Read Curvy Like A Witch Online

Authors: Sage Domini

Tags: #erotica, #halloween, #werewolf, #witch, #bbw, #curvy

Curvy Like A Witch (2 page)

BOOK: Curvy Like A Witch
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Draco gunned the engine and pulled
into a neighboring parking garage. He did not speak until he had
set the car in park. Then he looked directly at me. His sculpted
features were inscrutable. My breath quickened as his gaze traveled
down the contours of my body, then back up to my face. I went weak
as his eyes met mine and I recognized his look of need. “This is
it,” he said.

The building seemed deserted, but was
not as run down as it appeared from the outside. Draco switched on
some dim lights and led me to a freight elevator. Some vague part
of my mind whispered with fear but it was drowned out by the wet
want between my legs.

When he had closed the elevator doors
and pushed the button to ascend, he spoke again. “You did not tell
me your name.”

“I’m Celeste.” I cleared my throat.
“I’m a college student.”

Draco peered at me and smirked, as if
he recognized the lie. But would he have believed the truth? The
official story behind Phoenix House was we were a very devout
religious order. Well, it wasn’t a complete

I felt rather breathless being this
close to Draco, especially in light of what we were heading
upstairs to do. Witches were encouraged to avoid contact with men,
lest temptation breed. Draco, however, seemed utterly at ease,
leaning against the back of the elevator and idly watching its
upward clanging progress.

The doors opened directly to
comfortable living quarters. I relaxed slightly. The loft was
decorated tastefully in muted tones of dark red and gray. The
gigantic windows ran nearly floor to ceiling and a large bed waited
casually in the corner.

Marcus threw his keys on the counter
and opened the glossy black refrigerator. “Drink?”

“No, but thank you.” I awkwardly
searched for something to say. I was suddenly painfully aware that
the sum of my Halloweens did not add up to much in the annals of
experience. I really did not know what to say to a man, nor what he
expected of me. Especially since he certainly considered me an
expert woman of the night.

I wandered over to the window. There
were few lights close by. I wondered how my sisters were faring in
the distant glitter downtown.


He startled me when he came from
behind, reaching around to cup my heavy breasts. He had removed his
shirt. The heat of his skin and the musky scent of his aftershave
unleashed fresh waves of desire and I moaned. With movement so slow
it was pure torture he reached under my throat and untied my cloak,
letting it spill to the floor. I could feel the rise of his male
arousal against my back. He would not allow me to turn around,
instead slowly peeling my gown first from one shoulder, then the
other. As the material rolled slowly over my breasts the
anticipation was almost painful. That secret part of me beseeched
to be explored, but Draco was taking his time. It was with great
extent that I did not assist in the downward progress of my
clothing. I sensed it pleased him to undress me slowly. He swept my
long red hair aside and let me head roll back into his hard
shoulder. He moved his hand further down and then further still,
towards that warm, impatient channel. Dimly I realized I was
completely visible to anyone passing on the street or watching out
of neighborhood windows. I did not care a whit.

Finally, the gown was lost and only my
wet panties remained. His hand moved with purpose and skill to
stimulate that tender stub of sensation which guarded my opening. I
rubbed against his hand, silently willing a harder, faster motion,
but he only teased. I groaned with heady impatience. Surely he
wouldn’t make me wait much longer. Surely he would-

The piercing howl broke the mood as I
instantly recognized it for it was. Momentarily a second, and then
a third shrill call joined the first. I pulled away, but Draco
snaked a hand around my tightly around my belly and whispered with
urgency. “My brethren. Don’t be afraid. You will not be

His hand moved to cup my moist mound.
My heart beat with rapid fear as I understood. “Your brethren?
You’re a…” But his grip on me was so tight and his torturous
fingers had begun circling with rapid pressure. I was lost in
sensation. He could have informed he was the devil personified and
I would not have broken the embrace.

