Read Confessions After Dark Online

Authors: Kahlen Aymes

Confessions After Dark (2 page)

BOOK: Confessions After Dark
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“Oh, so then you spoke to him in person?” Angel smiled, thinking of this very refined-sounding woman in the presence of her ex, in all his tough and tattooed glory.

“Yes! I saw them at Excalibur two months ago. I was surprised how good they are. Some of their covers are better than the originals.”

“Yes, I know. I’m surprised they haven’t gotten a recording contract by now.”

want this band. They’d be a fabulous draw for the crowd I’m trying to attract. Can you talk to him?”

“Why me, Ms. Franklin?” Angel probed; the answer already niggling at her brain.

“I Googled the band and your name came up. So, you were lead singer for a few years?”

“Well, Kyle fronts the band. He and I… It was both of us.”

“You must have a ton of influence. Will you help us? I understand you are huge into the charity circuit, so I’m hoping you’ll take pity on my situation.”

“My influence has been limited with him for the last couple of years, but I’ll see what I can do. I can’t make any promises. He’s still mad at me for quitting.”

“The band?”

“No, him. The band was just collateral damage.”

“Oh, I see. Well, if it’s too uncomfortable, I understand. You were my last resort.”

“No, it’s fine, Ms. Franklin. I’m going to give you back to my secretary, now. She’ll take your contact information and I’ll get back to you in a day or two. Will that be acceptable?”

“Yes! I really appreciate your help, and please call me Ally!”

“I’ll talk to you soon, Ally. Have a nice afternoon.”

Angel hung up the phone and resumed the email to Alex, a small smile playing on her red lips as her fingers flew over the keys.

From: Angeline Hemming, Ph. D.

To: A. Avery, CFO, Avery Enterprises, Inc.

Subject: Bossy, much?

Mr. Avery,

I don’t take orders well, as you know. However, it suits me to charge the phone; so on this, I will acquiesce. I find the direct line extremely… er… stimulating. And yes, this morning was nice. Some of us aren’t multi-millionaires and have to work. Please stop distracting me.


She chuckled happily as she sent her message. The morning had been glorious. She awoke to warm lips on her shoulder, her naked body wrapped up tightly in his, still on the living room floor under the canopy of blankets. Her heart tightened inside her chest as she thought about it. It was exhilarating and unbelievable all rolled up together. It felt comfortable and right. She kept telling herself that it was too good to be true. However, his words and actions completely contradicted her original expectations and Whitney’s heated accusations. She had to admit that she was falling—and falling hard. Logic said she should get out now, but it just felt too damn good. And, not just physically.

Her heart constricted again, the pain a mixture of heady bliss and real fear. She closed her eyes, remembering the soft grazes of Alex’s mouth on her shoulder as her eyes fought to open.

“You feel so good,” Alex murmured as he dragged kisses over her collarbone and up the cord in her neck until his mouth seared hers. She was breathless and helpless under his merciless assault as he rolled her beneath him and pressed hard flesh into soft warmth. The events of the evening prior had proven he owned her, so she wanted nothing more than to experience every possible moment in this man’s arms. Her hands roamed his naked back, reveling in the play of solid muscles as he moved.

When Jillian stirred in the other room, Alex had reluctantly pulled his mouth away. “Uhhh…” he sighed in frustration.

“Do you know what is most amazing about us?” Angel had whispered against his jaw, sighing in acknowledgment that she had to get up.

Alex huffed and smiled against the skin of her temple. “Is that a trick question?” He chuckled softly, his green eyes sparkling mischievously into hers.

. I mean—” She shrugged and rolled her eyes with a grin. “Sure that, but the kisses…. are so silent. All breathing and brushing… sucking yes, but none of the sloppy, gross, smacking noises.”

Alex burst out laughing, his eyes dancing at her. “I think there was a compliment in there somewhere.”

“Yes…” she said breathlessly. “The kisses are more than amazing.”

His answer was to take her mouth again hungrily, his tongue probing between her lips and finding hers in a frantic attempt to get enough to get through the day. Jillian’s increased howl forced him to break the kiss and press his forehead to hers. “The most incredible I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough.”

“Never?” she asked hopefully.



