Cougar Needs [Cougarlicious 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) (5 page)

BOOK: Cougar Needs [Cougarlicious 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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His need just as great as he suspected hers to be, KJ headed across the house. He had noticed a door on the other side of the living room led to a minimalistically feminine master suite while looking around her house. He also found a stairway that led to the balcony overlooking the main room where the other bedrooms must be located. But he did not care about anything except getting his mate to a bedroom.

He stopped just inside the doorway and looked around, taking the moment to try and regain some kind of control over his beast. His cougar was snarling and pacing and ready to shred the cage he kept it locked in. His animal side wanted, needed, demanded to couple with its mate ASAP. But KJ, the man, was in control, and he refused to attack like an animal, no matter what KJ, the cougar, wanted.

The queen-size bed with its burgundy silk comforter and collection of frilly pillows called to him, but the more open space on the floor in front of the bed looked even more enticing. Plenty of room for what he had in mind. The barely beige carpet looked soft and cushiony as well, and if things got too passionate between them, there would be no fear of rolling off the floor.

And he had a feeling things might get very wild.

He kissed her again as he peeled her limbs from around him. As soon as she was standing on her own and somewhat balanced, he began to work on the buttons of her shirt. As he worked his way down her shirt, he kissed a line down the exposed skin at the center of her body.

Once he slipped the last button through its hole, he straightened and pushed the shirt off her shoulders and down her arms until it floated to the floor behind her. Then he turned his attention to her jeans. In less than a minute he had her stripped bare of bra and thong as well. When she reached for him, he shook his head as he stepped back, pulling off own clothes off as fast as he could and damn near ripping them in his haste. He was too close to the limits of his control. If she started touching him like he had just touched her, his cat would go wild and he might hurt her. And that was the last thing he wanted to do, especially after the vow he had taken not so many minutes earlier.

Once they were both naked, he pulled her close, sighing as her body came to rest against his. Her soft skin felt so good as it pressed against him. He felt as well as heard her moan into his chest, her warm breath ruffling the furred triangle of hair that covered his chest.

“Feel good?” he murmured. He dropped his head forward so his cheeks rubbed against hers, sending more sparks of arousal straight to his groin.

“Uh-huh,” she sighed.

KJ could not help but grin. He had to fight down the urge to howl with the happiness he felt. She felt the bond between them just as strongly as he did.

“KJ?” she asked, her voice low and sultry.


“I don’t think I can stand up anymore.”

“That’s okay, sweetheart. You don’t have to.”

He guided her to her knees and knelt with her, wrapping his arms around her. Then he slowly, gently lowered them until they were lying on the floor side by side, breast to chest and belly to belly. Once they were horizontal, he tangled his legs in hers to keep her from going anywhere.

“Better?” he asked as he eased her onto her back and moved to rest on elbow and hip. He then leaned down and began to explore with his free hand as well as lips, teeth, and tongue.

“Mmmm,” she hummed as he tweaked one nipple while taking the other between his lips and sucking gently.

Though he wanted to take things slow, gentle, make it a beautiful first time, Stacy, and his beast, seemed to have other ideas.

“Please,” she whimpered as his tongue drew a hot, wet line from one nipple to the other.

KJ lifted his head. “What’s wrong?”

“I need. More. Please. Please fuck me.”

Her gentle pleading so soon after getting started had his cat roaring in ecstatic anticipation. Feeling the same urgency, KJ spread her legs then pressed them up until her thighs rested against her torso. KJ crouched over her and looked down at her as he licked his lips. He had been shocked to see her pussy was bare, and the sight of her full hips and breasts and mature, womanly figure had his heart racing with excitement.

His mate was exquisite.

He lifted his gaze to her heavy-lidded expression and knew the answer even though he felt driven to voice the question. He had been a cop long enough to know that situations as volatile as this one might be later misconstrued once the explosive sexual heat between them cooled and senses returned. The last thing he wanted was for Stacy to regret what they were about to do.