“A werewolf,” his raspy voice
confirmed. He tore away the satin fabric with one fluid motion and
buried several fingers deep in that desperate slit. I rocked
against him with no thought other than satisfying the pleading

Draco knew just how to play his
instrument of choice as he teased and withdrew. He reached around
with his other hand and opened me with both of his thumbs and the
jolt of electricity threatened to bring me to climax. He turned me,
moving his hands around my wide hips, and began an avid massage of
my backside as he bent to suckle my breasts. My nipples were
painfully hard as they fought to win the attentions of his mouth.
Suddenly he rose and looked down into my eyes. “Now you know what I
am. And Celeste, I always knew what you were.”

I wanted him to resume his activities
in the worst way. “I’m not a hooker.”

His laugh was a throaty rumble. He was
genuinely amused. “I know that, Miss Celeste. You are a

I gasped. But of course a werewolf
would be able to recognize a witch. I should have known him for
what he was but in the giddy expectancy of the night I had failed.
With supreme reluctance I bent to retrieve my gown. I could not
possibly bed a werewolf. It simply wasn’t done.

Draco seized my hand and brought it to
the solid swell in his pants. As I weakly pushed him away, he
grabbed my other arm and pinned it behind my back. His mouth
covered mine and his tongue was inside instantly, demanding what
his body would insist on. He broke the kiss and looked at me with
fierce hunger. “No one need ever know.”

I shook my head and faintly attempted
to pull back. “I can’t,” I whispered.

His large hands gripped me tightly. I
ceased struggling. “You will,” he said with supreme certainty. He
placed a finger inside my lips and I tasted my own desire. He ran
his tongue along the deep valley between my breasts. He was right.
He wanted me and he would have me because I wanted it even

I unwrapped that hard muscle in his
pants. He pushed the clothing aside as I stared at his manhood. I
had never seen one so large. I ached to have it inside

But he wasn’t ready to reward me. Not
yet. Not until he had taken something for himself first. He grabbed
my long red hair at the roots and pushed me down. I had limited
practice with what he had in mind, but I was eager to cooperate. I
longed to feel the shudder of his powerful body and know that I had
brought it. “Lick,” he whispered. “Slowly. Yes. Now in your mouth.
All of it, witch.”

He grew so hard I knew he must be
close. Suddenly he pushed my head away. Strong arms gripped me and
I was brought to my feet. His kiss spoke of a necessity I had never
felt before. I followed his lead as he propelled me backwards. That
hot shaft tried to bore into my soft belly, searching feverishly
for the moist cavern which would satisfy.

I tripped slightly as we reached the
edge of the bed but Draco caught me. He lifted me as if I were a
doll and threw me back onto the bed. As he parted my legs and
prepared to enter me I realized he was in complete control. He
would pilot my body and I was a hapless follower. I also realized
this was exactly what I had always craved.

The first thrust was the rough entry I
had longed for ever since he leaned out of the car and spoke.
Secret self pleasure was a poor substitute for the real flesh. I
let out involuntary moans of ecstasy as he filled me to
organ-bending depths. There was nothing else on earth but this
bottomless craving. Every nerve at my center reached out to beg for
a piece of fulfillment.

And then it came. Distantly I heard my
piercing shriek as every tender part of my body howled with bliss.
I was lost, adrift in an eternal orgasm as time passed and my
throat grew raw from screaming. When the pleasure began to recede,
Draco moved quickly. He swung my leg upwards until it rested on his
shoulder. My climax began anew as he reached places which hadn’t
yet been touched. He threw my other leg over his shoulder and
pounded once more. My ankles crossed behind his neck as I was
rocked by yet another starburst.

Suddenly he withdrew. He bent my legs
at the knee and pushed them back into the plush coverlet. The
tattoo of a long black claw ran down his left bicep. His body
glistened with the efforts of passion. But he wasn’t done with me.
He had yet to fully enjoy himself.

The plunge was merciless. The reach of
his organ was enormous. I found myself nosing against his torso and
licked the salty skin. We locked in frenetic rhythm for a seeming
eternity until I felt it. The werewolf trembled between my legs and
unleashed the hot jet of his soul. On his final thrust he tossed
his head backward and issued a primal howl which spoke of conquest
and possession. Distantly, others answered.

