had been begging him to give her more pain wasn’t the problem. It had frightened himself as much as everyone around him, and rumor being typical, it had got around that he had done this to several girls. No, he wasn’t going there again, it was too much like the type of BDSM that Lance and his gang relished.

“I know you are scared. Tasha, isn’t it? Give it a moment to get used to the sensation of being tied up.” Max’s voice was low and gentle. There was something very comforting in the other man’s voice that Griff admired. He knew too well how harsh he came over. Gentleness had never been part of his attributes.

And it was clearly working as the tension in her body decreased and her shaking diminished. Griff moved toward her and began to stroke her back. Max nodded his head in approval.

That annoyed him.
Hell—I don’t need his consent!

But Max was continuing, “Good girl. You know, part of the reason for the restraints is to stop you falling off and crashing to the floor.” He chuckled. “We don’t like our subs to be bruised that way. Well, only when we deliberately make the bruises!”

The shakiness of her giggle told Griff that she was still nervous, but the fact that she had responded to Max’s comment with laughter was a good sign. He patted her back to show his praise.

Max gently lifted her chin. “It isn’t just about stopping you leaving, you know. In fact, that is the least of the reasons for restraining you. Would you like to know another?”


Natasha’s tremulous voice hit Griff. He didn’t want her to be this frightened and increased his caressing, edging into the waist of her skirt, enjoying the dip in her back. She shivered. That was
a sign of her fear but a very definite sign of arousal. He smiled and continued what he was doing.

Max dropped his voice to speak in a conspiratorial voice. “Well, it’s a Dom trick to stop you touching yourself and bringing yourself off. Doms like to be the only one to do that, but don’t tell
I told you!”

Griff make a face but was startled when she chuckled.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell him if you won’t,” she answered, her voice much stronger now she was relaxing, and he felt relieved.

As the tension in her body abated, Max asked, “Are you all right to continue now?”

Much to Griff’s amazement, she agreed. Despite the fact that she had calmed considerably, he wasn’t that sure she would go through with this. If she had been a werewolf, he wouldn’t have a second thought knowing his species can take a lot of pain, but he knew so little about humans and really wanted to make sure this worked for her.

He nodded briskly in Max’s direction in appreciation of his empathy with the girl as the other man stood up.

Moving back to the end of the apparatus, Griff pushed her skirt over her buttocks, revealing a black thong. She certainly had a lovely butt, well-rounded and smooth, very different from a lean werewolf bitch. He ran his hands over her buttocks, squeezing.

Griff took a deep breath. It was time for him to take over again.

“Okay, little Tasha. There are all sorts of things I can do to you in this position. However, I am just going to demonstrate some spanking—and possibly some paddling.”

She lifted her head to peer around at him and asked, “I’ve heard about that, but what are you going to use?” She sounded curious, not frightened.

He smiled. “Max, would you like to grab the item in question from the rack over there and show her while I warm her up.”

That got the other man out of the way—at least for a moment. And Griff proceeded to lay several light taps on her bottom with his hand, moving from one side to the other, then lower near the thigh and higher up. She gasped at the first hit but didn’t say anything. After four spanks, he stopped to rub her soothingly, and then repeated it, this time harder.

She had a tendency to clench her buttocks, he noted.
I’ll have to cure her of that.
And then he stopped. It was very rare that he took the same sub on twice and had never had a permanent one. And now he found himself considering doing exactly that—with a human of all subs!

Shaking his head to rid himself of these bizarre feelings, he continued, “The idea is to start off gently to get the body used to the strikes. It’s not hurting, is it?”

“Um, hurting isn’t the word. Sort of getting more stingy—and hot.”

“Good. That’s how it is supposed to feel.”

He was enjoying the sight of her backside getting redder when Max returned with a paddle.

Nodding toward the girl, Griff suggested, “Show her what it looks like.”

Crouching down so she didn’t have to wrench her head around, Max held up an implement that was made of firm leather, shaped like a short cricket bat, and a lurid pink color, as if that made it any less wicked looking.

“Oh. Isn’t that going to hurt?” she asked. There was a slight tremor in her voice.

Max laughed. “Yes, but that’s the point. It is to bring out the endorphins in your body. When your body is hurting, it creates a chemical reaction to combat the pain, and it gives a feeling of euphoria. The trick is not to give you so much pain that the endorphin can’t work.”

“If—if you’re sure.”

Smiling at her, Max pressed a quick kiss to her lips to reassure her and then shrugged at Griff, who growled at his impudence.

He stood and handed Griff the paddle. A surge of wickedness went through Griff, and he whacked the paddle against his own hand. The resulting sound caused both Natasha and Max to jump and cry out. Griff smirked at Max as the other man went slightly red at his action.

“Don’t worry. I’m not going to do it that hard. But because it is more inflexible than my hand, it will feel different. Are you ready, Natasha?” He deliberately used her full name, needing her to be sure this is what she wanted.

When she didn’t immediately answer, Max stepped forward to stroke her hair, brushing it away from her face so he could watch her as he spoke.

“You must answer so we know how you are feeling. If you don’t want to do this, you have your safe word.”

Griff grimaced. He didn’t want the girl using any safe word. Like most werewolves he hated them as he felt it gave the sub too much power to back out, and that wasn’t his usual style.

“I–I guess so.”

Breathing a silent sigh of relief, Griff raised the paddle and started off with taps even lighter than before, doing a similar round of hits to those he had done previously, alternating between buttocks, stopping every few to caress the lovely—and now red—buttocks. He could see Natasha shuddering as she got used to the implement, but her lack of tenseness told him that she probably found it wasn’t as bad as she had anticipated.

Okay, so it’s time to step this up.

He began to get harder, relishing the feel of the thwack against her backside, the sound of swooshing.

But suddenly it all turned and he could see she was holding herself tightly. Griff frowned at Max worried. Had he gone too far?

The other man bent to clasp her head in his palms. “Don’t fight it. Accept the pain. Take a deep breath. And now another. And a third. That’s it. Let your body relish the pain.”

At Max’s nod, Griff continued, not enjoying the feel of whacking her again at first until he saw she was pushing back against him, needing the hits as much as he liked giving them.

BOOK: Collared by Wolves [The Haunt of the Wolves 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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