Read Dare to Love Online

Authors: Alleigh Burrows

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Regency, #Romance, #England, #Historical, #9781616505783

Dare to Love (2 page)

BOOK: Dare to Love
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There. She’d done it. Her heart was hammering in her chest, from both anger and nerves, but she had stood up for herself and it felt wonderful. Until she braved a glance at him.

He was glaring at her as though he were the one who had been insulted. She suppressed a shiver as his eyes raked over her, a haughty sneer pasted on his lips. He opened his mouth to speak and then froze. She saw confusion flash in his eyes, like he’d made an odd discovery. Then it was gone. Through it all, he didn’t say a word.

Now she was fuming. “Are you just going to sit there and stare at me with your mouth ajar?”

Appearing to regain his senses, he answered in his usual, bored intonation. “I apologize, milady. I have been pondering how your family would react if I arrived at Vincent Hall without you. Is it worth the aggravation I would open myself up to? Since I think not, you will be happy to know we can continue on together as soon as you are ready.”

She slammed down her fork and stood up. “Let us go now then. The sooner this trip is over, the better.”

“As you wish.” He held out his arm, but she sailed out in front of him and climbed into the carriage.

The ride continued for a few more hours in relative silence. Dare had ordered the coachman to drive quickly, and he had taken the command to heart. The pace was so rapid Nivea’s bones were clattering. She decided the best course of action was to take a nap. It took a bit of effort, but she finally drifted off.

The shadows were growing long when the carriage gave a sudden jolt, throwing her from her seat. “Ack,” she screamed, snatching in vain for the cushion across the way.

The carriage tipped drunkenly to one side before slamming to a stop.

“Damn it to hell, what was that?” shouted Dare. He climbed upward, swung open the door, and leapt to the road with the grace of a cat. Nivea followed, but was considerably clumsier in her descent as she lowered herself from the elevated frame.

“What in the bloody blazes happened, Weldon!” Dare yelled, smacking his hand on the offending vehicle. Then, regaining his manners, he turned to her. “My apologies for the language. Are you all right, Miss Horsham?”

“Yes, thank you. Just a little shaken.” She would have appreciated a more thorough inquiry on his part, perhaps even a comforting arm around her shoulder, but instead he returned his attention to the carriage.

The wheel had gotten caught in a rut and snapped. They were fortunate it hadn’t flipped over entirely.

The coachman was bent over the axel, clucking with dismay. Straightening, he turned to Dare. “Milord, I beg your forgiveness. I thought it was nothing but a dark patch in the road. I didn’t realize we’d hit a ditch.”

Dare waved him off. “It can’t be helped. I know you didn’t do it on purpose. Are the horses all right?”

“Yes, milord.” The coachman bobbed his head. “They be fine. But we’re stuck here well and good until we can procure a new wheel. Then we’ll have to return to Norwalk to check for other structural issues.”

Dare stood rigid, glaring at the coach, saying nothing. He paced from one end to the other, bent at the waist to examine the axel again, and still nothing.

With her heart pounding in her throat, Nivea waited. When no response was forthcoming, she squeaked out, “Well, what are we to do now?”

He cocked his head, as though surprised by her question. “We will have to return to town.”

Oh god, no. How could he even think that? “But it’s miles away.”


“But…we’ll be well behind. We may miss the wedding!”

He shrugged. “That is a distinct possibility.”

“It’s my sister’s wedding! I can’t
be there. There must be something we can do.” She tried not to sound like a hysterical female, but feared she failed miserably. The thought of missing Caro’s wedding was unfathomable. Dare would have to come up with a better solution.

He returned his attention to the carriage, apparently considering their options. It didn’t take him long. “Weldon! Unhitch two of the horses. Miss Horsham and I will take them and ride on. You wait here with the carriage. Someone should be along soon to offer aid. Then you can get the necessary repairs and meet us with the luggage at the next stop.”

“Yes, milord,” Weldon nodded.

Dare took a step toward the carriage, but drew to a sudden stop when he noticed Nivea’s expression. No doubt she was staring at him as if he’d sprouted a third head. “No, that will not work.”

“And why, pray tell, would that not work?” he asked, without sparing her another glance.

“I do not ride,” she answered simply.

Ignoring her, he reached for the buckle on the first horse. “Come now, I’m sure you prefer a carriage, but it is not an option at this time. If we want to make the wedding, we will have to ride the horses.”

