Read Cosmopolitan Girls Online

Authors: Charlotte Burley

Tags: #Fiction

Cosmopolitan Girls (5 page)

BOOK: Cosmopolitan Girls
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Chapter 9

Hot in Here

White sand, blue water, and a suite at La Sammana, St.-Martin's finest. Just what I needed for a weekend getaway. If Troy wasn't careful he was going to win my heart. He wasn't officially calling me his girlfriend, but we were doing all the things committed couples do and more. I'm loving everything about this man, especially his spontaneity.

When he called and asked me to join him in St.-Martin for his last day of shooting, I jumped on the last flight out of JFK. Alix Alexander's talent deal was closed, and Robert had given me the go-ahead to put the pilot script into development. Sam Finney, who'd won a Golden Globe for the box-office hit
High Octane,
was the writer. It was Friday, I had the weekend to let loose, and wouldn't have to miss a day of work.

Troy arranged for a car to pick me up from the airport. The limo entered the French side of St.-Martin, and calm washed over me as I took in the beauty of the island. When the car pulled up to the set, I heard Troy call out “Action!” I navigated my way through the cameras, lights, and electric cables, finding a spot with an empty chair to quietly observe.

I didn't want him to see me yet. I wanted to surprise him. I was so happy, watching him behind the camera monitor. I started daydreaming about the two of us being the next power couple on the cover of
or our wedding being featured in
In Style.
For the first time a man was into my goals, aspirations, and dreams just as much as I was into his.

“And cut!” Troy directed the crew and extras.

As Troy was setting up for his last shot, I decided to call my sisters, Faith and Angie. They keep me grounded and live for my adventures. In exchange I get slice of domestic life. My three-way system worked like a charm when it came to putting my sister hotline in effect.

“Hey, Faith, it's me Lindsay. How do you feel? What's the latest from the doctor?” I said with an anxious tone.

“I'm feeling pretty good, just a little tired. They want me to start on steroids.”

“Do you need anything?” I asked.

“I'll let you know. I want my doctor to check everything out first. But enough of that. What's up? You sound like you've got some juicy news. I can hear it in your voice.”

“I do! But hold on, I've gotta get Angie,” I said, excitedly clicking over to call my other sister. She picked up on the first ring. “Hey, Angie. It's me and Faith.” I was talking a mile a minute trying to get all the details out before the cameras started rolling again.

“I see you finally got some time for us little people,” Angie snapped.

“Tell her, Angie.” Faith just had to throw in her two cents. The older she got the more she acted like Mama.

“Spare me of all this bickering. Y'all, I'm in St.-Martin getting a fabulous tan. Troy flew me down for the weekend!” I shouted, almost forgetting I was on set. “I think I'm fallin' in love. He's the one, y'all!” I proclaimed.

“That's a wrap!” Troy announced. The crew gave a round of applause.

“I gotta go. Troy just finished shooting.”

“Lindsay, take it slow and be careful!” Faith warned. “Call us when you get back. We love you!”

“And use a condom!” Angie added.

I closed my phone as Troy swooped in behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

“L, you ever been on a yacht?”

“L” was the pet name he started to call me. I liked that much better than Lin Lin.

His production company was having a white linen yacht party.

“I didn't bring anything to wear!” I said, panicked.

“So, let's go shopping.”

Next thing I knew, Troy was walking me into Versace.

“L, check this out. This is hot. Try it on and put those shoes on too!”

The sales lady handed me a flowing backless slipdress, and I let the satin glide over my body, the bias cut clinging to my petite but shapely hips, accentuating the roundness of my behind. The low-cut neckline gave my C-cup all the justice it needed. I felt like Julia Roberts in
Pretty Woman,
parading around the store.

“You like it?” Troy asked.

“I love it!”

“Then it's yours.”

“We also have it in pink and black,” the sales lady added.

“She'll take all of them and the shoes too!” Troy shouted. My eyes widened.

“We also just got in some beautiful accessories. I think this one would really bring out the neckline,” she said, handing me an ornate rhinestone choker.

“Just add it to the rest! Hook her up!” Troy said, dropping five grand as if it were nothing. Troy pulled me close and kissed me deep.

The Caribbean night breeze gently filtered through the seventy-foot luxury yacht
The Island Queen.
The setting was glamorously decorated with white sheers. Large throw pillows and mattresses were spread out on the upper deck and draped in white linen as well. Troy and I snacked on shrimp, caviar, and lobster, while a calypso band softly swooned.

With the waves crashing all around, we found our own secluded corner of the boat. He sensually ran his fingertips over my eyelids, down my cheekbone, my neck, across my breasts. I felt my nipples hardening.

“You know what?” Troy said lightly, nibbling on my ear.

“What?” I said, smiling as Troy licked inside my ear, sending tiny goose bumps throughout my body. My breasts stood at full attention.

“Your breasts are my favorite,” he said, caressing them. “And you know what else?”

“What?” My eyes were closed. My spine tingled.

“I want you, right here.”

“Now?” I opened my eyes and looked around.

“Right now!” Troy gave me a deep long kiss.

It was time to give him all the goods. He had earned it and I was horny. He hiked the bottom of my dress up, slid a condom on, and wasted no time shimmying inside. I gave him all I had. I couldn't figure out who was outdoing the other. We both came so hard we almost passed out. Sex is so good when you haven't had it for a while.

Troy gently brushed my dress back down and inconspicuously zipped his linen slacks up. I was swooning. I couldn't blame my giddiness on alcohol. Not this time. I was sober and thinking as clear as the deep dark sky above me: I
falling. Hard.

We decided to relax on the cushions on the upper deck.

“You don't seem so stressed now, Lindsay Bradley,” Troy softly said, placing my hand on his chest.

