Crimson Dichotomy (Dichotomy Saga) (6 page)

BOOK: Crimson Dichotomy (Dichotomy Saga)
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He guided her beneath the spray then wrapped his arms around her so they could both enjoy the warm cascade. “My father was born in a laboratory. The interspecies project that created him, and others like him, was destroyed. Actually, he  and his best friend organized a riot and freed as many of the inhabitants as he could before he detonated charges all over the complex.”

“Interspecies, as in a cooperation between human and non-human scientists?”

“That’s right.” Needing a distraction from her warm curves pressed so snugly against him, Steffen reached for a bottle of shampoo.

“I had no idea anything like that had ever been done. Humans are suspicious of anyone they can’t control.”

He turned her away from the spray and began to lather her wet hair. “According to my father, the project started out with good intentions, but ambition gradually transformed their vision, and outside influences warped what they had originally set out to accomplish.”

“A common cycle that’s been repeated all through history,” she said wistfully. She tilted her head back and rinsed the shampoo from her hair. “Tell me about your father.”

Steffen went to work on his own hair while he explained, “His genome combined human, Dichotomy, and vampire DNA.”

“I knew you were part vampire!” She took the soap and worked up a lather before stroking his chest with her slippery hands. “That’s why you can manipulate thoughts.”

“Not necessarily.” He enjoyed her casual touch while the shower saturated his sudsy hair. “Certain Dichotomy have similar abilities.”

“True. But this is why you were selected for this case.”

“Yes, but I thought we were talking about my father.”

“Sorry.” Setting the soap aside, she wrapped her arms around him and continued the tantalizing caress with her breasts. “Go on. What happened to him after he escaped?”

With her warm body subtly rubbing against him, he could hardly maintain a coherent thought. “The debris flew farther than he anticipated. He was knocked unconscious and would have bled to death if it hadn’t been for my mother.”

Mara stepped back and met his gaze, compassion clear in her beautiful eyes. “She’s a healer?”

“Most of the sylph are able to heal.” Their playfulness was postponed by the bittersweet memories. “Still, she had to treat him in secret. Sylph law forbade her from getting involved.”

“He must have survived long enough to create you.”

Angling the shower head, he rinsed the soap from their skin. “He never fully recovered. Mother did everything she could, but the damage was too extensive. He regained his strength for a time. Long enough to create me, as you so aptly put it. Then infection set in and he died before I was born.”

“Then you never knew him.”

He refused to let the past encroach on the future. Life was uncertain enough without expending energy on things that couldn’t be changed. “I know my father through the eyes of those who loved him. He was respected and admired by many.”

“Did your mother ever love again?” She turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, handing him one of the towels.

“She has always been a bit of a rebel. When the people in her village shunned me, she married a dark elf.” He chuckled, rubbing the towel across his chest. “The sylph find dark elves nearly as objectionable as vampires.”

“Was your brother born of this dark elf?”

“Yes. Lukas is considered a sylphite just like me.” He smiled. “Well, maybe not
like me.”

“Do you know what happened to the others like your father?” She wrapped the towel around her body and tucked the end between her breasts.

“They were organized into a paramilitary network by my father’s best friend, Max.”

“The Sentinels?”

“The organization is called the Preternatural Sentinel Network or PSN. The operatives are called Sentinels.”

“I see.” Her gaze heated as she watched him finish drying off. “How long have you worked for Max?”

“Twenty-seven years.”

She stared at him as if he’d lost his mind. “How old are you?”

“A hell of a lot older than I look.” He smiled. “How
are you?”

“I’m considered an adult even by the Dichotomy.”

“Good—” he unwound her towel and used the ends to pull her toward him, “—because I’ve just begun to corrupt you!”


Chapter Six


Raze was jarred from his solar trance by a shrill scream. Blinking away the mental haze, he ordered his reluctant muscles into action. He stumbled out of bed, rushed down the hall, and threw open the door to the bedroom he had once shared with his master.

Expecting Valerie, he was brought up short by the sight awaiting him. A woman huddled on the floor beside the bed, her slender fingers clawing at the collar securely fastened around her neck.

“Where am I?” Her voice broke and tears glistened in her baby-blue eyes. “Why am I chained?”

Taerok had explained that the Dichotomy could transform, but Raze hadn’t realized the change would be so complete. This woman bore little resemblance to Valerie. Her features were more refined, her hair several shades lighter.

“You must be Emily.” He took a step into the room and she cowered against the wall.

Her hand trembled as she pointed toward the bed. “Is he…dead?”

Raze had been so captivated by the transformation he hadn’t noticed the twisted, ash-white body on the far side of the mattress. Taerok had instructed Valerie to keep her victim alive as long as possible. Raze skirted the bed and examined the young man. His throat had been savaged and bite marks perforated his arms and legs.

“She responded so well to the awakening,” Taerok muttered as he swept into the room. “I expected better than this.”

“I know you.” Emily wrapped her arms around her knees and rocked back and forth, eyes wide and wild with rising hysteria. “I’ve seen you in Valerie’s dreams. Why can’t I sense her? What’s wrong with me?”

