Curves for Breeding: Bred to Surrender (BDSM BBW Erotic Romance)

BOOK: Curves for Breeding: Bred to Surrender (BDSM BBW Erotic Romance)
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Curves for Breeding: Bred to Surrender

By Arthur Mitchell

Content copyright © Arthur Mitchell. All rights reserved.

Published in the United States of America.

First published in September, 2012.

The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance it may hold to persons living or deceased is entirely coincidental.

All individuals depicted in this work are adults over the age of eighteen years old.

About This Work


Heather Maple is in a desperate place. The twenty-nine year old plus size woman wants to have a baby, but there's no Mr. Right in sight. Only a sperm donor from a personals' ad can help. Little does she knew that the man who promises her his DNA will change her life – with more than just a child.

Leo is proud, wealthy, and devilishly handsome. Before he drags Heather home, he issues one demand: her total submission in exchange for his seed. When the donor becomes her Dom, Heather has no idea what to expect, and his tight grip over her nearly makes her flee.

Something holds her back, though, and it isn't just his rugged good looks or the intense pleasure he offers. Deep down inside, Heather is drawn to the mysterious stranger. Will serious love blossom from the fertile soil of domination before she's been bred?

This story follows Heather's journey through bedroom submission, outdoor bondage, and breeding to the ultimate reward. An erotic romance novelette of over 9,000 words.

Date With Destiny

Heather Maple looked around the cafe, staring closely at every male who entered through the large glass door. Any one of them might have been her sperm donor.

Sure, she had seen pictures of the man who had agreed to give her a baby online. But as she knew from earlier forays into online dating, reality often clashed with cookie cutter avatars. Their emails flew back and forth for months before they scheduled a meeting. It took her that long to check her sanity, but now there was no going back.

Jesus, this is really going to happen,
she thought.
I'm meeting a perfect stranger. If all goes well, I'll go back to his place, into his bedroom, and let Nature take its course.

She looked inward, ticking off the hard facts. Heather was twenty nine, nearly at her peak fertility, and there was no sign of a good man in sight.

Her family didn't have a great track record of producing babies past thirty five. If she wanted to have her first, she needed to start now, and that meant taking the only path she knew: electing a sperm donor who was fit, smart, and handsome from a personals' ad.

Leo Vogel fit all her standards. Or, at least, his online persona did. Better yet, he was an experienced breeder, claiming to have impregnated two women naturally in just as many years. Unlike most of the men, he offered financial support too.

Heather's heart began to pound. She looked at her cell phone's clock, now showing just a couple minutes past the time they had agreed on.

What if he doesn't show? Or he's ugly? Or not nearly as potent as he claims – maybe a scheme to use me for easy sex with no intention of making me pregnant?

Three dozen worse case scenarios flickered through her mind. The impure thoughts screeched to a stop when the man in the long leather jacket appeared.

His deep brown eyes darted across the room, seeking someone, seeking
He was stronger and bulkier in person than he looked in his profile. He was tall, but powerful, like a young lion standing upright.

In their emails, eh said he was thirty five. Much to her relief, there wasn't a shred of gray in his hair or a wrinkle in his face.

He lived up to his grand stats, and Heather's knees started to shake at the reality. Could it be an honest one she hadn't expected? Leo spotted her and strode forward confidently, his arms pumping at his sides.

You're Heather?” His voice had the same deep tones she had heard just twice on the phone. Unmistakable.

His huge hands reached down and wrapped around one of hers. She nearly melted and struggled to push her sweater jacket around her curves, wanting to hide from his rock hard strength, her plumpness exposed in his firm handshake.

Wait for it. The disappointment will show up in his eyes any minute,
she told herself, completely convinced.
You have only yourself to blame.

You told him you were fifteen pounds lighter than you really are. Most of your pics were face shots. He barely got a hint of your body, and now there's hiding what you really are.

Leo smiled, flashing a set of near perfect white teeth. He sat down as she stiffly pressed into her chair. Heather was surprised that his eyes hadn't changed to reflect his disappointment. Not yet, anyway.

He sat facing her, crossing his hands like a great cat stretching. “Are you really ready for this?”

Yes. I've wanted to be a mother for as long as I can remember,” Heather said, blushing. “It isn't the ideal, of course, but there isn't much choice. I want to have a baby before I get too old.”

He nodded his head. The way he moved wiped away the uncertainty in her voice. With him, Heather couldn't have found a better specimen of a man...if he still wanted her after this meeting.

You've paired up with the right man. I
get you pregnant,” he said, not lowering his voice a notch. Heather looked nervously throughout the sparsely populated cafe, embarrassed that a barista or a bystander might hear what they were planning.

Obviously, Leo had no such concerns. He reached across the table and grasped her cold hand, warming her with his palms.

Don't look so nervous. We're going to have to get to know each other a little if this is going to be a success. I know what it takes to breed. The seed will never take if the recipient is reluctant.” He gave her one last squeeze and drew back.