Alex’s morning was spent in meetings with Mrs. Dane rearranging his schedule and going over the expenditures that he would be granting Cole regarding the take-over of Swanson’s business. He met Mrs. Dane’s raised eyebrow with professional indifference, his demeanor clearly communicating that she was to ask no questions, just do as he asked.

Cole wouldn’t be able to move into Angel’s building until the end of the week, which made Alex uneasy. He was desperate to figure out a way to get her to stay with him until then, and he sure as hell wasn’t going out of the country until he knew his brother would be within a few yards of her.

He ran a hand through his lush mop of hair and then over the stubble on his chin, sighing deeply. He left Angel’s later than planned and rushed to the office after stopping briefly at his apartment for a quick change of clothes.

As much as he wanted to put Bancroft on her tail to make sure she was safe, Alex hesitated, unwilling to risk her anger if she found out. No, that wouldn’t happen unless he felt he had absolutely no choice in the matter. It would be better to stay as close as he could, which had distinct advantages. Even hours later, after focusing on work and the laundry list of things he had on his plate, his body swelled to a painful throb at the memory. His mind could still conjure how she felt, her scent, the amazing way her body responded to his. The soft moans she made as he touched her most intimate places drove him wild with desire. As Alex pulled uncomfortably at the crotch of his dress slacks, he had to admit to himself that she excited him more than any woman he’d ever known, and the panic he felt over her current situation only reinforced more tender feelings he wasn’t quite ready to face.

His phone buzzed and ended his musings.

“Your father is on line one,” Mrs. Dane clipped, her even tone sounding over the intercom. “Are you available?”

“Yes, thank you, Mrs. Dane.” Alex reached for the phone and leaned back in the dark brown leather chair behind the huge mahogany desk. “Hi, Dad.”

“I thought you were going to Athens this morning? Has something happened?”

“Not at all. I just didn’t feel like traveling this week. I had Blaine Foster handle it. He’s been doing extremely well and deserves a shot.” Alex tried to hide the agitation he felt at having to explain himself.

“You love Athens. You use any excuse to go.”

“Sure, but I have a personal matter that needs my immediate attention.”

“Are you ill?”

“Nothing like that,” Alex dismissed shortly. “I’m fine.”

“Okay, I’ll leave you to it, then. How’s Cole doing?”

“He’s doing much better than I’d hoped. I put him on security and he enjoys it. Cole’s not a suit and it was a matter of finding something he liked. He’s really surprising me.”

“What do you have him doing? Security is tight already, Alex.”

“In house, yes, but he’s investigating some businesses that I’m looking at acquiring.”

“Oh. Well, wonderful. Your mother was upset that we didn’t see you yesterday, so make sure you’re there next week.”

“Dad, you put billions of dollars in my hands; I’m an adult. I don’t need to have brunch with Mommy and Daddy every Sunday,” he said absently, not really concentrating on the conversation as he fiddled with a pen, twirling it on the smooth surface of his desk. “Cole hasn’t been there in a month and a half, and you’re fine with that.”

“Maybe that will change. Your sister misses you. If you aren’t going to come to family dinners, then at least give her a call.”

“Yeah, okay.”

Alex’s door burst open and Cole stormed in with a flustered Mrs. Dane following. “Mr. Avery, you have to wait! Your brother is on the phone!”

“Alex, hang up the phone.” Cole’s tone was urgent as he stood waiting with his hands on his hips.

“Dad, I have to go.”

“Is that Cole?”

“Yes. I’ll call you later. Have a good morning.”

When Alex hung up the phone, Mrs. Dane moved forward. “Mr. Avery, I’m so—”

“It’s fine, Mrs. Dane. Will you excuse us?”

When the woman had exited the office, Alex took in Cole’s agitated appearance. “What is it? What’s happening?”

“Were you aware that Swanson was meeting with Angel this morning?”

Alex’s brow dropped. “She didn’t mention it specifically, but she hasn’t named him to me. How did you know?”

“Well…. um, since you want me to move in next door, I figured you wanted a tail on her and Bancroft is watching Mark Swanson.”

“As long as it’s at her office, it’s legitimate business. I don’t want to scare her, so keep your distance.” Alex motioned for his brother to take one of the expensive chairs that matched the leather sofa against one wall opposite the windows. “Thanks for doing that, Cole.”