“Are you sure, Stacy? Are you sure you want to make love?”

Her eyes widened with shock for a heartbeat at his terminology. Two endless seconds passed before she nodded and panted, “Yes, KJ. Please. I need you.”

Shifting his weight to one forearm and his legs, he leaned down and kissed her as his free hand wrapped around the base of his cock. He guided the head up and down her center, purring at the wet heat he found there. She gasped as her own need rose even further at the same time her hips began to rise, trying to capture his cock in her pussy.

Instead of giving in to her unspoken demands, KJ used the tip of his cock to begin to trace circles. He stroked around her knotted-up clit twice before tracing the line from top of her slit, over her clit and pussy entrance, all the way to her puckered star, and then back again.

“Please,” she begged. “Please, KJ. Fuck. Me. Now.”

Dropping over her until they were nose to nose, he looked deep in her eyes and said in a voice deep as a well in the desert, “No. I will not fuck you. I will hear you scream with your pleasure. I will erase all memories of those past bastards who used and hurt you. What I will do, baby girl, is make love with you.”

With that declaration, he fit the tip of his cock into her open, wet entrance. His eyes locked on her, he pushed, keeping his movements slow and steady, but not stopping until his cock was full length inside her wet, welcoming pussy. They groaned a second time at the perfect fit as the front of his thighs came to rest against her ass cheeks.

He froze when he saw a tear overflowing from her right eye.


“I’m good.” She smiled up at him as a matching tear emerged from her left eye.

Then she began to shift under him, trying to move on his cock. Only he had her in a position where she could not move more than an inch or two in any direction. Taking pity on her, he began to rock in and out using long, gentle strokes.

“More,” she said with a gasping breath. “Faster. Harder.”

Her hands came up and grabbed at his shoulders. Her fingernails pressed just deep to cause pain, which had his cougar jerking control away from the man.

His hips began to piston faster and harder with shorter strokes, each one growing more powerful as his own need rose in him as quickly as bread made with too much yeast did on a hot summer day.

Closing his eyes, he lost himself in the feel of his mate, the heat and warmth wrapped around him, her sounds, and responses to every move he made. His fangs dropped, and with his cat fully in charge, KJ waited until his mate was a millisecond from her orgasm before he struck. Her head was turned just right so he could bite the spot he had been licking and sucking earlier, that special spot where neck met shoulder. She cried out as her orgasm slammed into her just as her blood crossed his tongue. The man, though shocked at what his animal had done, realized it was too late to stop. Hoping for the best, he drank deep of his mate’s blood, his cat purring inside him as the man claimed Stacy for his mate.

His hips continued thrusting as he did, keeping her orgasm rolling through her until he felt his own release balling up at the base of his spine and rocketing through his body and out the tip of his cock. Pulling his teeth from her body and quickly licking the bite closed, he lifted his upper body from hers as his hips shoved deeper and harder one last time. Roaring out his orgasm, his hips continued pulsing, his body trying to get even further into his mate.

Once the orgasmic tension released him, he collapsed over her. As his cock slowly deflated inside her, he pulled against the rather limp hold she had on him and rolled them over so he lay with his back on the floor and she was curled up next to him with her head on his shoulder.

He grew concerned when she began to shiver. “You okay?”

She did not answer, but the shivering turned into full-body shaking.

“Stacy?” Lifting his head he looked at her, but she had dropped her head so all he could see was the top of it. Then he felt hot drops of tears on his chest. “Baby girl, what’s wrong? Talk to me. Please. I can’t fix what I don’t know is wrong.”

Chapter 5


Overwhelmed by the beauty of what they had just shared, Stacy could not find the words to express herself. And even if she could come up with the words, she would never have been able to say it aloud. Never before had she experienced anything as intense or all consuming as the orgasm they had just shared. She could feel the walls she had built to keep men from hurting her crumble and blow away like a time-elapsed film of a high wind destroying a sandcastle.