Fully spent, Draco collapsed on top of
me. Silently I chastised myself for all my worldly assumptions
about the acts which fulfill the body. I had known so little. Draco
rolled off, his eyes closed. I traced the chiseled contours of his
tanned face. He grinned and arched an eyebrow. “Hell, I’ve always
wanted to have a witch.” He playfully grabbed a handful of my thigh
flesh. “I knew you would be juicier than any of the

I sat up. “Did you follow

He shrugged. “Sure.”

“Pretty nervy, even for a werewolf.
What would your pack say?”

Draco reached into a gray metal side
table and withdrew a pack of cigarettes. He lit one, thoughtful.
“They would have called me foolish.” He grinned. “You know, witches
don’t have a reputation for enjoying themselves. I took a chance

I took the cigarette from his lips and
inhaled myself. The smoke added to the sensuality of the moment.
“What chance?”

“Nothing a wolf hates more than a
sorry fuck.”

I blew smoke at the ceiling. “I hope I
didn’t disappoint you.”

“Hardly.” He propped up on an elbow
and looked at me. A curl of hair fell in my eyes and he brushed it
away. “You’re the best I’ve ever had.” He pulled me into his lap,
spreading my legs. “In fact, I need to have you again.”

Incredibly, he was hard. I knew how
unlike a mortal man this recovery was. I was ready though. Despite
the hazy soreness which plagued my lower half, I wanted him inside
me again. However, I remembered my limitations. I had been wearing
a watch at some point but it had been misplaced. I looked around
for a clock. Draco massaged my breasts. “We have plenty of time
Celeste. It is only 8 pm.”

I was relieved. During our long sex
play I had lose all sense of time. Draco pushed himself inside me
as I straddled him. He showed me how to make the rhythm. I came
again with little effort. I already missed the sweetness of it as I
knew it would be over all too soon. Draco seemed to sense my mood.
His kiss was tender. Then suddenly he flipped me onto my stomach,
spreading my legs. “Ah, that ripe ass. I just want to bite it.” I
yelped as he did exactly that but more from shock than pain. He had
not sunk too deeply. He took me again, this time from behind. I
rose on my elbows to better meet the arch of his thrusts. My
nipples grazed the soft bed and hardened. Draco grasped me around
the middle and leaned us both backwards. My back slid against his
chest as he rocked us both in a perpetual heat of peaks and
valleys. I yelled his name. I shouted my desires to do crazy, dirty
things I had not even realized resided in my mind.

Several times I caught Draco’s wry
grin and realized he found me amusing. I wondered if he would boast
to his pack about how he had twisted a witch into a writhing animal
of desire one Halloween night. I would not be able to do the same.
Oddly, the thought of Mother Alma’s face should I tell her of my
exploits with a werewolf threw me into a wild laughing

Draco raised an eyebrow. “Something

I shook my head. “No. Please continue

And so he returned to his task at hand
which involved his tongue and my abused yet glowing insides. I
gripped the sides of the blanket as he brought me to yet another
shattering moment. I wanted to return the favor. He rose to his
feet and I sunk to my knees. I was determined to taste that secret
juice which had filled me until it overflowed, running down my
legs. He gripped me by the hair and showed me the rhythm which
pleased him. I drew him out of my mouth and licked the soft pouch
behind the shaft, filling my mouth with the cottony flesh. He
groaned and issued a terse command. “Now. Swallow.” I took his
length in my mouth until the head of that mighty dick touched the
back of my throat. And when that warm liquid coated me I swallowed
it in one mighty gulp.

Draco was calling to the moon and to
god in a cloud of orgasmic bliss. “Ah Celeste, I knew I had to have

It seemed every muscle in my body
fizzed with the exploits of the last few hours. Draco had seemed
pleased when I wanted to be taken in front of the window. “They’ll
see,” he said. And I didn’t know if he was talking about passing
humans or wandering werewolves or other creatures of the

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