Read Colorado Cabin in the Pines (Peakview series Book 3) Online

Authors: Jill Haymaker

Tags: #Book Three in the Peakview Series

Colorado Cabin in the Pines (Peakview series Book 3) (3 page)

BOOK: Colorado Cabin in the Pines (Peakview series Book 3)
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Penny tried to stifle her frustration as she saddled Ginger after dinner. She jumped on the horse, called to Bandit and headed to the west toward Walker land. She’d been home two weeks and hadn’t seen Luke once since their encounter at the cabin that first night. She always seemed to just miss him in town. A few times she thought she caught glimpses of him, but he disappeared like the wind. Well, enough was enough. She didn’t really know what she expected when she came to Peakview, but at least she thought they could forge a friendship out of their past history. Was he avoiding her? Well, not tonight. She’d track him down and make him talk to her. She couldn’t stand this weirdness between them. They needed to face this and move on—one way or another.

First she headed to the main Walker ranch buildings. She rode around the entire barn and corral area and saw neither Luke nor Geronimo. Satisfied that he wasn’t there, she made her way up the hill to the front of the cabin. Geronimo wasn’t tied up here either. She walked up on the porch just as the sun set and smiled at the progress that Luke had made since her last visit. She might as well look around inside. She tried the front door and to her relief it wasn’t locked.

“Luke, you here?” Her voice echoed in silence. Guess he wasn’t home, so she shut the door behind her and wandered farther inside. The floors were stunning. One thing she could say for him, he had good taste. She walked into the master bedroom and saw his bedroll. It looked like he’d been sleeping here. Well, she’d just sit down and await his return. She pulled bedding around her shoulders in the cooling air. It smelled like Luke. She breathed in deep, surrounded by happy memories and lay down and snuggled in to wait.




By the time Luke decided to head back down the mountain, darkness had fully descended on the ranch. The warm, clear night surrounded him, and he was in no hurry to get back to his lonely makeshift bed. He let his horse meander down the path at his own speed. The full moon on the horizon lit their way. No need for a flashlight tonight. He felt better, as always after a trip to his mom’s resting place. He still didn’t have any answers, but a calmness filled him now. His mom was always with him, at least in spirit. He absently stared at the trail ahead, not really focusing on anything. The night was silent except for the occasional howl of a distant coyote. Oh, how he loved this land. One thing he knew for sure—he could never leave Walker Ranch. Maybe it was time to forget his past and focus on meeting a girl who shared his love of this life. Once he’d thought that was Penny—but he had been wrong.

Entering the small clearing that surrounded his home, Geronimo’s ears pricked up and he whinnied. The sound immediately returned by a horse not far away. Had one of their herd gotten through the fence again and wandered up to his place? No, his eyes adjusted and there was clearly a saddled horse tied to his porch rail. As he neared, he saw Ginger. Where was Penny and what was she doing here? Now was as good a time as any to let her know he was over her and wanted to be just friends. He couldn’t keep avoiding her all summer. He’d put their past behind him and move on like she had done. The last thing he wanted was any lasting hard feelings between them. He unsaddled and unbridled Geronimo and tied him next to Ginger. Giving the other horse a pat on the neck, he walked up onto the porch. Strange—all quiet. He pushed his front door open, and Bandit ran up to him, her whole body wiggling in delight.

Crouching down to pet his old friend in the dark interior, he said, “Hi there. What are you doing here buddy? Where is Penny?”

The little dog wiggled her butt and disappeared into Luke’s bedroom. He followed closely behind guided by a shaft of moonlight streaming through the large picture window. At the doorway, he skidded to a halt. There on his bedding lay Penny sound asleep, her long, blonde hair spilling over onto the floor boards and glistening in the moonlight. God, she was beautiful! He stood mesmerized, not wanting to wake her and break the moment. Bandit lay down with a sigh on a folded blanket in the corner as if to say she was here for the night. Quietly slipping off his boots and hat and laying them on the floor, he tiptoed over to where she lay. All rational thought deserting him, he carefully laid down beside her. Enfolding his strong, muscular arms around her, he pulled her close. Penny sighed and still asleep snuggled into his chest. He brushed a light kiss on her forehead causing her eyes to suddenly fly open and stare into his.

