Read Crush (Hard Hit #5) Online

Authors: Charity Parkerson

Crush (Hard Hit #5) (4 page)

BOOK: Crush (Hard Hit #5)
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“I have to go out. Do you need anything?"

Orlando blinked in surprise, watching as Andrei pulled on a T-shirt. In the face of this new discovery, Orlando was speechless. He couldn’t answer.

“Call me if you figure it out,” Andrei said over his shoulder as he moved for the door. Andrei was gone before Orlando had time to remind him that he didn’t know his phone number.

Three hours passed before Orlando couldn’t take the suspense any longer. Checking the battery life on his phone, Orlando was relieved to find he had half a charge left, making him wonder if Andrei had charged it for him at some point. He tried to think of whom he could call. Only one name came to mind. Orlando bit back a groan. There wasn’t much hope that Gannon would help him, but Orlando felt driven to try. Giving in, he dialed Gannon’s number, listening as it rang six times before an unfamiliar voice answered.

“You really don’t fucking learn, do you, boy?”

Orlando wanted to growl at the sound of Alex’s voice, but he still refused to give in. “I need Andrei’s number."

“Are you fucking kidding me? No."

“Look, I’m not any happier about this than you are, but I think something is wrong with Andrei. If you don’t want to let me have his number, can you at least call him and check on him?"

Alex growled. His aggravation came through the line, sounding exactly like the man was standing right next to him. “Jesus. I can’t believe I’m even entertaining this. I’ll check on him, but do not fucking call here again."

Orlando wasn’t surprised when dead air filled his ear, letting him know Alex had hung up on him. Orlando didn’t care as long as Alex did what he said he would do. One hundred and eighty minutes had given him a long time to think. Something had definitely been wrong with Andrei when he left. At first, he tried telling himself he was worried he’d be locked in this place forever if anything happened to Andrei. But there was a tiny voice in the furthest depths of Orlando’s mind, whispering that he was a liar.

Fifteen minutes after his disastrous conversation with Alex, Andrei stumbled in. The smell of alcohol hit Orlando when Andrei was three feet away from the bed. Orlando watched in silence as Andrei toed off his combat boots and peeled his shirt over his head. This time, when Andrei climbed into bed beside him, Orlando rolled to his side, pillowing his head with his hands, and openly staring at Andrei’s profile.

“You drink too damn much.”

Andrei slung one arm over his eyes, as if attempting to block out the light. “I find that humorous coming from a drug pusher.”

Orlando tried swallowing down his aggravation to no avail. “I’ve done told you, I ain’t no drug pusher.”

“Yes, because everyone carries a gun and drugs on them when they head out to terrorize someone.”

Orlando tried silently fuming, but it didn’t last long. He hated suffering in silence. “Why in the hell am I bothering trying to talk to you?” It was almost funny the way Andrei kept his face covered, but still kept up his end of the conversation.

“If you really want my opinion on it, I think you like the sound of your own voice, but that’s okay. I kind of like it too.” Orlando stared at Andrei, wondering if he heard him right. Andrei was the first one to break. “What did you do while I was gone?”

“Snooped through your stuff,” Orlando answered without a single qualm. It wasn’t as if Andrei really had anything for him to go through anyhow. “Called in to work,” he added, prepared to run down the list of his day.

“What kind of work do you do?”

It was on the tip of Orlando’s tongue to remind Andrei of his boast about knowing everything about all things, but he chose to let it slide. “I’m an EMT.”

“An admirable job. You’re much more suited for this than drug pushing.”

Orlando counted to ten inside his head before pressing on.

“As I was saying, I also fixed myself a sandwich and called Gannon. Of course, Alex answered, so I didn’t get to talk to him.”

Andrei blew out a sigh. “You never learn, do you? Why can’t you leave the man in peace?”

Orlando had asked himself that question a thousand times. He did his best to answer honestly without giving away his concern for Andrei’s well-being. That was something he couldn’t explain. “Nobody really knows what happened that night beside the river. No one except Gannon,” he added, as if Andrei didn’t already know. “You can’t imagine what it’s like not knowing. Gannon owns so many secret pieces of my baby brother as well as the last seconds of his life. Nothing’s ever gonna bring Seb back. I just want to hear Gannon say the words, you know?”