“I hate horses.”

stopped him.

He turned to give her his full attention. “You’re a Horsham,” he said, as if it explained everything. In fact, it did, to anyone in the
. The Horshams owned some of the finest horses in England. They hosted the best hunts, won the most races, and rarely finished a conversation without an equine reference.

Nivea sighed. “That is true. It has been rather inconvenient in my family to not share their passion.”

“Not sharing their passion, I could understand. But you said you hate horses,” he repeated with bafflement. She almost laughed at his confusion, but this was a serious matter, and she had to make him understand.

“I suppose it’s not the horses themselves I hate. But given my size, riding them always seemed rather mean.” She dreaded bringing attention to her weight, but she had never been comfortable balancing herself on a beast with such spindly legs. She knew it was irrational, but there it was. She did not ride.

“Come now,” he said, waving toward the black beasts, “they are powerful enough to pull a sizable wagon with no trouble. We’ll be fine.”

“No! We will not be fine! I have no intention of riding that thing anywhere.” Nivea crossed her arms across her bosom and glared at him.

Her response didn’t impress him in the slightest. Reaching into the rear of the carriage Dare pulled out his bags. “As you wish. I will offer your apologies to your family.” He motioned to Weldon who transferred his possessions into a pair of saddlebags and slung them over the horse’s back.

She couldn’t believe her eyes. “You cannot be serious. You are just going to leave me here…unescorted?”

“My coachman is quite respectable. I’m certain he will ensure you are protected. Isn’t that right, Weldon?”

“Yes, milord,” the man snapped to attention.

Nivea was dumbfounded. He must know he was putting her in an impossible situation. Either she could go back to town, escorted only by a coachman, for an uncertain length of time and risk missing her sister’s wedding, or she could continue the trip, riding a horse. Good God, there wasn’t even a saddle! She would kill herself for certain.

“Well, I’m off. Are you coming or not?” Dare asked. Unconcerned by her predicament, he swung himself up on the enormous horse’s back and grabbed the makeshift reins. He didn’t even require the assistance of a groom. That feat of athleticism helped Nivea to make up her mind. Even atop a coach horse, Dare was a breathtaking sight.

She could not pass up the chance to be with him, no matter how distressing the circumstances. “I’m coming,” she huffed and turned to search through her bags.

“Only grab your necessities, please. The rest will catch up with us sooner or later. In fact, you will be better suited to pack more serviceable attire. This trip may be a bit dusty.”

Naturally. Knowing she’d be riding with Dare for three or four days, she’d packed her most attractive outfits, and now she was being asked to stuff them into a sack. With a sigh, she dug through to find her most comfortable clothes. She changed into a pair of serviceable boots and handed her bag to the coachman.

Using the coach as a stepladder, Weldon helped hoist her up onto the horse. She settled on its back and trotted over to Dare, about as comfortable as a fish riding a crocodile.

The first few miles were exhausting. Nivea used all her strength to stay upright. The constant rocking of the horse made her slightly sea sick, and the jolting rattled her. Dare seemed perfectly at ease on his massive mount, riding it like a thoroughbred. He would turn back every so often to make sure she was still in attendance, but did not offer any encouragement.

After what seemed like an eternity, they arrived at a small hamlet and Dare slowed his horse. “I had hoped to be farther along today, but in light of our difficulties, I suggest we stop here. I will endeavor to find a place for us to stay tonight.”

She could do no more than nod in response.

Thank God, this nightmare was almost over. She hoped she could survive until tomorrow.


Chapter 3

Dare took one look at Nivea’s grateful expression and felt a pang of remorse. He should be more solicitous of her. True, she was not his most shapely companion, but she was much less disagreeable than most, barely voicing a word of complaint.

It wasn’t her fault he was so ill tempered. It was
blasted carriage that had broken, after all. And now he was forced to ride through the countryside on a coach horse, looking like a farmhand. Dear God, how his family would laugh if they saw him. Their ridicule would be endless.

Thinking of his family brought on a familiar surge of anger. Unwilling to give in to such a relentless emotion, he slowed down and returned his attention to his companion trailing behind.

“Don’t worry, it won’t be much farther.” He offered her an encouraging smile.

Her response was a tired shrug.

