Corporate Ties (Silken Ties Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Corporate Ties (Silken Ties Book 1)
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"Come on," she urged.

The light turned green and the elevator started to move up. She did the same at her door and pushed inside, locking the door and slapping at the light. She leaned against the door, her eyes pinched closed, lip quivering, she sucked in a sob, then let it out, slowly. A light knock made her open her eyes in panic and she twisted, looked through the peep hole, finally releasing the lock and pulling the door open.

Brian rushed in and clutched her close, kissing her forehead.

"You are the most amazing woman I've ever met. God, Liv. How did you even know to do that?"

She dug her fingers into his jacket and closed her eyes, taking in his scent.

"I've been on my own in this city since I was eighteen. I had to learn how to protect myself and I've had to use it on several occasions."

Brian slowly pushed back. "She was trying to kidnap you, Liv. This is getting too dangerous."

"I need some water, want anything?"

"Got any bourbon?"

"You know I do. Help yourself." Ice clanked into two glasses. She handed one to Brian and filled hers with water from the refrigerator door. They stood and she watched as each other’s glasses shook in their hands, listening to the ice rattle, Olivia saw the humor in the situation. 

“If I take a sip from my glass, I think our ice may be in harmony.” Olivia started to laugh at the startled look on Brian’s face.

"Maybe it shook me up more than I realized." She actually giggled.

"Na, it's the adrenaline." He gulped down his drink and poured another. Olivia kicked off her shoes, walked to the couch and sat down. Brian could see the wheels in her mind turning again.

"What is it?" he asked as he sat beside her.

"I think she did this on her own. I don't think Matasuki had anything to do with it."

"What? Why would you say that? She's submissive to him. He controls her."

"And she views me as a threat, Brian."

"This was well planned out, Olivia. They were in the security system, blacked out the elevator cameras; looped the lobby cameras. That doesn't happen instantly."

"I didn't say she wasn't competent. She's the assassin after all. He trusts her to carry out her directives on her own, and she's very good at it. It does creep me out though."

"It should. I just don't know what we're going to do about her. Next time she could use a taser or just poison you."

"You're right. God, Brian, this is all so crazy. And it all started because I just wanted to find Paul."

"I know. We'll figure this out, together." He looked at his watch. "It's late. I should go, but I don’t want you to be alone."

Olivia reached over and stroked his arm. "Stay."

Brian smiled. "Of course." He stood, offered his hand and pulled her up. Dipping to cover her lips with his, scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom. The mattress dipped with their weight. Olivia moved back, pulled the dress over her head and tossed it aside, then watched Brian unbutton his shirt. His chiseled torso made her stomach quiver and added to her arousal. Moisture was already soaking the silky fabric between her legs. She undid her lacy bra, rounded her shoulders, letting the straps slip down her arms, and off onto the floor.

Brian crawled up, pulled the scanty panties down her legs and dropped them beside the bed. Olivia slid her knees up and let them drop to the side, exposing her core.  She reached for him, but he pushed her hand down.  After what they’d been through tonight, he wanted to take his time.  He kissed his way up the smooth, soft skin of her thighs, across her taut belly, at the same time reaching up to knead each breast, causing her nipples to tighten into hard, sensitive nubs. She moaned, her eye lids heavy with passion, her lips parted as he pinched and pulled at her nipples. Feeling his hardness pressed against her, she ran her hands down his back as he pushed inside her.

This time Brian was tender with her, setting a pace that was slow and gentle. They shared long, passionate and intimate kisses as they made love. Olivia moaned into the kiss as she started to peak. Brian thrust harder and faster, feeling her begin to spasm around him, following her as the wave crested and they both slid over and down. After the last ripple of pleasure, they continued to kiss and rock and pet until finally Brian slid down beside her. She rested her head in the crook of his shoulder, tracing her fingers in circles over his abs. The sex felt different now, the feelings so much stronger.


Olivia knew she had a decision to make. Did she run, push him away? Or was it time to take a chance and let herself love someone again?


Brian started to snore. She smiled and slipped out of bed, watching him as she reached for her robe. He looked so peaceful. Padding down the hall and into the kitchen, she filled a glass with water and stared across the room out the living room window. This city was never dark, save the occasional black out or hurricane. Tonight the lights twinkled through a slight fog. The city’s wall of buildings always made her feel safe.

Olivia's mind drifted back to the events of the evening. Matasuki's smoldering stare. Kimiko's angry, dare she say, evil one, and Brian's eyes, filled with fear.


Across town, someone else stared out into the night, only his glass was not filled with water. The door opened and closed, but he didn't turn. A man stood nervously waiting for permission to speak.

"Where is she?"

"I haven't seen her since she took the elevator to escort you home."