Taerok ignored her. “This wasn’t what I had planned, but the result will be the same. Dump his body where it’s sure to be found.”

“Why did she transform?” Raze kept his gaze focused on Taerok. The terrified woman was silent for the moment. It was better if she remained that way.

“Valerie obviously gorged herself after we left. Such indulgence will often extend the solar trance.” He glared at the woman and shook his head. “I thought she was stronger than this.”

Do you still believe the Dichotomy will enable you to control your solar trance? Awakening Valerie wasn’t as successful as you first thought.
If Raze could convince Taerok to destroy the female, perhaps things would return to normal. She had been entertaining for a night or two, but he was ready to have Taerok to himself again.

The Dichotomy
the key.
Taerok sounded impatient and his gaze was focused on the woman.

Why are you so certain?

It has been done before. I am recreating a recipe. As soon as I discover the correct balance of ingredients, I will be free.

will be free, not
will be free. Raze sighed. Every time he forgot he was a slave, Taerok drove the point home with careless brutality.

The master vampire stalked toward Emily. “Open your mouth.”

“Why? What do you want with me?”

Grabbing her hair, Taerok viciously jerked her head back. She cried out and he caught her chin with his other hand, holding her mouth open and inhaling her breath. “She is unchanged,” he mused.

“How is that possible?”

Taerok shot him a sidelong glare. “I told you, they are extraordinary. There has never been another race like the Dichotomy. Get rid of the body. I want to see how long it takes Valerie to regain control.”

* * *


Mara pushed Steffen’s hand away from her breast for the third time. “Let me finish these phone calls and then we can play.”

“Finish the phone calls. I’m not stopping you.”

Mischief gleamed in his eyes, launching sparks of desire all through her traitorous body. “Twenty minutes,” she tried again. “Just give me twenty minutes and we’ll spend the rest of the day in bed.”

“We’ve already done the bed, twice. I’ve always been a fan of variety.”

It was hopeless. He had no intention of leaving her alone. Bracing herself for a sensual onslaught, she activated the call. Instead of slipping his hand back inside her blouse, he rolled her chair back from the desk and spun her around. Oh no! She could ignore some light petting, but…

Before she could abandon the call, a female voice said, “Malibu Marriot, may I help you?”

“I need to speak with Deborah Mansfield.” She shoved against his shoulder, but he just grinned and reached under the flowing skirt of her summer dress.

“One moment, please.”

“This isn’t funny!” Despite her wiggling, he grasped the sides of her panties and dragged them to her knees. This was what he’d done in the illusion, restricted her movement while allowing him access to her sensitive clit. He pulled her bottom to the edge of the chair and pushed her skirt to her waist.

“This is Ms. Mansfield.”

He bent to her lap and exhaled slowly, teasing her with the warmth of his breath.

“Hi, Deborah, this is Mara Ruiz.” Keeping her voice steady had never taken so much concentration.

“Two days and counting?”

“That doesn’t seem possible.” Mara dug her fingers into the arm of the chair and closed her eyes. His mouth hovered over her sex like a hawk ready to swoop. “Did you get my email? I don’t think the new agenda affects any of your preparations, but I wanted to keep you in the loop.”

“I looked it over and didn’t see any complications. Everything is ready on this end.”

“Great.” He slipped his tongue into her crease and a soft moan escaped her throat.

“Are you all right?”

Mara swallowed hard. “Yeah. I’m breaking in a new pair of shoes and my feet aren’t happy about it.”

Deborah chuckled. “I know how that goes.”

“Well, I won’t keep you. I’ll see you Saturday morning.”

She tossed the phone to the desktop, abandoning any pretense of working. His fingers squeezed her bottom and his tongue curled around her clit, using a motion he’d quickly learned drove her crazy.

Already sensitized from his earlier attention, her nipples beaded against her bra. She felt boneless and hot, amazed by her body’s instantaneous response to his touch. It had never been like this before. Everything he did just felt

Her core melted, preparing for the blissful fullness of his cock. She grasped the arms of the chair with both hands now and arched against his lips. He took her right to the edge then raised his head and kissed her mouth. The taste of her burgeoning passion only compounded the need he’d left smoldering between her thighs.

“Do you have lube?” he whispered.

A chill raced down her spine then heat erupted in its place. He had used anal play to heighten her arousal, but he’d never actually taken her like that. “Why?”

He nipped her bottom lip. “I’m not that much bigger than your vibrator.”

She laughed. “Like hell you’re not.”

“If you’re not ready to trust me—” he paused for a passionate kiss, “—I’m willing to convince you.”

It was a familiar game. He’d “convinced” her to try several things she never expected to enjoy. “I trust you.” Conviction filled the simple statement, surprising her as much as it pleased him. She did trust him. She trusted him with her pleasure and she trusted him with her life. Long ago she’d learn to trust her instincts and her instincts assured her that Steffen would play an important role in her life.