Fortunately, the second building they came upon had a small, faded sign out front, declaring itself a respectable establishment for travelers. As they turned up the entrance, a young man emerged from the stable.

Dare said under his breath, “It would be best if we pose as brother and sister, to avoid any impropriety. The rest of our story is innocent enough.”

Nivea nodded, her eyes fixed on the approaching stable hand.

“Good day, sir,” the young man said with a tug to his forelock, “are you anxious for a bit of rest tonight?”

“Yes. Do you have rooms available?”

“Oh, yes, milord. Mr. Ludlow will be more’n pleased to find a room for you and your…”

“Sister,” Landis finished for him.

“Sister. Yes, milord.”

Dare sprung from his horse, wincing as he landed. The large nag was by no means as comfortable as his usual mount. He handed off the reins and strode over to Nivea to help her down.

Keeping her eyes averted, she mumbled, “Why don’t you go inside. I’ll join you in a moment.”

In no mood for games, he reached up his arms and gestured irritably for her to dismount.

Still she didn’t move. Instead, she said, “Perhaps you could ask for some assistance. Or I could climb down onto that block over there.”

Dare couldn’t wait to get inside to wash off the dust from the road. It coated his face and hair—even his teeth were gritty. This was no time for arguments. “Come, it will be fine. Let’s get inside where we can rest.”

“I don’t think I can.”

Now she was being ridiculous. “Nonsense. Throw your leg over and slide down. I’ll catch you.”

As much as she wanted to get down from the dreadful beast, Nivea hated to appear ungainly in front of him. But what choice did she have? If she continued to fuss, it would irritate him.

So, rucking up her skirts as best she could without exposing her entire thigh, she took a deep breath, heaved her leg over the horse, and plummeted down into his arms. He staggered a bit, but managed to guide her to her feet without incident.

As always, the touch of his hands sent a pleasant shock through her. But it only lasted until her feet hit the ground and her knees buckled. She’d never felt so sore in all her life. She hoped she could make it inside without collapsing.

Mr. Ludlow was waiting at the front door and snapped to attention as they approached. It was obvious that years of service had taught him to recognize Quality even if their mounts were not the usual snuff. “Milord, welcome to our establishment. Will you be dining with us this evening or do you and your lady require a room?”

“My sister and I will require two rooms. You may bring us both a hot bath and set up a meal in a private sitting room. If you can have everything accomplished in the next three quarters of an hour, there will be an extra shilling for you.”

“Yes, milord! Please make yourself comfortable in our parlor while I see to your rooms.”

He led them to a tidy little area off the front hall. Dare surveyed the accommodations before stretching out his long frame on the damask sofa. Nivea sank into a sturdy chair by the door, grateful for the steady surface.

She smiled at the sound of footsteps racing up and down the stairs. It was obvious that Mr. Ludlow was intent on meeting their needs as soon as possible.

The door opened and an older woman approached with a tray of glasses.

“’Ere is some sherry for you and your lady, sir. Sure to clear out the dust from the road.” She placed the tray on the table and left with a nervous curtsey. Dare eyed the glasses warily. Picking one up, he held it up to the light. Finding it to his standards, he took a small sip and handed the other glass to Nivea.

Reaching out to accept the glass, she did her best to hide a grimace of pain. Uncertain how it would go down, she took a small, cautious sip. There was a slight burn, but after a few swallows, her jabbing pain mellowed to a dull throbbing.

“Better?” Dare asked.

“I’m sure I’ll be fine,” she said, not at all confident. Every bone, muscle, and sinew in her body ached. She wasn’t sure she could even get out of the chair once their rooms were ready. In fact, she would have been happy to fall asleep right there, perhaps never waking up again.

“It was a bit of a bumpy ride. I assure you, we will be more comfortable tomorrow.”

Nivea managed a nod, before setting down her empty glass and closing her eyes.

After what seemed like a cruelly short period of time, Mr. Ludlow reappeared and announced their rooms were ready. Dare helped her from the chair—for all appearances, acting as a solicitous brother, but in reality, he had to exert a hearty tug to get her upright. While the tingle from his touch was still there, it dimmed to a faint flicker as he helped guide her up the interminable amount of stairs and into her room. She let out a sigh of relief when the door closed. A young miss was already in attendance, and Nivea was immensely grateful as she helped her remove her travel clothes and eased her into the soothing bath.

BOOK: Dare to Love
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