Read Dangerous Deputy Online

Authors: Talya Bosco

Tags: #Erotic Contemporary

Dangerous Deputy (6 page)

BOOK: Dangerous Deputy
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“So far we’ve had loads of sex. It’s time to make love.”

Oh, God
. Her heart went pitter-patter and her knees weak at the solemnity of his voice. She knew he wasn’t saying he was in love with her, but the promise of making love, of making the act of sex something more, filled her with a warmth that was totally unexpected.

He walked over to his MP3 player and fiddled with it for a minute or two before turning back to her. Soft melodies filled the room. Smooth jazz, more relaxing than seductive, but it set the mood perfectly.

“I don’t think we have really done this properly yet,” he said as he reached out for her head. He cupped her cheek and leaned in for a kiss.

She closed her eyes as he grew closer, holding her breath.

His lips were warm and full, lying on hers gently, caressing. Tingles ran down her jaw, her neck, exploding in her chest as he continued his soft exploration.

She opened her lips slightly to inhale, and he matched the movement, his tongue darting out to touch hers, before retreating once again.

God, the man knew how to kiss. She decided she’d be willing to stay like this for the rest of eternity as long as he continued doing what he was doing.

When his tongue slid into her mouth to dance with hers, the moan that escaped her mouth was completely involuntary. She clutched at his shoulders, holding him tight. By the time he pulled back, her pulse was in triple digits, and her heart was doing its best to beat its way out of her chest.

He looked at her and caressed her cheek with his thumb before moving in to kiss her other cheek. He worked his way down her jaw, to her ear, down her neck. He grasped her hair and pulled it to the other side, licking, sucking, nipping at the side of her neck, driving her insane. She shook as sparks shot down her torso, straight to her core.

Gentle waves of desire fought with darts of electricity in response to his attention. Her head fell back as she relaxed into his hold, letting him do whatever he wanted to her.

She was barely aware of his hands on the edge of her shirt, but when he tugged it up, she raised her arms to allow him further access to her body.

He slowly walked behind her and pulled her ass against his body, his hand spread out on her bare stomach, hips moving to the music. She moved with him, the music coursing through her veins. His mouth didn’t stop moving either. He continued nipping and kissing. Caressing her neck, shoulders, everywhere he could reach. His touch was gentle, arousing her further with each stroke. Flutters of desire spread throughout her body.

She was putty in his hands, moving whichever way he directed, eager for him to continue.

Her head was forward, his hands sliding her bra straps down when he leaned into her and whispered, “New rule. No bras allowed at my place. I want to be able to reach you, touch you whenever you are near. It’s been driving me crazy today being good.”

He unclasped the offending garment and slid it off her. He tossed it away before gently grasping her breasts. He cupped them, caressing them, holding them as though they were precious to him.

This wasn’t just sex. The man was making love to her. Every stroke, every touch sent tendrils of desire, of need, coursing through her. She was alive in his arms, safe and utterly content.

His hips hadn’t stopped moving against her, and she arched against his hands, eager for more. Her body tingled wherever they touched.

He pinched her nipples. She jumped at the sensation. She tried to turn around, wanting to hold him, to kiss him again, but he kept her where she was, tightening his hold on her, continuing his blessed torturing of her body.

Dennis slid his hands over her body, down her torso, to her waist, and then up to her shoulders. Heat radiated from his touch, melting her deeper into his hold. His kisses grew softer. His breath skimmed over her skin. She moaned at the sensation. “Don’t move,” he whispered. He slipped away only long enough to pull his shirt off and then pressed his naked chest against her back. She continued moving to the music, moving with him, against him, letting the music take over her body.

He reached down to her jeans, and she sucked in her breath as he slowly unbuttoned them and slid the zipper down tooth by tooth. He slid a hand in and cupped her mons over her panties.

She let out the breath she hadn’t realized she’d still been holding. She didn’t know where to concentrate. Every inch of her body was pressed against his, and everywhere they met, her skin was heating up into an inferno.

