Read Devious Little Lies Online

Authors: Erin Ashley Tanner

Tags: #first person;mob;crime syndicate;cougar;younger man;feds;crime boss;mafia

Devious Little Lies

BOOK: Devious Little Lies
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Sometimes the thing you want most can cost you everything.

After ten tumultuous years as the wife of a feared mob boss—five of them spent alone, thanks to her husband’s incarceration—Rena Rosetti is tired of watching the men Tony left in charge ruin his criminal empire.

Though she has a fight on her hands, she’s determined to prove that the old-school ways of the Cosa Nostra need to be permanently laid to rest. But power means nothing with no one at her side.

Rena has done her best to ignore the fire Shane Van Adams ignites in her, because…well, he’s her daughter Tricia’s boyfriend. But when Tricia decides she no longer wants him, Rena isn’t prepared for the onslaught when Shane turns those penetrating hazel eyes her way.

Finally, Rena has everything she ever wanted. But all things come with a price, and she’s made some dangerous enemies. Forced to battle mob rivals out to take her down, she must face the harshest truth of all—that the greatest danger she faces is the man sharing her bed.

Warning: Advanced mind games between a sassy broad who bites her tongue for no one, and a younger man who, given the chance, could have been the smoothest criminal of all.

Devious Little Lies

Erin Ashley Tanner


The writer’s road can be a lonely one sometimes and I never could have kept going without the support of some wonderful women: Perri Forrest, Bethany-Kris, Shelly Ellis, C.J., and Kelly. And to anyone that has ever taken the time to read one of my novels I appreciate you.

Chapter One

The concrete cinder blocks and barbwire were a familiar sight to her. With her rarely-used license in hand, Rena Rosetti walked up to the glass door and took a deep breath before grabbing the silver handle and stepping inside. With brisk steps, she marched up to the front window. Behind the thick glass, a peroxide blonde stared at her with flat, dull eyes.


Rena placed her license on the small, silver receiving tray and pushed it towards the receptionist. A too-tanned hand reached out to take the piece of plastic. Lifting it up, the woman’s brown eyes studied the ID before she looked up. A small sneer curved her thin lips. Rena recognized that look. She lived with it on a daily basis, but today she would try her best to be cordial.

“Is there a problem?” Rena asked.

Instead of replying the bottle-blonde slid the license back to her and reached for the phone. Aggravated now, Rena glanced down at her stainless-steel Cartier watch. The diamonds in the face of the clock twinkled as she silently counted how many seconds she would have to deal with the harpy behind the window.

“We’ve got a V.I.P. up front. Send someone.”

The receptionist put the phone down as Rena put her ID back into the pocket of her navy blue pencil skirt.

“Someone will be down to collect you shortly.”

Nodding curtly, Rena took her seat in the badly upholstered red lobby chairs.
With all the money coming through these doors, you’d think they could get some better furniture.
Her attention turned when one of the glass doors opened and a white man with salt and pepper hair walked in wearing a crisp, cream-colored suit. A brown leather briefcase was clutched tightly in his right hand.

He gave her the once-over as he walked up to the front window. She boldly met his gaze as his blue eyes moved from her face to her body. Rena had an idea of what he was thinking. It was what most men she came into contact with thought.
What is she? Ugh, same old question.
With her long, raven hair, gray eyes, and skin a shade somewhere between olive and brown, the question of her ethnicity had always been a question she’d faced. But at her age, she reveled in it instead of becoming angry at people for openly staring at her.

The best defense is always an unexpected offense.
When the man finally turned away, she couldn’t help but smirk. Some things in life were too predictable and the effect of a beautiful woman on a man was one of those things. A sound like an airlock opening caused her to dismiss the man from her mind. A heavy metal door opened ten feet away from her. A uniformed man with greasy black hair, and sharp brown eyes emerged. Nearly bulging out of his uniform, he looked like a wild boar. A gun was strapped to his fat waist, black and shiny. He came over to her with slow steps and Rena fought not to wrinkle her nose.

“Mrs. Rosetti, I’m your escort.”

Rising to her feet, her four-inch Manolo’s put her at eye level with the man. “About time.”

His face twisted into a frown. “So sorry to have kept you waiting, but Tony’s not going anywhere, is he?”

She bit the inside of her lip. A few choice curse words formed on her tongue, but she realized there was no need to act like less than a lady. Sarcasm worked so much better instead.

“Neither are you apparently.”