It took several more minutes before body and emotions finally settled again. She caught her breath and, only then, did she remember feeling pain at the base of her neck.

Lifting her head she looked at KJ in shock. “You bit me.”

He grinned at her before pulling her tighter to his side and kissing the top of her head. “Yes, I did.” He sounded way too happy. Had he gotten drunk off of one beer? Or was something else going on?

“Don’t you know the human mouth is a hotbed for bacteria? I could get some kind of flesh-eating infection from that bite,” she said. She tried to roll away, but KJ’s arm tightened, keeping her where she was.

The hand now wrapped around her back slid even further to cup her right breast. “Don’t worry, mate. You can’t get an infection from my bite,” he assured her, his voice low, soft, and sexy enough to start things low in her belly to purring again.

Sudden fear that, like the men before him, KJ was lying to get what he wanted, she jerked out of his arms, rolled off the bed, and hurried to the bathroom. “I’ve got to clean it before it gets infected.”

After flipping on the variable light over the mirror and turning it on high, she looked in the mirror. Frowning, she leaned closer. There was no open wound. There was no big black bruise mark from KJ sucking on her. There was a mark at the base of her neck, but it looked like it had been there for days and not just a few minutes.

What was going on? She had not imagined KJ’s teeth sinking deep or him sucking blood from her body.

She tensed when KJ appeared next to her in the mirror then shifted to stand behind her. He traced his fingers over the scar before leaning in and swirling his tongue over the area. Heat and need exploded in the area just behind her clit at the same time her knees went weak.

“I told you, mate, you cannot get an infection from me. It’s physically impossible. Now come back to bed. I want to play some more.” With that, he pressed his renewed erection into the cleft of her ass. In response, heat from her sex center rushed to every cell in her body.

At the same time, shock and a new kind of fear that she could not define immobilized her. She was unable to argue as her body overruled her mind in her need to have him deep inside her once again. When he wrapped his arms around her middle and walked her back to the bedroom as if their two bodies were one, she did not fight him. Not until she saw that he had pulled the covers from the bed.

Pulling away, she jumped on the bed then off the other side where she turned to face him. She needed time to think, to process what was going on.

As if he understood, KJ remained on the other side of the bed. He looked almost amused at her evasive maneuver but did not make a comment about how childish or silly she looked.

“What the hell are you? No human bite would heal as fast as this did without a ton of antibiotic cream,” she asked, lifting one hand to the nearly healed wound at the base of her neck. Just touching it sent a shiver of need through her. The arousal she thought had been satiated began to tighten around her hips, making her wonder what the hell was going on with her. Never had she been this quick to arousal after any orgasm.

His mysterious grin disappeared. Standing tall and proud, he set his feet and planted his hands on hips, looking every inch, and then some, the police officer he was. The long, thick erection pointing straight at her did nothing to detract from the authoritative stance.

“You’ve read about shape-shifters. I saw several books in your collection,” he stated. “Well, I am a cougar shape-shifter.”

“Bull,” she said immediately.

Though he looked sane, she was beginning to wonder. After all, only a slightly crazy man would be paying this kind of attention to a woman almost twenty years older than he was. And now he claimed to be a shape-shifter.

Huffing a breath that told her he was nearing the end of his patience, KJ crossed his arms over his broad, muscular chest and glowered at her. “Why won’t you believe what I tell you?”

His question acted as a needle to prick a bubble of man-hating pus that poisoned her heart and she cut loose. “With my history with men, what do you expect? I’ve given men my belief, my faith, my trust. What do I get in return? Lied to, cheated on, scammed out of thousands of dollars, and emotionally and physically abused. After years of being lied to and hurt by the men I get involved with, how am I supposed to react when you tell me you’re some nonexistent cougar shape-shifter?”

BOOK: Cougar Needs [Cougarlicious 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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