Julia had loved dancing all her life, but never before had she been so aware of the ability of music to convey a mood, a feeling, an experience. They stood like that, moving with the music, nothing more sexual than where his hands lay and she felt closer to fulfillment than she did in the middle of an orgasm.

The song changed, and with it, his motions. He dropped his hand into her panties. His fingers slipped between her quivering lips, sliding through the liquid her body had created. The calluses on the tips of his fingers scraped her lips, causing small jolts of sensation. Her tension built. His fingers dipped deep into her, drawing her moisture up to play with her clit, teasing her, flicking at it.

“Come for me, woman. Come on my hand. Show me how much you want me. Show me you need me as much as I need you.”

His voice rolled over her, ripping a reaction from her very cells. Pleasure flooded her. Her emotions mixed with her physical reactions until she couldn’t separate one from the other. Her body was alive, sparking with an energy that defied description.

Dennis stroked her again and again. His fingers pumped her, his thumb playing with her clit. Each flick sent shocks throughout her body. Her veins purred with desire, her heart beating in tune with his movements. She slammed her eyelids shut as tiny explosions went off in her brain.

She was close, her body tense. She quivered, eager for the release that was just beyond reach.

His teeth locked onto her earlobe, and it was just enough to send her flying over the edge of ecstasy. Flames ignited at his touch, setting off a chain reaction that ran under her skin. She bucked in his arms, riding his hand, grinding against his chest, moaning incomprehensible words of pleasure. All thought escaped her brain as she rode the wave of pleasure he had created.

Dennis held her in his arms until even the aftershocks ceased. It seemed an eternity, yet she knew it was only seconds before Dennis laid her down in the middle of his bed. He quickly stripped her of the rest of her clothes and then stood at the side of the bed, looking down at her.

An impulse to cover her body came over her, but it was instantly overridden by the look in his eyes—pure naked appreciation and need. She reveled in her body for the first time since she had been in her twenties. This man appreciated her, despite her age and faults.

Her heart melted just a little.

“Are you going to join me?” she asked, her voice soft.

He moved so fast the words were barely out of her mouth by the time he was out of his clothes.

He crawled onto the bed on his hands and knees. Anticipation filled her at his slow progress up her body. He inched up the bed, straddling her the entire way. By the time he stopped directly above her, her hands itched to hold him.

She caressed his face. It was obvious the man had worked for a living, much of it outside, and although it left no doubt about his age, his face was classically handsome. He reminded her of so many of the older actors who matured with dignity, looking their years, and all the more gorgeous because of it.

“Do you know how gorgeous you are?” she asked, suddenly overwhelmed by his presence. She thought a flush raced across his skin before he buried his face in her neck.

“Hush, woman. I’m trying to make love to you.”

She pulled his head up to look at him again. “Where the hell have you been all my life?” The words came out before she could stop them, before she was even aware she was going to ask them.

“Getting ready for you.”

Her heart hitched at his words, tears pricking her eyes at the sincere emotion.

He didn’t give her time to respond, and she was grateful, because she was at a complete loss for words. What had she done? This weekend of emotionless sexual fun was turning into much more.

Oh my God. I don’t know if I’m ready for this.

He gave her a short kiss and then slowly worked his way down her body.

Never would she be able to complain that the man rushed through sex. He was thorough in all things, and paying attention to her body was only one example.

His lips blazed a trail of heat and moisture over her body. The slightest movement of air shocked her already sensitized skin enough to make her gasp. He stroked her arms, gently running his fingers down and back up again, all the while kissing her torso.

He moved up to her breasts. There was no doubt in her mind he was a breast man. He took one in his hand and kissed it all around, working his way to the nipple. He darted his tongue out, taking a quick taste. He circled the nub, teasing and playing. It seemed to take forever before he finally covered it completely with his lips. A ripple of pleasure poured over her body when he sucked sharply. Just enough to make her gasp. He moved on to the other one, seemingly eager to pay equal attention to both, and she was in no mood to complain. He sucked on one breast, teasing her other with a hand. She was in ecstasy.

When he started to kiss his way farther down her body, she was taut as a bowstring, waiting for what she knew was coming. His hands stayed busy, rubbing her waist, her torso, snaking to her back and massaging her as he made love to her front.

