Corporate Ties (Silken Ties Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Corporate Ties (Silken Ties Book 1)
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Chapter Six



"Yeah, Jimmie, what is it?" Brian looked at his watch. I'll meet you after lunch, about one. Check in with everyone so we're up to date. Okay, see you then."

"Interesting hours you keep," Olivia said as the cab turned the last corner, and Central Park loomed in the near distance.

"Yes, part of the business. My clients are very demanding."

"Yes they are. Still there are

Brian chuckled. "They're what keep me working so hard."

Olivia smiled. "Mmm, and long." The cab jerked to a stop and Brian opened the door, handing the driver the fare.

"I do love the park on Sunday mornings, before the bustle of the day," Olivia remarked as they walked along. She glanced down at their hands as Brian casually took hers. Such a simple gesture meant so much.

"It is nice. I don't come up here nearly enough. I could say that about most of the city I guess. I'm always so wrapped up in my work. Even when I'm out, I don't see things in a relaxing way. I'm always looking for something or someone."

"It's easy to take things for granted. Until you lose them."

Brian frowned as he glanced over, questioning her.

"Are you talking about Paul?"

Olivia shook her head. No, not really. Just an observation. I really try not to do that, take things for granted, I mean. Not any more."

"Tell me more about you, Olivia."

"It makes me nervous to let you in, even though I really like you. Maybe that makes it worse."

"I understand, but come on, Olivia. It's not like I'm asking for that much, am I?"

She raised an eyebrow. "And what about you, Brian?"

"Oh, I get it, me first. Okay, I can handle that. Like you, I'm cautious. I've been hurt before, too many times. I'm the oldest of four. I'm not close to my brothers or my parents for that matter, who are divorced, bitter and angry. The anger was always there though, simmering just under the surface, threatening to erupt, which it did often, quite regularly to the detriment of the four of us. As soon as I could, I got away. I guess my brothers blame me for not staying, but I couldn't, not even for them."

The normal brightness of Brian's eyes dulled, and Olivia's heart softened just a bit.

"I'm afraid to let you in, Brian. Not because I don't like you, but because everyone I've ever loved has left me."

"I'm sorry, Olivia."

She forced a smile. "Me too. It's just easier, now, to not get involved. I keep things casual, concentrate on work. I want to open my own business one day."

"Believe me, I know. It's as if you're voicing my own story. I really like you, and I don't want to screw it up, so thank you for sharing. No siblings for you?"

Olivia shook her head. "No, just me. I'm a loner by nature, I guess, so, I didn’t mind growing up as an only child."

"And your parents? They must be so proud of you."

"I'd like to think so, but they're both dead. They were killed in a car crash when I was seventeen."

"Oh God, I'm so sorry."

Olivia shrugged. "You didn't know. It's not something you get over, only something you learn to live with. My Aunt took me in, but I only stayed until I was of age, a whole six months. Then I came here and went to school.” She paused then looked at him with that direct expression she had. “If it's okay, I don't want to talk about it anymore."

"Oh, of course. How about some ice cream?"

Brian looked around as they waited in line, so Olivia did too. She knew Brian was sure they were still being watched. Maybe after all these years he was just paranoid, but she didn't think so.

"You look like...hmmm, mint chocolate chip?"

Olivia started to chuckle. "Rocky Road, actually. At least today." Her eyes narrowed and she tilted her head. "Butter Pecan?"

"How do you do that?"

She shrugged. "It's a gift." She leaned in for a quick kiss. His lips were soft and warm, and she could taste just a hint of breakfast.


Olivia’s spontaneous affection loosened something in him. Brian’s urge to protect surged forward. He felt the need to keep this woman safe, no matter what. Recognizing the feeling as evidence of deep attachment, he immediately brought himself up short.
“This isn’t like me”, “It’s too soon”, “You’re kidding”,
surfaced and floated across his mind. He hadn't felt this strongly for anyone since Natalie, and that ended very badly.
“Olivia was nothing like her,”
he told himself.
“Time to let it go. Way over time.”

"One rocky Road, and one Butter Pecan, please."

Olivia gave him another wink and pulled several napkins from the holder on the counter. She handed him some and took her ice cream cone.

"And you know I'm messy," he said holding them up.

"I just know I am.” She looked down. “Of course nothing I drop makes it past my boobs."

Brian chuckled. "At least your pants and skirts are always clean."



A man in a jogging suit and baseball cap watched from a safe distance, not following, but keeping an eye on them as they continued on. They seemed to be a very popular couple. He wasn't the only one watching them.


By twelve it was time to head back.

"I really enjoyed our morning together. Thank you, Brian," she said as the cab poked along.

"It's been my pleasure. I wish I didn't have to go to work, but it is for you, after all."

"Sorry to be such a slave driver. I wish you'd find some good news about Paul."

"I do too. Hey, like I said. There's always a chance. I'll talk to you when I get back. Bye Olivia."

"Okay, and Brian, I told you to call me Liv, all my friends do."

He grinned. At least he had ‘friend’ status. "Okay, bye Liv." He watched her go inside as the cab pulled away from the curb. He had the cab drop him a block away from the office. He walked casually, but sensing he was being followed, ducked into the alley. He kept to the shadows along the exposed brick wall and tucked himself into a recessed doorway. Over the honking horns and the constant chatter of the city, he heard the distinct sound of approaching footsteps. In the half-light, Brian saw a ball-capped man in a long wrinkled jacket walk down alley. Just past Brian’s doorway, the man stopped and peered up the alley. Brian lunged from the shadows. Wrapping one arm around his quarry’s neck and simultaneously, pulling the other arm up sharply behind his back, Brian shoved him against the wall and held him there. The man choked and jerked in pain.