Without another word, she walked past him and into the open door. She, of all people, did not need an escort, especially a disrespectful prick who didn’t know his place. Behind her, she heard his footsteps as he cursed under his breath. She smiled. Sometimes it was too easy getting under a man’s skin, but then again, according to society she’d had years perfecting the art of being a bitch.

Coming to the end of the hallway, she pressed the button on the elevator panel. Crossing her arms as she waited, her unwanted escort sidled up next to her. She glared at him pointedly as he brushed her skin.

“Delgado, is it?”

“Yeah. So?”

She offered him a tight smile. “Just taking note.”

“For what?” he asked as the elevator doors opened.

“Don’t worry. You’ll know when it happens.”

With silent laughter bubbling up inside her, she entered the elevator, punching the button for the second floor. Delgado followed her, now silent. She was sure he was mulling over the meaning of her words. The fool had no idea he should be worried, but he was in for a surprise. Not only had he disrespected her, but also someone much, much more powerful. He was going to wish he’d thought before he opened his fat mouth.

As the doors close, she stilled herself. Her heart started to thump harder and harder. Her hand rested over her chest. She swallowed hard as the doors opened. Exiting, her steps were suddenly slower than they’d been earlier. Delgado moved past her taking the lead. She tried to will her heart rate to decrease.

Calm down. What are you getting so worked up over? None of this is new to you.
She knew that as sure as she knew her name, but that didn’t stop the rush of adrenaline that made her edgy and a tad bit nervous. Delgado stopped at the large wooden door on the right and turned toward her, hand on the burnished bronze knob. Walking up to him, she nodded and he eased the door open, stepping away.

Going inside, Rena closed the door behind her and leaned against it. In front of her was a large, black desk. Besides the piece of furniture the dingy room was otherwise empty.
Of all the offices.
Walking forward, her heels suddenly seemed as if they were sticking to the old worn gray carpet. Before her, sunlight shone into the room, forming a spotlight on the man leaning casually against the desk.

His dark eyes were hooded as he watched her. With arms crossed, the thin material of his button-up blue shirt did nothing to disguise the firm muscles underneath. The sun made his olive skin gleam. She licked her lips. His still dark hair glistened as if it had been freshly washed and as she moved closer to him, a strong piney scent reached her nostrils. She inhaled deeply and then his arms were jerking her to him.

Their foreheads touched as they stared into each other’s eyes. Rena was barely breathing now. His grip on her hadn’t relaxed and she reveled in the power those hands possessed. A deep laugh reached her ears and then his lips claimed her.

Hard, hot, and demanding, she was immobile as he kissed her. His tongue plunged into her mouth and she closed her eyes.
A few more minutes, Rena, and then you get to the good stuff.
With determination she broke away from him. His hands released her as he rose from the desk to tower over her. She looked up into his brown eyes. A muscle in his jaw moved.

“Let me see those tits.”

The tone of his voice boomed with an authority she knew so well. It was not a request, but then it never was with him. Tossing her hair back, she reached for the zipper going down the middle of her white silk tank top. She moved it all the way down before unhooking the bottom of it and dropping the expensive top to the floor. Next, she unhooked her bra, sliding the black Victoria’s Secret down her arms to join the Prada top on the carpet. Rena looked at him before sliding her gaze downward. The bulge in his tan cargo pants strained against his fly.

Boldly she rubbed his hardness as he gritted his teeth. His large hands slid up from her waist to cup her large breasts. As he held them in his hands, thumbing the dusky nipples, Rena couldn’t help the pride that suffused her body. She knew she looked good. Damned fucking good.

“Perfection money can’t buy,” he said in a strangled tone.

Her nipples hardened into sharp points and her breath quickened. Then he leaned against the desk and lowered his head. His mouth closed over the peak of her right breast and she moaned as he sucked hard at her nipple. She leaned back, offering herself to him. Between her legs, she was throbbing.

As he moved to her other breast, she grabbed the hem of her skirt and lifted it up to her hips. The cool air hit her bare butt as she reached between her legs and rubbed her clit. Hot, slick, and ready, she groaned as she stroked the sensitive flesh. His mouth released her breast and he palmed the ripe moons of her ass, turning her towards the desk until she was bending over it. Breasts rubbing against the cold desk, she panted as he parted her legs and then stuck one of the thick, strong fingers she so loved inside her.

“You’re always ready. You miss this as much as I do, don’t you?”

Words formed in her throat, but all that emerged was a squeak as he thumbed her clit, while fingering her pussy. She pressed back against him, panting as he stroked her. Already she could feel herself approaching an orgasm.
Just a little more.
Rena spread her thighs wider, clamping her walls tight and falling into hot, volcanic pleasure.

