Read Dark Possession Online

Authors: Christine Feehan

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Romance

Dark Possession (39 page)

BOOK: Dark Possession
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Riordan De La Cruz materialized out of the air, just as the vampire lurched to his feet. Riordan slammed his fist deep into the chest of the vampire and ripped out the heart. Tossing it to one side, he whirled to face the wolf. The guardian staggered as she managed to stand, shaking with the pain and trauma of her injuries.

Riordan lifted an eyebrow. “MaryAnn?”

The wolf nodded and reached behind her for support, leaning against a tree. She nodded toward the heart as it rolled toward the vampire’s body.

“Yes, of course,” Riordan reached toward the sky, covering his shock. At once storm clouds boiled and thunder rolled. Lightning veined the darker clouds and then slammed into the heart and incinerated it. Next he directed the white-hot energy toward the vampire’s body.

To MaryAnn’s astonishment, her wolf leaned into the crackling energy stream. Rather than incinerating her, the energy dissolved the acid-laced blood from her arms and body. Staggering back, the guardian once more leaned against the tangled roots of a tree, her sides heaving, breath coming in ragged gasps. Pain burned through her body, but she had kept Manolito alive. She couldn’t wait another moment to check on him. To touch him. She needed him desperately.

Leaping to the lower branches of the tall tree, she climbed her way to the deck. Manolito was still sitting, his body a little slumped to one side, but he looked as if he were resting. She let out her breath and sank down beside him.

MaryAnn reached for her body, thanking the sentinel, grateful for the aid it had provided. She could never have defeated the vampire in her more fragile human body. It gave her a sense of gratitude to the other species who shared the world with her, thankful that they cared enough to keep everyone as safe as possible. The wolf made her feel safe.

You are the wolf,
the feminine voice inside assured her.

MaryAnn closed her eyes and expanded, drawing the guardian deeper into her soul. This time the process was much faster, as the wolf leapt for its den and she emerged, with much more ease than she had let go. Her body reshaped with a minimum of distress, although the moment she was in her human form, the pain of her wounds escalated until tears burned and she bit down hard on her lip to keep from moaning.

“I have destroyed the jaguar and mage as well, and cleaned up the mess the vampire’s blood caused in the soil and on the trees and foliage, so I am coming up.”

MaryAnn didn’t understand the warning in Riordan’s voice for a moment, until she looked down at her body. She needed clothes. She had no clothes. Panic rose. Her clothes were her armor. Her courage. Her fashion sense got her through everything. She couldn’t face him without clothes on. She actually began to hyperventilate.

“No! You can’t come up here. I’m not dressed.”

He muttered something in his impatient tone, and she found herself in a faded plaid shirt, loose-fitting jeans and very old sneakers. Then he was standing in front of her, frowning.

“I am going to have to heal your wound. I will need to take a look at it. Vampires have been leaving little parasites behind lately when they bite.”

She barely heard him, too busy staring down at her clothes in dismay. “I know you don’t think I’m going to be wearing these—these…” She trailed off, her fingertips holding the hem of the shirt out while she looked up at him, appalled.

His frown deepened to a scowl. “Those are called clothes.”

“Oh, no they’re not. Rags maybe.” She patted her tight braid to make certain it was still intact. She might be fighting vampires and jaguars, but she was going to look good doing it. “These are not clothes.” Moving her arm, when her shoulder was already on fire, had her wincing visibly. Of course he saw it. He was far more interested in the vampire bite than her fashion problem.

Riordan crouched down to examine his brother. “Juliette never worries about her clothes. She just wears whatever.”

“I’m well aware that girl needs a serious makeover,” MaryAnn said. In more ways than one. Juliette also needed a few counseling sessions on dealing with overbearing men.

Riordan glanced up at her, and his smile made her breath catch in her lungs. For just one moment, in that sliver of moonlight, he had looked like his brother. The flash was there and then it was gone, and her desperation to be with Manolito grew.

Riordan straightened slowly, as the smile faded from MaryAnn’s face. “You did well. I owe you a tremendous debt. Our entire family does, MaryAnn. Thank you for saving my brother’s life.”