“Hi, sweetheart.” He found her lips and kissed her softly before she could protest.


Penny shook her head to clear the sleep-induced fog from her brain. “I’m sorry. I came by…wanted to talk…I must have dozed off.”

“Nothing to be sorry for. I can’t imagine anything nicer than coming home and finding you here.”

His voice had taken on a husky quality which caused her body to react as it did when they were in high school. Instead of letting go, Luke tightened his arms around her. His hand softly tangled in her hair as he lowered his face to hers once more and found her mouth. Not soft this time, but with a need and desire. He kissed her hard, his tongue forcing its way to hers. She heard a moan, maybe from her own throat, and wound her arms around his neck and kissed him with equal intensity.
Don’t think, just enjoy.
She pulled him closer and felt his desire pressed against her. She could already feel the throbbing sensation between her own legs. The cool summer evening just got a lot hotter.

She wanted him, now. She let her hands slide lower and grabbed the waist of his t-shirt. Snaking her fingers underneath, she raked her nails gently up and down his warm back. Luke responded with a deep moan running his hands down her back and cupping her ass through her jeans, holding her against his throbbing erection. Grabbing his shirt, she maneuvered it over his head, and he did the same with her tank top. He snapped the clasp to her bra and threw it aside with their shirts. Warm touching warm. His hand found its way to her breast and just when she thought she’d burst, he pulled back.


“Hummm?” She opened her eyes to gaze into his intense blue pools.

“I’m not prepared…don’t have a condom. Do you?”

She smiled. “No, of course not. I was just out for a ride. Not something I carry around.”

“Okay, then. Pants stay on. But let me make you come.”

Before she could respond, Luke returned his hand to her breast, kneading the soft flesh as his mouth lowered to find her nipple and sucked long and hard. She tangled her hands in his hair and kissing his neck and sucked in his flesh. Groaning louder, he continued to suck at her nipple while moving his hand inside the waist of her jeans and finding her soft, wet center with his fingers. She panted and called out his name as he pushed her over the edge. He groaned in relief, and she felt him throbbing beneath his jeans.

“I love you, Penny,” he murmured gently holding her head against his warm, strong chest. She closed her eyes and drifted into a peaceful slumber.




A bird chirped outside the window. Penny opened her eyes and rolled over to look at her watch on the nightstand. Holy crap! It was after 5:00 a.m. She needed to get back before her parents woke up.

“Luke, wake up. It’s almost morning.”

“So?” His eyes opened slowly and he smiled up at her. She found her bra and shirt and slipped them back on. “What’s the rush?”

“What’s the rush? If my parents wake up and discover that I didn’t come home last night, my dad and your dad and the whole county will be out looking for me before breakfast. I need to get home fast.”

“Wait.” He sat up and ran his fingers through his tousled hair. “Do you want me to ride with you?”

“Of course not. That’s the last thing they need to see—you and I together.” She headed toward the door, slipping on her boots as she walked.

Luke stumbled out of bed and pulled on his jeans. “We need to talk about…about last night.”

“We will. Just not right now. Come on Bandit.” The dog looked up from his cozy bed and wagged his tail.

Luke grabbed her and planted a lingering kiss on her lips, before she broke loose and ran out the door to her horse.

“Have a good day.” She heard from behind her back as she galloped off into the already lightening eastern horizon. What had she done? Luke and her—it was all too confusing. And the last thing she needed—the very last thing—was for her parents to think they were back together.

Her mother was up by 6:00 every morning. She needed to get in the house and into her bed before her absence was discovered.

