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Authors: Cayce Poponea

Crain's Landing (27 page)

BOOK: Crain's Landing
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With my fingers wrapped up in the hair at the base of his neck, I pulled him closer as I began to nip his bottom lip with my teeth. With his lips parted, I let my tongue explore his. He tasted sweet, like honey, with just a hint of spice. I felt him moan into my mouth and took everything I could get. I returned the moan when I felt him lift my body and set me on the counter in front of him. His body was positioned between my legs, but I kept them dangling off the counter. We were a mess of lips, tongue and teeth, and yet we were in perfect sequence. His lips left mine and I opened my eyes, only to watch him move to my neck. His breathing rivaled mine, as I gasped for breath.

“Tell me to stop, Natalie.” His soft voice pleaded with me, but there was no way I was telling him to stop. I pulled his mouth away from my neck and captured his lips with mine once again, silently telling him what I wanted. He responded by wrapping his arms around me. While his right hand was buried in my hair, his left was squeezing my ass. The feel of his lean body pressed against mine was both heaven and hell. The double layer of clothing was pure torture, as I could plainly feel the effect I was having on him. God, how I had missed being touched by a man. However, this was nothing like the way Holden had touched me. There was never the level of passion from Holden that Grant had for me. He was devouring me as much as I was devouring him.

Our open-mouthed kissing was so out of control I missed him unbuttoning my shirt. The feel of his heated hand wrapped around my right breast caused me to gasp with pleasure, as his thumb made quick flicks at the hardened nipple. I unwrapped my arms from around his neck and quickly took my shirt the rest of the way off and unhooked my bra, dropping it to the floor. The heat between us was so hot even the cold granite of the counter didn’t faze me as he lowered me back. I felt his fingers freeing the snap on my jeans, as I began to unbutton his shirt. His lips left my mouth, only to find home on my nipple. I couldn’t help myself as I arched my back and cried out.

Fate could be such a fickle bitch, because just as he was moving to my other nipple, the house phone began to ring. His head slumped to my chest in defeat.

“I’m sorry, Natalie, I have to answer it. It may be the hospital.” I nodded my head as he placed a final kiss to the center of my chest. I sat up as I heard him answer his phone in a strangled, yet professional voice.

“Dr. Crain.” I began putting my clothes back on. His back was facing me and for that I was grateful. “Tiffany, it’s fine. What’s the emergency?” I clenched my eyes shut as I heard him say her name. I had no doubt she knew we would be together tonight.

“Dr. Garrison, even a first-year med student could’ve told you that this could’ve waited until rounds in the morning.“ I slid off the counter and made my way back to my seat at the island. “Yes, I did tell you to call me if there was cause, but normal results do not require a call.”

It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see that she knew there would be a possibility she would be interrupting something. However, she had another thing coming if she thought I would sit back and let her ruin what had just happened between Grant and me.

Grant hung up the phone and then slowly turned toward me.

“Grant, don’t you dare say you’re sorry. We’re going to eat the wonderful dinner you’ve slaved over, and then we’re going to cuddle up on that very comfortable-looking sofa in there and make-out like teenagers.”

Grant burst out laughing as he made his way around the counter, wrapping his arms around me as he chuckled. “I’m so glad you gave me a chance.”

Dinner was phenomenal; he’d made roasted potatoes with prime rib and asparagus and to top it off, fresh baked bread. I ate until I was full and then some. I insisted on helping him with the dishes, where more laughter ensued as we waged an epic soap bubble war. We finally made a pot of coffee and settled on the sofa. A tickle fight occurred and that led to a slow make-out session. Our kisses weren’t frantic this time, but I still felt every inch of him against my body.

“So the Festival is next weekend,” Grant spoke as his kisses faded and he leaned back to look into my eyes.

“That’s what I hear. I can’t wait to take Peyton.” I adjusted my shirt to cover my stomach and ran a hand through my hair. Grant took my hands back in his.

