Read Curves for Three (Quick & Sexy Wolves Book 1) Online

Authors: Zoey Thames

Tags: #billionaire, #menage, #werewolves, #erotic romance, #BBW

Curves for Three (Quick & Sexy Wolves Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Curves for Three (Quick & Sexy Wolves Book 1)
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They mostly stayed in the area around the limo, and they kept clear of the other humans out and about in the park. Everyone maintained a respectful distance from the two wolves, though quite a few tourists took pictures with their cell phone cameras before moving on. Vicki grimaced, thinking a wealthy and powerful man like Davidson Kenner would shun photos and publicity, but he seemed to pay it no mind. He mostly focused on racing and fighting with Mick’s wolf. She wondered if she should’ve brought a ball for fetch. Then she covered her mouth to hide her smile while chastising herself for the humor that would probably have offended them if she’d blabbed it out loud.

Once Kenner even shot past her at full speed where she was standing close to the black limo. He startled a surprised “Eeep!” out of her when he effortlessly jumped past her. She would’ve sworn that his wolf tongue had flashed out and
her across the cheek as he’d sailed past. She touched her cheek after he’d run off again, and her fingertip came away wet. Had he really given her a wolf-kiss…or had she just been hit with flying drool as he’d flown by? Whichever it had been, she had a professional demeanor to maintain at all times. After all, she’d been hit in the face by stranger things at other points in this job. Well, ice cream and a full glass of vodka—nothing kinkier than that, thank God.

But the wolves were fun to watch. She wished she had accepted the offer to run with them. Why did she have to be so damn professional and uptight all the time? What would it take to get her to cut loose? She always wanted to, but when the time came to jump, she never jumped.

Still, these two men were very sexy. She couldn’t help but indulge in a little fantasy of her own to pass the time while she waited for them to be done. Oh, let’s see. Maybe she could watch as the scary-looking bodyguard wrapped his lips around Davidson’s long cock. His muscles would bulge and writhe under his skin as he slowly worked his mouth up and down on his boss’s dick. Davidson would have his head thrown back, losing himself in the pleasure, his lips half parted and his breathing quick. His expression would be so pure, so open as he gave himself to the pleasure. He wouldn’t care what the world thought. He was a man who took what he wanted and didn’t hesitate, didn’t make apologies. The kind of person she wanted to be… Her nipples tightened with arousal, and heat pooled between her thighs as the tension there increased, tension that could only be put to rest by a man’s cock or tongue or fingers—

A loud growl snapped her out of her sex fantasy, and her eyes flew open in alarm. The growl wasn’t a threat to her. The two wolves were circling each other, ears back, growling and showing teeth. Fear shot through her at the sight of the two massive creatures squaring off. She didn’t know what to do. She wasn’t supposed to get involved in any type of paranormal ruckus. It was company policy. She bit at her finger and debated whether she should call out to the two men she was driving around, call her supervisor for advice, or call the police.

Before she could reach a decision, the wolves sprang at each other. They bit and snapped and tore at one another. Circling around, charging and retreating. She watched with her heart in her throat, completely dismayed by the sight. She’d been having a fantasy of these two powerful men fucking each other, and now in the real world they were trying to kill each other. Why did men have to be so damn stupid?

A few seconds later it was over. Davidson’s wolf pinned Mick’s wolf down and had his teeth at the other wolf’s throat, ready to bite down. Mick’s black and tan wolf kept very still and whined in submission.

“Don’t!” she called out, raising her hand and keeping her tone pleading. “Don’t kill him!”

The gray wolf let go and sat on its haunches, looking at her with its head cocked to the side and a big wolfish grin on its face. She would’ve sworn it was
at her.

The other wolf scrambled to his feet and a second later both werewolves shifted back into human form. Where there had been two beautiful wolves a second before there were now two stunningly sexy men.

Davidson was still grinning. He elbowed his bodyguard playfully. “She didn’t want me to kill you.”

“I agree with that sentiment,” the man replied, his expression dead serious.

Davidson laughed and looked at her. “Miss, you don’t have to worry. That was just a game. To keep the fighting skill sharp and blow off a little steam.”

“So…so you weren’t fighting?”

