Read Desire's Prisoner (Planet Desire Book 1) Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

Desire's Prisoner (Planet Desire Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Desire's Prisoner (Planet Desire Book 1)
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“It’s ships, Mary. Ships. I don’t plunder women—I woo them.”

“And you gotta spread it around, huh?” She nodded toward the crowd of waiting women.

He bent toward her to whisper. “Truthfully, I was afraid they would make a meal of me. Wear it to a nub.”

She laughed, the sound a loud deep rumble. “They’d have a long way to go. And I mean

“Mary, which way did she go?”

She didn’t even pretend not to know which
he meant. “Out that door, second corridor on the right. Galley’s at the end.”

“Thanks. Make sure my men don’t make asses of themselves.”

She snorted, her attention already riveted to Darak’s pumping buttocks. “Mmmm-mmm-mm. That boy’s full of surprises.”

Adam snagged a pair of breeches hanging from a tree limb. After hopping one foot to the other as he shrugged them on, he headed barefoot for the galley.

The noise and boisterous atmosphere of the party had lost its luster the moment Evena stomped out of the room. He wasn’t sure why he’d flaunted the other women—he truly hadn’t been interested in their attentions, but he’d felt a need to assert his primacy. After all, she’d refused
. Irritation swelled his chest.

He was a pirate, dammit. Scourge of seven solar systems. Master of his own destiny. He took what he wanted, no apologies given. Orgies and debauchery were his calling cards.

His shoulders slumped. Actually, although he’d often shared women with his crew, and engaged in gratuitous sex with multiple partners, lately he’d longed for sex involving fewer gymnastics, and for a partner who’d help him shoulder some of the burden of his new world.

Why he pursued the one woman who appeared uninterested in what he could offer puzzled him. Except for sex, that was. He knew she wanted that. The way her gaze had burned as she’d watched the women climb over his body betrayed her desire.

But he needed to know, one way or another, whether she was willing to be his mate. If not, then he’d join the rest of his men in seeking a compatible partner. Although he couldn’t fathom how life aboard a Dominion penitentiary could possibly compare with conquering a new world.

The galley door slid open silently, and he stepped inside. The long, white dining tables and benches gleamed brightly, but the room was empty. A sound from within the kitchen itself alerted him of Evena’s location.

She rooted in one of the large refrigeration units, her back to the door.

Adam stood in the entry, his gaze devouring the rounded buttocks defined by the form-fitting reclamation suit as she knelt to reach inside.

His cock pressed against the placket of his too-small breeches. He hadn’t seen her naked in that position yet, but he vowed he’d take her from behind before the night was over.

She grunted, reached a little farther to the back of the fridge, and then wiggled backward with her prize in her hands.

Adam released the top two fasteners of his borrowed breeches to relieve some of the pressure strangling his cock. Rearranging himself again, he willed his erection to lose some starch. Conversation with Evena was challenging enough without the distraction of a hard-on diverting blood from his brain cells.

She stood, turned with the package in her hands, and gasped when she saw him. Her gaze narrowed immediately, and she looked away, placing the package on a counter. “Did you make a wrong turn? The head’s at the other end of the corridor.”

“I don’t need that kind of relief.”

“Oh, then I’m surprised you aren’t back at the party, enjoying the other kind.”

“Of relief?”

“No, head,” she replied curtly, opening the box and removing a mud-colored nugget from inside.

Frustrated by her anger, he sighed deeply. “Look, what happened before was…nothing. I was waiting for you.”

“Sorry, I don’t perform with an ensemble. Strictly solo.” She plopped the nugget in her mouth and grimaced.

He tried to keep rein on his own temper, but the woman gave the word stubborn a bad name. “I don’t either…um, not anymore, that is.”

“Not since ten minutes ago, huh?” She swallowed another brown lump.

He wished she’d at least look at him when she skewered him. “Look, I didn’t want that. I was just trying to be polite, a good host—”

She rolled her eyes.

“Then things got carried away. There were so many of them.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot. Darak mentioned your motto—’So many women, so many cunts to plunder’,” she said, from around a mouthful of partly consumed mess.

“It’s ships, for fuck’s sake.
And what the hell are you eating?”

