Read Deacon's Touch Online

Authors: Callie Croix

Tags: #Romance

Deacon's Touch (6 page)

BOOK: Deacon's Touch
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"Was planning to. You can come with me.” The subconscious double entendre made his dick throb.

A pleased smile curved her soft mouth. “Okay then."

"Right this way.” He set a hand against her back and led her out the doors. When she flashed him another sweet smile, he tried to ignore her delicious scent and the protective feeling rising up inside him. If she only knew what he wanted to do to her, she wouldn't be nearly so relaxed at being alone with him.

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Chapter Four

The Winkin’ Point Bar was crowded and smelled of warm beer. Jessica followed Bridgette over to the gleaming bar and ordered a glass of white wine, but her friend cancelled her order and shook her head in disgust.

"You're in Texas, sweetie. Take a little walk on the wild side."

She was already walking on the wild side. Her sleeveless, silver halter top showed off lots of cleavage, and her snug jeans hugged every inch of her ass. The outfit was much sexier than she'd normally wear, but she hoped Deke liked it.

In less than a minute she had a Jack Daniels on the rocks in her hand and eyed it dubiously. “How many shots are in there?"

"What's it matter? You're not driving."

What the hell. She sipped at it and tried not to grimace, but after a few swallows, the liquor warmed her stomach and spread out through her veins. Where was Deke? She hadn't seen him come in yet. After three more songs, Bridgette tossed the rest of her drink back and set it down on the bar with a smile.

"I'm going dancing. Wanna come?"

"No, I—” Deacon stepped inside the bar, and his gaze unerringly found hers. A primitive shiver rippled up her spine as she held his stare and answered her friend. “No, you go ahead."

Bridgette followed her gaze and turned back to her with a cat-like smile. “Atta girl.” She thumped Jessie's shoulder. “Go get him."

She stayed on her stool as the bride-to-be sauntered onto the floor and found herself a partner. Every sense was attuned to Deacon as he prowled through the room toward her, his confident gait and presence drawing appreciative looks from the women he passed. He didn't seem to notice any of them, his eyes locked on her. Her fingers tightened around the cool glass. The wild side, Bridgette had said. Deke was the furthest thing from tame. And the way he was looking at her with all that latent heat in his gaze...

He took the stool next to her and eyed her drink. Taking it from her, he took a sniff. “Whiskey? That's pretty strong stuff for a city girl like you."

She gave him a slow smile, the liquor already doing its thing in her veins, and pulled in a breath of his delicious scent. “I'm on vacation.” And feeling more daring by the minute.

Setting her drink on the bar, Deke grinned and ordered himself a beer before turning back to her. “So how come you're sitting over here all by yourself? You don't like dancing?"

"I've never danced like that,” she said, nodding toward the couples moving around the floor.

"What, two-stepping?"

She nodded. “Do you know how?"

He looked insulted. “Sugar, I was born and raised here.” He took a swig of his beer and regarded her with those sexy blue eyes.

"Would you teach me?"

Something flickered in his eyes for a moment, but it was gone too quickly for her to decide what it was. “If you want."

Oh, she wanted. Far more than was good for her. And he wanted her, too. But he didn't seem thrilled about the idea of dancing with her. She took another swallow of her whiskey. Hardly burned at all now. “It's all right if you don't want to. I'll just ask someone else to—"

Deke set down his beer and grabbed her hand, pulling her from her stool. “Come on, tenderfoot."

She felt almost dizzy as he led her out onto the floor. Then he turned to face her and slid an arm around her waist as he raised their joined hands and gave her a gorgeous smile. Her stomach did a flip-flop. She set her free hand on his hard shoulder, molding it to the muscled contour. Every cell in her body feasted on the sensory input of being held in his confident grip. Her heart sped up, and her nipples tightened. A warm glow started between her legs.

"Ready?” His voice carried over the music.

More than. She nodded and forced her muscles to relax as he led her slowly for the first few steps. He guided her with sure, firm directions from his hand and arm, the front of his thighs brushing against hers as he moved them to the music.

