Read Cuffed for Pleasure Online

Authors: Lacey Thorn

Tags: #Multiple Partner Erotic Romance

Cuffed for Pleasure (3 page)

BOOK: Cuffed for Pleasure
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What if one of them stalked her? Where would she turn for help?

She took a deep breath. She was borrowing trouble. Her sister told her all the time she thought too much. Her sister was right. Mandy took a deep breath and looked in the mirror. It was dinner and maybe sex. She could handle this. She wanted this. If things went sour, then she’d just walk away again. She had money. She could take a long vacation before deciding where to settle next. If it came to that.

She would just have to be upfront with them. Ask them about being discrete and keeping things private. Obviously, they knew what it was like to have rumors spread about them. But that was all Lorraine had said. Surely, if they were into bondage or dominance or anything Lorraine didn’t consider normal, she would have shared that information as well. Mandy was already certain her co-worker liked to gossip. She just had to decide if the two detectives were worth the gossip that would come her way if anyone found out about her date.

She closed her eyes and brought the two men vividly to her memory again. She remembered Tanner’s eyes when he’d asked her to dinner. They’d been guarded as if he were preparing for her to tell him no. That same look had been there when he’d admitted dinner wouldn’t be just the two of them. It was that look that had persuaded her to agree.

She nodded her head. She was doing this. It might lead to heartache, but that was a chance she was willing to take. Because the flipside was that it might lead to heaven. She could use a little heaven in her life.

She finished up in the bathroom and headed to bed. Hopefully, tonight would require her to be well rested.

* * * *

She was a bundle of nerves. It was comical. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been such a mess. She’d spent so long in the shower the water had turned cold. But she wanted to wash her hair, shave, and make sure she was perfectly groomed if this turned into a night of sex. Oh, she really hoped it did.

She’d changed clothes three times. At the moment, she was wearing a short dress with a flirty scarf hemline that flattered her legs. It was stretchy and could easily be removed. She wore the matching black lace bra and panties under it. It was one of her favorite sets. The panties set low on her hips and cupped her ass beautifully. The matching bra just covered her nipples, leaving the tops of her breasts exposed. It lifted her girls and held them high on her chest. The dress dipped low enough that she showed a good amount of cleavage.

Her hair was down. She wore it up for work and hated to put it up when she was off. It was so long now it hung almost to her waist. It was thick and heavy and had taken forever to dry enough to let it go. Her hair was naturally curly, and she loved the way it sparkled and shined around her face.

She’d carefully done her make-up. The key was to look natural. Her eyes looked big, putting the emphasis on them. Her cheeks had a soft blush, and she’d painted her lips a very light pink. Her lips were too full. She was always trying to downplay them and never wore lipstick, preferring a sheer lip-gloss.

She stepped back and took another look into the full-length mirror. She looked good. She knew she did. Her heart was fluttering like butterfly wings. Her breath was choppy. And her cute panties were already wet with her juices. Her earlier self-love session hadn’t taken the edge off at all. If anything, it had only served to increase her appetite.

She’d been thinking a lot about the two detectives and sex. Mitch and Tanner had filled her dreams, along with a third mystery man her subconscious kept putting with them. Triple the pleasure, triple the fun. For her at least. She was a bad girl and she loved it. She liked sex. No, she loved it. Every facet of it. The dirtier, the better as far as she was concerned. She wasn’t good at denying herself, and she didn’t plan to start now. Besides, what were the chances she’d be offered a ménage with two men like Mitch and Tanner again? Probably zero.

Her sister would tell her to be smart, but then if Ash saw them, she’d be hard-pressed to say no. They both shared a passion for the kinkier side of sex. Hell, her sister might be worse than she was and that was saying a lot. Her sister would tell her to be safe. Mandy had a roll of condoms in her purse. That was as safe as she hoped to be.

The doorbell rang and she almost jumped. She tried desperately to slow her heartbeat down and smoothed her hands over her hips before taking a deep breath and heading to open it. Tanner stood on the other side in a pair of well-worn jeans that cupped his crotch. She let her gaze skim over him, taking in the casual look. He looked good.