He still didn't turn. The man stared at the glass in Matasuki's hand as he rotated it. The cuts in the crystal sparkled even in the low light.

"How can that be, Naru?"

Naru's palms were clammy now, and sweat formed on his lip and brow. "I was waiting in the car. She went in. That woman, Miss Grayson came out."

"Be ready to act. Leave me."


Olivia crawled back into bed and cuddled next to Brian, curling her arm over his waist, kissing across his shoulder, pulling close. At five the alarm on her phone blared from the other room, waking her. She stretched and turned.

"Good morning."

Brian smiled and stroked her face. "I really like seeing your face first thing in the morning."

She leaned closer and kissed him. "I'm glad. I like it too. I could make you something to eat."

"Coffee is just fine. I usually eat after I work out."

Olivia chuckled as she swung her legs off the bed. "Of course you do. I like to work out after work, but then you already know that, don't you?"

He grinned and arched an eyebrow. "Yes, I do. Listen, I need to get to work early, relieve one of the guys. But I want you to know, you don’t have to worry, I'll have someone watching you."

"Brian, it’s okay. You know you can't be here every minute. We have to end this soon. And we have two choices right? Go to the police and let them handle things, knowing nothing will be done, or do something about it ourselves."

"You've seen firsthand how dangerous he is, what he's willing to do."

"I know he's going to hurt someone else if we don't do something. I, uh, I'm going to get ready for work. The coffee’s on auto, should be ready any second. She walked away and Brian got up, found his pants and pulled out his cell phone. When he heard the shower he initiated the call.

"I'll be there in a few minutes. Jimmie should be there about the same time. Anything going on I should know about? Okay, see you soon."

He put on his pants, grabbed his shirt and slowly walked into the bathroom. Through the glass enclosure he gazed at Olivia's sexy form. Steam billowed around her and he had to reach down and adjust himself to make room for his arousal, all the while fighting the impulse to tear off his clothes and join her. He already cared more about her than he had anyone else in a very long time and he wasn't about to let her get hurt now. He backed up and stalked out and down her hall to the door, pulling his shirt over his head as he did. He left Olivia’s apartment, jogged down the hall to his. Once in his own space, he quickly showered, changed and took a cab to the office.

"What happened to the 'shadow'? Do we have her?"

"Sorry Brian, someone got to her before we did. Once she was checked out on site, she disappeared. We know for sure she didn't go back to the hotel."

"Okay, go home David. I'll take over until Jimmie gets in. Let me see the work sheets before you go."


Kimiko's eyelids twitched several times before they slowly opened. Her vision was still blurry but when she tried to raise her hand to her eyes she couldn’t move her arm.  The adrenaline rush brought on by fear cleared her mind instantly. She tried to move, but felt the pull of restraints around her wrists and ankles. Her breathing quickened, restricted by the tape applied to her mouth that lapped part of her nostrils. Her eyes wild, panic rose from her belly. She squirmed and jerked, her head shifting side to side. Still not seeing clearly, she kept blinking, hoping it would help. The creaking of a door ended her flailing and she stilled, her chest heaving, sweat dripping down her temples. She strained to hear who had come into the room. Footsteps approached from a point somewhere directly behind her. Kimiko held her breath as they came closer and then stopped. A female voice broke the silence.

"Remember me Kimiko?"



Chapter Thirteen



Olivia was a little worried about Brian, he hadn't even said goodbye this morning. She knew she had to do what she had to do, and what was coming might hurt him. In the recent past, she wouldn't have given something like that a second thought. Brian had gotten to her, and she still wasn't sure that was a good thing.

She sighed as a woman squeezed in next to her and pushed her nearly to the subway car’s window. She pulled her briefcase close and stared out, the blur of the tunnel drowning everything else out.

She knew she was being watched by at least Brian's men as she walked up to her building, flashing her badge at security.

Upstairs, she greeted her assistant, already hard at work at her desk. "Good morning, Linda. Everything okay?"

"So far. You have a delivery on your desk."

Olivia sighed and shook her head. "Thanks, would you let me know when Mr. Grant gets in? I need to speak with him."

"Sure thing."

Olivia pushed through the door of her office and saw the single, white, long stem rose. Setting her briefcase down, she unbuttoned her jacket and picked it up. It smelled so sweet. Picking up the accompanying note-sized envelope, she opened it and sat down.

"Perhaps a simple gesture will have you thinking better of me. Isamu. You can reach me any time at this number."

The intercom buzzed.

"Yes, Linda?"

"Mr. Grant just cleared security."

"Thank you." Olivia thought for a moment, putting the note from Isamu into her jacket pocket, she opened her satchel briefcase and pulled out her clutch. Better to speak with him in person.