“Protein Poo. One of our cook’s own recipes. Mmmm-mmm,” she said with a superior smile and held one out to him. “Cookies. Do you want one?”

“Hell, no. That—that’s disgusting.” He looked into the box and could see why they’d earned their hideous moniker. “If you didn’t want anything to do with me, why the hell didn’t you at least eat the food I brought aboard?”

She shrugged and popped the one she held into her own mouth. “After you’re gone, I’ll still be eating these tasty little nuggets. I won’t miss what I didn’t have.”

“Will you miss me?”

Her lips tightened, the only evidence he’d scored a direct hit. She busied herself selecting another cookie. Finally, she straightened and looked him in the eye. “Look, I’m not judging you. Nearly four hundred women are aboard this ship. Only a hundred will be lucky enough to leave with you. The least you and your men can do is give those left behind a pleasant memory.”

“I’m not here to service four hundred women. I’m seeking a wife.” He took a deep breath. “I’d gladly take you to wife,” he said starkly.

Her expression grew bleak. “No.”

Something akin to pain burned in his chest. “Why not?”

“Because, I’m going home—to Earth. My family’s arranging my pardon from the Dominion President himself. I’ll get to go back to my own home and my own life.”

“Is there someone waiting? Another man?” Adam hated the man instantly.

Her gaze looked past him, her expression far away. “No. There was, but that bastard’s the one responsible for my being here. I’m going back to find him.”

“To exact revenge?”

“Something like that.” She looked at the nugget in her hand and tossed it back into the box. “My mission in life is to make his a misery. He’s stolen five years from me.”

Adam drew back. Revenge was something he understood. “Will making him pay give you happiness?”

She snorted and her eyes flashed with hatred. “Happiness? I’ll settle for satisfaction. Five stinking years I’ve rotted in jail—first in an Earth penitentiary, now in this rust bucket.” Her voice caught at the last word, and she spun to return the box to the refrigeration unit.

Adam stepped forward, resting a hand on her shoulder to calm her and felt the ragged breaths she drew.

She shrugged away his hand but didn’t turn. The box fell to the floor.

With his mouth close to her ear, he said, “I know about betrayal and anger so strong it twists your gut.” He placed his hands on the cool metal of the fridge on either side of her and leaned against her back. He wouldn’t give her space to pull her defenses around her like a cloak. “Are you afraid to let go of it?”

She pushed back against him, but he resisted, holding her in place.

She stood rigidly inside the circle of his arms. “This conversation’s over.” Her tone was steady.

He felt a shudder roll down her back. “Very well, but my offer remains.”

“Don’t waste your precious eight days on me, captain, or you’ll be leaving empty-handed.”

Since a direct approach hadn’t achieved his goal, Adam decided to try another tack. He pressed his lips to the side of her throat. “You know the women aboard this ship. I want more time with you.” His hand crept around her stomach, then lower, to cover the hot core of her sex. Pressing the fabric, he insinuated his fingers between her nether lips and rubbed.

Her breath caught, and her head fell back against his shoulder. “What do you want from me?” she asked, her voice breathless now.

“Help me find a wife.” He pressed his rigid cock to her buttocks and began to rock against her.

“You want me to choose your wife?” she asked, her tone incredulous as she reached a hand backwards to clutch his hair.

“Yes.” He rolled his hips, centering his cock on the crevice separating her buttocks. “You know what I like. I want someone like you.”

She gasped and rolled her head to face him. “We’ll have to consult—”

He bent his knees slightly and lunged his hips upward, lifting her off her feet.

“Often.” Her butt rested in the cradle of his hips, her legs spread wide, dangling on either side of his thighs.

Friction burned his cock, and he rubbed his fingers harder against her clit. “Yes. We’ll consult.” He reached for the neck of her suit and slid it open, baring her from her breasts to the nest of wiry curls.

He straightened his legs and released her. Turning her, he stripped the suit down her long legs, kneeling to help her step out of it. When he saw she was naked, he placed one leg over his shoulder, nuzzled his face into the dark red curls, and speared her pussy with his tongue.

Her hands curved around his head, clutching at his hair, pressing his face to her. No encouragement was needed as he lapped at the salty-sweet flesh that began to pulse and squeeze. He pushed a single finger inside and sucked hard against her clit. A wash of creamy female come coated his finger and he inserted two more, pushing upward while he continued his assault on the rosy pink nub.