“Tony…mmm, Tony.”

The orgasm shook all the strength from her body leaving her limp. When he removed his finger from her still pulsing canal, she was ready for more. Like a hammer driving a nail, he slammed into her with enough force to make her breasts jostle on the desk. There was no gentleness in him. He thumped into her harder with more force than before. His thick length touched every aching spot inside her. Every sweet neglected space. His hands gripped her hips, digging into her skin.

Rena met him now thrust for thrust as he pounded into her body. Nothing could stop the shallow pants that rose from her throat. The room was filled with the sound of their skin slapping against each other as they fucked. Then her world shattered into a thousand pieces as pleasure ripped through her body once again. If it weren’t for Tony holding her waist as he found his own release, she likely would’ve collapsed on the floor.


He slowly withdrew from her and with shaking legs she stood to her feet. Lowering her skirt, Rena turned and found Tony with his attire already righted. Watching her, he walked around the desk and sat in the gray office chair. She quickly donned her bra and shirt. Their interlude was over just as quickly as it began.

“So quick to put away the goods, huh? You think you’d let a starving man enjoy looking at his naked wife for more than a few minutes”

“You’re in federal prison, our marriage is a mess, and I just let you screw me. I suggest you take what you can get and be grateful.”

Fully dressed once again, she faced him, sitting on the edge of the desk. He watched her with sharp eyes. Not a hint of gentleness touched his features. What had just happened between them was gone. A tiny speck of happiness in a sea of real life and so many disappointments. Yes, the man who’d just pleasured her so well was gone. In his place was a man she both loved and despised…her husband.

Chapter Two

“So, Rena, have you missed me?”

“You should already know the answer to that question.”

Tony leaned back in his chair and regarded her with a tight smile. At fifty, Tony was still a handsome, virile man and after ten years of marriage, Rena was still attracted to him despite everything.

“Indeed I do, but call me a fool for hoping that things might have changed.”

She smirked, unable to keep the snark from her tone. “Between this month and last month? Even miracles take time.”

He shrugged. “Life is full of surprises. You never know.”

“Indeed it is. So, surprise me. How much did this little rendezvous cost us this time?”

Tony’s eyes darkened. “As long as your needs are being taken care of, does it really matter?”

Placing her hands on the desk in front of her, she leaned forward and glared at her husband. “I’d say I deserve to know what it costs to sneak your wife in here for a private booty call.”

Tony laughed, a sharp biting sound. “Thirty thousand.”

Rena swallowed the lump in her throat as her fingers curled on the desk. She frowned. “I see the warden’s price has gone up. What are we paying extra for? Inflation?”

“Something like that. The cost of business. Greasing enough palms to keep the little guys quiet. Not to mention soothing the jealousy that I’m married to and still enjoying the privilege of fucking such a sexy, vivacious wife.”

“I don’t give a damn what his reasons are. What’s to stop him from continuing to raise his rate?”

“Know your place, Rena.”

She raised herself to her full height. “My place? Perhaps my place should be at home…permanently. I can put an end to you summoning me to you like some
trying to impress you. I can put an end to carrying your orders to the outside or keeping you abreast of everything that is going on. Don’t tempt me, husband, because it would be so very easy to know my place.”

Tony got up slowly and came around the desk. She stared at him, the desire to slap him battling with her fear of what might come next.

“Rena. Rena. What am I going to do with you?”

His hand brushed a lock of hair from her shoulder and then his hands were wrapping around her throat. He squeezed her throat, but she didn’t react. She knew what he wanted and she wasn’t going to give it to him.

Rena glared at Tony, but she couldn’t speak even if she wanted to. His fingers were still grasping her throat, threatening to cut off all her oxygen. Her skin crawled as his thumb brushed over a spot under her ear. He laughed and then he let her go. She wanted to rub her throat, but she wouldn’t. Not in front of him. Instead she folded her arms as if what he’d done had no effect on her.

“If you’re through being an ass, we have business to discuss.”

Tony sat on the corner of the desk. “Business. My favorite thing. Shoot.”

“For starters, the jackass who escorted me up here, Delgado.”

“What about him?”

“He was disrespectful. Made a crack about not being in a hurry because you weren’t going anywhere.”

“Really?” Tony’s eyes turned to narrow slits. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it.”

“See that you do, and preferably soon. I already made the threat.”

“What did you say?”

“Nothing really. Just told him he’d know when it happened.”

“Mind-fuck 101. You have learned a little something being married to me.”