"I'm going up to see him."


"You can't just barge in there, Miss Grayson..."

Tyson was pressing numbers on his phone when she came through the door.

"Sorry, I need to talk to you."

"I was actually just calling you. We didn't get the Matasuki account."

"I know. Last night, how long after I left, did he leave?"

"About a half hour, why?"

"I had a little incident with his 'shadow' in the elevator.” Olivia saw his expression darken and waved it off. “It's nothing. Anyway, I guess Stein will be celebrating today. They shouldn't be."

Tyson turned toward the window. "No, they shouldn't. But they'll be all right. They always seem to land on their feet." He turned back and looked at her. "You should be proud of your work on Matasuki. I'm going to make sure you get another project right away."

"Thank you. After Paul’s funeral tomorrow, I'm going to take some vacation time. At least a couple weeks. Might as well use some of that comp-time I've built up."

He smiled. "You deserve it."

She walked out thinking how much she'd misjudged him. He was as ruthless as the rest of them. Stein brothers were his family, yet, she was the one who warned them, not him. A warning which hadn't helped. But she knew what would.


"Brian, glad you're here. The numbers on those emails, if I'm right are latitude and longitude," Jimmie explained, sitting down at the computer and pulling up what he'd found on the largest computer screen in front of them.

Brian leaned over his shoulder. "Can you pull it up on Google maps this way?"

"Sure." Jimmie's fingers flew across the keys and on a separate screen the image pixilated and then began to become clear. Jimmie kept zooming until a small cabin came into view.

"Great work, get all the information and directions for me. I may have to go on a road trip."


Olivia tossed her purse on the desk and paced in front of the window. She had a lot to think about. She didn't feel comfortable at Dolby anymore. She glanced down at the rose and pulled the note from Matasuki out of her pocket. Taking a seat, she grabbed for her purse, unzipped it finding her cell and sank back. Pressing the numbers in, she took a deep breath and waited.

"We need to talk. I'll be right over."

Next she pressed her intercom.

"Linda, call Mr. Grant and tell him I'm starting my vacation today, instead of tomorrow. I have my cell if you really need anything, but I don't think you will. I'm up to date on everything and with Matasuki's account now closed, it's a perfect time for me to take a break."

"Uh, okay. Are you all right, Olivia?"

"I think Paul's death affected me more than I realized. I just need some time. See you in a few weeks."

"You can call me anytime Olivia, really, I mean it."

"Thanks, Linda." She gathered her things including the rose and called a cab.


"The guys are following Olivia, she's in a taxi headed south."

"I hope we have tracking. Try to pull it up."

"Got her."

Brian released the breath he was holding, but his stomach was still twisting. What was she up to now?


A hotel manager met her at the front desk. "Mr. Matasuki asked that I bring you right up." She glanced over. "That's a beautiful rose," she said as they approached the elevator.

"Thank you, yes it is." She sniffed it again and smiled.

Isamu had been seated, but then stood and impatiently moved about the room, finally settling at the bar, pouring himself a glass of ice water. At the sound of the polite knock, he strode to the door. Normally Kimiko would have been on hand to greet guests. Today, however, he was glad he was alone to meet with Olivia. He hesitated, first straightening, and then pulling at his tie. “
Powerful men like me don’t show emotion
”, he told himself. She was special, he knew that, but he didn't want her to know how he felt. Not the ruthless Isamu Matasuki.

He pulled the door open and stood aside.

"Thank you for seeing me on such short notice," Olivia said, stepping past him. Her hand moved to her throat, for some assurance. The necklace, it wasn't there. Had she put it back in her purse? She couldn't remember. Nothing to do about it now. Brian didn't need to hear what she had to say to Matasuki anyway. She set her briefcase and the rose on the side table and turned to face him. She waited as his eyes searched her body, finally moving to her face.

"The woman, the one who is always with you, attacked me in the elevator last night after the party. Was it on your authority?"

Shock registered on his face and then anger. "I know nothing of this. She didn't return last night and I haven't seen or heard from her today. It's very unlike her. I
sorry. Please sit and tell me what happened."

"It's rather warm in here. You don't mind if I take off my jacket do you?"

"Of course not. Can I get you anything, some water, perhaps?"

"No, thank you." Olivia took her time unbuttoning her jacket, slipping it from her shoulders and down her arms, with an exaggerated arch of her back. Her full breasts jutted out in the white silky fabric of her blouse. He stepped around, helping her off with it and hung it over the back of the desk chair.

Olivia's heels clicked across the marble floor, quieting on the thick, carved wool carpet. She positioned herself at the far end of the sofa. Crossing her legs she waited for Isamu to take a seat on the opposite end.