Brian growled, "Who are you? Why are you following me?"

"I came to warn you. My name's Paul White."

Brian released his chokehold and yanked off his cap. The face matched Paul’s file picture. Brian let go of his arm.

"Come on, we need to get out of here." He handed Paul his cap and they both moved purposely up the alley. Turning to the right, Brian could see the back of his building. "Stay close, and keep your head down."

Brian pulled his keys from his pocket, quickly unlocked and opened the door.  He motioned to Paul and continued to scan the area as Paul left the shadows and slipped inside.

"This building is mine and it’s more secure than any in the city. I'm Brian, by the way."

Paul shook Brian’s hand. "Thanks. It’s good to get off the street; I've been living in the subway. I didn't dare go anywhere I was known."

"This way. I have small quarters in the building. You can stay there as long as you need to. Olivia is going to be really happy that you're safe. Unfortunately, we can't tell her yet."

They got into the elevator, and Paul seemed to relax a little bit. He looked pretty rough. He hadn't shaved, and by the look of him, he hadn't slept or eaten much for the days he'd been missing.

They elevator stopped on the third floor and Paul followed Brian down the hall to the first door on the left. Once inside, Brian showed Paul to the kitchen.

"Fridge is always stocked. You’ll find clean clothes in the closet that should fit, since we seem to be the close to the same size. How did you know you could trust me anyway?"

"Olivia. Once I saw the two of you together, I knew you were okay. My contact at the bureau checked out your company. Did she get the files I sent?"

"Yes, and I’ve looked through them. Tell me what happened when you went to the FBI."

"Mind if I clean up and eat something first? I haven't showered for a few days."

"No, of course. I'll make you something to eat."


Paul came back, rubbing his thinning blond hair with a towel, he had dressed in clean jeans and navy t-shirt. "I can't tell you how good that felt and how nice it is to have clean clothes.  Thanks."

“No problem.  I’m glad I don’t have to tell Olivia you’re dead.” Brian pushed a plate with a couple of turkey sandwiches on it toward him and poured some coffee. He smiled as Paul began devouring the meal.

He’d finished a whole sandwich and had taken a couple of bites out of the next, when he finally slowed down enough to talk.

"When Olivia asked for my help, I called an old friend at the FBI. He’s the one who got me in. Once we’d had a chance to renew our friendship and reminisce a little, he designated a remote computer that gave me a virtually unlimited access to their data base, and left me alone to complete my search. Later, after I left, he would make sure all evidence of my visit was cleaned. Although I was able to make copies of the files using a miniature a thumb drive, of course I was not able to print anything.” He took a couple more bites and sipped his coffee.

“Once I left the building, I noticed a sedan coming toward me and before I could get to my car, a large Asian man got out the car and the driver pulled the vehicle between me and the building and stopped. The action effectively blocked me from going back inside and left me to face the menacing hulk now between myself and my car. I seriously gave thought to making a dash for it, but I'd parked at the back edge of the lot, which in hindsight was a mistake. How would I know someone would care what I was doing? ‘My office had been bugged’ ran through my mind, which meant Olivia was in danger.” Brian nodded in agreement.

“When some agents came out of the building, I inserted myself in their group as they walked, staying with them until I could get around the side of the building. Then I bolted to the subway and lost them. I've been trying to figure out what to do ever since. My options were pretty limited. Going to the police was out; I didn't want to involve those I trusted, for fear of putting them in danger. Once you were in the picture, I felt it was safe to send Olivia the files."

"Where were you when you sent the files?"

Paul swallowed another big bite of the second sandwich. "From the public library."

"Good. If you're right, and if your office
bugged, who would you think did that and why?"

Paul shrugged. "I have no idea, but someone didn't want Olivia to have those files."

"Olivia said you were in on the FBI investigation initiated a couple of years ago. She also said the investigation ended with no charges being filed.”

Paul nodded, used his napkin to wipe his chin clean of a stray glob of mayo. “We’d learned from victim interviews what happened if a company resisted Matasuki’s purchase or merger proposals.  Their agents used corporate espionage, blackmail, extortion, coercion and continued with these tactics until the principles capitulated to their demands. While this was going on underground, Matasuki continued to do business as usual.  Although we were able to talk to witnesses and victims, after a full year’s investigation, all we had was anecdotal hearsay. We were never able to get any one of them to make an actual formal, under-oath statement or press charges.  Although we had enough to bring Matasuki to a grand jury, we knew we didn’t have enough to actually win in court. Finally, the case lost steam and was shelved.  It’s not officially closed, but no longer actively being worked.”

”What about Matasuki bothered you the most when you were investigating him?"

Paul finished off the last of the sandwich, drank down the remnants of his coffee. “Do you mind, if I get comfortable?” Paul motioned with his head to the sitting area of the apartment. They moved into the living room. He took a seat on the left side of the sofa. Brian relaxed into the other end.

"While Matasuki's main business is said to be technology. He makes much more in pharmaceuticals. His intent seems to buy out the competition, while merely absorbing others for simply no clear reason."

"Isn't the reason always power and money?"

Paul shrugged again. "He seems to target not just companies, but people. It's like a game to him. A ruthless and often deadly game."

"What are you saying?"

"He likes the pursuit, but resistance can come with a very high price."

Brian frowned. "So, what are you suggesting?"

"I'm telling you,
Olivia, to leave Matasuki alone."

BOOK: Corporate Ties (Silken Ties Book 1)
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