Staring up into his deep blue eyes, she lost sight of everything but him. The music seemed to dim, and the other couples faded into the background. The sexual power radiating from Deke made her mouth go dry. She knew exactly what kind of lover he'd be. Experienced. Dominant. Thorough. The knowledge was enough to make her moan aloud.

She'd never wanted a man this much. Did she have the guts to go after him?

The tantalizing thought took root in her brain while she held his gaze.

Her whole life she'd been independent and practical. Responsible. One night with a near stranger wouldn't undo all of that. She deserved some enjoyment, and she was positive Deke would give her that and more. All the other girls except Bridgette had hooked up with one of the guys already. What was so wrong about her doing the same?

"You keep eating me up with those eyes and I'll forget my manners."

She stilled for a moment, losing her footing, and would have stumbled if he hadn't caught her full length against his body. The unmistakable hard ridge of his erection pressed against her belly. Her sex swelled and dampened in response.

Holding her still as other couples swirled past them, Deke watched her intently. Then he bent his head until he was an inch away from her mouth and his warm breath brushed her lips. “Careful what you wish for, sugar. You might bite off more than you can chew."

She didn't care. She wanted to feel the explosive heat she sensed beneath that controlled exterior. Her lashes fluttered down as she lifted her face toward him. The brush of his lips over hers sent a bolt of heat into her belly, but then he pulled away. Confused, shaken, she stared up at him.

"Bad idea,” he muttered and spun around to tow her back toward the bar.

A wave of embarrassment washed over her as she followed, staring at his broad back. She tugged against his hand, but he didn't let go. He pulled her up to the bar and sat her on the stool she'd left. His eyes glittered with arousal and frustration.

She tried to slide off the stool to put some distance between them, but he stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.

"Let me go,” she snapped.

"We need to talk."

"No, we don't."

He raised her chin up with one finger and fixed her with a hard stare. “Yeah, we do.” Releasing her, he snatched up his beer and tipped his head back on a long swallow. When he looked at her again, she could see the battle raging in his eyes. “I like you, Jess, but this isn't going to work so you need to stay away from me."

More than the warning, the intensity of his deep blue gaze made the breath snag in her throat. She'd sensed this sharp edge to him, but couldn't figure out why it was there. “Why?"

He gave a humorless laugh. “Trust me, I'm not your type."

Her type? He sure as hell was. She tossed her hair back, unsure whether to be insulted or not. “What's my type?"


He thought she was a prude, she realized as she stared at him. “You don't know that, because you barely know me."

"I know enough."

She folded her arms across her chest, emboldened at the way his eyes fastened on her breasts beneath her halter-top. “Why should I stay away from you?"

In answer, he set down his beer and moved in close, caging her between him and the bar as he set his hands on either side of her. His gaze raked over her face, down to the cleavage exposed by her filmy blouse before coming back to her eyes and holding there. The naked lust raging in his eyes made her mouth go dry as he bent his head until his lips hovered inches from hers. “Because I like control."

Her nipples instantly tightened inside the lace cups of her bra, and her belly curled in the most delicious way. He'd just taken her hottest fantasy right out of her head and voiced it for her. She swallowed, the sudden rush of sexual hunger making her light-headed. “Oh..."

Oh, God...

Holy hell.

Deke stared into her wide eyes and couldn't look away. He could barely breathe.

He'd expected to see shock. He'd even expected annoyance.

Anything but the sudden flare of sexual need in her whiskey-colored eyes. The stark craving he saw there punched him square in the gut, so hard it made him dizzy.

Staring up at him with those amazing eyes, Jessica moistened her lips. He watched the glide of her pink tongue over her lips with predatory interest. She hadn't moved. Hadn't so much as leaned away to put some space between them after his blatant declaration. No, she was completely still, gazing up at him. As though waiting for him to do something.

Well, well. Wasn't

He slid his gaze down to the lush curves of her breasts displayed so prettily for his view by her sexy blouse. Her hardened nipples poked through her thin bra, denting the material. His cock lengthened instantly. Suppressing a growl, he dragged his gaze back to hers and met her hungry stare. But there was vulnerability there along with the heat. She was way too inexperienced to realize what that combination did to someone like him.

Sugar, don't look at me like that.