"She was on the elevator when it opened. At the last minute before the doors reclosed, she grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside. We struggled, and by the time we got to the lobby I had secured my freedom.” Olivia paused, openly regarding him. “You expect me to believe someone so dedicated to serving you would venture to do this on her own?"

"I assure you, Olivia, I had no idea of her intentions. Why would she do such a thing? Did she hurt you?"

"It startled me, and I had the distinct feeling she was trying to take me, to kidnap me. How she planned on getting me out of the building I don't know. She would have needed help for that. Perhaps a car in the lower level garage? I have no idea. I needed to know if you ordered it. I can see now, you didn't."

He glowered at her. "And if I had, what then, Olivia? He raised his hands. "You're here with me, alone."

"People know where I am. I don't feel threatened in your presence." She smiled. "Let's be frank, shall we? We're attracted to each other. Maybe it was jealousy on her part that forced her to attack me?"

"You're very observant, Olivia. You're wasting your time at Dolby. Come and work for me."

She didn't flinch. "In what capacity?"

He shrugged. "You tell me?"



She stood. And when he rose, she stepped closer and he offered his hand. She shook it, a satisfied smiled on her lips.

"You need time to make me the perfect offer, in writing. Then I'll need two weeks to settle things at Dolby." She pulled her hand away and strode toward the chair holding her jacket.

Isamu was right behind her, his smile matching hers. He was right all along, she was his now. He held her jacket and slipped it back up her arms, thinking of all the things he wanted to do to her.

Olivia knew exactly what he was thinking as she reached up and flipped her hair from the jacket collar. She then turned, only inches separated them now. Her hands moved slowly up his chest under his lapel.

"You won't regret this," she assured him in perfect Japanese.


He smiled. His passion rose. All he really wanted to do was take her, here and now. In fact he never wanted anything more, but it wasn't the time to be impatient. For their first joining, he wanted more, much more.

"I will contact you when the contract is ready. This will be very profitable for both of us," he informed her, again in Japanese.

She nodded and walked to the door. "Soon then," she said, boldly letting her eyes rake him from head to toe before turning away. The large bulge in his slacks told her everything she needed to know.

This time she stood well back as the elevator doors opened, relieved to see it empty, she stepped inside.


In his office, Brian too was relieved, she was leaving. Hmmm, she wasn't going back to the office, she was going home. He got up and went into the control room.

"Keep your eye on Matasuki. Go ahead and run that check he wants on his hotel room. Deactivate the bug and replace it somewhere else later."

"You got it. Here's the address for the coordinates we looked at."

"Thanks, Jimmie. Remind me to give you a raise."

"Oh, you can bet I will."

He dialed the phone. "Hey, Olivia. I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye this morning. I have some information to talk to you about. Do you have some time? Okay. I'll see you at home then."

Brian was pacing in the hallway in front of her apartment when she arrived. She grinned and shook her head. "We have to stop meeting like this." She put her key card in the door and pushed it open.

"What happened?"

"I'm taking some time off. I need to work some things out. I'm not sure Dolby is the right professional fit for me anymore. I have a couple of weeks to figure it out."

Brian planted his hands on his hips and tilted his head, and waited. A frown furrowed across his handsome face.

Olivia’s focus was drawn away from the question, to the two day stubble on his chin, his lips and those sexy eyes. "
Okay, Olivia, get a grip."

"Oh, you meant with Isamu?" She refocused herself.

"It's Isamu now?" he challenged.

She pulled her chin back and batted her eyelashes. "Are you jealous?"

"Stop teasing me. And okay, I'm a little jealous."

Olivia cocked an eyebrow.

"Okay, more than a little."

She smiled, took off her jacket and tossed it on the chair as she walked into the kitchen.

Opening the refrigerator she glanced over. "Water?"


"I'm sorry. I confronted him about the 'shadow'. Don't worry, I didn't let anything slip about what we knew. I actually just called her 'that woman'. He told me he didn't have anything to do with it and I believe him."

"Really? Why?"

"I saw the shock on his face. He told me she didn't come back last night and he hasn't seen or heard from her yet today. And then he offered me a job. Which, I think, I'm going to take."

Brian's mouth gaped open. "Olivia, you can't be serious."

"Oh, I most certainly am. I'm going to get the goods on Mr. Matasuki and turn this all around."

"You may not have to do any of that now. Let's sit down." Once settled on the couch he continued. "Jimmie noticed something on the emails from Paul."

"Really, what?"

"He always signed off with numbers, like he did when he wanted you to go to your personal email."

"Okay, interesting. What does it mean?"

"Did he ever mention why he did it?"

"No, and I guess I never cared to ask. It was just our way of saying it was private business, not corporate stuff."

BOOK: Corporate Ties (Silken Ties Book 1)
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