“Oh, we were fighting. But our wounds heal fast. See?” He swept a hand down his muscled body. All the wounds and bite marks from the fight had already healed over and vanished. “Werewolf healing ability. That’s why we can play rough.” He glanced at the bodyguard. “How does it feel to lose again, Mick?”

“I let you win, boss.”

“Yeah, right. I’ll let you save face. Tonight only.” He flexed his muscles. Despite not being as big as the bodyguard, he was still very buff and cut. “Your alpha’s still got it, don’t ever forget that, you damn pup.”

Mick glanced at her and rolled his eyes. She covered her mouth to hide a laugh. She was starting to warm up to the scary bodyguard. He didn’t seem like such a bad guy once you got past his serious face and intense expressions, looking as though she were a fluffy bunny he might like to eat.

There was an awkward silence as she grew increasingly aware that both men were very naked and very attractive. She didn’t need any help getting wetter. She was already soaking her panties from earlier, imagining the two of them loving each other in that secret little fantasy of hers. She didn’t want them to realize how turned on she was, although it was probably too late for that. Didn’t they say a werewolf could scent a woman’s arousal from a hundred feet away?

“Um,” she said and cleared her throat. “If we’re done here…”

Davidson smiled warmly at her. “Does our nudity make you nervous? I apologize. I’m so used to seeing the human body naked that it doesn’t even faze me anymore.” He looked into her eyes and his gaze grew hotter. “Although there are some bodies I would love to see undressed…”

“We don’t always get what we want, boss,” Mick cut in, but the look in his eyes was equally scorching. For the first time she sensed her body’s attraction to him as well, mixed with her wariness, almost fear of him, and the combination made her head spin.

“Sadly, that’s true,” Davidson agreed. “But maybe tonight we’ll get lucky. Like this.”

Davidson grabbed the other man around the back of the neck, turned him and kissed him, all in one motion so smooth it was like watching a wild predator go for the kill. But instead of going for the throat, he went for the lips. Mick closed his eyes as him mouth was claimed, and he growl-groaned in the most sexiest of ways. As she gaped at them lost in their deep kiss, she couldn’t help but notice their cocks beginning to stiffen.

She felt heat burning on her cheeks, and her nipples were so tight she thought the friction of her uniform would drive her mad. God, she was so horny for them.

Davidson broke the kiss and looked at her. His eyes sparked with lust and his cock was long and half-stiff. She wanted nothing more than to wrap her small hands around it and stroke it until it was fully erect. Then put her mouth on it and taste him. Lick the tip and tease her way down to his balls—

“But enough of giving the world a free show,” Davidson said. His voice was low and rumbling with the threat of barely contained lust. “Let’s get back on our way to the office. Duty calls.”

The two of them headed to the car, and she held the door open for them. She shouldn’t have stolen appreciative glances at their butts as they climbed in, but she did anyway. Perk of the job, dealing with shifters.

What a crazy night so far. And it wasn’t over yet.


* * *



“I always feel better after some time as a wolf,” Davidson said, stretching and working out a sore spot where his body was still healing from a bite wound. They’d dressed in the back of the limo and they were back in New York traffic, but he already missed the park. Mick could fight like a tornado. It was good that Davidson was alpha and only had to use his strength on occasion. If he had to battle wolves as strong as Mick every night he’d be too tired for other diversions. Speaking of which… “She liked watching.”

“We scared her half to death,” Mick replied. “She thought we were killing each other.”

“She doesn’t know werewolves that well.” He shrugged. “But it’s a common mistake with humans. Turned her on though, didn’t it?”

Mick nodded slowly, his glance at the partition where the pretty Vicki was in the driver seat was heated and speculative. “Maybe she likes males hammering on each other.”

“That’s a double entendre if I ever heard one.”

“I wasn’t sure you’d pick it up, boss. Not unless I drew you a map.”

Davidson shot his hand out, grabbed Mick around the throat, and dragged him close. They were face to face when Davidson claimed his mouth, crushing his lips against the other man. Mick had his hands on Davidson’s chest as if he’d thought to push himself free for a second, before the kiss seared the thought from his mind. Davidson owned him for a moment, feeling his bodyguard’s cock stiffening in his trousers. He was hard as a rock as well, hard with lust for Mick and for the curvaceous Vicki, so sexy in her uniform and her wide hazel eyes, so filled with conflict and temptation.