He buried his nose in the hair on her mons, moving his head back and forth, teasing her, not quite touching what she wanted him to touch the most. His breath tickled her lips. So close, yet so far away. His hands held her hips immobile.

He laid soft, gentle kisses all around her pussy. She squirmed in pleasure. Each touch of his lips tugged at her hair and the skin beneath. It felt so good but wasn’t what she wanted.

“Dennis.” She groaned. “What are you doing to me?”

“I told you already. I am making love to you.” He stroked her legs as he looked at her.

“Bullshit. You are purposely trying to torture me.”

His chuckle blew his breath across her wet pussy, chilling her heated skin. She shivered at the sharp contrast of temperatures.

Before she could reprimand him again, he brought one of his hands to her pussy and began to stroke at her lips. Julia moaned and thrust her hips toward him.


He slid a finger into her, just as his lips latched on to her clit.

Julia sucked in her breath. Sweet Mary, this man knew how to make love.

He nipped at her clit, and she jumped, pleasure shooting up her body.

Another finger joined his first. He scissored them, pressing against her walls. Curls of enjoyment wound up her torso, coiling at the back of her neck. He sucked and flicked her clitoris. Her thighs tightened, her hips pushing into him in response.

He stroked her gently, slowly gaining speed until he was thrusting into her harder and harder. His lips and tongue tortured her clit, driving her insane with sensations. Tension built to a breaking point until finally it released in a tidal wave of ecstasy.

Wave after wave of bliss swamped her. Tiny explosions went off under her skin, her body jerking in reaction. She felt inundated with pleasure so intense she didn’t know if she wanted him to continue or stop.

Her breathing came in harsh, fast gasps as she rolled with the orgasms.

She swallowed hard trying to get enough saliva to speak.

“Enough. For God’s sake, stop.” She tried to remember the word he’d given her last night. Potato? Asparagus? Doughnut! That was it.

“Shit, stop. Doughnut already.” Her voice was hoarse from the screams.

At first she thought he was going to ignore her, but gradually he lessened his assault on her, letting her body calm down to just a fever pitch.

When he slid back up her body and readjusted himself between her legs, she breathed a sigh of relief and anticipation. She arched up to meet him as he positioned himself at her pussy.

Slowly he slid in, pushing deeper against her still-pulsing walls until there was nowhere else to go. He lay there for a moment, buried inside her, and she was content to let him just stay there. This was what she’d been waiting for. He filled her completely.

Her inner walls hadn’t calmed their motions, and they grasped at him, still pulsing from the last ten minutes of coming so hard she couldn’t breathe. She tried to concentrate on controlling them, but they seemed to have a mind of their own, and by the look on Dennis’s face, he was definitely enjoying it.

He began to move. She expected him to start out slow and easy, but he slid out and instantly thrust back into her. She grabbed on to his shoulders as he continued his movements. Her nails dug into his muscles with each spasm and thrust.

Most of her partners in the past had seemed to think by the time they were doing the actual fucking, paying attention to her wasn’t needed. Not Dennis.

He thrust one more time and stopped, staring into her eyes. He rested his upper body on his arms, which were looped behind her shoulders.

“What?” Her voice was low, shy almost. Here he was, buried to the hilt inside her, and all he could do was look at her.

“You are an incredible woman.”

“You stop to tell me that now?”

“Why not? It’s true.”

“Dennis, we were in the middle of something.”

He pushed with his hips. “Oh, I’m still in the middle of something. Something pretty damn spectacular, but I’m a multitasker, you know.”

He laid a gentle kiss on her lips. His gaze swept across her face, and he pushed a curl of her hair back.

She didn’t know what to do. So she let him look. And while he did, she explored as well.

Not only with her eyes, but her hands too. She’d enjoyed feeling him in the shower last night but realized now that the water had almost created a barrier between them. She felt his smooth skin, with tiny tendrils of soft hair tickling against her palms. Flashes of electricity shot between them. She’d never felt this close, this attracted to any other man before.

BOOK: Dangerous Deputy
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