The sincerity in his voice was her undoing. If she’d been wearing her best clothes, she could have handled it all with dignity, but no, he had to put her in some horrible, wretched outfit and she just crumpled under the pressure. She heard herself blubber. He looked alarmed and even took a step back, holding up one hand.

“Don’t cry. That was a compliment. Don’t start crying. Your shoulder must be hurting. Let me take a look at it.”

“It’s the clothes.” She hiccupped. “Change them fast.”

“Give me a picture, then.”

He sounded as desperate as she felt. She could not stand here sobbing like a baby when Manolito was facing that other world and whatever lay within it. She had to get to him. For some reason, just the thought of that spirit place gave her chills. She took a deep breath and pictured herself wearing her favorite Versace jeans, Dolce & Gabbana tobacco-colored, jersey halter top with gold leather straps and draped neckline that lay artfully over her breasts, and her favorite boots, the Michael Kors, simply because they were so stylish and comfortable and went with everything. Accessories were everything, so she went all the way and added the braided belt and chunky bracelet and necklace she’d always wanted but couldn’t afford.

She took a deep breath and let it out as soon as the clothes settled onto her skin, fitting her like a glove, providing her with her suit of courage to face the next challenge. “Thanks, Riordan. This is perfect.”

She expected him to give her his little sneer, but instead he studied her appearance with care. “You do look wonderful. I thought you looked fine in the other clothes, but these suit you somehow.”

She smiled, feeling a little camaraderie with him for the first time. “Thanks for getting here so fast. I didn’t know what to do with that thing. He just kept coming at me.” She shook her head, frowning. “Well. Not me. My guardian.”

“The wolf.”

He said it with respect, and her heart lightened even more. MaryAnn realized what that meant. She was the wolf. It dwelled in her, silent and waiting, emerging when needed, content to stay quiet unless compelled to action. She was the sentinel, and the animals around her recognized the guardian in her for what it was. And they respected her. Riordan respected her. But more, they
her for who and what she was.

“You are Manolito’s lifemate,” Riordan said. “And you more than meet every expectation.” He bowed low, a courtly gesture of respect. “He could not have found better. You keep many secrets, little sister.”

She felt the grin spread across her face; she couldn’t help it. “The wolf? She comes out upon occasion and kicks serious butt.” She felt so proud saying it, so matter-of-factly. The wolf.

“I had no idea there were any lycans left in this world. Now I think they are far cleverer than any of us gave them credit for. Of course they still exist, and we should have known that. They were always content to stay in the background.”

She leaned against the railing, swaying a little. “I was hoping when they got hurt they could just heal themselves the way you do. And I would have liked the ability to produce clothes with my imagination. There are a few lines I can’t afford, but I sure can imagine myself wearing them.”

He caught her arm to steady her, lowering her until she was sitting beside Manolito once again. “I have good news for you, MaryAnn. Manolito is quite wealthy, and you will be able to afford whatever line of clothing you prefer. It is good to keep the illusion of being entirely human at all times, but if you need, once fully Carpathian, you will be able to manufacture clothing at will.”

Her heart jumped when he said that. Fully Carpathian. She still had to deal with that. And she wanted to be with Manolito De La Cruz forever. He was going to drive her insane with his arrogance, and he was going to have to learn what it was like living with a woman who was every bit as stubborn as he.

“Do you understand what that means?” Riordan asked.

“Not really. How could I?” Whatever he was doing to her shoulder was taking her breath away. It hurt like hell, and she was really glad she could stare down at her perfect boots and admire the square toe and really nice leather.

“You will be wholly Carpathian. Juliette was upset to lose her jaguar. She can call her cat, shifting into the shape and feel of it, but it is not the same. She doesn’t feel a sense of loss, but I know it was difficult when she first thought of it as a loss.”

“Really? I’m more concerned with losing my family. My grandparents and parents are very important to me. I don’t much care for the idea of watching my friends and family die.”

Riordan didn’t know that her blood was infecting Manolito with the wolf, just as his blood was giving her the traits of Carpathians. Her fingers slid into the long, thick hair of her lifemate. She tasted the word and the depth of its meaning. He was hers. As much as she belonged to him, he belonged to her. Whatever was happening to her was also happening to him. What would Riordan have to say about that? How accepting would he be then?