“Gannon is a very nice man,” Andrei said, sounding tired. “All this time you’ve been showing your ass, and if you’d asked, I think he would’ve told you all you wish to know.”

“Huh,” Orlando scoffed. “Sit down and have coffee with my brother’s murderer. Maybe we could have Sunday brunch right after church services.”

Andrei sighed. “I think you know in your heart it was self-defense.”

Even though Andrei still had his eyes covered, Orlando shook his head. “Thing is, I really don’t. People don’t go to the lengths Kieran did to cover something up over self-defense. My mom thinks he did the Christian thing, shielding Seb’s reputation, but I can’t see Kieran Steele giving a fuck about anyone’s reputation unless they’re one of his own.”

“Why can’t it be both? Most of us live in that gray area of life where we can show compassion and ruthlessness all in the same breath. Perhaps you haven’t gotten to that age yet. I genuinely don’t remember being twenty-three.”

“You talk like you’re ancient. How old are you anyhow?”

“Thirty-five,” Andrei answered, sounding on the edge of sleep.

“Thirty-five? Damn, I want to be you when I grow up. I haven’t never seen anyone your age in as good of shape as you.”

Andrei finally turned his head and peeked one eye open. Orlando bit back a laugh at the malice shining out at him.

“Now who thinks I am ancient?”

Orlando couldn’t swallow down his chuckle this time. “I said ‘sexy as fuck’ too, but all you heard was ‘old.’”

Andrei covered his eyes again. “I heard no ‘sexy as fuck’ in all that, but whatever.”

“Okay, then,” Orlando said, having more fun than he could remembering having in a long time, which said a lot about how fucked up his life had become. “Sexy as fuck. Killer body. Gorgeous eyes. Fuck me lips. Should I go on? Because I could. How about the ass? I could talk about your ass for a while.”

Andrei didn’t answer, making Orlando wonder if he’d finally fallen asleep. He decided to find out. “Of course, you probably didn’t catch any of that when I was talking earlier. All you heard was ‘old, broken down, and falling apart.’” He stared at Andrei’s profile, straining to see any reaction. “I bet your reflexes are shot too. Last night, you woke me up, and that’s the only reason you got the drop on me.”

Satisfaction roared through Orlando’s veins when he found himself flat on his back, pinned by Andrei’s weight once more. Just as the night before, Orlando’s skin tightened with awareness of every place their bodies touched. The way Andrei’s gray eyes glittered caused chill bumps to rise on Orlando’s skin.

“Is this the reaction you were hoping for?”

“No.” Even to Orlando’s ears, he sounded wrecked.

“Let me know when I’ve given you what you want.”

Orlando held his breath, waiting for Andrei’s next move. His mouth covered Orlando’s. Time stopped. Everything fell away. The reasons for him being there disappeared. It was just two men—no baggage. Andrei’s kiss was slow, seductive. His tongue curled around Orlando’s, stroking and retreating. Andrei’s teeth sank into Orlando’s bottom lip, tugging and nibbling. Orlando’s dick was hard enough to cause damage. He’d experienced desire countless times, but Orlando had never felt the way he did now from a simple kiss. Except there was nothing simple at all about their lips touching.

Andrei’s fingers scraped Orlando’s skin as he curled them around the waistband of Orlando’s shorts, dragging them down one hip. Orlando swore his skin was on fire. He could barely breathe from the choking lust. All he could do was grip the sheets, holding on for the ride. Andrei owned his body. Orlando moaned. It was a mistake. Andrei sprang from the bed. A cry of denial tore from Orlando’s throat before he could call it back.

He watched in horror as Andrei stormed from the room, muttering under his breath in Russian with every step. Orlando squeezed his eyes shut, trying to force air back into his lungs. He wondered if this was how he would die, going down in flames.

Andrei reappeared through the doorway, pulling Orlando’s attention his way. He held up a familiar set of keys—they belonged to Orlando’s Escalade. Andrei set them on the table. For a moment, his hand hovered over them as if torn. Finally, he took a step back, but he still refused to meet Orlando’s gaze.