“Adam.” She twisted her fingers hard into his hair as she tightened around him, taut as a bow, only moments from climax.

He pulled away, rising to strip off his breeches while she watched, her hands cupping and squeezing her breasts.
She needs this as badly as I do.
Triumph, along with the urgent need to be inside her, swelled his cock painfully. “Turn around and get on your knees,” he said, his voice as hard as his ripening balls.

Her eyes widened, but she complied, facing away from him as she leaned forward to rest her head on folded arms.

Dropping to his knees behind her, he palmed the cheeks of her ass then reached down to press against her inner thighs.

She widened her legs and her waist dipped lower, exposing her moist, swollen vagina and rosy pink anus.

With a hand guiding his cock, he traced a path from the top of the line separating her buttocks, pausing at the pink lips to press a teasing dick-kiss, then rubbing a drop of pre-cum in tantalizing circles around the puckered mouth.

She moaned and pressed back against him.

But he was determined to provide her an orgasm she’d never forget. He moved his cock lower, to her wet cunt, and held himself at her opening. Dripping spit over her asshole, he plunged his thumb inside at the same time he drove his cock into her vagina.

Instantly, Adam’s cock was engulfed in her femininity—moist, pulsating heat that threatened to sweep through him like a forest fire. Her puckered hole constricted around his thumb, a tight ring that filled his mind with endless possibilities for exploration.

Evena released a muffled scream and surged backwards to meet his next thrust. She’d not deny he could bring her the sweetest completion.

Circling his hips, he screwed her, pressing hard inside, tilting her hips to expose her clit to the rough hairs on his balls. Soon, her buttocks rubbed his belly as she pressed back harder, higher, seeking the hot friction.

His balls tightened, ready to explode with the grinding motion of her hips. He pulled out slowly then pressed forward, concentrating on the feel of the walls of her vagina, rippling and squeezing, pulling him inward.

“Faster!” Evena pushed back to take him deeper inside.

He forced himself to stop and slapped her buttocks.

“Adam?” The word was a question and a moan, and her cunt tightened impossibly around him.

Gratified this was another new experience he could give her, he growled, “You liked that?”

“Please?” she responded, her voice high and thin.

“Sweetheart, whatever it takes.” He slapped her again, and her ass wiggled as she tried to deepen his penetration, but still, he restrained her hips. Several more slaps against her tender flesh, and she was gasping, pleading with him to end it.

Adam’s control was slipping. The woman wiggling on his cock was coming undone. The reddened cheeks of her ass trembled, and her breath came in pants. Adam steadied her hips, and then rammed home. In, out, faster and faster. The only sounds were the rhythmic slaps of his belly to her ass, and her deep grunts as he plowed deeper and deeper still—until he felt the hot wave of his climax roll over him.

He thought he must have shouted, but he heard only her long scream before she collapsed, suspended only by his hands still wrapped around her hips.

With his heart hammering inside his chest, he drew Evena into his arms. Still connected, their bodies cooled, their hearts gradually slowed. Adam found it impossible to stop the motion of his hands as they glided over the smooth skin of her belly to her high, round breasts and back again.

To his knowledge, he’d never petted a woman. Never reveled in the aftermath. But he wished this joining would never end.

“I suppose it would be more practical for me to do the initial screening,” Evena murmured.

Adam had to think hard to pick up the trail of their conversation. When he realized she was talking about his ludicrous plan to have her choose his wife, he became annoyed. He’d intended to get a rise out of her. Perhaps make her jealous with the thought he might take another as wife. Evena was a stubborn wench. But, if she wanted to play this game…

“Yes. Remember, I’ll need a strong partner. Someone of your build. We’ll have to do some…research to test the fit, so to speak.” Adam felt a perverse satisfaction as she grew rigid in his arms. He wanted her outrage. Wanted her to refuse.

“You are a rather large man. We definitely don’t want a woman who can’t stand up to your…appetites,” she said, her words clipped.

Adam smiled and nuzzled the back of her neck. He would enjoy seeing how far Evena went with this plan.

BOOK: Desire's Prisoner (Planet Desire Book 1)
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