“I feel so much better now that I'm here with you. Work was wearing me out.”

“That's because that fucking—” Troy's eyes narrowed.

“Robert just pushes me,” I said, cutting him short. “And I'm cool with it. But I won't be if he doesn't put my show into production and then hurry to get it on the air.”

“Look, baby, you deserve the chance to produce that show. You're smart, resourceful, and one of the most creative people I know. As a matter of fact, I just got the news that I'm up for a huge Nike campaign. I really want to take the whole hip-hop thing to a new level. Got any suggestions?”

“Off the top of my head, you should go for hard-edged acoustic beats and strong visuals. I can see it now, it's gonna be the bomb!”

“Hold up! I haven't gotten it yet.”

“But you will.” I rolled over and kissed him.

“And you'll get your show, too,” Troy said, hugging me.

With Troy there were no pretenses. I could be myself around him: silly and laugh-out-loud goofy, dancing around his apartment in a big T-shirt, imitating the latest dance craze—or be a hardball businesswoman who kicked butt and took names later. My future with Troy seemed assured and effortless.

Chapter 10

Operator . . . Can You Check This Line?

I can't believe how fast time flies, especially when you're supposed to walk down the aisle in less than six months. Christmas Eve is the day I'm to profess my love for Michael Rivera in front of two hundred guests. It's already July and I still haven't found that damn “killer dress”! I'm panicking because I used to complain that I didn't have enough time to look. That excuse doesn't work anymore. I have plenty of free time now with the kids being gone for the summer.

I pressed number one on the keypad, speed-dialing Granny.

“Hey, Granny.”

“Hey, you must have been reading my mind. I was just about to call you. Sounds quiet over there,” she said.

“Yes, Lord. The kids are still away visiting Juanita's mother in Florida for the summer. Her moving there was good timing. Michael and I lucked up by default.”

We laughed.

“I went by the church today and Pastor Harris is pleased to have the ceremony there, especially with the new renovations.” I could hear the delight in Granny's voice.

“That's great news,” I said, growing more excited about my big day. Bethesda was a nondenominational church where I used to be a member. Now, I visit every chance I get when I go home for the holidays.

“Honey, wait until you see it. You know they moved the church to Main Street, the heart of the city.” Granny was raving like she was preaching the gospel.

“Good, that makes for easy directions for my guests,” I said.

“Yes, and you should see the skylight. Charlie, it's right in the front. I can see it now, as the guests are coming in, they'll look up and swear the snow is about to fall on them. That's how beautiful it is,” Granny said, laughing to herself.

“Sounds beautiful.” Just then the call waiting alerted me. “Granny hold on, that's my other line,” I said before clicking over. “Hello?” I said, waiting to hear another voice. “Hello?” I asked again, hearing heavy breathing on the other end. “Hello!” I said, growing impatient. The caller hung up. Must've been a wrong number. I clicked back over to Granny.

“Granny, you still there?” I asked.

“Yes baby?”

“Granny, I still haven't found a dress.”

“Charlie, please tell me you're kidding.”

“No, I'm not, and trust me. I've been looking all over.”

“I wish you would just listen to me and stop being so hardheaded. All you have to do is fly in for the weekend and we can go downtown to Brides R Us. I bet you'll find the perfect dress there. I see really nice ones in their commercials all the time.” Granny didn't realize that her grandbaby was just a little bit too stuck-up for Brides R Us. The call waiting interrupted for the second time.

“Hold on Granny, it's my other line again,” I said, checking the caller ID this time. It was a Manhattan area code. I remembered it was the same number that was on the caller ID screen when we returned from the Poconos. “Hello?” I said. There was no answer, and again I could hear someone breathing. “I know someone is there, I can hear you, jack-ass!” I was getting more agitated by the minute. “Hello?” Was this Juanita up to her old tricks again? Whoever it was knew they were working my nerves. On second thought, silence wasn't Juanita's style. “I don't know who this is, but call me when you have enough courage to open your mouth.” I was using my hard-core Brooklyn voice. Clicking back over I was surprised to hear Granny wasn't on the line.

“Hey baby girl.” It was my mother.

“Hi Mom. I was going to call you next,” I lied.

I love my mother but sometimes she just gets under my skin. I have this thing about how she is and the type of men she goes after. Ever since she and my father got divorced some thirty years ago, it seems like my mother became terribly insecure.

The men she chooses to date are nowhere near the quality of man my father was. Don't get me wrong, my dad is no saint, but at least he's an educated, hardworking man who actually loved her. Now it seems like her only qualifications are:
Don't have a job; think you're fine; and think
you're pimp-player of the year. FYI, I'm only interested if you
can't do a damn thing for me.
That would be Mom's ad in the personals. I just hate this about her. I braced myself.

This time, I gladly welcomed call waiting.

“Mom, hold on, I have to get the other line.” I clicked over. “Hello!” This time I snapped, ready for another match with the silent stalker.

“Hey sweetie, why are you screaming?” It was Michael.

“Oh, sorry baby. Somebody has been calling and not saying anything. What's up? I'm on the phone with the family.”

“I was calling to let you know that I'm working another double shift. So if you haven't started already, don't cook. I'll grab something from the deli.”

“Too late, I just finished. So, I guess I shouldn't wait up?”

“No, I'll be in late. I'll try to call you on my dinner break. All right, let me get back. Love you,” Michael said, blowing me a kiss over the phone.

“Love you too,” I said, clicking back over. “Ma?”

“Yeah, baby girl, I'm still here,” my mother said.

“So what's up?” I asked.

“Well Jake and I went to the movies and he was looking too fine . . .”

BOOK: Cosmopolitan Girls
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