And you've gotten two women pregnant before?” She asked. Her heart strummed with a jealousy she couldn't understand.

Both in record time. One has a healthy one year old boy, and the other has an infant daughter. They were a little older than you, but very pretty. Not as beautiful as you by a long shot, though.” Leo didn't let up with his eyes.

They pinned her in place, drinking in the bright red that painted her silky white cheeks. Heather mouthed her thanks and excused herself, offering to buy him a drink.

She struggled to collect her thoughts at the counter.
Am I dreaming yet? A man like this actually adores the way I look? Or maybe he's just saying that...

The hot cups of coffee and green tea pressed into her hands. The heat couldn't extinguish the cold doubt swirling through her head. She hated it, but prejudices clung to her like a shield for survival.

Nothing like this had happened to her before. The men Heather dated were immature young men between their first jobs and grad school. Or else older professionals, who quickly communicated their differences in mind and body.

But this isn't a date,
she reminded herself.

Thanks,” he said, taking his coffee and sucking up a long drag from the mug. “I hope you're not intimidated by all this. I know what it can be like, meeting someone from the web for the first time. You never quite know what you're going to get...”

I know the feeling. I was worried that you would be a fifty year old guy with a pot belly in person.” The air seemed to lighten between them.

Well, that wouldn't be very good for getting pregnant. I'm not that old yet. Much to your relief, no doubt.” Leo watched her nodding enthusiastically with a smile on his face. Then the thin curl darkened. “Let me be frank: I haven't told you everything I need to make this happen.”

The calm collapsed.
Oh, God. Here it comes,
she thought, questioning him with her wide eyes.

You've already said that you're comfortable with doing this naturally. That's great. I want to have more than a little base fun. Heather, if you want my sperm, I'm going to make you work for it. Have you ever been into BDSM?”

The abbreviated word clamored loudly in her head, each letter dinging like a huge bell. She hadn't participated in domination or submission before. The idea intrigued her, but she feared the extremes. How far did he intend to go, beyond whips and chains?

No, I haven't done that. It's not a deal killer.”
Or not much of one,
she thought, her deepest instincts rebelling against her words. “I told you I wanted to have some fun while we're doing this...but what do you have in mind?” She asked.

Nothing less than your submission. I promise that I will never hurt you. If anything I do is ever too much, just say so. I respect a woman's boundaries, but I want you to try to work through the fear. The pay off will be worth me,” he said. “I treat pleasure like architecture.”

The two didn't have many similarities in Heather's mind. Still, she couldn't help being drawn to the mystery of what he had planned...

I'll do my best,” she said. Anything to keep him happy for a shot at getting the best sperm she could. There was no candidate better than Leo Vogel. Her knees pressed together, drawn by the rising heat, fueled by primitive instincts firing in her subconscious.

Leo picked up his cup and gulped the last of his coffee. His eyes never lifted from her, shining with thirst for something more than French Roast. He set it down with a click.

Come on. If we're going to do this, it makes sense to start tonight.” He reached for her hand and he led her away, locked at the elbow.

Okay. Just give me your address and I'll meet you in your driveway,” Heather said, her mind spinning. In fact, it was probably too early in her cycle to fall pregnant. That didn't matter – she had no intention of passing up this opportunity.

He scrawled his house number on a slip of paper and pressed it into her hand. “See you there. We can begin right away.”

She watched him disappear into a silver Lexus, just one more sign of his towering status. As soon as she got on the road behind him in her older Toyota, Heather had to fight to steer the car.

The rational part of her mind mutinied against what was about to happen. Heather's hands threatened to turn the steering wheel, taking the nearest branch off the main road at every stop light, anywhere away from his neighborhood. Soon, there would be no turning back.

It only took twenty minutes to get to his home. She trailed him through the forest, once again letting doubt cloud her thoughts.

What if he isn't what he seems? Coming from any other man, his open preference for the hardcore stuff would be a huge red flag.

For all you know, he could be drawing you into the woods without more than a storage shed in sight. You barely know this man.

She shook her head. Just when it seemed that the vast expanse of Midwestern wildness was opening up, his car turned onto a narrow road. A few minutes later, they parked on the long driveway to one of the largest homes she had ever seen.

His mini-mansion towered upward, rising up as the only mark of civilization on several acres of forested land. Heather stopped the car and got out, pausing behind him as she took in his wide roof.

The house couldn't have cost less than a two or three million dollars. Probably much more. No one in her family had owned such a monstrosity, the ultimate sign of grand wealth.

At least my son will be well taken care of,
she thought with a smile.
I wonder what other surprises are waiting inside?

She only awoke from her glamor induced trance when Leo walked over and took her by the hand. “Let's go inside. It's just a short walk up to the bedroom.”

BOOK: Curves for Breeding: Bred to Surrender (BDSM BBW Erotic Romance)
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