Dallas [Wolfe Brothers 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

BOOK: Dallas [Wolfe Brothers 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Wolfe Brothers 3


Crista McGuire has had a crush on Dallas Wolfe since she was a teenager. After being turned down by Dallas when she was eighteen, she moves on with her life. She goes to college and comes home to live her life away from him. After delivering a message for her brother, she finds herself up against him for the first time in years.

Dallas is mad as hell. Not only has she hidden herself away from him, but she managed to miss all the family get-togethers that he had been invited to as well. He can’t believe how much she’s changed both physically and in her personality—or how much he still wants her. When her life is threatened, Dallas comes to the rescue. Can she let go of her anger and embrace her submissive tendencies in order to achieve true happiness?

BDSM, Contemporary

20,313 words



Wolfe Brothers 3






Kaylee Feagans










Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance




Copyright © 2013 by Kaylee Feagans

E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-042-1


First E-book Publication: January 2013


Cover design by Harris Channing

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Wolfe Brothers 3



Copyright © 2013






Chapter 1


Cristal looked around the reception area. Her brother, Ryan, married his high school sweetheart, Cara, a month after Cristal’s graduation. She was the maid of honor while Dallas Wolfe, her brother’s best friend, was the best man. Her eyes had lovingly followed Dallas through most of the wedding and reception. He’d looked so good in his tuxedo. Before she’d realized it, he was standing in front of her, holding out his hand, and was leading her out onto the dance floor.

She let her body meld into his as he swayed with her slowly. At the end of the song, he led her to an empty room. She’d hoped that the wedding had inspired him, but after he’d closed the door, he leaned against it with an almost-angry expression on his face.

“Cristal, I want you to know that I think you’re a special girl. If I had a sister, I’d want her to be just like you.”

That put her back up because she didn’t think of
as a brother. She thought of him as a man, a man that could make all her innocent dreams come true. “I’m not your sister, Dallas. I’m a single woman.”

He laughed at her. “You’re just a little girl in a woman’s body. You have no idea of what a man really wants from a woman—or what I need from one.” He angrily walked to stand in front of her, his big hands brushing the tears off of her cheeks. “You’ve got forever in your eyes, Cristal McGuire.” He brushed a soft, chaste kiss against the corner of her mouth. “I’m not a forever kind of man.”

“But I love…”

He stood back angrily, his hands clenched tightly into fists at his sides. “Bullshit! You’ve got a schoolgirl crush.”


His silver eyes looked at her wildly before a certain calm settled over him. “You aren’t woman enough for me. I won’t tell you again. Stay the hell away from me, Cristal.”

Her aqua-colored eyes watched him leave as her heart shattered into a billion pieces at her feet. She didn’t return to the wedding reception. And she promised herself that she wouldn’t come near him ever again. She would get over him. She could be happy without him in her life. She hoped.

He shook as he stepped away from her. That had been the hardest damned thing he’d ever done. Just yesterday, Ry had had a little discussion with him. And it hadn’t been the first one. He’d been told that if their relationship had ever meant anything to him, he’d let Cristal go. She’d been too young, Ry insisted, to even think of settling down with him. Dallas also didn’t have the best track record for long-term relationships, and Ry didn’t want to see his baby sister broken hearted. Or worse yet, broken hearted and pregnant.


* * * *


Seven years later, she and her friends were going to a bar called Hell’s Place. Cristal had never been there, but it was the talk of the county. She and a few of her coworkers were going there to blow off some steam before they started on another big project for the state of Missouri.

Most of her coworkers were male and a little older than she was, but they treated her like the little sister they’d never had. There was only one coworker that she had any problems with, and lucky for her, he hadn’t planned on coming with them.

There were a few patrons sitting at tables when she walked into the bar. Walking up to the bar, she motioned for the bartender. Lord, he was hot, too. Six feet of hard muscles. She bet he’d suit up just fine.

She plastered on her best business smile as he sauntered over to her. She felt his blue eyes trace her body from head to toe and back again. “How can I help you, ma’am?” She didn’t know where he got that southern drawl from, but it made her insides melt.

“Can I please get a sloe screw?” she replied with a smile.

“I’m sure I could help you out with that!” The bartender leaned one muscled arm onto the bar and reached for her with the other.

She stepped back before he could make contact. She didn’t mind looking at the merchandise or even flirting a bit, but she wasn’t letting just anyone touch her. “I’m sure you could, too, in some things, but I was talking about the drink. I’ll be punished if my friends don’t see something cool and liquidy in my hand.”

“You don’t like being punished?”

She smiled. “It de—”

“Do I pay you to flirt, McCajah?” She steeled herself as she heard his voice, a rough bass sound that had always sent shivers straight to her clit. What the hell was Dallas Wolfe doing here?

“He was just being friendly.” She turned her body so that she could halfway see him. Oh damn, why couldn’t he have gotten old and ugly? Dammit, he looked better now than he had before. Faded denim jeans encased his hard, muscular legs. “Hell’s Place” was emblazoned across the black T-shirt that was molded to his chest. His long, dark brown hair was pulled into a braid down his back. Some things never changed.

Silver eyes narrowed onto her. “Cristal?”

She didn’t look like the girl she’d once been. Before she’d been reed thin and willowy, but now she had lush curves and an ass that made him instantly hard. Her jeans hugged that sweet ass almost as well as the collared shirt she wore cupped her tits. She was his best friend’s kid sister. She was his best friend’s kid sister—he had to remember that!

“Hi, Dallas.” She stuck her hands out in front of her as if to ward him off. “I didn’t know you would be here. I’m sorry. I’ll go.” She gave a smile to the bartender with a quick “see you around,” and she was walking toward the door. He watched the gentle sway of her ass with each step she took. He knew he was drooling, but it didn’t matter.

“I bet that’s a hot piece of ass,” McCajah stated before he was forced against the back wall with Dallas’s hand painfully wrapped around his neck.

“You won’t have a chance to find out. You got me?” Molten fury filled his eyes, and Dallas held his friend and bartender in place with his much bigger stout body.

“Damned straight, boss. I wouldn’t touch her ass if you paid me to.”

Dallas released him with a quick reminder. “Better not be touching any other of her damned parts either, you bastard.”

“No, sir!” McCajah smiled, his brilliant, toothpaste-commercial teeth gleaming under the florescent lights. “I didn’t know she was yours. All you had to do was say something.” He rubbed his big, square jaw then replied, “However, should you need a third, I’m available.”

Dallas shook his head and started after Cristal. What the hell was she doing with a pack of men? He could feel himself foaming at the mouth. They needed to get the hell away from her. With that intent, he walked up behind her and listened.

“I’m sorry, guys, but I just remembered that I left my curling iron on and I need to shut it off before it burns my house down.”

“Cristal, you don’t curl your hair.” Damn the new guy for having to point out her lie.

“Can’t we just pretend?”

“No, you can’t.” She could feel the heat of his body against her back and smell the unique male scent that was all Dallas Wolfe. “Why don’t you stay here?”

BOOK: Dallas [Wolfe Brothers 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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