Read Creighton Manor Online

Authors: Karen Michelle Nutt

Tags: #Romance, #Time Travel, #Fiction

Creighton Manor (4 page)

BOOK: Creighton Manor
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Gillian brows drew together. Reputations were at stake. She didn’t want to ruin anyone’s life, but what about her life? “I want to go home.”
Throwing her arms up in frustration, she spun away from Josephine as she called out, “Where are you, Samantha? Get me the hell out of here!”

I could go fetch her if you want. Is she on the ship? Maybe she could stand up for you.”

Gillian just shook her head and mumbled, “Maybe if I click my heels together three times, I’ll go home

“What do you mean, dear?”

She looked into the baffled plump face of Josephine Locke. Trying to restore her self-control, she took a deep breath and held it as long as she could before she released it. She did this three more times before she had decided to accept her unfortunate fate. If she had to live this nightmare, she might as well do it with dignity. In a voice that sounded like she had just been sentenced to death, she calmly stated, “I’m ready, now.”

Josephine opened the door and turned toward her. “It really is for the best. You don’t want your reputation tarnished.”

Gillian clenched her teeth. “Can we just get this over with?” 

Josephine nodded. She led Gillian down the hall to Zachary’s cabin where the wedding would take place

Zachary stood there waiting. His hair brushed and parted. He wore a dark suit, a fancy white shirt, adorned with a dark bow tie. She had thought he was gorgeous with the scruffy, roll-out-of-bed look, but never had she imagined him to appear the way he did now. His face was smooth from a recent shave displaying his rugged lines, square jaw with that cute little cleft, right dab in the center. She found her eyes focusing on his generous mouth. She felt the heated flush spread across her cheeks as she imagined how it would feel to be kissed by those lips.

She was going nuts!
Instead of thinking of kisses, she should be thinking of turning around and running.

Josephine seemed to sense this, and blocked the exit, making it impossible for her to flee. Looking extremely pleased, Cyrus stood with his hands behind his back, smiling from ear to ear. Ellery stood by the captain with a grin of his own. He had the nerve to wink at her. She clenched her fists, having the urge to slap the silly expression off the man’s face. Luckily for him, someone pushed her forward until she stood next to the scowling groom.

“Can we get this over with?” Zachary grumbled. “I have things to do.”
He glared down at Gillian, his icy blue gaze boring into hers. “You see I had not planned on marrying today.”

Gillian couldn’t believe the man's arrogant hostility. He hadn’t planned on getting married!
What did he think that she had planned today? She was ready to give him a piece of her mind, but Captain Pike cleared his throat and began the ceremony. She still couldn’t believe this was happening to her. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined being forced to marry a man she didn’t know. Here she hadn’t married Jerry because she wanted to wait for her soul mate, the man in her dreams.

All of a sudden, the irony of the situation hit her, causing her to chuckle over fate’s peculiar sense of humor.

All eyes rested on her, but it was Zachary’s glare that silenced her. “You find something amusing?”

“If you only knew,” she mumbled with a sigh.

“What did you say?”
Zachary looked at her again.

She shrugged. How could she explain it to him? It was best she kept it to herself.

Zachary turned toward the captain giving him the signal that he may continue.

She tuned the captain out, wishing she were anywhere, but here. Probably not a good idea since she needed to participate in this farce.

“Miss, we need to know your name,” Captain Pike asked for the second time.

Zachary’s raised eyebrow and disdainful gaze made her realize he thought her mad. Yeah, well she wondered what he’d say if she told him she traveled from the future.

Zachary nudged her.

“My name?” she managed to stammer out, causing Zachary to roll his eyes.

“Yes, your name,” the captain patiently coaxed. At least he showed her some compassion.

“My name is Gillian Metcalf,” she finally managed to choke out.

The captain nodded. “Gillian Metcalf.” He looked at his Bible before he continued, “Gillian Metcalf do you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband? Do you promise to love, cherish, and obey him till death do you part?”

This wedding was preposterous. She didn’t love this man, so how could she cherish him?
She definitely wasn’t going to obey him, and as for,
the death do you part
. .
She wanted to shout,
No, I don’t want to marry this man. I just want to go home.
Instead of articulating her complaints, in a voice she barely recognized as her own she said, “I do.”

Captain Pike smiled, completely oblivious to the situation of this sham of a marriage. He then turned his attention to Zachary repeating the words that would bind them together. When it came time for Zachary to give his answer, silence greeted them, giving Gillian hope he would object, but Ellery prodded him, forcing him to answer. “I do.”

The captain droned on, ending with, “You may kiss the bride.”

Kiss the bride!  She’d at least find out how those lips felt against hers. She might as well get something out of this mess.

Zachary glared down at her, still fuming over the whole situation. He had not planned on kissing her. Hell and damnation! The woman didn’t play with a full deck. His gaze touched her angelic features and damn if his heart didn’t quicken. Even in the ridiculous dress, which was sizes too big for her, she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. He wanted nothing more than to brush his lips against hers, but his bruised pride got in the way. He leaned down and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. He thought he witnessed a brief moment of regret when he looked into her eyes. Could it be she wanted him to kiss her?
He didn’t have a chance to think further about his observation. Ellery brushed him aside and gripped Gillian’s shoulders before he leaned down and kissed her himself.

“There,” Ellery said as he released Gillian. The kiss rendered her speechless as she blinked in surprise. Ellery turned to face Zachary. “That is how you kiss a wife, dear boy. I absolutely assure you, if you give little pecks on the cheek, she’ll be looking for another lover.”