“So what do you say to me taking my girls to the fair? I’ll buy you totally fattening foods and we’ll ride some scary rides.” His smile was huge, and I found it near impossible to say no to him.

“Don’t forget the stuffed toys.” He drew me into his side, and I found myself feeling very at home. Holden and I had done this very thing many, many times when we were together. It never felt this good tucked under his arm, though.

“I could never forget the poorly made stuffed toys.” He slowly kissed my lips, and I settled back into his embrace. I closed my eyes and sighed as his arms held me tighter.

We decided to attend the fair the next Saturday, when they closed down Main Street and all the booths would be opened. He told me his mother always entered her famous apple pie and had won the last few years. I questioned him to the validity of his story as Maybelline spoke very highly of her pies. He responded with a crooked grin and questioned if I tried the pie she gave me. My face told the answer, not required by words. He also told me of the live bands that would be playing and he wanted to listen to a few of them.

Before I was ready, I noticed it had gotten quite late. Grant threatened to lock me in his bedroom to keep me from leaving. I reminded him that a beautiful little girl would be very upset if he kept her mommy. “Oh, but my beautiful girl, I intend to keep both of you.” His eyes told me he was telling me nothing but the truth.

As I pulled into my driveway, a sinister plan began to form. People in my neighborhood—well, this town in general—were far too nosey. I decided it would be fun to give them something scandalous to finally talk about. With my car still running, I opened the door as if to visit the mailbox, it had been a few days since I last checked it. I turned back and waved in the direction of Mrs. Birdie’s window. “Your begonias are looking lovely, Mrs. Birdie.” I yelled loud enough for the surrounding neighbors to hear. I didn’t expect her to say anything as she hid in the dark of her house pretty well. Still, she would twist the story and I was looking forward to hearing what I did in her eyes.

Headlights shined in my direction, causing me to turn toward the purr of a car engine. A part of me wanted it to be Grant, not getting enough of me, giving the gossips something else to talk about. Instead, my eyes landed on the reflective letters on the side of the police car. Sheriff Dale stared directly at me as he crept down my street.


more excited to be standing on the midway, Peyton or Grant. Peyton had her eyes open wide, taking in all the lights and music of the carnie games. Grant couldn’t make up his mind which deep fried food he wanted to try out first.

Peyton’s delighted squeals won out first as Grant picked her up and walked over to one of the water games. I stood behind them as Grant got her situated and showed her how to pull the trigger on the water toy. I couldn’t recall a time I’d laughed so hard as I watched Peyton clearly beat him. He dropped his head and crossed his arms like a petulant child who didn’t get a second dish of their favorite ice cream.

“You have to take turns at winning,” I reminded him. My pearls of wisdom did nothing to make the grown-up, sulking child place his bottom lip back in its rightful place. He demanded a rematch; Peyton again wiped the pavement with him.

“My gun was broken, that’s the problem,” Grant’s childlike voice complained, sounding as if he was on the verge of a tantrum.

“Do you need a nap, Grant?” Peyton questioned, her hands authoritatively on her hips.

I rolled with laughter alongside the carnie who handed Peyton a plush elephant. Grant was shooting daggers at me with his eyes. “Come on, handsome, I’ll buy you a fried Snickers bar.” I wrapped my arm around Grant and Peyton as we walked toward the smell of oil and sugar. Grant finally settled down as he and Peyton carefully examined the menu. Peyton giggled as Grant told her they sold “elephant ears” and then decided to split one and a deep fried candy bar. I couldn’t resist getting the lemonade.

Grant kept Peyton on his lap as they devoured the sugary treats before them. He did an excellent job of keeping the food in her mouth and not on her clothes. “Come on, munchkin. Let’s burn off some of this sugar,” Grant announced when the last bite was finished. He tossed Peyton on his shoulders as he took my hand and began to walk down the midway. Several people stopped him and exchanged pleasantries. I was surprised when they turned to me and said hello as well.