“Good. Then get the lube.” He stepped back and pulled her panties all the way off. “But the dress stays here. I want to watch you walk across the room and back, knowing you’re about to take it up the ass.”

Lust shot straight to her pussy, making her whimper. Graphic descriptions were one of the things she’d never suspected would turn her on. He loved saying things that made her blush and encouraged her to describe what she wanted in explicit detail.

“Is the door locked?” She pushed to her feet and reached back to unzip her dress.

“It doesn’t matter. I don’t care who sees us fucking and neither should you.” She started to turn her head, but he caught her chin. “I said no.”

His commanding tone never failed to thrill her. She was strong and independent, so why did she respond so readily to his aggression?
Because he pleasures you with such intense emotion there is no reason to resist.

Take off the dress.”

She lowered the zipper and let the wide straps slide off her shoulders. The bodice sagged, revealing the upper curve of her breasts. His gaze moved boldly, impatiently. She let anticipation build like he had done so many times before.

Desire shaped his expression and burned in his gaze. “More.”

With a flirtatious smile, she turned around and pulled her arms free of the straps. She allowed the material to ride low on her hips, displaying a hint of bottom cleavage. Then she paused again.

“Do you really want to start a battle of wills? I’m pretty sure my self-control is stronger than yours.” He’d proven the fact often enough. She released the dress and it pooled around her ankles. “Get rid of the bra then let me look at you.”

She kicked the dress aside and unfastened her final garment. Outward appearance had never been important to her. She’d always felt intelligence and ambition were more important than looks. But Steffen made her feel beautiful, desirable and…his. The possessiveness didn’t frighten her, however. She felt the same way about him.

His gaze moved over her naked body, making her restless and hot. “Now get the lube, but take your time. I want to enjoy the view.”

As she entered the bedroom, for just a moment, she passed out of sight. She pressed her hand over her thundering heart and scrambled for composure. He always made her feel utterly vulnerable yet empowered at the same time. It was a heady combination.

When she returned to the outer room, she found him sitting in her desk chair stark naked. His legs were spread, drawing her attention to his erection. Long, thick, and heavily veined, his cock made her mouth water. But he didn’t intend to put it in her mouth! Her steps faltered and she dragged her gaze back to his face.

“If you’ve never done this before, why did you buy a lubricant?” There was no mockery in his tone, just honest curiosity.

“There have been times…I haven’t always gotten wet as easily as I do with you.” She handed him the lube, unsure what else to do with it.

His smile turned downright wolfish. “According to the council’s study, we’re not just genetically acceptable to each other, we’re highly compatible.”

She wasn’t surprised by the finding. Her body had told her as much the first time he touched her. “And does that please you?”

He tossed the lube to the desktop then pulled her between his knees. “If the study is accurate, we’ve likely triggered a soul bond already.” He ran his index finger from the base of her throat to her navel. Tingles trailed in the wake of his light touch.

Her heart fluttered and she slowly licked her lips. “All we have to do is stop and the bond will dissolve.”

“I don’t want to stop.” His hand continued its descent, lightly cupping her mound. “I want to touch you, and eat you, and fuck you until you forget every other man who has ever come near you.”

There was that possessiveness again. Didn’t he realize how she felt about him? “Steffen, there’s no competition. My body is so attuned to yours, I can’t think of anything else.” She rolled her hips, rubbing her pussy against his fingers. “And I’m not easily distracted.”

He drew her hand to his face and kissed the center of her palm. “This might be easier on you if we slow it down. We can get a butt plug and—”

“I want this. I’m not sure why, but I need it. I trust you to make it good for both of us.”


Her statement punched into Steffen’s chest. The predator in him demanded he accept her offer without further delay, while the possibility of her feeling anything less than ecstasy left him cold.

His mate. The other half of his soul. He’d known her instinctively the moment they touched. It had just taken his mind a bit longer to accept the inevitable connection.

He stood and rolled the chair out of the way. “We’ll still take it nice and slow.” Framing her face with his hands, he kissed her tenderly. His lips slid against hers, his tongue exploring with patient strokes. She returned the kiss, while her hands rubbed up and down his back. He needed to hold her down and forcefully stake his claim on her willing body. Yet he needed to kiss her just as desperately. How could he need savagery and gentleness at the same time?

Her fingers curved around his shaft, pumping him slowly until his knees went weak. He caught her wrist and shook his head. “I can’t take that right now.”

She tilted her head and smiled. “I thought your self-control was stronger than mine.”

Nudging her thighs apart, he found her clit and gently rubbed the ultrasensitive bud. “Let’s find out.” He released her wrist and her firm strokes resumed. He thrust his middle finger into her core and circled her clit with his thumb, his gaze boring into hers.

His balls tensed and pre-cum beaded on the tip of his cock. It felt so good to touch and be touched by her. She took the moisture and spread it over his flesh, while her cream coated his fingers. The scent of arousal cocooned them in a private paradise. Determined to emerge the victor, he removed his finger from her passage and concentrated on her clit. Her motion slowed and her eyes drifted shut.

BOOK: Crimson Dichotomy (Dichotomy Saga)
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