She swallowed again, the convulsive movement of her lovely throat broadcasting her anxiety. Yet, she still wasn't backing away. “In...bed?"

Fighting a predatory grin, he nodded. Damn she was a gorgeous little thing. The curious light in her eyes was killing him.

She searched his eyes, a hint of nervousness creeping into her expression. “What...what sort of control?"

The words were barely a whisper, but they slid over him like a lover's caress. He stepped in closer until his body brushed hers, breathing in her scent and letting her feel the bulge of his erection against her abdomen as he pressed her lower back against the bar. Trapping her. He dropped his voice to a murmur. “

In answer, her full lips parted slightly, and her eyes darkened, the pupils dilating until they practically swallowed the golden irises.

His body tightened with the need to pin her, dominate her right here and now. He wanted to. Christ, he'd love nothing more than to take her into the back room, tie her to the bed, and suck at her nipples and pussy until she begged for release. To make her feel more than she'd ever felt before.

Tamping down that primitive side of him, he focused on the lingering uncertainty he sensed in her. “Jessica."

She blinked, as if he'd hypnotized her and she was coming out of a trance. “What?"

"Do you understand what I'm telling you?"


He stayed absolutely still. “But you're not pushing me away.” The tantalizing knowledge kept his attention riveted on her face and made his body burn. He'd have given anything to know what was going on in her head.

She shook her head, her expression almost mesmerized, loose curls tumbling over her creamy shoulders. Her gaze dipped to his mouth in blatant invitation. The conflicted expression on her face made the beast inside him howl. She knew she should run, yet she wanted him anyway.

He lowered his head until only a breath of air separated their lips. The primal side of him roared to life at her quick inhalation, the tremor of anticipation that ran through her. He reached up to toy with a curl that had fallen over her forehead. “You like the thought of giving me that kind of control?"

She kept staring at him.

"Answer me."

A pretty blush rose up her neck and face, but she held his gaze. “Yes."

The brave whisper unlocked his corded muscles. Her stark honesty undid him.

As he watched, a tiny frown creased her forehead. “But..."

"But what?” He could barely get the words out.

Her eyes searched his. “You wouldn't...hurt me."

He imagined the thoughts running through that pretty head. No doubt she wondered whether he got off on tying his partners up and whipping them raw. He swallowed a laugh. “No. But I'll push your boundaries.” It was how he was wired.

Her sigh of relief tightened something inside him. The interest and growing need in her eyes sparked something far more primal and possessive.

Without warning, the dark hunger he'd held at bay swept over him in a powerful wave, making him light-headed with the need to take her. Testing her resolve, he closed his hands around her slender wrists and held them to the bar top as he bent to taste the skin beneath her right ear. Her swift intake of breath made his cock surge.

He kissed the fragile pulse point, savoring the frantic beat of her blood beneath his lips for a moment before nipping gently. She jerked in his hold and made a little sound of arousal when he soothed the tiny sting away with his tongue. A tremor rolled through her body, goose bumps breaking out across her smooth skin. Then slowly she let her head tip back a few inches, offering her throat.

The subconscious surrender in the movement made his heart pound. He hoped the hell she understood what she was signing up for, because he was more than ready to deliver.

He could feel the tension gripping her body as he held her there, trailing feather-light kisses across her jaw to the corner of his mouth. Keeping her hands in place to introduce her to the sensation of being restrained, he hovered a breath away from her tempting lips. And waited.

A moment later, she closed her eyes and turned her head to kiss him. A slow mingling of lips and tongue, as addictive as a drug. She softened, yielded. Her timid, yet sensual response went to his head like a fifth of whiskey. Before he could take things further, he pulled back. When she opened her eyes and gazed up at him in silent question, he released her wrists and stepped away. “Let's go,” he said in a rough voice.

She straightened slowly, watching him with equal parts arousal and indecision. Deke held out his hand and waited. Her gaze slid down to his palm, and he could feel her struggling with herself. She studied his hand, and he knew she was taking in its size, how much stronger it was than hers. What his control over her would mean during sex. If she put her hand in his, she was his for the night.

BOOK: Deacon's Touch
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