Cole smiled. “Sure, dude. I like this shit. It’s fun!”

The corner of Alex’s mouth lifted sardonically and he pushed his fingers through his hair, sighing. “Unfortunately, it is freaking me the fuck out. Angel won’t tell me anything so I can’t share what I know with her, or that I’m watching that bastard. I sense she’s scared of him, but she won’t admit it.”

Cole took a notepad out of his jacket pocket and began flipping through it. “Well, I have everything you asked. I know which locations he owns and the property value, which properties he rents, who owns Angel’s building…. all of it.”

“Okay, so start buying the locations he rents as quickly as we can. We have an attorney on retainer, so use him. Offer the going rate. If that doesn’t work, increase by twenty percent. Then begin issuing eviction notices.”

“A couple of Swanson’s stores are in strip malls in the ’burbs. So, eviction notices to only his business?”

Alex’s expression hardened, his lips forming a firm line. “Only him.”

“And the other locations?”

“It depends on how long this trial takes. We might be able to hurt his cash flow enough by closing down the rentals, but start looking for locations close to the ones he owns that we can convert. We’ll start by hiring his employees away from him. He’ll be scrambling at the very least.”

“What will you do with them?”

“Put them on the payroll, find them jobs here; I don’t care. Mrs. Dane will work with HR to do it. I’ve looked at his financial statements and he doesn’t have enough liquidity to pay what Avery can. If he wants to make better offers, he’ll have to try getting loans, and that would take collateral that he doesn’t have.” The smile on his handsome face spoke volumes.

“Alex, why don’t you just tell the prick you’re going to ruin him if he threatens Angel?”

Alex shook his head. “Because it would tip my hand, and it wouldn’t be nearly as much fun. It also might make it more dangerous for her. The guy is bad news. Just consider what we’re doing a community service.”

“Okay, I’m gonna go over there and hang around, just in case.”

“I appreciate your diligence, Cole. Really. But don’t get creepy around her; she’ll probably kick you in the balls.” Alex was kidding, but only slightly; the amusement that danced over his features told Cole more than his words.

“Well, she must have a way with yours.”

Green eyes sparkled with laughter. “If you only knew.”

“So, I’ll go, then.”

Alex stopped him. “No, I think I’ll go.” He leaned forward and pressed the button on his phone that connected him to the outer office. “Mrs. Dane, please reschedule the rest of my day.”


“Angel, Mark Swanson is here.” Liz’s voice was soft on the other end of the line. She didn’t use the intercom, knowing Angel wouldn’t want the man privy to her response.

“Fine. Take him into the conference room. You remember what I told you?”

“Yeah. I got it. But he asked to speak to you first.”

Despite her bravado, she was frightened. The man made her skin crawl; the way he looked at her was filled with hatred and lust. She’d use it to her advantage, but she’d have to keep her focus. She stood, smoothing down the wool crepe of her skirt before reaching into her desk drawer for lip gloss. “Fucker is going down,” she murmured to herself as she applied it, and then threw it back into the drawer.

“Send him in, Liz.”

He was dressed impeccably, his dark hair slicked back with some sort of gel that made him look more menacing. As always, he wore that same self-satisfied expression that Angel wanted to slap right off his face. She struggled to control her face; to keep her loathing for the man to herself.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Swanson.” Angel extended her hand and he took it between both of his, pulling her toward him just slightly.

“So, we meet again. I take pleasure in it, even though I know what you’re up to, Angel.”

She itched to pull her hand away as he began to stroke her fingers with his. “Dr. Hemming, if you don’t mind,” she insisted.

“Ah, come now, Angel. You know you want to know me better. Why don’t we just stop this nastiness, hmmm?”

She tugged her hand free and moved behind her desk, indicating that he should take one of the chairs in front of it. “Mr. Swanson, the nastiness is not my doing. I’m only here to see justice done.”

His eyes narrowed, anger sparking in them. Angel flushed. The man was a hideous monster behind the polished and refined exterior. If she didn’t know what lay behind his eyes, she would have bet money he wouldn’t hurt a fly.

“My secretary is going to administer the tests this time. I appreciate that you came in. It was unfortunate that I lost the flash drive containing the first set.”

BOOK: Confessions After Dark
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