“Don’t make me find you again.” Without waiting to gauge Orlando’s reaction, Andrei disappeared through the door once more. Orlando stared at the spot where Andrei had been seconds earlier. He was letting him go. Just like that. What the fuck? Easing to his feet, Orlando kept his eyes glued on his keys as he pulled on some jeans and a T-shirt. Once he was dressed, he grabbed his bag and snatched up the keys to his SUV. He found Andrei standing at the counter and staring into space. For a full five minutes, Orlando stared at the scars lining Andrei’s back. They were perfectly placed, and obviously no accident. Straight lines, going deep into his skin and perfectly aligned, ran in rows down both sides of the man’s spine along with crosses branded into his skin. Orlando held his keys and bag tighter in his grip to stop himself from reaching out to touch them. Fuck it. This had been some surreal shit, and he was out.

“How do I get out of here?”

Andrei glanced over his shoulder, meeting Orlando’s gaze briefly before nodding toward the rows of shelves.

“There’s a hidden button on the inside lip of the third shelf.”

Feeling beneath the shelf Andrei indicated, Orlando found the switch. When he pressed it, the entire pantry-style wall swung wide, revealing an identical shelving system on the opposite side.

“What is this place?”

Andrei shrugged. “It’s like a combination storm shelter slash panic room.”

Orlando peered out. It was obvious the room was inside a house more expensive than his entire life’s worth. “Where are we?”

Without looking his way, Andrei’s tone said the answer should’ve been obvious. “Kieran Steele’s house.”

A wry smile twisted Orlando’s lips. “As an older brother, I can respect that.”

Andrei finally turned and focused on Orlando. “I don’t think I need to explain to you that this visit was a warning. No more threatening Gannon. Your mama is a nice lady. She shouldn’t have to mourn two sons.”

Against his will, Orlando shook his head. “You really are one crazy-ass motherfucker, aren’t you?” Andrei didn’t answer. Orlando felt the wicked smile tugging at his lips. He didn’t try to stop it from growing. “What about you? Are you off limits after this? Because here’s the thing; we’re uneven, you and me, and I always keep shit level.”

Andrei’s eyes flashed dangerously, making Orlando’s still half-mast cock twitch. “If you can find me, you can try.”

Orlando’s skin tightened. This man would do things to him, go to any length. The same as Orlando would. In one smooth motion, he kicked the shelf back into place and moved to Andrei’s side. This time, there was no way Andrei didn’t know what was coming. He let it happen. Still he kept his hands to himself as Andrei captured his mouth. It drove Orlando to the brink. He wanted Andrei’s passion—craved the sting of his teeth and the lash of his fury. Instead, he simply accepted Orlando’s punishing kiss, leaving Orlando wanting more.

“I’ll find you,” Orlando promised as he pulled away and left Andrei behind. He made it halfway to freedom before Kieran blocked his path.

“Mr. Johnston. I see you’re ready to leave our company.”

Orlando snorted. “As if I had a choice before now.”

Kieran’s steely gaze never wavered, nor did his blank expression budge. “I have no idea what you mean. Andrei brought you and your car home from Massachusetts after you ingested a large amount of sleeping medication. You’ve been here for two days, recovering, I assume since there was no lock at any time keeping you here, you weren’t here against your will. If you wish to call the police and tell them you were too damn stubborn to ask how to open the door, feel free to do so.”

“I was tied to the bed,” Orlando said, trying and failing to keep the outrage from his voice.

“I saw,” Kieran said dryly.

That brought Orlando up short. “Wait. There’re cameras in there?”

“There are cameras everywhere in this house, Mr. Johnston.”

For a full minute, Orlando could only stare at Kieran in shocked silence. If there were cameras everywhere, and Kieran had been watching them, then he’d witnessed everything that had gone on between Andrei and him.

“Please step into my office for a moment before you leave,” Kieran said, waving toward the open doorway to his right.

Orlando’s mind ran through every detail from the past two days, wondering how much Kieran had seen as he gave in to Kieran’s demands. Kieran motioned for him to take a seat, and Orlando did so while stuck on autopilot. Kieran claimed the seat across from him, placing his large and imposing desk between them. An inner sigh rang through his mind. This wasn’t the first time Orlando had been in this position with Kieran.

BOOK: Crush (Hard Hit #5)
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