“I’d like to think so. Now, the next order of business involves your escort services. According to Alfonso, some of the girls have been slacking on their percentages. Giorgio said pretty much the same thing about some of the people you’ve loaned money to.”

Tony slammed his fist down on the desk. “Damn it. Victor’s supposed to be handling this. Why the fuck did I make him underboss if he can’t hold things together while I’m away?”

“Perhaps changes need to be made.”

“Perhaps they do. I need to think about some things. Now, what else?”

“Mario said your motion for early release has been denied…again. But then, why would they let you out when they’re making so much money off you. I wouldn’t let you out either.”

“You just don’t know when to shut up, do you?”

Rena smiled. “Apparently not, but then I’m not the one who’s locked up either.”

“Why are you deliberately trying to piss me off today, huh? What’s eating you?” Tony grabbed her arm in a tight grip.

“Nothing. Everything is peachy-fucking-keen.”

“Watch your mouth.”

“The days of you telling me what to do have been over for a long time.”

Tony’s eyes narrowed. “Is that what this is all about?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh, yes the hell you do. You’re still not over it, are you? After five fucking years.”

She jerked away from her husband’s grip. “What wife would get over her husband being sentenced to fifteen years in prison?”

“Give me a break, Rena. You knew what you were getting into when you married me. Don’t act like you’re some naïve schoolgirl.”

She poked a finger at Tony’s chest. “Oh, yeah. I knew what I was getting into when I married you, but I thought you were smart enough to not get caught.”

“You know all that evidence was trumped up. I’m careful. Always have been.”

“Well, you weren’t careful enough and, as usual, I’m the one paying the price for your mistakes.”

“Spare me. You could give less than two fucks that I’m in here. As long as that credit card continues to swipe and you can shop to your heart’s content, you could give less than a damn about anything else. You stopped loving me a long time ago.”

“If that’s what you think, who am I to try and convince you otherwise.” She turned away before he could see the tear that slipped down her cheek.

Behind her Tony sighed. “Why do we do this?”

“I don’t know.”

His arms wrapped around her, but she held herself stiff as he pressed his lips into her hair.
No weakness, Rena. Never again. Not to him.

“I do. You’re still angry, not just about this, but a lot of other things we don’t talk about. I can’t tell you how to feel but I do love you, Rena. That hasn’t changed.”

Shaking her head, she faced him. “Everything changes.”

His brown eyes grew dark and the familiar wrinkle of agitation appeared between his brows. “Not what I feel for you.”

“Whatever. What do you want me to tell the guys?”

“You tell Alfonso and Giorgio if they can’t get their shit together, they can be replaced. I got a lot of loyal soldiers ready to move up the ladder at any time.”

“And Victor?”

“I need to see him face to face. I need to know exactly what he is or isn’t doing before I decide what to do next.”

“Do you think that’s wise?” Rena asked.

“No, but sometimes you need to look a man in the eye and see what he’s made of.”

“Clearly some macho male bullshit, but whatever.”

“You’re a woman. I don’t expect you to get it. Now, when you see Mario tell him don’t give up. I want out of this shithole and back home with my beautiful wife.”

“I’ll be sure to pass on the message.”

“I know you will. No matter what, you’re the one person I can always trust.” Tony rubbed her cheek.

The creak of the door opening made her turn her head.

“Yes?” Tony asked.

“Sorry to interrupt, but time is up.”

“I know.” Tony looked at her with soft eyes. “
Vi voglio bene


Without another word, Rena went to where the guard stood in the doorway. He motioned for her to walk ahead of him. Giving Tony one last glance she started back down the hall. When she and the guard reached the elevator, she released a breath. It was over. This visit was done. But now she was left with the torrent of emotions that always followed seeing her husband.




And there, still shimmering like a flame that wouldn’t die, was still love for the man she’d married.

The elevator doors opened and the guard escorted her down. She was a fool. She knew it. The biggest one that ever walked the earth.
How can you still feel anything for him? How?
Those questions had played in her mind so many times and every time they did, she told herself the same answer.
Men in the Life are complicated.
Yes, complicated. That was it.

As the elevator came to a rest on the first floor, she squared her shoulders. When the doors opened she stepped aside and allowed her escort to go ahead and unlock the entrance door with a key code. Following him, she waited for a moment and then she was walking across the lobby and towards the doors of freedom.

Outside she shielded her eyes against the hot Arizona sun.
God I hate this place.
Thankfully it was time to leave Tucson behind once more. Walking to the limousine waiting for her out front, she climbed into the back passenger side. Home was calling her name and after what she’d just endured, Paradise never looked so good.

BOOK: Devious Little Lies
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