“You look beautiful,” he whispered the words as his gaze ran up and down her frame. She was glad she’d taken the time with her appearance. He leaned in. “You smell like coconut.”

She laughed. “My shampoo.”

“Smells edible to me.” His eyes smoldered with promises she hoped he carried through on. He dipped his head, and she felt his tongue trace the column of her neck. She moaned and leaned in when he cupped his palms over her hips.

She slowly tilted her head towards his wandering mouth, and when he traced her lower lip, she opened for him. His tongue was wicked as it invaded her mouth and conquered every inch. She matched him stroke for stroke, her hands reaching up to bury in his hair. When he went to pull back, she wrapped her lips around his tongue and sucked softly.

He groaned and pulled her firmly against him. There was no missing the bulge of his hard cock, and she knew this night wouldn’t end until they were naked and hopefully, well sated.

He dove back into her mouth and took her under with the mastery of his kiss. The man knew how to use his mouth, and the kiss had her hoping he knew how to use it on her pussy.

Please let him enjoy going down on a woman, her specifically. She wanted that wicked tongue playing with her clit and bringing her to an earth shattering orgasm. Crap, she was already primed and halfway there as it was.

He pulled back and she could feel the pant of his breath on her neck. “If we don’t stop, we’ll never leave.”

She gave a soft laugh. Her legs were weak. “We wouldn’t want to do that. Besides, Mitch is probably waiting at your place.” She said the words, but knew he heard the question in them.

“He is,” Tanner agreed. “We live together. Bought the house a few years ago. It’s out a ways, which allows us privacy. Hope you like it.”

“I’m sure I’ll love it.”

He blew out a breath and shook his head. “I promised I would take things slow and not rush anything, but after that kiss, I’m going to step out on a limb here.”

“Who did you promise?”

“Myself. Mitch…”

She thought he’d been about to add something else, but he stopped himself and closed his eyes for a second. She watched his Adam’s apple bob when he swallowed. Then he met her gaze. His eyes were deep blue pools she wanted to submerge herself in. “I asked you to dinner.”

“I accepted.”

“Sex was mentioned.”

“I believe by me.”

He swallowed again. “I would be more than willing to wait if you wanted to get an overnight bag together. Just in case things go really well.”

He looked so hopeful and adorable she couldn’t help but grin. She turned to lead the way back into the house and nodded towards the couch where her purse sat beside an overnight bag. “Already ahead of you. I was trying to figure out how to bring it along without looking like a complete slut.”

His smile was slow and sensuous. “I wouldn’t have asked you if I thought you were that kind of woman.”

“What kind is that?”

“The kind that jumps anything with a dick.”

“I’m very particular about the dicks I jump.” She tried to keep as straight a face as she could, but she knew her lips were twitching.

“Are you?” His lips were twitching as well.

“Absolutely.” She grabbed her bag and purse and headed towards the door. “Besides that’s why they make toys.”

He laughed, taking the bag from her and placing an open hand on the small of her back. “I can’t wait to get to know you better.”

The way he said that made her think he meant more than just sexually. Sex was a given at this point. Her bag more than indicated her willingness to indulge in sex play. She thought of Mitch waiting for them at their house. Heaven help her, she was so wet her panties would need wringing out when she finally slipped out of them.

Tanner held the door open to his truck and helped her climb into the cab. “Ready?”

She knew what he was doing. Giving her a chance to change her mind. To run and hide if that was what she wanted. But it wasn’t. She wanted him. She wanted Mitch. She wanted a night to remember for the rest of her life. She might be crazy. Hell, she probably was. But her sixth sense wasn’t screaming at her to run. In fact, she was so primed and ready she might orgasm from just her imagination.

She was more than ready. She nodded and watched as he shut the door and walked around the front of the truck to the driver’s side. It was time to fulfill a few fantasies.

Chapter Three



Tanner felt like his dick was going to burst his zipper. The smell of coconut and whatever perfume she used filled the cab of his truck. He knew what he planned to have for dessert. He’d always loved coconut. Coconut cream pie was his favorite.