As she neared their property she slowed Ginger to a walk, urging the horse to be quiet. “Shhh,” she said to Bandit. She didn’t need her to start barking now. As if she understood, the dog followed slowly behind her. She dismounted before she got to the corral and tiptoed to the gate, wincing as the hinges swung open squeaking. Across the yard she could see the house. No lights appeared to be on—a good sign.

She unsaddled and unbridled the horse. No time to brush her down as usual. She gave Ginger’s neck a quick hug. “I promise to brush you double next time,” she whispered into the horse’s ear. This time, she climbed over the gate to avoid further noise and called for Bandit to scoot under the rails. Once in the yard, she picked up the little dog and hurried to the door leading to the back staircase. Fortunately for her, her parents had added a master suite to the opposite side of the main floor several years ago, not wanting to deal with climbing up and down the stairs. Also fortunately for her, Peakview County remained such a safe, isolated place that no one, including her parents, ever bothered to lock their doors. What a contrast to Chicago!

In a flash, she ran up the stairs, undressed, and snuggled down into her bed. Bandit did a couple of tight circles and lay down beside her with a sigh as if to say she guessed it really wasn’t morning yet. Penny pulled the covers around her chin and tried to fall back asleep. After all, she didn’t get much rest last night.

A few minutes later, she gave up. She smiled, remembering the feel of Luke’s body against hers. She was too wound up to sleep. She pulled her furry friend closer and buried her face in his soft coat. What was she going to do about Luke Walker? After all, she had a life and a boyfriend in Chicago. Darrell’s face popped up in her mind. Oh my God, what had she done? In her twenty-two years of life she had never cheated on anyone—never even considered it. But now here she was having spent a wonderful night with someone from her past. And the bad part—it didn’t feel wrong. When she awoke to his kiss her world felt right. Right for the first time in four years.




Luke watched her ride away. He turned and walked back into the cabin, picking up his flannel shirt and pulling it on. He grabbed a Coke from the small cooler and headed back out to the porch. He popped the tab as he slid down with his back up against the pine rail. The sun was now fully visible in the eastern sky, casting a warm, red glow over the summer dawn.

Despite the night he spent with Penny snuggled in his arms, a deep stab of loneliness pierced at his heart. What had he been thinking? This—him and her—wasn’t real. She’d made it clear that her home was in Chicago. Why did she come to him last night? Did she want a summer fling? Well, that wasn’t his thing. He loved her, as he loved her every day since junior high when she found him in the barn. He lost his heart that day and never got it back, even in the four years she’d been gone. What happened last night was his dream come true, but was it hers? He needed to talk to her, find out once and for all if there was anything more than memories between them. Yeah, the physical attraction was definitely still there, but was that all? He needed to find out.




Penny winced. That last step always creaked as you walked into to kitchen.

“Good morning sweetheart. I didn’t hear you come in last night. Were you enjoying the full moon?”

Thankful her mom’s back was turned to her, she felt her checks warm with the thought of what she’d done in the moonlight.

“It was a beautiful night.” She replied as casually as possible. Reaching for the pot, she poured herself a cup of coffee and changed the subject. “What’s on the agenda for today?”

“I’m headed out to the garden to do some weeding before it gets too hot. Would you care to join me?”

“I’d love to. The main reason I came home is to spend some quality time with you and Dad.” Had she subconsciously wanted to spend some time with a certain sexy cowboy, too? “I’m afraid once I’m teaching full-time that it’ll be harder to get back here.”

“We’ll have to make more trips to Chicago to see you then.”

Penny smiled. Her mom meant it, but her dad was a fish out of water in the big city. Doubting that even her persuasive mother could get him to visit often, her heart clench with sadness. She tried to envision Luke coming to visit. Nope that wasn’t going to happen. She had known better than to invite him to visit her at college, he’d have hated everything about the Windy City, and they’d have ended up fighting. She’d been right to end things when she did. There was no other choice, despite how he made her tingle.

BOOK: Colorado Cabin in the Pines (Peakview series Book 3)
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