“Mommy, pee-pee,” Peyton told me, as Grant was talking to Mr. Murphy, the owner of the local hardware store. It seemed that even though Grant was a pediatrician, people still felt the need to ask him about every ache and pain they had.

I took Peyton to get in line for a port-a-potty. I personally hated those things. They always smelled terrible and had trash littering the floor. We waited our turn in line, since it seemed everyone needed to use the restroom at the same time. Peyton stood twisting back and forth, singing to herself as she patiently waited. Suddenly, one of the stall doors opened and out stepped Tiffany Garrison. There was a look of surprise on her face when she saw the two of us standing there.

“Well, if it isn’t the princess and her mom.” Her tone was fake and if there was one thing I couldn’t stand, it was fake people. I would rather have her turn her nose up at me than pretend to be the least bit interested in me. At least she would have been telling me the truth by her actions.

“Tiffany,” I responded back, no smile and no pleasantness to my tone whatsoever. I had no problem with her knowing that I didn’t care for her. I moved past her to help Peyton get into the stall. As I opened the door, I noticed that the area was surprisingly clean and odor free.

“I do it myself, Mommy.” I conceded and told her I would be right here when she was finished. It was better to let her win these small battles, show her growing independence.

“You know, I can’t tell you how much I love working with Grant every day, spending all those hours alone with him.” Tiffany was a snake—a well-dressed, beautiful snake, but a belly crawler all the same. I knew how to deal with snakes. You chopped off their heads and threw them over the fence.

“You know, Tiffany, I know precisely how you feel. I love the way his hair feels against the inside of my thighs. He loves to be there for hours at a time.” The look on her face told me my words did exactly what I had intended them to do. Her smile faltered and she quickly turned on her heels and walked away.

“Don’t think that was the last you’ll see of that one.” I spun around to find Janice standing behind me, cigarette between her fingers as she exited the stall next to Peyton’s.

“Janice, what a surprise.”

She tossed the cigarette into the dirt and then proceeded to smash it with her four-inch, white heels. She was covered head to toe in white. Well, actually, covered was a wild exaggeration. Her shirt barely covered her enhanced bosom and her shorts looked more like panties. Still, I had to give it to her, the woman looked good.

“Natalie, I like you. You’re a genuine person and there aren’t many of those around this town.” Janice moved her body closer to mine. “See, the problem most people in this town have is that they’re so busy talking trash about others, they forget to cover the wrong they’re doing.” She certainly had my attention. I had always assumed Janice was a shallow person who only cared about using men for money.

“That one there—” She pointed at the still-retreating Tiffany. “She’s one you damn well better keep both eyes on.” I heard Peyton trying to open the door, so I was quick to open it slightly, only to have Peyton shout she wasn’t finished. Janice was chuckling, as I shut the door and told Peyton I was sorry.

“Got a little fighter on your hands there, don’t you?”

I nodded my head and took in a deep breath. “She’s my whole world,” I admitted freely.

“I can see that. Now, back to my advice.” Janice leaned even farther into my personal space. “This is a small town, so you see everything here. I’ve been watching her since she got here. Tiffany wants a Crain for a husband. She doesn’t care which one, as long as she gets one. Now, I doubt very seriously you’ve ever seen Carolyn get worked up, trust me, you don’t want to. Tiffany is kissing her ass right now. As for Grant, she’s playing the both of you.”

I was taken aback by her words. She was playing me?

“She has a plan to get into Grant’s bed. It may not be today, but trust me. She’s going to try her damnedest to get there.” Before I could open my mouth to respond, she placed her hand on my arm and leaned in until she was right beside my ear.

“She may believe that you and Grant have sealed the deal. I, however, know that you’re a self-respecting woman and are not like that, particularly around this little one.” Tipping her head toward the still closed door. “She doesn’t know that and if you want to keep her away, make certain she never finds a crack in your relationship.”

BOOK: Crain's Landing
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