He was usually more cautious when it came to women and sex. He was a member of a small town police force. You had to be careful, always watch what you said and did. But rumors flew anyways. Besides, there was just something about her, and his instincts were never wrong. Hell, instincts played a huge role in his job. So he trusted them.

Right now, they were screaming at him to pull over and fuck her until neither of them could stand. But he had to keep driving. Mitch was waiting for them, manning the kitchen, so that dinner would be ready when he arrived with Mandy. By the time they finished eating, Dylan should be home. Tanner should say something to her before then. Just because she was okay with the thought of sex with him and Mitch didn’t mean she would be okay with adding a third. But he really hoped she was.

“How far out do you live?”

He could hear the nerves in her voice. He hoped they were good nerves and not the “change-your-mind” kind.

“Just a little further. We found this old farmhouse a few years ago and decided to try our hand at fixing it up.” Now was as good a time as any, although Mitch would kill him if he scared her off before they even arrived at the house. “We all grew up together and spent our summers working construction while we were in college.”

“All? You mean you and Mitch?”

He glanced her way before looking back at the road and taking the turn onto the lane that would lead to the house. “Yeah, and our other roommate, Dylan.”

Safely on their private drive, Tanner turned to look at her. Her eyebrows were lifted, but she wasn’t screaming or shaking her head and demanding that he take her home.

“Will he be here tonight?”

“He’s been out of town for a few days, but he should be home later tonight.”

She just looked at him. He really wanted the ability to read her mind at the moment.

“Do you want me to take you home?”

“Will Dylan be joining us? Does he usually join you and Mitch?”

“Yeah.” He nodded his head at her. He swore his heart stopped while he waited to see her reaction. “He usually joins us. But everything is up to you.”

“Why didn’t you tell me that earlier?”

“I don’t know.”

“Don’t lie.”

He blew out a breath of air. “I didn’t want to scare you away.”

She laughed and he felt it wrap around his balls. “I agreed to come out when I thought I was going to be with you and Mitch, and you thought adding a third would scare me?”

“I’ve learned not to take anything for granted.”

“So tell me about Dylan. Is he a cop too?”

“Yeah, we all joined the force at the same time. Mitch and I were lucky enough to be paired up as detectives. Dylan heads the cross county drug task force.”

“Sounds dangerous.”

“When you wear a badge, everything is dangerous. You never know when someone might come gunning for you. Routine stops can go bad on a dime.”

She seemed to be taking that in, and he hoped he hadn’t given her another reason to walk away. If the kink factor didn’t send her running, he was hoping the danger wouldn’t either.

“So how long have the three of you been sharing?”

“We all lost our virginity to the same girl. That was what got us talking. Next time we ran into her, she said how she’d love to take us all on at the same time. We obliged. It was the best sex I’ve ever had.”


“Yeah.” He laughed and continued driving down the lane towards the house. She wasn’t afraid or disgusted. If anything, she seemed interested. “I can’t explain it. I just know that watching her and seeing how turned on she was, amped up my pleasure.”

“So, none of you are possessive then?”

“Yes and no.”

She laughed again. “What does that mean?”

“It means, we don’t mind sharing with each other, but we’re not okay with anyone else.”

“So just the three of you?”

“Yes.” He really hoped she was cool with that.

“I imagine the three of you exhaust a woman and leave no room for thoughts of anyone else.”

He licked his lips and put the truck into park. She glanced around, and he was relieved to see nothing but curiosity in her gaze. “I honestly only meant to invite you to dinner. I wasn’t expecting sex.”

“I can always go home after I eat.”

He didn’t miss the way her gaze dipped to his denim-covered cock when she said the word “eat”. He suppressed a groan and turned to look at her.

“Is that what you’d like?” He would take her home and suffer blue balls if that was what she wanted.

“No,” she whispered softly. “I think I’d like to see what happens.”

He nodded his head. “Me too.” He jumped out of the truck and almost ran around to get the door for her. He placed his hands on her hips and helped her down before reaching in for her overnight bag. “If you change your mind, all you have to do is say so. Nothing happens unless you want it to.”

BOOK: Cuffed for Pleasure
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