Read Dare to Trust Online

Authors: R Gendreau-Webb

Dare to Trust (26 page)

BOOK: Dare to Trust
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Grimes’ head snapped up so he could look his former partner in the eyes. “Do you think I’m gonna confess my sins to you?” he sneered.

Jason hadn’t thought Grimes was going to give him any explanation. He sighed, wondering why he had sought out this visit. “You were like a brother,” Jason said. “I don’t understand why you hated me so much.”

Grimes shot to his feet and moved in close to Jason. Hatred oozed from him. “Your father killed my sister,” he spat. “Since he’s dead, I decided
were the next best thing. I hated every minute I spent with you, pretending to be your loyal partner.
should have died, Howard.
were supposed to pay for the sins of your father.” Without a word, Jason shook his head and turned away from Grimes, motioning for the guard to let him out of the cell.

Mia had boxed up her few belongings while Jason was gone. She had called her landlord and arranged for returning the keys. She had signed a contract for a month –to-month lease of the cottage; her security deposit would be the final month’s rent.

Jason was back sooner than Mia thought he would be. He had returned in his BMW. She met him at the door. “Hi.” She greeted him with a kiss. “How did it go?”

He paused before answering. After processing the exchange between him and Grimes, Jason decided he had his closure. He was ready to move on. “I didn’t get any real answers, but that’s okay. I’m ready to get out of here.”

“Me too. I’m packed. We can drive back to Boston when you’re ready.”

Without a word, Jason walked past Mia, into the bedroom. She heard him rummage around in the bedroom and he returned to her in less than a minute. “We can’t go back to Boston yet,” Jason told her.

She was confused. “Why?”

“Before you lost the baby, I had a trip all arranged for us to go to Honolulu. I was planning on asking you to marry me on the beach.” Jason paused, to gage Mia’s reaction. She stayed silent, her eyes fixated on Jason’s face, listening intently to his words. “After everything that’s happened, I don’t want to go back to Boston until you marry me. I don’t want to wait any longer.” Mia’s eyes widened as she watched Jason pull a small box from his jeans with his left hand. He flipped it open and held it before her, displaying a ring. A platinum setting held a large, round three carat brilliant sparkling diamond. “Will you marry me, Mia?” Her eyes started to mist as she stared at the beautiful ring and then at Jason’s face. She couldn’t imagine being without him ever again. Before Mia could respond, Jason said, “I want you and I want

“Yes,” she whispered. “I love you so much.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Jason gently pulled her away after returning the kiss.

He gave her a wolfish grin and slipped the ring on her finger. It was the first time in months that he had no doubts about his relationship with Mia. Jason knew they were going to be okay. He gazed at her for several moments before speaking. “It was my grandmother’s.”

“It’s perfect,” Mia told him. “Beautiful.”

“Just like you,” he whispered into her hair as Jason’s mouth met hers. He gave her a long, intimate kiss before picking her up, careful not to hug her into his side. He carried her into the bedroom and deposited her onto the bed. In less than a minute, Jason had Mia undressed and his clothes had been thrown onto the floor.

“Are you sure you’re up to this?” Mia asked, really not wanting him to stop.

“Oh, yes I certainly am.”

His lips wandered down her throat and to her perfect breasts. Mia could barely catch her breath as Jason’s mouth and tongue caressed her breasts and nipples. She moaned underneath him, feeling his erection press between her thighs. She shifted, encouraging him to move into her. Jason picked up his head for a moment, a smile on his face. “Patience, baby,” he told her as his mouth moved down to her stomach, hip and settled between her thighs. She moaned louder, as she raised her hips to meet his tongue.

“Jay,” Mia moaned her voice low and husky, “I can’t wait.