She rubbed at her pounding temples. “Did you hear anything?” She looked around her, raised her face and sniffed the air. How often had she done that and never realized why? How often had she reached into people’s minds without being aware she was doing so to extract the information she needed in order to help them? And the animals…She looked around her at the monkeys in the trees. They had all come to her aid when she needed them. Even the jaguar, under the enthrallment of the vampire, had fought to break the spell and do her bidding.

“The wolf is good,” she said with satisfaction.

“Of course. What did you think?”

“Monster with teeth tearing apart the screaming teen with his claws and devouring the entire family while the littlest one looks on from the closet vowing to kill the hairy beast someday.”

Riordan snorted, his brief smile of amusement fading as fast as it had appeared. “It can happen. There are a few who go rogue, but the wolf society, in the past, and I suspect now, always did a good job of policing their own kind. They live as humans, at least they used to prefer that, usually near the forest or jungle, or they took jobs with animals to help protect them. They rarely revealed themselves unless there was extreme danger to someone under their protection. Their numbers were dwindling even before ours. They were too spread out, the packs not close enough to interbreed, and we suspected they tried to breed with humans but weren’t successful and eventually their species died out.”

“Why would you think that their blood wouldn’t convert a human?”

“We didn’t think Carpathian blood could successfully convert a human. Juliette thinks that over the years, more humans than we realized had blood of the other species in them as well, maybe not much, but still, genetically they are probably linked.”

“But you think the wolf blood isn’t as strong as the Carpathian blood and that Manolito will convert me with no problem?”

She felt more than saw Riordan’s hesitation. “I know he must convert you or he will not survive.”

“That’s not what I asked you.” She pulled away from him so she could see his eyes. “What are you afraid of?”

“I do not know what will happen when he converts you,” Riordan answered honestly as he reached one more time to examine the bite mark. The area was burned from the blood and saliva, as well as raw and torn. She was shaking, but didn’t seem to realize it. Her fingers bunched in Manolito’s hair as if he was her anchor, but she didn’t seem aware of that either. “When I converted Juliette, the jaguar fought hard for life.”

“Manolito converted Luiz.”

“Luiz was dying. It was the only chance the jaguar had of survival. A small part of him lives, just as a small part of Juliette’s jaguar lives within her, but it isn’t the same, and although they can take the shape of a jaguar, they are not the jaguar. Does that make sense?”

Her heart jumped. She liked her wolf. She was proud of it. And somehow, although she’d only just found out about it, the guardian had been there all along, shaping her life, helping her without her knowledge. She didn’t want to be anything else. She thought of herself as human. Maybe Juliette was right and most humans did have a genetic connection to some of the other species, but whatever the reason, she liked who she was, was comfortable in her own skin, and she didn’t want to change, not if it meant letting go of who she was. What she was. Not if she had to let go of her newly found wolf.

But could she give up Manolito? Let him die? Let him turn vampire? “He can’t turn vampire when he knows he has a lifemate, can he? If I don’t become what you are?” Her heart thudded in time to the pounding in her head. She wasn’t certain which hurt worse, her head or her shoulder. The vampire wound burned clear to her bone.

She suddenly needed to touch Manolito’s mind. To merge with him. She fought the urge, knowing he didn’t want her to come into the shadow land with him, but it was difficult when she needed his touch so much. She almost couldn’t breathe, laboring to find a way to draw the air into her lungs. Was it her? Or was it him? Was he in trouble?

“Of course he could go mad with need. It is worse to know one’s lifemate is there and one still cannot be saved. He will do what is necessary, MaryAnn, and in the end, you will be glad that he did.”

She hurt everywhere now, her back and legs and arms, as if someone had beaten her. “I need him.” She admitted it and should have been ashamed, but all she could think about was getting to him.

Riordan frowned. Tiny pinpoints of blood dotted her forehead. It was unlike MaryAnn to let a statement like he had made go without rebuttal, and she never would have admitted her need of Manolito to him. Something was very wrong. He had to make certain the tainted blood wasn’t spreading through her system like poison. “Just relax. I am going to heal you in the way of our people.”

BOOK: Dark Possession
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