To everyone’s surprise, Zachary hauled off and punched Ellery in the jaw, sending him flying back into the captain.

“Hold on, boy.” Captain Pike righted him quick enough. Ellery stood there rubbing his chin even as a slight grin threatened to show itself.

Zachary’s eyes narrowed as he seethed between clenched teeth. “If you ever kiss my wife again, I’ll . . . ”  He didn’t finish. What in the world had gotten into him? He just punched his best friend and for what? For a woman he didn’t even know.

“I see how it is.”
Ellery nodded.

“Just apologize to my … her.” Zachary pointed to Gillian.

Ellery held a mischievous gleam in his eye. He looked at Gillian and took her hand. “I am truly sorry if I have offended you. That was not my intent.”

Gillian smiled. “I believe you’re a flirt, but harmless enough.”

“Ouch. Harmless, hmm. I will have to rectify your opinion of me.” He started to raise Gillian’s hand to his lips, but Zachary stopped him by putting himself between them.

“She accepts your apology.”
Zachary glowered, challenging Ellery to say or do more.

Ellery broke the gaze with a shrug. “Well, I do believe we have docked. I, for one, need to fetch my bags,” he announced and made his exit.




“I’m married,” Gillian mumbled and shook her head. She wished Ellery hadn’t run off so fast. He had a better disposition than her husband. She’d much rather share his company.

Josephine walked over to Gillian and patted her hand. She whispered in her ear, “Don’t worry honey, he is as gentle as a lamb

Gillian wondered how this woman knew this about Zachary. So far in the last hour, he had been nothing but violent. He threw knives at people and he punched them in the face, only God knew what other horrible things he was capable of doing.
You’re married to him.
She would have to keep reminding herself to believe it.

Cyrus took his wife by the arm. “Come on Josephine. Let the newlyweds be alone.”
Gillian noticed Zachary tense at the word newlywed. Well, she didn’t like the reference either

With the wedding party gone, Gillian felt a panic attack take seed. She clutched her chest and gasped for air. Ellery said they were docked, so they would be leaving the riverboat. She didn’t want to leave. If she were to go back to her time, wouldn’t she need to be here on the Ida Belle to do that? She suddenly had an idea. She ran over to the side of the bed
and stretched out
on the floor.
This is how she arrived. Perhaps this was how she’d leave.
She waited. “Damn, nothing,” she whispered.

Zachary looked down at her with a definite frown penetrating his features. “What are you doing?” 

She knew he must think she was off her rocker, but she had to try, didn’t she? She couldn’t leave with this man, not knowing if she could somehow go back to where she belonged. After a few minutes, she realized nothing was going to happen.

“Well, I’m waiting. What are you doing?”

What a cranky man. “It’s an old custom where I come from. When a couple marries, the wife lies down next to a bed and says a prayer for good luck.”
She knew this explanation sounded absurd, but she couldn’t think of anything else.

Zachary stood there probably deciding if she mocked him. “I see,” he said even though it was obvious he didn’t. “If you’re finished, we should be on our way
She reluctantly stood and watched him pick up his carrier. He nodded toward the bed. “Is this your only luggage?”

She saw her purse. With all the confusion, she had forgotten all about it. “Yes, that’s it
She picked it up and followed him out of the room. By the time they made it off the ship, her feet hurt from the tight confining shoes she had been forced to wear. She wondered where her Nikes ended up.

Zachary noticed her struggle to keep up, “Did you hurt yourself?” His voice actually sounded as if he cared.

“No, the shoes are too small. I think I’m getting a blister

He glanced down at her feet, without missing his stride. “Hmm.”

“Hmm, that’s it?” 

He just shrugged. “What did you want me to say?” 

He was right. What did she expect of him? It wasn’t his fault her shoes were too small. She made a face at him anyway.

They walked in silence for a while until she couldn’t take it. She decided to make the first move. Maybe they could manage a civil conversation. Josephine Locke had claimed he was nice. “So, where are we going?” 


“Home, where?”

“Where I live and where you will now live too, thanks to
little stunt you pulled back there

“Stunt!” she screamed at him, causing people to stare. She quickly lowered her voice. She didn’t want any more interference from concerned citizens.
“You were the one who caused all the commotion. If you hadn’t thrown that knife at me, none of this would have happened.”

“Let me remind you,” he stopped suddenly and she ran into him. His piercing glare caused her to take a step back, “you were the one in my room, not the other way around. Therefore, if you had not been there in the first place, none of this would have happened. By the way, how did you manage to secure entry into my room? The only thing I could come up with is that you were hiding in my room before I arrived. I have also deducted, since you had no luggage with you, you were a stowaway. Why don’t you just tell me who you really are, and why you are running away?”

Gillian gawked at him not knowing what to say. She hadn’t thought about having to tell anyone who she was, or where she was from. If she told anyone the truth, no one would believe her. They’d probably lock her up and throw away the key. She couldn’t stay with this man. However, where could she go?
She had no money, no home, and no job, at least not here in this time. She thought about all of her fourth grade students, who would be waiting for her to show up for class when school started again. What would they think when their teacher didn’t arrive to open the door, and what about Samantha? She would surely freak when she couldn’t find her on board the Queen Mary.

Zachary stood there, tapping his foot while he waited for Gillian's explanation. When none seemed forthcoming, sarcasm seemed to flow out of his mouth like a gorged river. “Is this another one of your wedding customs, to stand in the middle of the road and stare with that blank look on your face?”

BOOK: Creighton Manor
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