His mouth moved to her thigh and then up to her breasts again. “Always so impatient, baby,” he murmured as he positioned himself between her legs and slowly thrust forward. He stopped when just the tip of his erection was in her. She moved her pelvis upwards to meet him and he sank deeper into her. “Fuck,” Jason whispered, starting to lose his control. He sighed with pleasure. “You feel so God damn good.” He started to thrust faster and Mia became lost in the sensation. Her muscles tensed in anticipation of her release. Her hands were on Jason’s waist, her nails sinking into his hips, encouraging his pace. She gave a long moan as she felt her orgasm start. Jason felt her tighten around him and felt his own release overtake him. “Oh, Mia…so good…” He gave one more thrust and his whole body shuddered as he emptied into her. “I love you,” he whispered as he moved off her, and off to the side. She rolled over to her side to face him, giving him a soft kiss.

“I love you, too.” She gave him a wide smile as she glanced down at the ring he had placed on her finger. “That was amazing,” Mia told him.

“Even if it wasn’t,
was totally worth it. But I’m fine.” Jason kissed her. “I can’t wait until we’re married.”

“Me too.” She smiled up at him and then rested her head on his chest.

“I think we should get married in Florida,” Jason told her. “I know you’re not close to your family, but if you don’t include them, I think you’ll regret it in the future.”

That had caught Mia’s attention. She lifted her head and gazed back up at Jason. Mia could see regret in his blue eyes, regret she was sure was from the strained relationship he had shared with his mother. He would never have the opportunity to make things right with her.

“It doesn’t matter to me.” Mia had never had fantasies about a big church wedding with hundreds of guests. “I just want to get married as soon as we can. As long as Kate is there.”

“So we’ll fly to Florida and get married on the beach. Your parents and sister can be our witnesses. And when we go back to Boston, you’ll be my wife.” Jason smiled down at her. “God, I love you.” He kissed her again.


They landed in Sarasota, Florida the next afternoon. Jason had reserved the same suite overlooking the beach they had shared when they had last been in Florida for Mia’s sister’s wedding. As Mia unpacked her things, she had mixed feelings about contacting her family. They had never been particularly close and Jill, her younger sister, had always been the daughter her parents preferred. Mia had always felt she had been an inconvenience to her parents. They had even been unhappy with her choice to become a doctor. They were concerned they would be saddled with the bills for medical school. Mia had been sure she had paid for and taken loans out for her entire schooling. She pushed her thoughts away and wandered out to the expansive deck overlooking the Gulf of Mexico where Jason was finishing a conversation on his cell.

“That was Captain Saunders,” he told her when he was done. “I’m all set to go back to work in a few weeks, once the doctor clears me. Internal affairs finished their investigation.”

“That’s great.” Mia smiled up at Jason, thinking the estimation of just a few weeks was a little low---with his injuries she figured he wouldn’t be back to work for at least a month. He didn’t look pleased with the news. “Do you want to go back?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “I guess. I’m not looking forward to breaking in a new partner.”

“I don’t have anything to get married in,” Mia told him, changing the conversation. She hated to see him look so forlorn. She knew he was thinking about Grimes.

“Yeah, I figured. So you’ll take the credit card and go get everything you need.” He kissed her and pulled her to him. “Like some sexy lingerie,” he suggested with a sexy grin.

Mia spent the next day shopping. She went alone although Jason had suggested shopping with her mother and sister. She hadn’t yet called her parents. They didn’t even know she was in town. She had called Kate and would have loved to shop for the wedding gown with her. But because of her job, Kate wouldn’t be able to fly in until the day before the wedding and she’d have to fly back to Boston the morning after.

It took several stores, but Mia finally found the dress. She hadn’t been searching for a traditional wedding gown. She had spotted her choice in a boutique shop located in St. Armand’s Circle. It was a simple sleeveless ivory silk gown that hit just above Mia’s knees. The only decoration was a two inch band of sequins and pearls around the waist. The dress hugged Mia’s curves, accentuating her full breasts, small waist and shapely legs. She knew Jason would love it. She was able to find a pair of ivory lace and sequined three inch pumps. The last store she visited, Mia was able to find lingerie and a lacey bra and panties to go underneath her dress. She was sure Jason would be a happy man on his wedding night.