He ruled Mick’s mouth for as long as he wanted, then playfully shoved the other man down into the opposite seat and grinned at him.

Mick was breathing hard. The long outline of his erect cock was clearly visible against his trousers. He wiped lips swollen from the force of the kiss and smirked at Davidson. “Now kiss her like that and she’ll be ours.”

“I have a better idea,” Davidson said.

And after he explained it, all Mick could do was smile.





The limo was too damn hot Vicki decided as she fiddled with the air conditioning. She knew it wasn’t the limo, though. It was her. She was overheating, thinking of that kiss between Davidson Kenner and his bodyguard. She’d never before believed she could be that turned on by the sight of a man’s love for another man, despite her occasional fantasies. Just her luck, though. Davidson Keller the werewolf billionaire would turn out to prefer men. Because, of course he would. He was too perfect to be straight.

She sighed. Now she had a problem. She was sitting here with damp panties wet with her own arousal, the tightening ache of lust deep in her pussy distracting her thoughts, and with no relief in sight. She couldn’t even get herself off, fantasizing about being in the middle of a kiss between Davidson and his bodyguard while masturbating until she found sweet release. She couldn’t because she was on shift and would be until Davidson no longer needed the limo.

Hopefully that wouldn’t be too much longer. She’d nearly finished driving him to his downtown Manhattan offices. She could see the skyscraper ahead, all lit up. Part of her didn’t want the night to end. It had been one of the most surprising and exciting she’d had in a long time. She wished it would go on longer. But another part of her was glad. She didn’t know how much more she could take before she did something stupid or foolish and embarrassed either herself or the company. Good lord, Davidson Keller naked? She’d nearly fallen over. And his bodyguard Mick was just as hot. He might not be as handsome, but his body was even larger and more heavily muscled than Davidson’s, chiseled like a Greek god’s.

A girl could only take so much.

She turned into the entrance to the skyscraper’s lot, checking in with security and waiting as they raised the security gate. She turned into the underground parking area, curving around the ramp, and started for the private elevators that led to the topmost floors. She’d park in the loading zone and let Davidson—no, Mr. Kenner—and his bodyguard out right near the elevators and wish them a good night. Then she’d go home and either take a cold shower or settle for a marathon session with her vibrator. She only hoped she had enough batteries to satisfy herself.

The intercom came on, and Davidson’s smooth voice sounded over the speaker. “Vicki, would you mind parking the limo for a little while? We need a few minutes before we’re ready to head up.”

“Of course, Mr. Kenner,” she answered. Well, what the client wants was what the client got. Seemed as if she’d get her wish. Some of it, anyway. The night wasn’t going to end, but she’d have to spend it waiting and squirming in the front of this limo while Davidson and Mick did whatever they were doing back there. Not for the first time she wished she had some way to see what was going on in the rear of the limo. She didn’t know why the thought of two hot alpha male-looking men loving and fucking each other turned her on so badly, but it did. Her nipples were tight and she felt almost drunk with need and lust after imagining the scene, both of them naked and embracing. Their cocks hard as they touched each other, rubbing their dicks against one another—

Damn, it was a good thing she wasn’t driving at the moment. She might just crash into something. Maybe she’d spend some time in the back of the limo after dropping them off. The tinted privacy windows would shield her from the building’s cameras. The scent of the two men would still be in the air. She could finger herself until she came and take the edge off a little.

She cruised the underground parking area until she found open space large enough to park the limo. It was near one of the building’s outer walls, away from the elevators and the other sedans and luxury cars. She turned off the engine and took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. A quick glance in the mirror showed her that her uniform was still in good shape, but her cheeks were flushed. No helping that, she guessed.

Davidson’s voice came over the intercom again, startling her because she hadn’t expected to hear from him yet.

“Vicki, we’re ready to get out. Would you please see to the door?”

More heat flooded her face, but this time it wasn’t arousal, she was embarrassed that she might’ve screwed up. “Immediately, sir.”

BOOK: Curves for Three (Quick & Sexy Wolves Book 1)
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