“Get everything you needed?” Jason asked from the balcony, hearing the door to the suite open.

“Think so,” Mia answered as she brought her shopping bags into the bedroom to put her purchases away.

“Have you called your parents yet?”

“Haven’t had the chance,” Mia called out. Once she had out everything away, she meandered out to the balcony. Jason was relaxing shirtless in one of the chaise loungers, sipping a beer. He looked happy and at ease. His face no longer held tension. The relaxation of this trip was agreeing with him. She gave him a kiss.

“You need to call them,” he softly told her before kissing her again. “I talked to the wedding coordinator here while you were shopping. Everything is all set for Thursday afternoon.” Their wedding was two days away.

Mia had stepped out of the shower and put on the fluffy robe that hung in the lavish bathroom. She wandered out to the balcony with her cell phone. She knew she had to call her parents. Jason had gone down to the beach. Mia had promised to join him after the calls. She dialed and rang several times. Relief swept through Mia as she was about to hang up. And then her mother answered. Shit. “Hi mom. I’m in town.”

“Sarasota?” her mother asked with surprise. “Is everything alright?”

“Yes.” Mia smiled. She was here for her wedding. “Jason and I are getting married on Thursday in a small ceremony. I was hoping you and Dad could be there.”

At first, her mother was silent. And then the judging questions. “Do you think that’s a good idea? After he was arrested?” She always made Mia second guess her decisions---but not this one.

She let out a sigh. Why couldn’t her mother just be happy for her? “He is innocent, mom. All charges were dropped. And I love him.”

“Well, it’s your life,” her mother sighed. “Tell me when and where. What about your sister? She’s really big now, due in a few weeks. Probably won’t stay long at the wedding.”

“Of course she’s invited.”

“We didn’t receive any invitations,” her mother pointed out. She always probed and questioned; this is how she had pushed Mia away years ago, never exhibiting support for her daughter.

“I know.” Mia took in a breath. She hated conversing with her mother. “We just decided. And like I said, it’s going to be very small. Just you and Dad, if you come, and Jill and her husband.”

“Brad,” her mother corrected. “He is such a nice guy. I hope your Jason treats you half as good as Brad treats Jill.”

Mia had the urge to hang up. If her mother only knew…had Brad been shot to save Jill’s life? Mia shared the details of the time and place of the ceremony with her mother and hung up. She took in a few deep breaths, summoning up the strength to call Jill. That call would be difficult as well. Mia was sure Jill was going to talk about her pregnancy.

Mia was right about the conversation with her sister. Jill went on and on about the upcoming birth. She didn’t even offer Mia any congratulatory sediment after learning about the upcoming wedding. By the end of the conversation, Mia wondered why she and Jason weren’t just eloping.

Jason was sprawled out on a towel, eyes closed, listening to the waves. He had a slight smile, thinking of how lucky he was to finally have Mia back in his world, agreeing to be his wife. No matter what their future held, he was convinced they would be able to face it together.

From a distance, Mia could see Jason relaxing on the beach. She was glad he had finally let go of the stress and appeared happy again. She walked across the beach and joined him on the towel. “Hi,” she greeted him with a kiss.

His eyes opened and his smile widened. “Hi, baby. How were your calls?”

“They will be there on Thursday,” Mia sighed. “Not sure if that’s good or not. Are you sure you don’t want to just get married at city hall?”

Jason sat up and ran his hand gently down her cheek. “Oh, baby, I promise you that you’ll be glad they are at your wedding. And you’re too special for a ceremony at city hall. You don’t want any regrets.”

She kissed his hand that hovered around her face. “You have regrets?” Mia recognized his forlorn tone.

“You know my relationship with my mother was not ideal.” Jason took in breath and exhaled. “I wish she had the chance to be at our wedding. Not sure if she would have actually shown up, but I would have liked to had the opportunity to ask.”

“I’m sorry,” Mia whispered. “But I know she would have been at the wedding. You know she loved you.”

BOOK: Dare to Trust
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